Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1072: get off work

In the commentary, the spear player in the video turned around and stabbed forward. "Jing Chen" Xiaotiao stepped on the head of the gun, using his body weight to press down the spear, and using the momentum of the spear player to raise the gun, he folded and fell in mid-air.

Qin Jue's thoughts drifted away as he listened to "Movie fans love to complain" and other UP hosts analyzing Wia and the camera.

This analysis video is indeed full of dry goods, but there are also many parts that are too much due to insufficient information. For example, the tactical idea of ​​"'Jingchen' using a third-party attack judgment to avoid the same team's damage immunity" highly praised by "Sa Maye" is a typical over-interpretation.

Qin Jue, as the person involved, knew very well that Sun Guangshan hadn't thought of this at all, and the time on the set was tight, and she didn't consider this common setting when designing the whole set of group battle actions. Strictly speaking, it was an oversight. This plot bug has been rounded back, and the mood is a little delicate for a while.

After thinking about it again, once a work is published, it does not completely belong to the creator, and any audience has the right to interpret it. There are many genres with different opinions on the famous book, let alone a 211 web drama? If he corrected her at this time, it would be a bit of a disaster.

Qin Jue smiled and accepted the analysis and opinions of "Sa Maye" and others from the perspective of the audience instead of the participants, broadening his thinking.

The analysis video is still playing, and the proportion of retelling the content of the original film in broken words and reorganizing it by the way is gradually increasing.

Qin Jue is not surprised, because the second half of this fight scene is not as technical as the previous one. From "Jing Chen" rushing towards the mage, to stepping on the gun head and doing somersaults in slow motion, they all pay more attention to camera skills, which belongs to "acting" The difficulty is low, and it is not easy to shoot", the overall purpose is to serve the audience's perception, in layman's terms, it doesn't matter if it is great or not, it has to be enjoyable for everyone to watch.

Therefore, there are a lot of opening and closing movements here, and "Jing Chen" does not fight with players like before. He starts to move frequently to create another classic tense scene: chasing battle.

Looking at it, Qin Jue rested his chin on his hand, wiped his slender fingers on his lips, thoughtfully.

The special effects are still not enough...

The PDF file she submitted to the crew at the time seemed to have some content cut out, probably because the reviewers felt that it was an irrelevant detail, so they saved as much as they could.

However, after this operation, if you look closely at the finished film, you will find many flaws.

Just like the scene played now: "Jing Chen" uses his position to lead the arrow shot by the archer to the boxer's feet, making him stop his pace and take the opportunity to kill him with a blow.

The logic of the game itself is fine, but people can't help but wonder: Why did the archer player go before? Is there a sell order on the side?

In the same way, the player played by Song Youping who uses a hot weapon pistol as a weapon will also be confusing, because he was not seen shooting in the long series of fighting scenes.

This is the result of laziness in the details of special effects.

Originally according to Qin Jue's plan, in the previous fights, the mage's ball of light, the archer's arrow, and the gunner's bullet all had parts that were noticed and avoided by "Jingchen", but they cut corners in the later stage, and the arrows that should have Neither bullets nor bullets were done, which made the following scenes change from group battles to "round appearance system", and only specific players and corresponding special effects are allowed to appear on the stage when necessary.

The plot thus becomes: the mage's attack appeared, and the mage died; the gunman's attack appeared, and the gunman was cut.

The stronger the purpose of a character's appearance, the more obvious his "tool man" attribute will be.

If it weren't for the scene of "Jing Chen" dealing with boxers and spear players in the background board, such a setting would be suspected of queuing up to give away heads one by one.

Qin Jue introspected silently, took note of the problems in communication and docking, and reminded the students in class one.

The stronger the production of a work, the more forces, departments and people are involved. Everyone has a different division of labor, the news is blocked, and mistakes are inevitable.

Just like her this time, those who were responsible for the later stage did not understand the requirements of the original version; those who were responsible for the communication were not clear about the details, so that part of the content was cut off to affect the final quality; the executive director Sun Guangshan and the chief director Kong Jun neither knew nor followed up; The production supervisor did not participate in the whole process; Qin Jue, the only planner and designer, only saw the first version of the fine-cut version, but did not see the final film, and missed the opportunity to modify and rework.

After all, the mode of filming, post-processing, and broadcasting is not enough time, not to mention the lack of special effects in the first episode, and even the second episode, because of Jing Xinghe's incident, Qin never watched the movie in advance, otherwise he just watched it Sometimes I will not concentrate on checking whether the logic of the front and back is reasonable, and whether the detail of "Jing Chen" being forcibly transmitted has been supplemented by special effects.

