Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1045: Counterattack forty-eight hours (upper m

Chapter 1071 Counterattack for 48 Hours (Upper Middle)

Blind Island, a niche anonymous forum, has three characteristics: invitation system, discussion of facts, and unobstructed speech. And because the "island friends" who use Blind Island are all over the place, the age, identity and position span are extremely large, so it can be called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, making it a popular forum. A well-known breaking news site in China.

Here, you can abandon some veiled abbreviations, name any names in the political, business, literary and entertainment circles and criticize them as garbage; here, you can unscrupulously comment on current events, squander your knowledge or expose your own ignorance.

The anonymity mechanism and community atmosphere have made many "island friends" form the habit of "questioning first, then waiting, and not believing the spokesperson's words until they are impeccable". The atmosphere is so tricky and sharp that it is difficult to spread rumors and fabricate materials here. On the other hand, those who can withstand the nitpicking of everyone in Blind Island and survive until now are basically the real materials that are firmly established—two years ago, There was even a [—] corrupt official who was dismissed because of Blind Island’s revelations.

If Vbo and other public platforms are melon fields, then Blind Island is a smelter. If you look around, nine out of ten are real money, and the remaining ten to twenty percent are prophets.

"Toka TOKA" is also one of the "island friends". He has nothing to do with his stomach, and he admires the hidden bosses of Blind Island. At this time, he eagerly scans the new content of the post, "hissing" while watching gas.

"—Everyone has been waiting for a long time, I'm back!"

Toka raised his head from his phone within two minutes, "Explain to my friends, just now we mentioned that Qin Jue released a video of 'Rehearsal Daily', right? In fact, not long after this video appeared, a well-known forum broke the news Someone exploded another video!"

"Hey, I can't play that video here because of copyright, so I will briefly describe the content."

Toka lied casually. The real situation is that the content of Blind Island can be regarded as the "public information property" of the majority of islanders as long as the owner allows it, and can be reprinted and transported at will, but Toka dare not take it as his own. He was afraid that with the means of the big boss on the island, he, the million-dollar fan up owner, might be overturned by Blind Island's revelations one day after doing this, so it's better to be cowardly.

"Let's talk about the location first: the shooting scene of "Heart Shadow Link"!"

Toka intentionally announced bit by bit like squeezing toothpaste, "Character: Jing Xinghe! Event: Filming!"

"Okay, let's not make a joke, here's a simplified version of one sentence: Someone on the set captured the process of Jing Xinghe's re-shooting close-up! Oh, the picture is so real, Jing Xinghe didn't move it when he stood there, the director still Called a few small workers to put the blower underneath and blow it!"

[? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【good guy】

[I think of Lao Liu who said that the wind direction was wrong when he took off the mask in the first episode "Jing Chen"]

【Yes, I remember too! 】

【It turned out to be a blower? Hahahahaha why is it so funny?】

【For the sake of pretense, it is also hard work】

[It's so embarrassing, Qin Jue's acting is all the essence, Jing Xinghe forced a lot of dross into it]

"And it should also be noted that Jing Xinghe joined the group for the first time on September 22. What kind of concept is this? Friends, Qin Jue boarded the plane to Vinazola on the 23rd. Come pick peaches when you leave the group for a short time after filming all the tricks!"

Toka adjusted his tone to be extremely indignant, and then pretended to pat his chest to "calm down".

"You must know that Jing Xinghe was still filming another drama on the day Qin Jue personally admitted that he starred in "Heart Shadow Link" in the fan-only live broadcast. Some of Jing Xinghe's fans are now starting to talk about what's going on. The crew was hired at the beginning Jing Xinghe acted, and at the same time invited Qin Jue to be the Wu substitute', and said that Qin Jue was not enough at the time, so it was normal to be the Wu substitute—is it you or I who are mentally retarded?

"If Jing Xinghe showed his face and Qin Juewu was the replacement from the very beginning, how could Jing Xinghe not publicize in advance and insist on telling everyone that he is the one playing 'Jing Chen' when the makeup photos come out?"

Appropriately interspersed with a wave of reasonable analysis, Toka brought the topic back:

"I also have to thank Jing Xinghe for his shameless behavior that offended the public. Blind, cough, there are countless revelations about him in an anonymous forum today. Starting from the video I described just now, the reply in the revelation post is One after another, all kinds of things.

