Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1101: "Rain in the Day" Public Response (2 in

Unknowingly, this film review has written more than 10,000 words. Typing on the keyboard to this point, I still feel that I still have a lot to say.

Aside from the plot itself, the lens language, soundtrack style, and excellent acting skills of the actors in "Rain in the Day" are all worthy of a separate chapter. However, due to space limitations, let us start a new exchange and discussion in the next film review.

Last but not least, allow me to kick back on topic.

Mawson's revenge on school bullying was accomplished at the cost of his own distorted upbringing, unrecognizable self, heinous crimes and prison ending. How tragic is this kind of revenge.

Looking at the reality, there are many children who have suffered school violence like Mo Sen, who have almost gone astray like him, and there are more bullied people who have nowhere to turn for help, and are tortured in the day-to-day bullying. In the end, he couldn't bear the intense pain in his heart and decided to commit suicide to seek relief.

Both ways are too extreme, children, and should not have been your choice.

As an "experienced person", I sincerely hope that parents and the school will pay attention to the phenomenon of campus bullying and will no longer be absent. You must know that during this period, what children thrive on is not only their bodies, but also their cognition of the world, society and life, and their recognition of values ​​and self. Those "little fights" in the eyes of adults are a great trauma to adolescents and girls.

Adults, we should take responsibility. Because even if your attention and intervention is only one day late, it may completely ruin the child's life.

When malice entangles the bodies of children and teenagers like thorns, when their repressed emotions snowball, they are not even able to be noticed by their minds at the moment, then in the end, they will never express it with fluffy words , and will degenerate to a more primitive and impulsive level, using some strong, extreme, twisted and mutated ways to vent, or self-harm, or hurt others.

Either way, it is the result we do not want to see.

Thanks for reading this far. I am Fang Muquan, and this is a film review about "Rain in the Day".

With this title, I hope that the phenomenon of school bullying and school violence can be effectively controlled; I hope that children who have suffered or are suffering school bullying can get out of danger as soon as possible, get out of the psychological shadow, and return to the right track of life; The teenagers should not become the next "Mosen", hurt others and themselves with tragic revenge, and destroy what should have been a beautiful life.

Fang Muquan's film review was published on the day after the release of "Rain in the Day", and it was released simultaneously on the two platforms of Vbo and a certain petal. Because it was mentioned at the beginning of the full text that the content contained a lot of spoilers, the knowledgeable and sensible media from all walks of life did not quote and repost it immediately, but even so, this film review was selected as a "high-quality review" by a certain page. ", together with Fang Muquan's high score, is hung in the most prominent position in the comment section of the movie page.

[666, Venus film critics are really extraordinary]

[I was shocked after watching it, let’s not talk about the movie, I can’t imagine that the gentle teacher Fang Muquan would have such a violent stress, **** (manual coding) is really killing people]

[Secondary, the narration of that period of self-experience is too painful...]

【Am I the only one who is wrong? Quan Da actually read "Day Rain" three times in one day? ? ? Damn, how dare you! I had a nightmare when I went back after watching it once again]

[The nightmare was too real. I slept well the night after watching the movie, but I was really disgusted on the way to the movie. It can only be said that it was too bloody. I still have to be mentally prepared before watching it]

[The style of the film is too depressing, and people with unstable minds are especially prone to depression after watching it (such as me), everyone should be careful not to bring emotions into it. 】

[I don't understand, it's hard to comment, Mo Sen can't do nothing with me]

【That's right, for killing so many innocent people, he deserves to die even if he has suffered a lot】

【Well. . . I wondered if Mrs. Fang and her sister forcibly washed Mo Sen. . . The two comments above are in. . . ? 】

[[This comment involves spoilers, it has been folded] To be honest, I really don’t understand why Qiu Xue fell in love with Tian Gang in the first half. I feel that the plot is too forced, and it’s completely nonsense. I found out later that it turned out to be a bad pot with a bad cover. It’s fun. It can only be said that He Xu understands the audience in this regard, and now the buddies are psychologically balanced]

