Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1103: Movie Criticism (Part 1)

Chapter 1129 Movie Criticism (Part 1)

As of today, most of the insightful feature-length film reviews of "Rain in the Day" revolve around the core theme of the film, that is, school bullying. In my opinion, the main purpose of this film is not so much to expose the harm of school violence Rather, it shows the audience a macroscopic, adolescent growth process and direct/indirect results in a plain and real style.

If it is said that Mo Sen, who is a representative of boys, did not get the help he deserved during the school days, then Qiu Xue, a representative of girls, failed to accept the correct value guidance during adolescence.

To sum it up in a general term, they all lack "care" from parents, schools and teachers.

This kind of care is delicate, emotional, and humanistic. Different from the imparting of knowledge and abilities, it focuses on the physical and mental health of children, which determines what kind of people they will become in the future.

Back to the topic, although "Rain in the Day" is mainly about the entanglement between Mo Sen and Tian Gang, the "internal and external protagonists", I am very happy to see that the creative team has not given up on shaping the female character Qiu Xue. She is not a one-sided image of a tool person, her existence has its connotations and meanings.

For Qiu Xue, the relationship with Tian Gang is not a reconciliation between her and herself. Tian Gang is an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary. He cares about his girlfriend's chastity. discouraged, and Qiu Xue chose to forgive Tian Gang as she forgave herself, and wanted to live a good life with him.

To put it bluntly, these two people both know how much they are. Because of this, they feel sorry for each other and are honest about their own and each other's imperfections and imperfections. In fact, in an intimate relationship, it is rare to have such self-knowledge and the courage to face one's own shortcomings and "black history".

Compared with those classic redemption scenes where A says to B affectionately, "I love you, I accept all of you", and B is moved to tears, Tian Gang and Qiu Xue like this are undoubtedly closer to reality. It's not a couple of gods and gods, a match made in heaven, not a legal cohabitant who has no feelings and makes do with life, but a pair of little people who exude fireworks and can be seen everywhere.

"Ordinary sense of stability" is just right to describe them.

At the end of the film, Mo Sen was taken away by the police. Qiu Xue, who was wrapped in a coat, helped Tian Gang to rest on the side of the road, and the two waited together for the arrival of the ambulance. At this point, the couple who escaped death were finally able to return to a peaceful daily life.

Different from Mo Sen's extreme, Qiu Xue and Tian Gang are the epitome of the general public. They may make mistakes and go astray in their growth, but they will eventually return to the right track of ordinary people. Compared with the horrific murder case, the boring and mediocre low-level life of Qiu Xue and others seems to be commendable, and there is a kind of hard-won happiness.

This is probably the "back to basics" after the vicissitudes of life - when I walked out of the theater, I suddenly realized how simple and cherished the days when I could buy something to eat at a roadside stall, watch a movie and then walk home. .

I gradually got off topic while talking, I am really sorry. However, this also shows that the movie "Rain in the Day" has many points worthy of careful consideration.

It has some exaggerated and funny parts, but it is not really vain. Both the story and the characters are realistic. While mainly describing the two men, it also does not dispose of the heroine Qiu Xue hastily. Quite a lot of room for thinking.

In general, the 82nd Venazola "Golden Lion Award" is well deserved.

This "self-slapping" film review took a different approach. Because of its title and content, it quickly stood out from the crowd of long reviews, and was discovered and reposted by Wang Ming's team, which also led to a new batch of critiques.

Immediately afterwards, someone took "The Power of Words" as the title and mentioned He Ye's abuse of Mo Sen, Cao Hao's body and appearance humiliation since he was a child, and the gossip around Qiu Xue when he was a student, etc.

In the article, the author emphatically stated that "a few seemingly flimsy words contain incalculable negative effects", "being attacked, insulted, ridiculed, and denied for a long time, even if it is only verbally, will also make people feel bad. Doubts about one's own personal value, ranging from a drop in self-esteem to depression and anxiety, making it difficult to trust interpersonal relationships, and becoming more withdrawn."

[I can't agree more, I hope everyone can understand that verbal bullying is also bullying (smoke]

[This has to mention the oppressive education that my family abounds in, haha. . . 】

[Suddenly I can empathize with Qiu Xue, what's going on, junior high school, especially junior high school is really stupid, it is easy to get angry, others can get on top with a few words, and there is no brain cell to think about the consequences once they get on top. At that time, it was because I had a bet with my classmates on who could eat ice cream better, but I ended up showing off half a box of ice cream to myself and almost sent #汗 to the hospital. Now that I think about it, I’m so stupid! 】

【Me too. When I was in the third and fourth grades of elementary school, I used to have normal eyesight, but when a group of children got together to borrow myopia glasses from others, they said they were dizzy after wearing them. I wanted to be more special, so I insisted that I wore them Not dizzy, I was almost dragged by my parents to get glasses. Looking back now, I really don’t know why I was so brave at that time, I was so stupid...]

