Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1094: Group? (2 in 1)

The latest website: Qin Jue arrived at the set at exactly seven o'clock in the morning, and she was short of an important part in the third episode, which was the scene of "Jing Chen" taking off the mask in the online game.

From the perspective of the character's state of mind and immediate emotions, this episode can be said to be a small climax in the early stage of the character Liao Jingchen, and Qin Jue wanted to spend more time. Not surprisingly, she planned to spend the whole day today on this scene.

Therefore, as soon as he entered the dressing room, Qin Jue said:


"Hey." Zhang Ming responded.

"Send some benefits to the crew, especially Grips." Qin Juedao, "Tell them, 'I'm going to trouble all the teachers today'."

Zhang Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then he showed an upright smile, nodded and turned to get busy.

Grips is a compatible working group for camera and lighting. When shooting the same scene repeatedly, this group is the most troublesome.

Qin Jue's operation is very cunning. Now that the shooting has not started, most of the staff members are a little confused when they get the gifts. Regardless of the three seven twenty-one, thank you first with a smile, the good thing of the world's pie, naturally, it is not for nothing.

And as long as they accept it, they will inevitably fall into the trap of "taking advantage of people's short hands and eating people's short mouths". In addition, Qin Jue's sentence "I will be troubled all day today" implies "I will trouble you all day next." It means that everyone is now dazedly accepting the benefits, and Qin Jue will not cause too much dissatisfaction if he spends most of the night in a play.

In fact, Qin Jue learned this trick from Luo Hanzhang's manager when he was crawling through chat records in the entertainment group chat group.

Nowadays, the students in the class each have their own career paths, and Luo Hanzhang is no exception, but he is required by the company to develop in an all-round way, dabbling in variety shows, music, and acting.

Compared with actors like Nie Xingliang who specialize in acting, Luo Hanzhang couldn't get better acting resources. The notebooks in his hands were all common assembly line idol products nowadays. Some progressive crews were added, and they had to change their ways and ask their agents for help, trying to give themselves more opportunities to temper without offending the director, camera director and other crew members.

"It's so difficult! The crew outside is different from our own. Some people want to get off work quickly, so they don't care what your work looks like when it comes out."

Luo Hanzhang said in the group, "Let me share with you the art of my agent's speaking and doing things. With this trick, I can not only earn more time for filming, but also benefit my personal reputation."

Cong Ningan laughed and said, "That's for sure. The staff won't complain about your busy schedule, but will praise you for your dedication."

Fang Youwen then poked his head out: "Hanzhang 2G, right? We have been using this method since we graduated, and many of the assistants and small workers hired by the "Entertainment" program group are like this."

"Wow, you're a director and I'm an actor, how would I know?"

Luo Hanzhang retorted, and after refuting, he complained, "It's really ironic. At that time, we had directors who were worried about the quality. The actors always listened to the director's repeated shooting, and then called it off when they got the best shot. As a result, I am now on the crew. The chief director I haven't seen it a few times, the executive director didn't want to cause trouble, so he just passed it off, and I have to work hard to 'make up lessons', miserable—"

Immediately afterwards, the topic turned to "how to control the crew", "how to build a good relationship with the various departments of the crew, so that it is convenient for filming" and other aspects. Waiting for others to join the group chat, Qin Jue went all the way to the end in his spare time, and really absorbed some details of human favors.

In fact, as Luo Hanzhang complained, in a normal crew, this is something the director has to control and worry about, but now the actors are required to automatically and consciously build relationships in order to make a good movie, and to appease the mood of the crew. I have to say that it is very black humor.

Zhang Ming was smiling and giving benefits outside, while Qin Jue was putting on makeup in the house, Sun Guangshan made a special trip.

"Oh, it's okay." Qin Jue explained with a smile, "Today's scene is more important. I know I will be filming for a long time, so I would like to say hello to everyone in advance."

Pausing for a second, she added: "The specific level is probably similar to Tang Nuo's previous one."

Sun Guangshan, who was about to open his mouth, immediately closed his mouth.

How could he not know which time Qin Jue was referring to? God is so pitiful. If it really dragged the entire crew to work overtime until late at night, he, the executive director, would be caught in the middle. He would definitely be a bad person.

Now that Qin Jue insisted on filming, and paid the benefits in advance out of his own pocket, if Sun Guangshan objected, it would not only be ignorant of good and evil, but also blatantly confront Qin Jue.