[[This comment violates community regulations and is under review] Tian Gang, you Sima Jianren, Mo Sen, should stab this scumbag to death]

[It turns out that the final plot is like this. I really didn’t realize it when I watched it. I found it weird. I only understood it after reading this film review. PS. Mo Sen in the movie is so perverted, it’s too scary]

【Ah... Brother Quan, my Internet mouthpiece, this movie deserves to win an award, how can I feel so heavy after watching it...】

[Mo Sen is too low, Director He is a little too daring to shoot, don't talk about what's behind, I just can't accept the sanitary napkin part]

[Pinch the horse trailer is a scam! ! I thought it was a comedy, the first half hour was full of silly music, but the smile froze on my face after a while]

[Wang Ming's bed scene is very exciting, hehe, that scene transition perfectly interprets the old internet phrase "very H very violent"

[I feel the same as Quan Da, unprepared for the plot, almost stressing out in the movie theater... I really hope I can get revenge like Mo Sen, I hate you so much, why don't you die! ! Die with me! ! 】

[Hey hug upstairs, I have a similar experience and it's great to see Mo Sen take revenge, but he is really scary, Teacher Fang is right, you must not let yourself become Mo Sen's kind of person]

[[This comment involves spoilers, it has been folded] It’s so annoying why did I cry with Mo Sen in the end? provocative]

[[This comment involves spoilers, it has been folded] The classic went on the road of crime because of a special experience, the classic **** with a beautiful woman, the first half is simply two movies, separated to death, and the latter develops all the way and finally becomes a back-and-forth confrontation with waves. The villain's whitewashing, it can only be said that Venazola's "Golden Lion Award" has become more and more valuable in recent years, and He Xu's level has reached this]

[After reading the original work, the parts of Cao Hao and Su Qi were cut to pieces, which is a pity, I quite like them]

[[This comment involves spoilers, it has been folded] Su Qi’s operation showed me a smile, who do you two think you are, a good guy who single-handedly went to kill Mo Sen, and gave him the head at a glance, but he was killed by Mo Sen as expected, so mentally retarded I can only say that death is not a pity]

[[This comment involves spoilers, it has been folded] Well, although I can’t say anything about the comments above...But Su Qi has been pulling for a long time and I haven’t torn off the tape. I’m so anxious to watch this fight scene. out of breath]

[Mo Sen's killing is too bloody, I feel that this person is a pure pervert]

[By the way, what exactly did the words in Wang Dali's hospital mean? Do you understand, please explain]

[Going back upstairs, I feel horrified when I think about it, think about it, if Wang Dali hadn't slept with Tian Gang, then he could have told Mo Sen ****, and he wouldn't have been raped, by the way I Manually coded, no spoilers, administrators don’t fold me]

[woc still has this kind of thinking? Indeed, I also think Wang Dali is a bit scary. He looks like a clown mask in a circus. I don’t know if you can get this metaphor. That chainsaw, at first glance, I thought it was a deliberately arranged funny plot, but when I thought about it carefully, it was creepy]

[I don't think so, I feel that Wang Dali simply regretted it, and finally chose to give up his admiration for Qiu Xue, respect and bless Qiu Xue and Tian Gang (is it a spoiler?), how should I put it, although I have experienced embarrassing Love triangle, but in the end, friendship is more important]

[After reading it, I have no culture, I just want to say that both Mo Sen and Tian Gang should die, I support Tian Gang to die before Mo Sen]

[I still feel that the supporting role at the end is so abrupt... I didn’t give any clues in the front, and the scenes in the back are still cut and cut like a slide show. I don’t like the plot that needs to be supplemented by my own brain.]

