Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1042: Live (below)

Chapter 1068 Live Streaming (Part 2) (Addition 33 for Qiao Xiaohe)

"Time is a bit tight. I'm rushing to work. I'm going to be very busy. If you have anything to say, just say it now. I can see the barrage." Qin Jue continued, "There are too many people online at this time. It’s not very easy to read it once, but I did see it all, so I can have some confidence in my dynamic vision and memory.”

He said again: "If you are not confident, I recommend watching the recording and editing. Come on, dear friends, type the video serial number on the public screen to give new friends Amway."

【Killing me】

[? Sudden delivery, right you boy]

[Will you go back to the crew of "Heart Shadow Link"? Everyone is waiting]

[Sure enough, the atmosphere is right as soon as the live broadcast starts, happy! 】

【When will the Jingxing River be torn apart】

[Can you hurry up and watch Toka's video? I'm so anxious, I want to see it now! 】

The giggling bullet screens of the Qingqings were mixed with some fan talk. Qin Jue glanced at it, but he really didn't evade it, and said generously: "I'm communicating with the crew, don't worry."

Her eyes seemed to see through the screen to meet Jin Yi and the others. Such a calm and calm attitude was frightening for no reason.

"In addition, I would like to remind everyone that some references to outsiders can be appropriately reduced. Regarding this, I also reflected on whether it was a narrow-minded issue. Later, I thought it was mainly... Sometimes reading too much will make me feel that I have entered the wrong house. Awkward."

Qin Jue went on to laugh, "The original intention of 'Qin Jue's Home' was to take my family away from unnecessary disputes outside, where you can talk about me, your own studies, work, life, etc. It's fine, but too many people mention certain names that have nothing to do with the family, and there will be a sense of home being invaded by outsiders. Don't make it so that it becomes "Qin Jue" instead of mentioning "Qin Jue" in "Qin Jue's home" Heresy, and I'm sure the gentlemen who were at home early on will also be troubled."

【Ah, ah, ah, little wolf, you understand me... (hug)】

【_(:з」∠)_Okay, okay】

[Is this the "mind" in the pick-up repo post? Got it, Mr. Yan Jun, don’t be unhappy #比心]

[I deeply agree with what Teacher Qin said. Recently, my family has been talking about XX, and sometimes I can’t get in the conversation by swiping the topic area.]

【Hmm, focus on yourself and don't shift your center of gravity~】

"And that video, it's from Station E, right?" Qin Jue fully proved that she was seriously watching the barrage, "I don't know how to watch it."

【Eh? 】

[Woooooo why don't you watch it! Very relieved! 】

[Yes, and the up masters of Toka helped a lot by starting a group! 】

"Because from your description, I don't think these videos are helpful to my performance." Qin Jue answered frankly, "Are you expecting some emotional resonance? Sorry, I don't have it here."

【Ehh, that’s what I said, but they helped us a lot (point to finger) it’s not too much to order a triple combo (point to finger)】

【+999, thank you too much? 】

【Le, it's really crossing the river and tearing down the bridge】

When it comes to "TOKA TOKA" and other up owners in the film and television area, it can be seen that family members and passers-by are still obsessed with it, and the barrage is filled with all kinds of voices for a while.

"Have you noticed that I have been placed in a strange moral position by such 'popular expectations'?"

Qin Jue still smiled, but changed from a friendly smile to an understated polite smile, "If I said I wouldn't do it, I would immediately become an ungrateful person. It's a big crime."

[I've wanted to say it a long time ago, may I ask what kind of obligation does Brother Jue have to give the up master three consecutive points? (sigh】

[Secondary, I know that there are many double cooks in the house, but those who don't know think you are the fans of the up owner, so this will come three times in a row. . . 】

[As long as I'm a brain-dead fan (?) and speak, Teacher Qin is happy, just do whatever you want, and don't do it if you don't want to! Ignore them! (us?)】


[To put it bluntly, if Brother Jue only gives three points to this up master but not to that up master, will someone say that Brother Jue is biased? So I think it’s good not to watch the video]

【QAQ doesn’t mean anything else, just that I feel that watching that video will relieve my anger, so why don’t you just watch it?】

[Don't jump your face, Lord (Help the forehead.jpg])

[One thing to say and one thing I think is that Mr. Qin has a too good temper (laughs). It's because he watched too many second creations in the live broadcast before, so everyone gradually defaulted to any video that can be stuffed in front of him and forced him to watch it]

【Uh, don't make noise, don't make noise】

[I laughed to death, brother Jue is still that brother Jue, I thought I would just ignore these barrages, but actually said "I don't know how to watch" straight up, it's you (?]

[With the reminder of both Teacher Qin and Toka, if everyone urges Teacher Qin to watch the video, Toka might be embarrassed himself. This kind of thing is all up to the master, and we fans should not get involved]

【Yeah yeah-】

"I said before that I am not a person who will respond to expectations, and many new friends may not understand it yet."

Qin was neither humble nor overbearing, and said bluntly, "I am an actor, and I am only an actor. The only thing I can give back to you is my acting skills and works. Others, whatever you think, whether you think I am rebellious or have no conscience, I am It doesn’t matter—I guess someone here will take it out of context, and friends from the media should also pay attention to the copyright regulations at home.”

When she said this, she tilted her head slightly, her lips were still curved, but the smile faded from her eyes, which made some "intelligence officers" outside the screen who were eager to move felt a little bit.

【Brother Qin Jue, look at me, look at me, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh]

[Why don't you read my barrage, why don't you read my barrage, why don't you read my barrage]

[Why is there no sc function why is there no sc function why is there no sc function]

Qin Jue's words and expressions thinned out the pool of bullet screens that were running up and down, making certain repetitive bullet screens very conspicuous at this time.

"'sc function'? What is that?" Qin Jue frowned, thinking of Little Fox's E-station live broadcast, after a while, "Oh, superchat, make sure to leave a message, right?"

Eye-catching message (superchat) refers to the function of paying to make the frame of your message bright and "highlighted" during the live broadcast, so that it is easier to be noticed by the host. Usually, the more you pay, the brighter the color of the message, and the longer you stay in the barrage pool.

"'The only butterfly princess who loves Qin What are you doing?"

Qin Jue read the screen ID slowly, and let out a short chuckle, "Want to spend money to buy privileges?"

She raised her eyes to look at the camera directly in front of her, and the smart mirror cut in the live broadcast room abruptly added a lot of warning meaning to this look without anger and prestige.

"I, Qin Jue, have been an actor since I debuted, and I haven't managed to pay for my family."

Through the mobile phone screen, Hong Xiaodie's breathing stopped.

The earnest and careless look in front of Qin Jue seemed to be telling her:

Put away your brainless fan circle and make pies, this is my place.

It’s a long-awaited Wanreward Plus update, I’m really sorry, it’s my responsibility (bow)

This chapter has barrage. I originally wanted to post it with more words, but I feel that it is more appropriate to break the chapter when I write it here, so I still broke it. I will update tomorrow and add more words to make up for it.

(end of this chapter)