"..." Sun Guangshan held back for two seconds, and smiled, "So that's the case, hehe, it's a trivial matter, and it's a small matter, and it's so embarrassing for Teacher Qin to spend money on it..."

"It should." Qin Jue replied casually.

After thinking for a while, he said again: "It's okay with Tang Nuo, she gets up quickly, if she is in a hurry to leave today, the two of us can hit each other, and we can't beat each other."

"Anti-cut" is another way of saying "front-to-back shot", which refers to two people facing each other, and the camera shoots close-up shots of them separately.

Under normal circumstances, the default shooting of front and back shooting is "outside reverse shooting", that is, character A faces the camera, and the camera goes over A's shoulder to shoot B on the opposite side of A.

However, Qin Jue's "internal counterattack" does not include "over-the-shoulder shots", and only shoots close-ups of A and B's faces. In other words, when filming Qin Jue, Tang Nuo didn't need to appear on camera. Qin Jue could play a one-man show by himself, pretending that Tang Nuo was still standing opposite.

"Okay, okay, no problem."

Having reached this point, all Sun Guangshan's worries were blocked by Qin Jue in advance, and the only thing he could do was to smile all over his face and respond cooperatively.

The problem was solved, Qin Jue continued to put on makeup, and Sun Guangshan returned to the set to work. Tang Nuo came a little late today. According to Zhang Ming's description, her manager's complexion is not very good, but she herself is alive and kicking. After inquiring again, it turns out that Zhao Wenwen, the life assistant Qin Jue assigned to her last time, didn't listen to the manager. As a human being, he followed Tang Nuo's request and went to buy food first, so he was delayed halfway, so that he was late.

Qin Abai's evaluation of this is: "Yes. This girl is good and can work."

Zhang Ming laughed in a low voice beside him.

The fact that Tang Nuo eats well, drinks well and is in good condition has already been slapped on the manager's face, but the guy always feels that "being late will affect the makeup, and it will prolong the filming time, and in the end it will be too late to catch up with the next schedule", So I would rather let Tang Nuo be hungry than rush to the set.

It's really throwing watermelons to pick up sesame seeds. You must know that Tang Nuo's filming time will not be extended, but will be greatly shortened. If you finish the filming task efficiently, you can rush to other announcements earlier?

Pattern, pattern, every day I only know about the small nose and small eyes of whether I am late or not. If you really give you a standard answer, you will not copy it.

Although it is true that it is not good to be late for filming according to common sense, it is not difficult to understand the reason for special treatment in special circumstances.

Zhang Ming clicked his tongue and shook his head like a grown-up, and Qin Jue, who had finished his make-up, rua casually.

"Are there any unfinished things I bought this morning? Get some for Zhao Wenwen."

Qin Jue wanted to tell the girl that she was doing the right thing with real sweetness, since she was by Tang Nuo's side, it was over by listening to Tang Nuo, and nothing else mattered.

"Okay!" Zhang Ming understood in seconds, and responded with a beaming smile.

His hands and feet were nimble, he went and came back quickly, and by the way, he brought a piece of news to Qin Jue who had just finished walking in the performance area.

"Group?" Qin Jue raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah. Sister Wenwen told me that she said that the general team is considering forming a team with us, it seems to be convenient for filming?"

Zhang Ming scratched his head, "However, I don't know exactly when the merger will take place. It is said... If this is true, a notice will be issued in the next few days, and there is a high probability that they will formally form a group when the fifth episode starts filming."

The general group refers to the protagonist group A where Luo Ling and Li Jingyu belong. After pondering for a while, Qin Jue roughly guessed some intentions, and nodded to show that he understood.

She had thought about this before. After all, Luo Ling and her played the role of Liao Jingchen. If the two actors were given more opportunities and space to communicate, it would naturally be more convenient for the two actors to work together and play this role more vividly. Live three-dimensional.

Episode 5...

Qin Jue quickly recalled the script, yes, the plot of the fifth episode is quite exciting, Jiang Rong grows up rapidly, Liao Jingchen shuttles and chooses between reality and online games, if the effect of cross-editing can be made in the later stage, supplemented by exciting background music, It doesn't take much thinking to know that this episode can become one of the highlights of the whole drama, and if you want to film it naturally and smoothly, it is almost inevitable that Qin Jue and Luo Ling will be in the same group.

Finally put my heart into it.

Qin Jue let out a sigh of relief, feeling that his mentality was getting closer to Mr. He.

