Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1086: review therapy (1)

Dr. Lu said in a gentle voice, "Maybe we can do a detailed review."

"Okay. What should I do?" Qin Jue nodded.

"First of all, I need to confirm, Miss Qin, how do you feel about wearing monitoring equipment?" Dr. Lu asked.

"I don't feel anything, it's acceptable."

After Qin Jue finished speaking, she paused for a moment. She thought that what she was worried about at this time was "I'm not sure whether the equipment from Dr. Lu will work on her."

Dr. Lu took this pause into his eyes and nodded slightly: "I understand, please wait a moment."

She got up, first poured Qin Jue a cup of warm water, then went to the room, and returned after a while holding a square box slightly larger than a laptop.

Qin Jue caught a glimpse of the logo on the box: "..."

Well, sure enough.

Dr. Lu did not rush to open the lid of the box, but first handed a paper document to Qin Jue.

Qin Jue glanced quickly, this is an informed consent letter, the content is very common, and it explains the possible risks and the confidentiality of private information, etc., standard and rigorous.

After reading it over and over again, Qin Jue didn't find any problems, so he took out his pen and signed his name at the end.

After the ethics procedure was completed, Dr. Lu put away the informed consent form, removed the lid of the box lightly, took out an ordinary fountain pen, a bracelet, a display screen and a stand, and skillfully plugged in the wires and connected the power supply.

Qin was by no means watching the process very curiously, and occasionally complained that there were too many connecting wires, blindly guessing that he didn't want to make it so shocking, so he added a few for decoration.

Not long after, Dr. Lu finished the installation, reached out to support the display screen, and fine-tuned its orientation.

Qin Jue stared at the screen: "It looks like the monitor in the ward."

Doctor Lu nodded with a smile.

"They do look and function alike," she said.

"Then these are wires and sensors?" Qin Jue said, took the bracelet, and put it on his right wrist under the guidance of Doctor Lu's eyes.

"It can be understood in this way." Doctor Lu replied.

This bracelet is different from Qin Jue's usual combat equipment, and it is also very different from the common sports bracelets on the market. It is connected to the display screen with dense wires inserted on its side. Due to the different colors and thickness of the wires, it looks like an unidentified technological beauty when wearing the bracelet while moving.

"This is a monitoring device produced by Qinyi Technology."

Dr. Lu explained softly, "By measuring physiological indicators including galvanic skin response (GSR) and heart rate, it can reflect the stress response of the wearer of the bracelet in real time, such as changes in your blood pressure, breathing rate, etc. .”

"In a moment we will start from the last time you left here, and slowly and detailedly recall your journey in the past year. During this process, I will continue to talk to you and ask some questions. What you need to do is, put Write down on paper the key words that you think are the main, important, or worth recording in a certain period of time."

"In this way, after our review is over, we can use the data of physiological variables to help us find the answer to the question you just asked."

Sure enough, it's about the same as a lie detector. Qin Jue said heartily.

This kind of machine that judges the honesty of the respondent based on the numerical changes of physiological indicators is relatively tasteless, because there are many factors that affect the change of a person's physiological status. The data monitoring of his/her physiological indicators will be subject to unnecessary interference.

Therefore, the polygraph and its judgment results cannot guarantee validity and reliability in the legal system, and cannot be used as evidence for conviction. However, in the field of psychological counseling, if patients are willing to cooperate, such monitoring methods can provide a lot of reference for treatment.

Qin Jue subconsciously glanced at Dr. Lu.

Being able to get the "polygraph" produced by Qin Yi Technology shows that she has a record in Qin Ke and related departments, and she is a psychologist with equally profound background and strength.

Without wasting energy thinking about these, Qin Jue looked down at the bracelet:

"So to put it simply, it is to test which time periods in the past I have had more intense emotional reactions?"

Dr. Lu smiled, as if acquiescing.

"It's a good way." Qin Jue said.

Quantitative data is cold, but intuitive and useful.

Dr. Lu handed over the clip and the seemingly ordinary fountain pen: "You can choose the most comfortable posture and writing method for you."

Qin Jue nodded.


Dr. Lu turned on the instrument, and after a soft beep, the display screen lit up, showing several lines of continuously updated waveforms.