To put it bluntly, there are too many people involved in the huge production crew, complicated producers and investors. Some people regard this drama as their pursuit, but more people regard this drama as their job, and take the money away after working hard People, who have the obligation to have a collective sense of honor for the project.

This is also why small crews can often produce high-quality products—with fewer people, it is more convenient for everyone to work together, accurately convey the content, understand the intentions of their partners, and the participants of various departments work together.

Qin Juewei shook his head invisibly.

Okay, accept reality, reject excessive idealization, and reject pathological perfectionism. She said silently in her heart. You've graduated from Entertainment Intern.

She is not the producer of "Heart Shadow Link", nor is it the chief director of "Heart Shadow Link", so there is really no need to worry about this.

In the final analysis, as a participant, I just don't want to see my own work suck.

In addition, there is also a little desire not to disappoint Qingqing and the audience who support her.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

boom! boom! boom!

Shouts and gunshots were intertwined, drawing back Qin Jue's attention, the video played to the part where the shooter panicked and shot from the first perspective, in a scene of [High energy ahead] [Call for bullet screen protection] [Ah, ah, ah, don't come here] Complete the face-to-face killing of the black goat with a very memorable point in the barrage.

The Qingqings spoke excitedly in their barrage pool, but Qin Jue was calm.

Compared with the previous play, this part is not difficult. It can be seen that the "brightest picture" in the eyes of the audience and the "best performance" in the hearts of the actors do not necessarily coincide.

Adapting to this psychological gap is also one of the compulsory courses for entertainment workers.

After that, the archer charged up to shoot, and "Jing Chen" blocked the roaring arrows with the Tang knife, and made the arrow fly to another mage with four or two strokes.

"Sa Maye" once again detailed a series of analysis about the team's damage immunity and "Shocking" tactics, which made Qin Jue distracted, with his left ear coming in and his right ear coming out.

She didn't have any deep meaning in designing this action at the beginning, it was purely... convenient.

Sun Guangshan proposed a fixed position, and "Jing Chen" had run enough before, so it was not necessary for every player to catch up and cut him close, so he was a little lazy and let the opponent beat his teammates again.

Not long after, the last two medical players who played soy sauce all the way were also solved by "Jingchen", and the in-depth analysis videos of the UP masters came to an end in the whole work, praise and well-written summary.

Qin Jue has three consecutive qualities, and with a smile on his face, he left a comment on this submission from the bottom of his heart:

[Thanks for your hard work, the content is very helpful, thank you very much #点喜欢】

It's no secret that she makes videos at home. Many friends who squatted in the live broadcast room sent comments and bullet screens as early as when she clicked on the video, and some privately messaged the UP owner, so that this comment was sent immediately. It was liked and topped in seconds by the main contributor "Movie Fan Lao Liu loves to complain", which led to a wave of replies.

If it was in "The Cage", Qin Jue would have chatted back and forth with "The Sixth Movie Fan" and others for a long time, just like she did with the film critic Fang Muquan back then.

Now I have to think about the cast and cast of "Heart Shadow Link", and pay more attention to whether my actions will have an impact, Unknowingly, I have been constrained, not as comfortable as usual, Just send a smooth comment that can't be faulted.

Looking back at his barrage pool, the behavior of "watching and analyzing the video publicly and adding comments three times" really attracted controversy.

Some people asked [why didn’t the sixth child watch Toka TOKA after watching it all], some questioned [why did I watch the video again when I said it at the beginning], some retorted [the serious appreciation and analysis video would have been watched by Mr. Qin, Toka It’s normal not to watch the video with a strong tone and pure emotional output], and some people are helpless [Why do you ask after clearly explaining, isn’t it really here to bring rhythm], looking around, it seems that the disputes are endless.

She didn't have any intention of accusing those gentlemen who kindly refuted, but in fact, seeing a large number of conversations, she only felt that the questioners were as noisy as the refuted ones.

Qin Jue suddenly felt exhausted.

She braced herself up and said goodbye to the ladies, then waved her hand to close the live broadcast room.

The study room where there was only one person was silent for two seconds, Qin Jue leaned back abruptly, causing the chair to shake twice.

She closed her eyes and sighed, never felt that a live broadcast was so similar to "going to work" as tonight.
