Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1041: Live (on)

Chapter 1067 Live Broadcast (Part 1)

The sensation lasted from the afternoon to the evening, with too many eyes staring at it. Ordinary netizens might just swipe it and make a hasty comment. Marketing accounts and the like have been waiting for a long time, and they immediately started writing when they caught Qin Jue's news.

There are many media who pay attention, and each has a different idea. The influential official media affirmed Qin Jue's actions to guide fans' words and deeds and call for a civilized Internet access, saying that he "sets a benchmark for artists."

For example, the film critic @北川而客 boldly criticized Qin Jue as "three fires for a new official" and "playing prestige once he becomes famous", and a group of marketing accounts followed him to accuse Qin Jue of "crossing the river and tearing down the bridge", " Killing the donkey by unloading the mill", directly ignoring the attributive of "low-quality speech" mentioned by Qin Jue's personal studio, and secretly changing the concept to express:

[If there were no fans who actively spoke out and passers-by who spoke up for you two days ago, who would have known that you had been wronged, this wave used up everyone's kindness and justice to openly cut seats, and the benefits are really for you Qin Juezhan It's over, is this the dignified actor? 】

Some so-called "experts" on the Internet are often like this, as if they don't sing the opposite tune, and if they don't go out of their way, they can't show that they have a long-term vision. At the beginning of "Beichuan sees off guests", online commentators who are keen on keyboard politics immediately turned to it, and some passers-by clearly clicked on the entry of #影帝秦巧说话恐恶vulgar person is not their own fans#, looking at it Somehow, I switched to #感调论论国际证买真是这个重要去# and #找招外国奖是是一个民族必须着身边#, which makes people full of question marks.

"Not bad! The wind direction is very good now."

In a certain office, Jin Yi grinned. The Internet celebrity big Vs and sailors he has managed are not for nothing. No matter what Qin Jue does, he can distort the interpretation and bring the rhythm to other directions.

You must know that there will never be a shortage of critics in this world who think that "everyone is drunk and I am sober". When Qin Jue was still a little transparent, they left the stage to speak out one after another. Now that Qin Jue has returned with honor, they are in full swing. Inside, they think that the minority is superior I also felt that "how can you be so high-profile, I really can't understand it", and then turned back one by one, judging Qin Jue from various angles for not doing well, not doing well, and vying to be the first to be the most forward-looking and most "sober" group people.

At present, the trend of public opinion among such a group of people is: Although Jing Xinghe is not a thing, I may not like Qin Jue either.

This is exactly what Jin Yi wanted. As long as there are different opinions from the outside world, the focus on his own artist Jing Xinghe will be reduced by half. Qin Jue's fresh and warm title of actor is not only an honor but also a good target. If she wants to maintain the "noble" persona of actor and just discard "Heart Shadow Link" and don't pursue it, that would be great. Xinghe succeeded in picking peaches, happily enjoying the popularity of this 211 web drama and its follow-up.

Netizens are blind and forgetful. Even if the black material about Jing Xinghe's face-changing and role-changing is here, after a few weeks, no one will pay attention to it. Jing Xinghe will still be able to stay on the set and continue filming and marketing. If it continues to operate, Maybe it can be reversed, making Qin Jue, who "acts in a high-profile and tough manner", the villain, and Jing Xinghe is the poor innocent little white flower who "accidentally bumped into the actor".

Who will everyone sympathize with at that time, hey, it's hard to say.

Jin Yi is making plans while contacting contacts. Although his manager is not as powerful as Xie Zhen in Canhua Entertainment, he has a lot of resources in his hands. In the communication list, like @北川而客 can help you with a little money. There are at least dozens of rhythmic Internet big Vs, and it depends on how he arranges to smear overnight or whitewash overnight.

It's just... It's too hard to find Qin Jue's scandal!

Jin Yi originally wanted to act first, but Qin Jue's behind-the-scenes team was too efficient. For example, when the news of the "Pearl of the Sea" actor's award came out, they didn't have time to act. After the hair was cut, it came up, and the speed was unmatched.

If it weren't for this, Jin Yi would not have had time to criticize and pick things up, and the plan would not have been aborted.

Just as he was thinking about it, a banner popped up on his phone to remind him that it was Qin Jue who started the live broadcast at "Qin Jue's home".

Jin Yi grimaced, and quickly clicked in.

Of course he got involved in this so-called "private fan community", and he was not stupid enough to register with his own ID. Just pick an "innocent" assistant to do this kind of thing. There are many pictures taken on the front and back of the ID card, and it is quite simple to be an undercover agent.

People like Jin Yi are everywhere. These days, at least 30% of the daily new users of "Qin Jue's Home" come from various media organizations, in order to get inside and get first-hand news.

It's just that Qin Jue's move this afternoon was really too ruthless, shut it down as soon as he said it, and limit it as soon as he said it. This man is so domineering that he hasn't been counterattacked by fans. It seems that the means of abusing fans and solidifying fans should not be underestimated.

Jin Yi watched Qin Jue appear on the screen with a solemn expression, and rows of bullet screens warmly welcomed her appearance.

"Good evening, good evening, long time no see."

Qin Jue responded to the barrage with a smile, "According to the calculation, the days don't seem to be very long, but I haven't seen you for several days due to the time difference. 'Because I miss you so much, it's been a long time physically'... Well, I miss you too."

"Have you seen all the announcements at home? I'm sorry, it's just too coincidental recently, I feel caught off guard, I don't get used to it, and there are many hidden worries. I still hope that everyone can maintain the harmonious atmosphere at home."

Qin Jue said with a smile, "'Why are you so different'... You can feel it too!"

She leaned back on the back of the chair, and there was a smiling and somewhat helpless face in the camera:

"I'm so uncomfortable, can you guys get the feeling that when I opened the door of my house and suddenly found a crowd of people squeezed in? It's scary, comrades!"

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha】

【I see】

[Now it's more natural XDD]

"I used to chat casually with my family, but now, it feels like neighbors from ten miles and eight villages have come together, doing a good job of chatting like a public speech, unconsciously playing an official tone."

Qin Jue grinned and complained, "Don't say you sound awkward, I'm just as awkward in this posture—so all the folks who came in by chance, don't blame me for suddenly closing the house and driving people out, it's too much for me gone."

The warm and homely tone made the people who were attracted to eat melons smile at the same time. Don't look at the many people who sing against the rhythm outside, there are more people who think that Qin Jue is a clear stream in the entertainment industry and therefore have a good impression. This is the first time Seeing Qin Jue's live broadcast, I felt novelty and at the same time was infected by her sincerity. There was a faint tendency for passers-by to turn fans.

(end of this chapter)