Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1036: Die on the spot (2 in 1)

Chapter 1062 Death on the spot (two in one)

Alas, it would be great if it was a signing event. It’s okay to hold the mobile phone to take pictures of the owner’s head. The moment the other party raises his face after signing the signature, his heart will really be moved... Although Qin Jue is sitting face to face like this, delivering letters and gifts with his own hands It is also a novel experience...

Tong Guangyi pursed her lips secretly, she was still very concerned about not being able to take out her phone to record herself.

Your job as a celebrity artist is to face the camera, so why not let your fans take pictures when you meet them?

Which fan does not want to keep some exclusive memories for himself? Even this right is deprived, it is hard not to make people uncomfortable.

Tong Guangyi watched Qin Jue and other Qingqing wander off in his mind, feeling complicated.

The sixteen people said that there were not many, and she deliberately chose the back position just to find an opportunity to shoot. In fact, not all the Qingqings present were well-behaved and obedient. Just now when Qin Jue turned his back to everyone, someone raised his mobile phone, and Tong Guangyi was among them. But for some reason, the screen on the mobile phone camera was too dark to see clearly. How to adjust the parameters, which camera app to open, the result is the same.

Tong Guangyi was very anxious at the time, and even secretly took out the digital camera, but immediately found that the photo of Qin Jue taken outdoors earlier was a blur, and his face was just blocked by the light that came from nowhere. To tell you the truth, the focus failed even below the neck. In short, the shots were quite horrible.

At this point in the situation, Tong Guangyi is not out of his mind, he has already realized that there must be something tricky in it, but he "doesn't follow the rules" first, so he can only eat Coptis chinensis and swallow the bitterness. Just stupid.

So annoying! As for taking such painstaking efforts to guard against fans? It's not an illegitimate fan, and it's not an anti (a black fan who murders an artist with extreme means), it's just a normal business!

Tong Guangyi sat resentfully.

She feels that she has entered a new "circle", which has completely different rules from the fan circles she has been in contact with before. Part of her is enjoying this novel experience, but more is feeling in the process of adapting to the rules. Very painful.

None of her past star-chasing experience is applicable. For a social animal like Tong Guangyi, she seems to have changed from a "professional veteran" to a "blank newcomer", losing the strong sense of security supported by her own experience, and also losing her sense of security. Chase offline, meet real people, and have the superiority of exclusive audio-visual materials.

Even though Qin Jue had been in front of Tong Guangyi at close range for more than half an hour, she still couldn't accept the gap.

"—Hey, everyone is so attentive, it seems that my 'return gift' is so shabby."

Qin Jue at the end of the long table smiled and shook his head, stood up and took plastic cups full of different drinks from the plate on the next table, and placed them in front of the ladies one by one. One pair is not bad at all.

"Uh, thanks."

Tong Guangyi came back to his senses, and reached out to take the drink from Qin Jue.

The tentacles were warm, she was taken aback, looked down at the colored liquid, took another sip, and recognized from the taste that it was a cup of... brown sugar water.

Even the right temperature, even the right sweetness.

Tong Guangyi was a little embarrassed for a moment.

She clearly remembered that she just answered "I don't care", and there were sixteen people present, how could it be possible that Qin Jue just made her a glass of brown sugar water and it was still hot.

Qin Jue must know that she is menstruating! ...but how did he know?

Tong Guangyi was embarrassed and inexplicable, the moment he raised his head and met Qin Absolute's gaze, he couldn't help but blurted out: "Why—"

As soon as she spoke, she came back rationally and stopped in time, but Qin Jue smiled at her naturally and calmly, and said casually as if chatting: "You said it."


Tong Guangyi was dumbfounded.

A huge sense of "out of control" suddenly enveloped her, and she seemed to be joking: "What's the situation, does Teacher Qin still check the fans?"

Qin Jue was slightly stunned, and said with a smile: "I don't take the blame for this, I saw it under my post."


After Qin Jue finished speaking, he continued to pass drinks to other Qingqings with a calm demeanor. Tong Guangyi did not continue to ask, and repeated in a low voice while holding the brown sugar water in both hands.

She tried her best to recall, but the more she recalled, the more sluggish she became, and her fingers around the plastic cup trembled uncontrollably.


Tong Guangyi remembered that she had indeed sent a lot of thoughts in the comment area under Qin Jue's landscape photo.

This is actually a habit that many star-chasers have. Anyway, I believe that the master will not read it, so I dare to say anything, from the relatively common good news such as "moving to a new job, raising salary and improving test scores", down to the gloomy of trivial matters. Complaints, before climbing the wall to Qin Jue's place, Tong Guangyi would click on another star's V blog private message to chatter all kinds of things.