It's late, it's okay, I'm not afraid of being late, I'm afraid of not.

She gathered herself together, and the mood she had been forced to maintain in a "stable and calm" state since she got off the plane finally raised a gleam of anticipation that could be called joyful.

Then this expectation was suppressed again, and with a deep breath, the eyes under the black goat mask gradually became painful and confused, like a drowning man seeing slender branches, every thread of exhausted blood seeps with pleading and longing, It is like two crystal clear glass beads, full of hopeless and fragile beauty.

The third episode of "Heart Shadow Link" adapted the original work quite well. At the end of this episode, Liao Jingchen, who was only 20 years old, accidentally caught a glimpse of his friend's mobile phone and saw the money transfer prompt that popped up at the top of the screen.

He was stunned on the spot, pursued to the end under great shock and disbelief, and finally crashed into the net woven by his father in the name of love.

"No one really loves him".

Every smiling face and every look in their eyes is not because they really like him and recognize him, but because his father transfers money to them behind his back, asking them to respect and love him, so as to...encourage him.

The world collapsed in an instant.

Liao Jingchen couldn't help shivering. His fans were bought by his father, his friends were hired by his father, his grades were sent by his father, and everything he was proud of was created by his father. What?


Is it still a real living person?

The sun was shining just right, but there seemed to be no room for him in the huge bedroom.

He, Liao Jingchen, even had his surname as his father's surname, and his first name as his father's given name. The blood flowing in his veins was his father's blood. His outstanding appearance and excellent mind came from his father's genes.

Such a man, sitting here, asks himself:

"who I am?"

When all aspects of life are covered by his father, deeply penetrated, and even accurate to every line in the social network, he wants to ask at this moment:

"Who else can I trust?"

Memories reverberate in front of Liao Jingchen like a revolving lantern. His thoughts, his secrets, seem to have nothing to hide in front of his father. He is like a player who falls into the game without knowing it, and befriends NPCs foolishly. Complete one task after another, get one reward after another, but until today I found out that my father is GM (GameMaster, Game Master), he inspects everything and controls everything.

And I am just a ridiculous marionette kept in the dark.

The unprecedented blow stimulated Liao Jingchen's brain to be filled with all kinds of emotions, and because it was too full, it was so empty that there was only a blank space, in which there were catkin-like philosophical thoughts.

He thought of "the essence of human beings is the sum of all social relations". Although this sentence has a profound meaning and cannot be understood in a literal sense, but now he can't care so much, he is like asking for help, desperately looking for it. To prove that he is himself, not a doll in the hands of his father, but a complete individual with independent thinking.

Zhang Yan? Chen Yina? They are his student council vice president and he is their boss?

— But it was his father who wanted to join the student union, run for the chairman, and even help him succeed in the election.

Qi Wan? He is his friend?

— But his father and his father are old classmates, and he is the best friend in the script of his life.

Principal Wu? Uncle Wang? He is the junior they favor and value?

—Of course, the elders looked at him differently because of his father's face. He made plans day and night, and only after several visits did he get Uncle Wang's approval, just because there was a sentence his father said behind him:

"Haha, that kid needs some exercise. Old Wang, you should reject him a few times. Don't make him too proud."

Thinking about it this way, the chat records I saw just now on the computer in my father's study are still so dazzling.

His existence was denied, his personality was shattered, and he hardly had any anger that belonged to a living person.

At this moment, a thought exploded in Liao Jingchen's mind like a thunderbolt.


There is one more person.

She didn't know that she was "Liao Jingchen", she was not driven by any interests behind her, she was just innocent, bubbling, stupid and self-willed, but she continued this friendship that started with absurdity to this day.

Liao Jingchen was short of breath, quickly found out the gaming glasses and put them on.

only this.

Only the holographic online game "Heart Shadow Link", he was absolutely sure that his father didn't know about it.

Liao Jingchen is a fake.

But "Jing Chen" is Then in the world of "Jing Chen", the only one who knows him must also be real.

Only her, only her, not anyone else.

The white light blooms, the wind blows, the flower branches move with the wind, the cherry blossoms flutter and flutter like snow.


Auditory hallucinations sounded in his ears, Qin Jue opened his eyes, and strode into the performance area.

Sun Guangshan's shout came from afar:

"Every department is ready! Three, two, one... start shooting!"

4200+, 4.9 (yesterday) and 4.10 (today) copies.

(end of this chapter)


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