"As for what I just watched in the past two minutes, someone gave several pieces of information that are well-founded, which can be called a summary of Jingxing River Melon Tiao—it turns out that this is not the first time this kid has done this! His celebrity Eighty percent of the awards in the resume are stolen! Fuck, it shocked my whole family!"

Jing Xinghe's face was so dark that he couldn't see, his fingers pinched tightly on the edge of the phone, trembling uncontrollably due to anger.

Blind Island's revelation "Toka TOKA" is not convenient for the large-scale up owners of the film and television area to disclose it directly, but ordinary islanders have no such concerns. Many people who are not afraid of things reprinted it to Vbo and other places. Jing Xinghe just searched A long melon strip can be found, the content of which is horribly detailed, some of which he himself has forgotten, but the person who broke the news has clearly hammered every detail.

This, this is definitely aimed at!

Jing Xinghe's face was distorted, he wanted to quit the picture viewing, but his hand didn't obey, and he continued to slide down in a strange way.

Well organized.

Almost all of his activities and achievements since his debut are here, including those that are visible and those that are not.

For a certain variety show, Jing Xinghe relied on the background to squeeze out the original artist XX and replace him as the flying guest of the variety show... [Picture: The program team has inconsistent words] [Picture: Third-line artist XX standing awkwardly at the door of the recording scene outside]

For a certain Popularity Voting Award, Jing Xinghe falsified his data, transferred some of his competitors’ votes to his own name the night before the awards, and thus won the award... [Picture: Trend of Voting Growth] [Picture: Competitor’s Votes Stalled] At the same time, the number of Jingxinghe votes skyrocketed]

For a certain magazine, a certain artist who was originally on the cover on the day of filming had a car puncture while he was on his way, so there was a delay. Jing Xinghe "saved the scene" in time and became the current issue of the magazine... [Picture: Contact record of a certain artist team and a certain magazine , apologized for the unexpected situation throughout the whole process] [Picture: Jing Xinghe, who obviously has no cooperation with a certain magazine, suddenly appeared in the shooting building with a complete team]

For Tao Li's Youngest Male Artist Award, Jing Xinghe was directly selected internally for his endorsement cooperation, and the selection was just a formality... [Picture: Jing Xinghe clinks glasses with the sponsor and brand representatives at the dinner table] [Picture: Jing Xinghe is printed in advance name trophy]

In the light comedy "Ci Feng and Eloquence" in the workplace, Jing Xinghe took the path of an investor, played the leading role in the crew of Tianxiang... [Picture: Director's wine table recording to text] [Picture: Casting director said that he already had a man he liked Lord, it's a pity]

The best new actor of the year at the Dragon Wind Festival, Jing Xinghe took a temporary make-up of the front face after the filming of a movie, and used the supporting actor XX as a stand-in, so he won the award, and refused to disclose it when the actor went to court afterwards Apologize, and only pay a sum of compensation to settle the matter... [Picture: Court record] [Picture: Jingxing He Fang claimed that the matter does not exist] [Picture: Supporting actor XX V blog publicized the account information and said "Goodbye, entertainment circle "]

"Heart Shadow Link", Jing Xinghe produced it in the same way... [Picture: Video screenshot] [Picture: Comparison of Jing Xinghe and Qin Jue's itinerary in mid-September]

Clear Logical and clear discussion, a large number of empirical evidence.

There are even some clarifications in it, such as "Jingxinghe picks up the plane on a certain day on a certain day, with thick bags under the eyes and blue eyes, suspected of taking soft drugs", the editor of Guatiao posted a screenshot of Jingxinghe's game account and time comparison Figures and summary analysis, expressed in an objective tone:

This article is a rumor. The truth is that Jing Xinghe played games all night until 6:00 a.m., not taking drugs.

...I tm thank you!

Jing Xinghe gritted his teeth.

It is precisely because of the clarifications in this summary that it appears that the whistleblower is seeking truth from facts, and his already high credibility has directly exceeded the standard.

Too many gazes cast their eyes, and the voice of discussion almost rang in his ears, Jing Xinghe gritted his teeth "clicking", his emotions had passed the stage of anger, and turned to guilt and panic.

What about Jin Yi!

Where is his almighty agent? !


(end of this chapter)