"It was November when you came here last year."


"At that time, "The Cage" had already finished filming, right?"


"What kind of job did you get after that?"

"Audition for Rain in the Day."

"Do you remember what date it was on?"

"November twenty-seventh."

"So, what did you do in the time leading up to the audition?"

Qin Jue wrote "~11.27" on the left side of the white paper, and recorded while recalling: "Acting training, V blog live broadcast...Because fans are determined not to spend money on virtual gifts in the live broadcast room, so there was a little trouble."

She paused at the tip of her pen and gave a short laugh.

"Later, that recording and broadcasting became popular in the ghost animal area of ​​Station E for a while."

Qin Jue was smiling, but his heart was inexplicably desolate.

She was still stubborn, sharp, and quite blunt in her speech.

On the other hand, recently, even though I have something to say with Qing Qings, it seems that I haven't had that strong aggressiveness for a long time.

Her spirit was disappearing, no, she was suppressed a little bit.

Because you are a public figure, because you are famous, you have more eyes to stare at, so you must think about the consequences in advance when you speak and do things. Before you speak straightforward words, you will constantly weigh them in your heart, and then modify and supplement them to try not to be misunderstood. Mitigate the possibility of being taken out of context.

Qin Jue's expression darkened slightly, and he habitually shifted his thoughts.

Where did you recall just now? V Bo Live…

Singing, chatting, sudden gift, own strong reaction, cold attitude.

Remember who was the first one who took the lead in swiping gifts in the Vbo live broadcast room? "Moon and Autumn Wind"...

Qin Jue's hand holding the pen was suddenly clenched, and a very flat line was drawn from the corner of his mouth.

Dr. Lu glanced at the monitor calmly.

"Do you think this conflict is important?" she continued.

The fountain pen twirled between Qin Jue's fingers (after she realized it, she looked at Dr. Lu, who shook her head and said it was okay):

"Important, it can be said that it has set the tone for my treatment of fans from then on."

Qin Jue repeated the original sentence, "I am an actor, and what I earn is the salary. I don't need to earn money from fans, and fans don't need to spend money on me."

Doctor Lu nodded slightly.

"Anything else?" she asked.

"..." Qin Jue replied, "My personality has changed. Looking back, at that time, I dared to say it without any scruples, saying something like, 'My character is just like this, and my temper is also average. I can't say soft words and nice things. Straightforward' and the like."

"Now, he is unconsciously taking public image into account, and has never said such a thing again."

Dr. Lu stared at her and blinked quietly.

"Okay. Back to the previous question..." After confirming that Qin Jue had indeed finished speaking, Dr. Lu continued in a calm tone, "Before November 27th, shortly after you left my place. So let's not compare with the current you , how was your mood at that time?"

"It's pretty good." Qin Jue thought about it, "I ate and sang with everyone at the finale banquet of "The Cage", and I felt very happy."

"In terms of life goals, I just want to be an actor in this life, act well, and first prepare for the audition for "Rain in the Day"."

"What kind of preparations are they all about?" Dr. Lu asked.

"Analyze the original work, write biographies, etc." Qin Jue smiled, "Happy as a beginner."

Doctor Lu nodded with a smile.

"After that, there will be an audition for "Rain in the Day"."


"Did you know the audition result at that time?"

"No, I think I waited for two weeks, probably in mid-December, and received a call from Tang Ting. Oh, he is the assistant director."

"Is this waiting period difficult?"

"Not at all. It's a state of doing everything and knowing the destiny. Life is very ordinary, and I occasionally broadcast live broadcasts to chat with fans, and study quietly together like an online study room."

Qin Jue showed to now, there were really fewer people in the live broadcast room at that time.

Also really calm and peaceful.

"When is the next moment that impresses you?"

"At the end of last year, "The Cage" was released. It was the first time I saw myself acting on the big screen, and I also received comments from professionals."

Qin Juedao, "After that, "Rain in the Day" will enter the group in early January."

She thought of the scheduled press conference this morning, with a smile in her eyes:

"The one-month script reading was very fulfilling and very...happy."

2600+, a little bit more first, a bit too tired, this chapter originally wanted to end this chapter directly with a super long chapter.

(end of this chapter)