Because it is a chat window, there will be the psychological pleasure of cyber face-to-face, and knowing that the other party has never clicked on it, so the sense of security is also overwhelming. In addition, there is a time stamp when sending messages. Tong Guangyi always sends private messages. The interface is used as a memo with unlimited storage space, such as "Remember to buy groceries after work today", "The new intern is so stupid, I can't stand it", "Someone will flush the toilet at ten o'clock tomorrow morning", "It's so annoying, auntie If you want to come, you won’t be able to eat or sleep well” and so on, sending out messages without any restrictions.

However, when it comes to Qin Jue, the master himself does not use V blogs. If this kind of behavior is not "wandering between what may be seen and what must not be seen", he will lose a lot of despicable and dank emotional coolness, so Tong Guangyi simply Under Qin Jue's dynamics, I go crazy every day. The family has a large number of live fans these days, and the comments are posted quickly. Qingqing who "comes to check in every day" is everywhere. She posted a few periods to "prevent spoilers" Dividing line" and then frantically chattering in the building in the building is not in the way at all.

It's not that the fan circle has never criticized "Isn't this unilateral harassment?" But the facts have proved that there are tens of thousands of fans of the main owner, and there is no time to look at them one by one, so Tong Guangyi doesn't care, and he doesn't restrain himself, and speaks confidently Continued "harassment" behavior.

Although "Qin Jue's Home" does not have a channel to chat with Qin Jue privately, there are quite considerate options of "blocking any user's speech except yourself" and "only you and Qin Jue can see all your speeches", As long as these two functions are turned on, Tong Guangyi can enjoy the comfortable treatment of "only the Lord and I in this family".

After trying it for the first time, she realized that it was similar to the pleasure she got from clicking on the V blog private chat interface. It was very refreshing, so she kept the habit of nagging about daily trivial matters.

But, but...

Qin Jue, she actually watched it! !

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa then how can you really watch it! !

All of Tong Guangyi's strength was spent on managing the last expression at this moment. Her cheeks flushed uncontrollably, and she almost felt that steam was about to burst out from the top of her head.

what's wrong with you! What are you doing! Why would you watch it! !

The majestic "Four Special" movie stars don't come here to personally read the fan's dank speeches! don't come here! don't come near me! Get away from your fan life!

The brown sugar water reflected Tong Guangyi's slightly distorted face. She died, and she died. Although she relied on the "inner circle practice" to speak up about this matter first, she never expected that Qin Jue would I will really look through the comments below.

Remember, it's still completely on the right track.

Tong Guangyi feels that even if an agent adds her to Feixun alone and contacts her and says, "It's because Qin Jue has taken a fancy to you, so I deliberately collected your speeches at home and made enough preparations to show your favorability here", he can barely do it. accept.

——After all, "a male artist with a collapsed house whose private fans choose his concubine for sex" sounds better than "a star actor whose career is on the rise and whose achievements are extremely valuable will pay attention to the fan comments under the dynamics and carefully read and remember even Take care" is much more believable! !

Tong Guangyi held the brown sugar water tremblingly, his eyes turned black.

A series of messages that seemed vague but clear flashed in front of her eyes. That's right, she was still complaining about the temporary business trip under that post last night, saying that she was on the second day of her period, and that the drink last night was a bit sweet. I also went to the comment area to complain when I was insomnia at two or three o'clock in the middle of the night.

This means that if Qin Jue really read all of them, then she would know all about running to the toilet continuously because of menstrual diarrhea in the early morning of this morning.


Tong Guangyi's current mood is that he really wants to die.

I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, why is there such an entertainer in the entertainment industry who really takes fans seriously, **** it, it's so scary, so scary, why don't you treat me like a leek and cut it off!

Tong Guangyi closed his eyes in grief.

The appearance of her painful mask was noticed by Qing Qing who was beside her, and the other party came over and patted her reassuringly and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

Tong Guangyi...Tong Guangyi hoped in his heart that the blue star would explode soon or that aliens would fall from the sky and take him away.

"Fortunately, nothing."

She forced a smile to answer reluctantly.

Everyone is a girl's family. Seeing Tong Guangyi's expression and the color of the drink in front of her, it is not difficult to make an association. So the kind-hearted Qingqing's eyes quickly showed some clarity, and she leaned closer and whispered: "Are you going to the bathroom? Do you want me to accompany you?"

Tong Guangyi: "..."

Stop reminding me of menstruation and social death!

Tong Guangyi subconsciously wanted to refuse. She was so ashamed and angry at the moment, she wished to dig a hole in the wall of the second floor of the buffet breakfast room and get in, and then build all the bricks from the inside, and then she was killed by the few remaining people. Reason reminds her that she really needs to find a place to calm down first, at least let her hot cheeks cool down first.

