Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1032: meet (on)

It was morning, the morning rush hour had passed, and the small buffet breakfast room was not as crowded with anxious office workers as before. At this time, there were few customers in the room. With the green plants in the corner and the clean windows, it was very quiet. Like a book at home.

If anything stood out, it was the group of girls gathered in the corner.

"Hoo... hoo!"

A young girl in a fisherman's hat panted and opened the door of the breakfast room. After looking around for a while, she saw the position of the large army, and hurried to it, not forgetting to keep silent during the process, so as not to disturb other customers who were dining.

As she approached, everyone else's mobile phones buzzed and vibrated twice at the same time, and in the "9.28 Beijing pick-up" list displayed on the screen, there was also a profile picture with the ID "Little Wolf Castle Construction Engineer" automatically ticked off.

Finally, everyone is here.

"Baby, are you an engineer? I'm Lianyi." The girl sitting on the outermost side greeted softly, "Come on, sit down quickly. Have you eaten yet?"

"Yeah yes, huh, sorry-oh! Thanks, I've had it."

"Engineer" had blushing cheeks, held the bag on his lap with one hand, and covered his face with the other hand in shame, "I'm sorry, sorry, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to pick up before I left the house. Waited for me downstairs for a long time..."

The shallow laughter that belonged to the girls resounded.

"It's okay, I was also in a hurry when I went out." One person said.

"Wow, you are riding in Yanzi... The previous repo is indeed right, everyone has a smart car to pick them up, that's great!" Another person said.

"Happiness is dead, Mr. Qin, my superman." The third person started a topic that they had been emotional about so many times this morning.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!" the rest of the people nodded repeatedly.

"It's almost ten o'clock, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry...!" Qingqing, nicknamed "Sanhua Maomao Chazaocha", made a heart shape, "There is already news on V blog, although Juege's photo is not very good See…"

"Ah, is that so?" Another Qingqing named "Chang Jie Jing" answered softly, judging from her expression, she really rarely comes into contact with Vbo.

"That's right, their flight arrived at eight o'clock, and it might take an hour to go through customs and pick up their luggage. The earliest media pick-up picture appeared at a quarter past nine, indicating that they were at least going out of the exit passage at that time."

The third girl sitting next to the "engineer" had a crisp voice, and her speech speed was like a machine gun "pa pa pa pa" fast, as if she had a very experienced star chasing experience.

"Oh...that's it." "Long Jie Jing" was not very interested in these things, and agreed meekly.

But the "engineer" couldn't help but asked curiously: "Well, sister, can I have a look?"

"Well, look—by the way, I am 'Sunshine Lazy', just call me Ah Yi."

"Lazy" said while bringing the phone closer to show the "engineer" the V blog she had found.


"Engineer" responded, politely took only two glances and then looked away, couldn't help but wrinkled his face after reading it, and focused on other places: "There are so many people..."

"Well, it's really a lot. No wonder Mr. Qin specially reminded you not to pick up the plane spontaneously." "Lianyi" sitting on the other side of the "engineer" continued, "I heard that the group of media reporters started squatting at the exit of the international flight very early. It made the airport pay special attention and dispatched a lot of security guards."

"Indeed, it's too dangerous if there are so many people in a stampede accident. I saw several short videos of security guards trying to maintain order, and many people appealed to Yuji and the paparazzi not to go too far."

"Sanhua Maomao Chachao Tea" pursed her lips as she spoke. In fact, she wanted to say that she saw a lot of people on the Internet accusing "Qin Jue's fans of causing chaos at the airport." She had to pick up the plane by herself, if it was the latter, it would be too much trouble for Brother Jue—it's just that it was a bit inappropriate to say it, so she held it back after all.

"Woo, that little wolf won't be hurt, right qwq..." a cute and delicately made-up Qingqing on the inside said worriedly.

"Don't worry." "Chang Jie Jing" comforted her, "Ms. Qin and Director He Xu are together. Director He is a great director at the national treasure level, so he will definitely be well protected."

"That's right..."

"That's right, don't think too much. And the airport is crowded with people, the scene is so chaotic, I feel suffocated just by looking at the picture. If we are here, the little wolf will worry about us in case something happens, so wait here That's it."


"Ahahahahaha I think of the previous meme: love wolves, believe in wolves, wait for wolves.jpg"


"I remember that, hahahaha..."

The atmosphere of worry was lifted, and the friends gathered together and laughed softly, and "Sunshine Laziness" who was sitting among them curled his lips slightly.

It’s really boring, what you want to catch up with the stars is that the airport is messy, but it feels good to watch your idol walk out of the passageway with your own eyes? Locking your figure in the crowd, this is the unique aesthetics and romance of offline star chasing, okay?

I didn’t expect Qin Jue to have an official responsible for organizing the pick-up group here, even if it was arranged directly at the buffet breakfast restaurant two subway stations away from “Beijing International Airport T3”—well, although it is not incomprehensible, such as avoiding paparazzi Wait, but you're stretching your arms too far! It's good to be in charge of pick-up and drop-off, but is it too controlling to arrange the place where the machine is connected? If you don't know, you think you're leaving this to choose the concubine? !

Hey, I'm so speechless, without the airport environment, it's boring—

However, this group of fans still looks like "we have to be considerate of brother"... Hey, what kind of classic rice circle is pure, that is, when Qin Jue has not yet reached the leeks, the little sisters are so pure, and they will be PUAed in the future .

"Laziness" was bored and secretly slandered.

Just as he was thinking, the vibrating sound sounded again, and everyone looked down at their mobile phones in unison, including the "engineer", and several Qingqing's mobile phones were placed on the table, and it took a few seconds to take them into their hands. The movements of Qi Shushu couldn't help laughing, and immediately joined them with curved eyebrows.

A new voice message appeared in the message window similar to the group chat interface.

Some people's earphones are still caught on one side, some people hurriedly find the earphones to put them on, and some people turn down the volume, and simply release it publicly without disturbing others:

"Hello? I see everyone is here. Have you eaten?"

A familiar voice, Qin Jue's voice.

At this moment when she is about to meet a real person, her voice has a stronger sense of intimacy in the hearts of everyone than in the usual live broadcast.

"Woo ↑—"

You Qingqing covered her mouth in time, but the scream muffled in her palm and the smiling eyes narrowed to two crescent moons still revealed her excitement at the moment.

The one who responded faster typed: [I ate it, I ate it, where is Mr. Qin? 】

"Let me see... Well, there are still about ten minutes, almost here." Qin Jue continued to speak.

【good good】

【received! 】

All the sixteen pups present showed excitement, and "Lazy"'s listless eyes were shining brightly at this moment:

"Then let's go out and wait!"

"Okay, let's go, let's go."

The words of "laziness" attracted everyone's support, and everyone picked up their got up and got up, with an uncontrollable expression on their faces.

"Long Jie Jing" sitting at the side of the long table and Qing Qing, who was wearing exquisite makeup, handed them coats and coats.

"Hey, Miss Jingjing, Xiao Diao, aren't you together?"

"No, let's watch things here." "Chang Jie Jing" replied with a smile.

"I'm afraid I'll cry in the wind and make up QwQ..." "I'm not a ferret, huh." He waved his hands whimperingly, "Go and come back quickly—take the little wolf back with you!"


"Then let's go!"

"Hush—be careful." "Long Jie Jing" raised his index finger to remind others not to make too much noise, then nodded with a smile, and watched them happily walk out the door.


(end of this chapter)