Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1099: "Rain in the Day: A Fierce Vengeance" (M

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Written at the beginning: This chapter is dangerous, take a quick look.


Start from scratch.

"Rain in the Day" begins with the serial murderer Mo Sen and his high school classmate Tian Gang accidentally reuniting, and intends to murder the couple Tian Gang and Qiu Xue. It tells a story of life distortion caused by campus bullying.

The whole film is divided into two completely different styles, funny and pure love coexist with gloomy and heavy, peaceful daily life and horrific murder sometimes run side by side, sometimes intertwined. The film adopts a very realistic and impactful shooting technique, showing the complicated relationships between many ordinary and abnormal characters one by one.

Sitting in the auditorium, the most obvious feeling is "like watching two movies back and forth".

The first half is a love triangle between cleaners Tian Gang, Wang Dali and cafe waiter Qiu Xue. Wang Dali, who has a philosophy of little people, has admired Qiu Xue for a long time. Tian Gang originally assumed the role of middleman and wingman, but was confessed by Qiu Xue. He felt a dilemma between love and friendship. The two are having a secret love like puppy love.

Seeing this all the way, it is still a mediocre story of "Diao Si surprises and embraces the goddess", which is no different from an urban comedy.

However, halfway through the screening of the film, with the creepy background music, the title "Rain of the Day" officially appeared on the screen, and the tone of the whole film turned to "heavy taste", gloomy, depressing, and perverted. The rhythm of the whole film is also the same as the mental state of the murderer Mawson, like a car with broken accelerator and steering wheel, collapsing everywhere and out of control.

Until the end, Memories Kill reveals the truth about Mo Sen being bullied on campus, and tells the most fundamental reason why he became so distorted and cruel. At the end, Mo Sen and Tian Gang easily played games side by side and earned enough tears. It turned out that they were so good at one time. Every now and then, campus violence is enough to ruin a person's life.

Looking at Mawson's life trajectory, the whole story is undoubtedly a history of revenge.

When he was in high school, he was bullied by a classmate named He Ye. He was teased to drink a drink mixed with chalk dust and sticky phlegm and lost his voice briefly. He was treated as a living target and let them shoot with a toy gun. Slop, and even forced to write personal information all over her body, stand on the street and take off her pants to **** in full view.

All kinds of encounters can no longer be described as simple "pranks" and "community death". As the original film said, "It was a hellish day".

So when he was depressed to the extreme, he broke out. On a rainy night, Mo Sen kidnapped He Ye, beat him to death together with Cao Hao, another bullied student, and buried his body in the ground.

Since then, Mo Sen's temperament has changed greatly. The two extreme experiences of being raped and bullying others have made his violent tendencies worse and further stimulated his desire for sex. He is addicted to the pleasure brought by primitive desires such as **** and killing, but rape, torture and killing did not neutralize the negative impact of campus bullying on him. Those memories still exist in his mind all the time, causing him sleep disorders, emotional Irritable, mentally disturbed, the whole person is becoming more and more animalistic, which is quite different from the cowardly and shy self he used to be.

He punched and kicked his grandparents, used "killing He Ye together" as an excuse, and blackmailed Cao Hao for years, because he was talked about by a strange white-collar on the road, he followed her and wanted to **** and kill her, etc. .

By the middle and late stages of the film, Mawson has become a monster in human skin. He has no home, and the way to find a place to live is to break into someone's house at random, kill the whole family, and live there himself. The pleasure brought to him by killing gradually faded, so that later he killed a person as if he had done physical work. As soon as he finished killing the person, he returned to the dining table and ate as usual. The awe of life.

Compared with the blunt and naked slaughter scenes, these details are more terrifying, making one's scalp tingle.

But this also does not mean that Mawson has become a "fashionable" villain. On the contrary, he has no gravitas, and does not regard violence as an elegant art like some movie villains do. He didn't have any skills in killing people, he only relied on brute force to compete with the opponent, stabbed desperately, and the appearance of gritting his teeth and force was real and ugly.