Taking a breath, Tong Guangyi stood up as naturally as possible, and went to the bathroom with Qingqing next to him.

In fact, she is like this every time she has her period, only the first day is uncomfortable, and the second day is back to normal. The key problem in this whole thing is not Qin Jue's considerate and low-key care, but her "distance and barrier" "Caught off guard was broken by the master.


In Tong Guangyi's view, celebrities and fans are the two groups of people farthest apart. One side needs money and the other side needs emotional experience, so one side shows a standard smile to do business, and the other side falls into fanatical self-movement, as if they seem to be in harmony with each other. The couple in this group have a close relationship with each other because of their own interests and needs. In the final analysis, there is no need to take each other seriously.

It's like, as a fan, she can go crazy in the owner's private messages and comments at will, but the owner ignores it and only deals with the entire group of fans.

Across a barrier of "actually, we don't know each other well at all", the two sides make do with smiles, live in peace and harmony, and leave if they can't get along.

Now Qin Jue has smashed this barrier—or in other words, in "Qin Jue's home", this barrier never existed.

Tong Guangyi was very frustrated when he died.

Qin Jue is a star, an entertainer in the entertainment circle who has image management and outsider design. The "paper couple" that everyone has agreed to, why is it suddenly mixed with sincerity in your place?

It's scary, it's horrible.

Tong Guangyi took advantage of that Qingqing to enter the cubicle, pacing back and forth around the bathroom, showing annoyed expression while "cooling off".

It's obviously a cold money relationship. I pay, I endure and enjoy; you earn money, you enjoy and endure. Unexpectedly, one of the parties made an exception, Tong Guangyi is now as at a loss as if he is facing the rogue Party A and Party B.

She felt irritable for no reason, and pressed **** the center of her eyebrows.

Really speechless, even the werewolf killing is not popular such a "heart for heart" drama anymore.

Tong Guangyi sighed deeply.

She slowed down for a while, and when she returned to her seat with the kind-hearted Qingqing who accompanied her, the topic of conversation had changed two rounds, and the atmosphere was still relaxed and happy.

"The one with the blue eyes in the Vlog? Oh, Quentin Visconti. He's also an actor, and we can get along pretty well."

Qin Jue introduced with a smile, and did not forget to give Amway to his relatives, "He starred in the remake movie "Looking for Wuluoda". You can go and see it when you have time. The quality is good."


"It turns out that the pretty cutie is called Quentin, immediately go to the extranet to pay attention!"

"Good guy, climb the wall on the spot, right?"

"Hahahahahahaha I'm not I don't have it."

"I testify that pushing one person a day is also called pushing one person alone!"


Qin Jue replied with a smile: "I'm not sure, but I'm looking forward to it."

"It's hard not to look forward to it! Wow, it's so eye-catching. If you two are acting in a movie, just by looking at your face, I want to repeat it ten or eight times...!"

"That still leaves at least two points of respect for the actor's acting skills." Qin Jue said with a smile.

Tong Guangyi held the cup of brown sugar water again. It seemed that the drink had been refilled during her absence. There was a small kettle on the table next to him, so it was convenient to add hot water at any time.

She stroked the rim of the cup with complicated emotions, acting as a quiet listener.

"Well, it might be a busy day.

"The literal translation of 'Vintage' is second-hand goods, and it can also be understood as 'old clothes'. This time I went abroad to receive business cooperation.

"Offline announcements? I guess there will be very few. At present, it has been determined to take print photos and short video advertisements, mainly for the markets of Continent A and the EU Federation... The brand in Longzhou may still be relatively small, and the popularity is not high. so high.

"If it's not a public itinerary, there will be no pick-up and Don't act like a baby with me, don't eat this.

"It's hard to say about the schedule, it depends on the arrangement..."

Qin Jue's casual and leisurely answer was heard, and the state of "Little Wolf Fort Architectural Engineer" gradually changed from excitement to laziness. She sat opposite Tong Guangyi, and when she was distracted, she inevitably saw her face, and her thoughts followed. Float away.

Drinking hot water and going to the bathroom, sure enough, "that" came. Well, no wonder Ah Yi's face was so red just now.

Hee hee, I didn't expect her to look sharp, capable and eloquent, but she also has a thin-skinned side, which is quite cute.

The "engineer" was thinking wildly, when he saw "Sunshine Laziness" leaning forward in his vision, and then Qin Jue asked about the "schedule":

"Does the work schedule also include acting? Jing Xinghe steals scenes and changes his face so arrogantly, what is he going to do? He is still filming the third episode today! The official has been pretending to be dead, and the 'Toka' team has not seen them come out yet." Respond."

4300+, 1.15 and 1.16 updates combined.

(end of this chapter)