【It’s too real... I just compare myself with others for no reason, even if I don’t want to compare, I will be stimulated to join in that atmosphere】

[To put it bluntly, it’s okay if you pee farther than anyone else, smoking at a young age compares with drinking compared with how many people you’ve slept with, that’s really mentally handicapped, a child with a big fart has a thinner face than paper, and is looked down upon by others I'm excited, I dare to do anything to prove that I'm real]

[Correct guidance is too important. 】

[+1, like Qiu Xue, it’s really a step and a mistake for the rest of your life, it’s too late to wake up and regret it, but the ending is okay]

[As an aside, I want to say that sometimes a sentence is the same as the last straw that broke the camel's back. Last year, there was a guy with depression who wanted to commit suicide. His parents thought he did it on purpose, so they said, "If you have the guts, you can jump." " and so on, in the end he really jumped from the 20th floor, and the parents were dumbfounded. During the news interview, they cried and said, "I didn't expect people in their twenties to really jump as soon as they said it"... just, alas, heck up]

[The "power" of words, hey]

[After reading the film reviews, I think it is fundamentally a matter of education, **** education, and three-view education must not be left behind, not only teaching, but also educating people]

[Yes, it is necessary to teach children self-esteem and self-love]

[It’s not that I don’t understand, why everyone talks about education from the perspective of victims. Can't you educate those bullies well? ? ? Everything that takes bullying as a fashion is created by me]

[Secondary, it seems that I still feel that this film review is on point, thank you for the direct link to the portal [link]]

[Click to open it, and it turns out to be an anonymous boss, that's really sharp, no wonder anonymous is keeping you safe. To be honest, I also think that the relevant legal provisions should be further refined. The law on the protection of minors is a "protection law" and not a "protective umbrella" for some people]

[Resolutely support bullies to be dealt with seriously! ! 】

[#campus bullying behavior is recorded in student files and personal credit records is imperative#]

【It may be a little bit unpleasant, but...for example, the part where Mo Sen was brought to the intersection by He Ye and the others, it was outside the school, and the school has no control over it, so what should we do?】

[Call the police! 】

【Yes, call the police】

[Speaking of this, little brats, don't think "this is our own business and we can't let 'adults' get involved". If the situation is serious, your ability is not enough to deal with it, so you must remember to Help, put "face" aside first! 】

[Instead, I think the school and parents should build trust first. You can't wait for something to happen to blame your child for not asking for help. You should first reflect on why they didn't ask for help. 】

【silence. As a college student, "Don't tell the counselor about anxiety and depression", I can only say that I understand everything]

[Hahahahahaha laughed, I took the initiative to seek psychological assistance but was bombarded by phone calls and preached, the problem was not solved but became more serious, I won’t say who it is]

[At this time, it reflects the gold content of our Master Le Wu. Brothers and sisters, go to the E station to pay attention to "Le Wu YQ". Thank you, no loss, really no loss]

[Hastily, laughing to death, why can we see our big fox here (super gentle and super healing, welcome to the cyber meditation in the live broadcast room!)]

[Well, Qin Ke also has psychological assistance services... I really can't find anyone to talk to and chat with artificial intelligence]

[The style of painting in the comment area has gradually changed from film criticism to self-help]

[Trying to bring back the topic, is there any dry movie review recommendation? After watching "Rain in the Day" for the first time, I didn't feel much except for the ending that made my eyes cry, and now the stamina is getting stronger]

[[Link] This article is about Cao Hao and Su Qi, and it supplements the content of the original work, which I think is good. [Link] This article is as classic as Fang Muquan's, and it is written from Tian Gang's perspective of a bystander. [Link] This idea is very strange, and it is about Wang Dali. [Link] This article is produced by the official media, with data support, mainly talking about bullying. The disadvantage is that it is a bit of a slogan, but I think it is better to shout than not to shout. 】

[[Link] I am the first to recommend this article, especially in the comment section. At first glance, it looks like two groups of people scolding Mo Sen and those who protect Mo Sen are opposing each other, but they are not. Some of the points in it are very thorough and can be answered Common viewing questions]

[Ah, although it is not a movie review, if you want to know behind the scenes, please read this summary [link]]

[After looking from top to bottom for a long time, why haven't I found the lens language and acting analysis I want to see... Is the plot of "Rain in the Day" so attractive#摇摇#摇】

[Maybe because the plot is easier to remember? The camera and acting skills still have to match the picture to just wait, there are still many official materials and resources that have not been made public]

[I have to say that Mo Sen is really rubbish! But I really need to see people bragging about Qin Jue, urgent, urgent, I can translate it to the external network for free. ps. As long as there is authorization]

On the computer screen, many comments moved up one by one with the scroll wheel of the mouse. Xie Qingyan moved his shoulders and neck slightly, and saved the links of those movie reviews one by one to the waiting list.

Another thumbnail window on the bottom sidebar flashes twice, and the title is "Qin Jue's Home > My Homepage".

Xie Qingyan clicked on it, and it turned out to be a comment message.

【Play teacher! ! Can you squat to the point where you can boast your acting skills today and tomorrow! ! #Poor Baba#Poor Baba#Poor Baba]

Xie Qingyan was slightly taken aback, smiled, and pressed his fingers on the keyboard.

[An actor is playing me if he is not acting]: Don't worry, I'm writing.


(end of this chapter)