However, in the face of the tall and big gangsters, the thin Mo Sen couldn't beat them, and he was kicked to the ground in the street as usual, taking away what he had just gained in the game hall;

When I came to the book bar, Mo Sen, who was still stabbing people with a knife before, could talk to the front desk properly and normally, and would offer to change to a lower-grade rest cubicle if he didn’t have enough money;

When dealing with life, he only showed the attitude of breaking the cans, his eyes were empty, and he couldn't see any hope. The classic line he said to Tian Gang was enough to sum up his thoughts——

"Whether it's me or you, it's all over."

So obviously, Mo Sen knew that he was not a murderer, that he was low, that he was a rat in the gutter. To put it bluntly, the horrific serial murderer is just an ordinary gloomy citizen who bullies the weak and fears the hard, without any high-level villain filter.

The complexity and distortion of human nature are fully reflected in the character of Mo Sen.

But on the other hand, this kind of Mawson just embodies the horror of "heterogeneity hidden in the calm and unwavering daily life".

Because no one knows what the inconspicuous people on the main road look like, and no one wants to provoke a murderer just because of a word or a look, and ordinary life suddenly suffers.

Having said that, I would like to propose a point of view that is contrary to the current public opinion.

I saw that some viewers "turned against" Mo Sen after watching "Rain in the Day", because Tian Gang and Mo Sen were friends, but turned a blind eye when Mo Sen was bullied, and even became direct accomplices in serious bullying incidents later on. It can be said that other than He Ye and his followers, the main culprits that caused Mo Sen's mental breakdown.

Therefore, some people said: "Mo Sen should have killed Tian Gang, and He Ye took revenge. Why didn't Tian Gang die? I think Mo Sen wanted to kill Tian Gang because of the past, and that woman (Qiu Xue) just incidentally of."

In this regard, I hold a certain degree of opposition.

Mo Sen first appeared in the coffee shop where Qiu Xue worked. At that time, he and Tian Gang had not met again. According to Wang Dali's description, he had been eyeing Qiu Xue for a while. Afterwards, Mo Sen and Tian Gang had dinner in a restaurant. When Tian Gang described Qiu Xue, he said that she looked a bit like their physical education teacher back then.

Based on these two points, I think Qiu Xue is a kind of Mo Sen's projection of the past. He couldn't get rid of the influence of the campus period and wanted to "resist", and this resistance was transformed into "wanting to violate" because of his distorted personality. desire. Therefore, even if Qiu Xue is only similar in appearance to Mo Sen in high school, even if the physical education teacher did not do anything to Mo Sen, their mere "existence" is enough to meet the conditions for psychological and desire projection.

Halfway through the film, Tian Gang and Qiu Xue "hit home base". Mo Sen, who was standing downstairs at Qiu Xue's home that night, heard the news of their love, and soon returned to his residence to call Cao Hao, saying that he wanted to Kill Tian Gang.

I think, maybe he thinks that Tian Gang and himself are "dead people", and if he can succeed in doing something to Qiu Xue, he must use improper and immoral means to achieve it (it's amazing, Mo Sen knows I am an immoral rotten person), but Tian Gang successfully slept with Qiu Xue without using these methods. Compared with this, it is reasonable for Mo Sen to feel unhappy.

Or, for Mo Sen, Tian Gang, who has formed a relationship with Qiu Xue, is undoubtedly an obstacle for him to invade Qiu Xue, so under this logic, it is "reasonable" to deal with Tian Gang first.

It has to be said that the relationship between Mo Sen and Tian Gang, and Qiu Xue or the relationship with **** are all worthy of in-depth analysis.

Let's talk about the former first. Tian Gang is very clear that he is sorry for Mo Sen, but as a bystander of campus bullying, most of the time his attitude is evasion and self-deception.

In the early stage of the film, in the face of Wang Dali and Qiu Xue's inquiries about Mo Sen, Tian Gang, who had a friendship with Mo Sen, had a strange look on his face. I am deeply impressed by the memory of myself indirectly framing Mo Sen, but I just don't want to admit that I am one of the culprits, so I evade responsibility, even if I face Mo Sen himself, I don't mention it, pretending that it never happened.