【Yeah? On the contrary, I like the last scene very much, the memory kill is very emotional]

[[This comment involves spoilers, it has been folded] Hey, it would be great if someone could pull Mo Sen back then, the girl in the purple dress appeared too late]

[Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hate Mo Sen, he's bad for a reason, and he's still a very kind and good person QAQ, please understand the villains who have difficulties! ! Also please don't role rise actors, actors are innocent thanks! ! 】

【…The one above is an actor fan? The smell is a bit too strong, you better not be acting -_-||]

[[This comment involves spoilers, it has been folded] If you want me to say that Tian Gang is bad enough, he used to look coy like a goddess who is not worthy of dating you on the Internet, but after knowing what happened to his girlfriend, his attitude is 180 degrees After a big turn, he even offered to play with that thing later on, but he was also low-key, I really can't understand his dead look]

[Personal summary, this movie is worth watching, but it is not recommended to watch it twice]

[It's crazy, is this the award-winning film? I and other mortals really don't understand. How did Director He manage to make it possible that I don’t like any character in this movie#打汗】

[Although, this kind of warning movie is not made to make the audience like a character...]

["Rain in the Day" is a very in-depth film, but I think the rating can be raised a bit, R15 feels a bit low]

[I just wanted to say second, but suddenly I thought it was talking about **** (manual coding), maybe people in the 15-18 age range can really read it]

[What are you looking at? What catches your eyes? You still want them to imitate the crime? ? ? 】

[[This comment is suspected to involve spoilers and is under review] Don’t take it as a label, I can’t bear it, but you can’t forcefully avoid all these issues, can you? And whoever said that you will learn the content after reading it, I will always treat it as a parent who doesn't want to teach or not teach ha#笑, quote from Mr. Fang Muquan, parents don't be absent, parents count on the teacher to take care of it, and the teacher counts on it Parents, why, your child is a ball and gets kicked back and forth? 】

[Speaking of what Qin Jue did before he became an actor, it was terrifying. Watching Mo Sen kill people made me sweat. I really can't think of him being handsome or cool at all, it's just purely scary]

There are many comments from various angles, and "Rain in the Day" has its own popularity. It has swept all major social platforms in less than three days after its release, causing widespread repercussions.

Some people follow the trend to buy tickets, have a mediocre reaction to the movie, or comment on a certain episode, or copy a few well-known movie reviews and post them in the circle of friends, showing that they are also high-end people who have tasted the "Golden Lion Award" masterpiece; At the beginning, the trailer was randomly edited and stitched together, and the short video of "Taking you through "Rain of the Day" in X minutes" was completed with just one mouth. The content was half commentary and half nonsense.

"Many big Vs have already talked about the connotative plots in the back, and I say something useless." Another person said in V blog, "Have you noticed that the first half of "Rain in the Day" seems boring? The love triangle plot is so **** realistic, regardless of the appearance or other conditions, I have really encountered the kind of guy who asked me to be an assist, but the girl actually fell in love with my embarrassing thing, and the sense of substitution that I didn't want increased. !"

"Hahaha, I can understand it completely. The reality is so bloody. Ordinary people like us have been dealing with social issues throughout our lives."

"Hey, why don't you be so real!"

"Speaking of which, if you were Tian Gang, which one would you choose, sister or brother?"

"Of course it's a girl!"

"I think brothers are more important. Although Wang Dali in the movie is not very good, but in reality, if a good brother conflicts with a woman, then I will choose the brother."

"Do I have to choose one? Can I have them all?"

"When I was in college, my roommate and I really fell in love with a girl at the same time. At that time, we were awkward for a while, and then we agreed to fair competition, and whoever catches up with him will be the one who wins. It turned out that the girl had already had a boyfriend. Since then, we have been together Good brother #cover your face and laugh and cry”

"Tian Gang chose the girl without even thinking about it, heh, man."

"Really? He thinks highly of Wang Dali. Although it may be because he has a good personality and won't reject people, he has also helped Wang Dali a lot in the past. I feel that he is the kind of person who wants to have the best of both worlds."

"Don't wash He Chang's fans. Even if you talk about Tian Gang, he doesn't mean much. He's just an ordinary worker with a bit of rubbish."