Until the bodies of Cao Hao and his fiancée Su Qi were discovered, Tian Gang heard from the police that Mo Sen had done all these things, and then saw Wang Dali’s miserable state in the hospital with his own eyes—in other words, he finally realized that Mo Sen had done it. When Sen's fire was about to burn on himself—Tian just told Qiu Xue the truth, admitting that he had helped He Ye bully Mo Sen back then.

very real.

We always have the mentality of escaping and fluke about "black history", until we have to face it at the end, and finally face it, and face up to what we have said and done.

However, in contrast, it was Mawson's reaction. This is also one of the two points that attracted me the most when I watched the movie three times.

When Mo Sen confronted Tian Gang and Qiu Xue with a knife, and Tian Gang tremblingly apologized to Mo Sen for what happened back then, Mo Sen was very puzzled.

What Tian Gang said was: "He Ye and the others forced you to **** in front of everyone. At that time, I also laughed at you with them. I'm really sorry! You are angry with me because of this, right?" (rough meaning )

What he said in a critical moment was basically the truth. Tian Gang's lines here showed that he really believed that Mo Sen hated himself because of this incident, and he wanted to kill him to vent his anger.

But to my surprise, facing Tian Gang's apology, Mo Sen just took the time to think about it, and then said:

"At that time...were you there?"

Tian Gang asked in surprise: "Don't you remember?"

Mawson said, "I don't remember."

Then he said "forget it", gave up the memory, and directly stabbed Tian Gang, and the rivalry between the two began again.

This plot makes me very interested, and it also makes me entangled with a question so far, that is:

Was Mawson telling the truth?

Does he really not remember?

After much deliberation, it seems that either answer makes sense.

If it is true, first of all, Mo Sen's mental state is indeed abnormal, otherwise there will be no episode of memory loss due to the impact of the car accident later, so he forgot that Tian Gang was also involved in the bullying incident, and even wanted to protect himself because of self-protection. I can't afford the specific content of the bullying incident, which is very reasonable.

But in this branch, I prefer to do an in-depth analysis. Everyone who has watched the film knows that after amnesia, Mo Sen returned to his high school days. He only remembered that he and Tian Gang were good friends.

So can I think that these beautiful memories are always sealed in the depths of Mo Sen's memory, far away from those hellish bullying times. It’s just that Mo Sen didn’t want to dig, face, and remember, so he buried them deeply in the corner of his memory. After a long time, it seemed that none of them existed.

It wasn't until the physical impact that this dusty treasure came to light again, fundamentally covering or replacing those bad memories of being bullied by Mawson.

The public masturbation incident in high school was the most important moment in Mo Sen's life. Before the string snapped, he was still alive, and after the string snapped, he was a living dead.

When Tian Gang recalled, he said: "I will never forget Mo Sen's eyes at that time, very desperate eyes, no light in the eyes, no spirit, no hope. It is simply not like the eyes that a living person can have." ( general meaning)

What matched his words was the picture of Mo Sen turning his In other words, Mo Sen was turning his head to look at Tian Gang at that time, because his good friend lied to him, He Ye He had to apologize to him, that's why he went out and endured such a horrible insult.

Apart from He Ye's bullying, I think Tian Gang's deceit and betrayal are also one of the most important reasons for Mo Sen's collapse.

From this point of view, the phrase "were you there at that time? I don't remember" that Mo Sen said many years later can also be interpreted as Mo Sen suffered too much mental shock, but he valued and cared so much about his friendship with Tian Gang , He believed that he would not lie to him or harm him, so he activated his self-defense mechanism and automatically and consciously erased Tian Gang's existence from the bullying incident.

In his deepest memory, Tian Gang has always been the good friend who took the initiative to talk to him and played games with him.

never changed.

3800+, together with 4.15's 3200+, a total of 7000+, in addition to 4.15 and 4.16, an additional update of 3.29 was added.

(end of this chapter)