"Actually, the character Tian Gang, ah, feels like it was written out of the state of modern people. There is no goal or pursuit, and he is muddled every day. I don't like Tian Gang, but why don't I? I only have After work and work, when I get home, I’m paralyzed, and I don’t want to go out during the holidays. I’m talking about taking a break, but I just lie down, play on my mobile phone, order takeaway, watch short videos, and see colleagues and classmates in Moments who are traveling, planting flowers and doing cross-stitch. Looking back, I look at myself I don't have any hobbies, even if I bring up a little bit of interest, I still feel paralyzed and don't want to move when I have free time, and my spiritual world is so empty..."

"Don't say it, it's time to break the defense #wide noodle tears"

"So Wang Dali is still better than Tian Gang. In the words of our hometown, this is to find some 'living heads' for yourself. To put it bluntly, it is to find something for yourself, to find something to think about, so that life will not be boring."

"Look at what you said, just thinking about licking a dog like this makes you taller, hehe."

"What are you doing with my yin and yang, I don't judge whether you lick dogs or not, at least it's better to find some meaning in life for yourself than nothing. Thinking about it carefully, chasing stars seems to be similar to this feeling?"

"Hey, people, you have to have some spiritual beliefs, otherwise you will have no motivation in life."

"Tian Gang still has Qiu Xue at any rate, what can you do if you are single? #按鼻#按鼻"

"What is Qiu Xue, they are really two people who can't sleep in the same bed..."

"It can also be regarded as 'the right family'. What else can the people at the bottom expect? It's good to make do with each other and live a stable life together. Let's hope that Tian Gang and Qiu Xue can live happily. When Tian Gang finally protected Qiu Xue It's still quite manly, able to deal with."

"Fuck, Tian Gang is an unjust person. After looking around, no one scolded Qiu Xue. Is it because she has a pretty face so she can't bear it? Then I'll come! Qiu Xue is really bad, she has a lot of black history, My private life is chaotic, I messed around when I was young, and now I am thinking about finding an honest man, tsk tsk, and pretending to be pure on purpose, it is disgusting!"

"Uh, I don't need to say that, who didn't do anything wrong when they were young, besides, there is a memory killing in the movie, Qiu Xue couldn't bear to be gossiped, so she slipped, what did she know at that age... "

"Just a single wrong thing is passed lightly? Don't you understand the principle of keeping yourself clean?"

Discussions about "Rain in the Day" were varied, and the topic changed quickly, and the audience started arguing after chatting.

At this moment, a blogger who focuses on women's issues released a film review with a simple and casual title:

"Talk about Qiu Xue"

4600+, 4.18 and 4.19 update combo.

Thanks to [book friend 20200711073410373] for the 5000 tip

Thanks to [book friend 20210403015619575] [Lin Zhongshengqi] for the 1700 tip

Thanks to [book friend 202005291330420077] for the 1500 reward

Thanks to [Xiao Jun] for the 1200 reward

Thank you for the 1000 tip from [Huohua Life is Like a Dream]

Thanks to [Begonia Tea Tree] for the 733 reward

Thanks to [book friend 20230314124521439] [Jie Linfen] [Chiyunhongyao Luvian] for the 500 reward

Thank you [Crimson Night] for the 400 reward

Thanks to [o Zhan Zai Zai o] for the 233 rewards

Thank you for the 200 rewards of [Stomach Nourishing Medicine] [Miying Qianyu Sam]

Thank you for the 102 rewards of [Lone Wolf Calling the Moon]

Thanks to [Book Friends 20230205150806515] [Caterpillar of Baby Cow] [Travelling Hermit] [Book Friends 20230406034305603] [A Light] [Soft Youth Tuan Tuan] [Want to Raise a Little Crow] [Arizonaaaa] [20230220604_AD] for 100 dozen reward

Thanks to [Mo Jing] for feeding Bing Kuo Luo x5

Thanks to [Jingli] for feeding Bing Kuo Luo x4

Thanks to [Jingyan] Bing Kuo Luo x3

Thanks to [Jiang Qi] for feeding the Bingkuoluo and reminders

Thank you [Sunset Afterglow] for feeding Bing Kuo Luo

The first three chapters are I am a little tired. Be forewarned, the next chapter is also in danger.

(end of this chapter)