Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1105: Movie Criticism (Part 2)

Chapter 1131 Movie Criticism (Part 2)

[氵] Am I the only one who can't accept "Rain in the Day"? ? ?

To be honest, I really don't understand how this movie won the award, and Qin Jue did too. The character "Mosen" didn't have any highlights at all. Was it invaded by Qin Jue's fans? At the end of the movie, there was a lot of crying, saying that Mo Sen was so pitiful.

Pitiful? ? ? Excuseme? ? ? Do you want to see what Mason did? Aren't those innocent passersby pitiful? Isn't it pitiful for a social animal who finds his wife raped and murdered on the spot when he returns from get off work? I didn't expect to say that Mo Sen had pity on me.

Qin Jue's acting skills are also poor, his expression is too ferocious, the whole body is in a state of fluttering facial features, when watching it, he feels like two people with the hero in "Fei Yan", I don't know where he offended makeup, or "Fei Yan" The make-up artist of Wild Goose is so good at saving, which led to such a big contrast effect between the face and the ugly?

Anyway, I really hate whitewashing Mo Sen's brainless fans. I don't think it's normal for people who sympathize with Mo Sen and feel sorry for Mo Sen.

[Supplement] To share one of the most confusing things, let me ask you fans, can you speak human words. Co-author I don't like Mawson is "I have no taste" huh? Oh, I really don't want such a taste. There are also those who forcibly explain that I didn’t understand the movie, okay, as long as you have strong reading comprehension skills, I am not worthy of mortals#大胬#大角

【It’s just a movie, so why be serious-_-||】

[emmm is not malicious, I just want to say that you may read Teacher Fang Muquan's film review]

[The host is right, I also feel sympathetic to Mo Sen is inexplicable, the ending is purely sensational and clichéd]

[What does it mean to be sympathetic to someone who loves Mo Sen? Is it possible that you are not normal as the landlord?#打鼻]

[Maybe a bit off topic, but Qin Jue is an actor, not an idol, and filming requires a grim face. He is performing, can this also become a point...? By the way, here are the current pictures without makeup and the screenshots of the live broadcast without makeup during the "Rain of the Day". In order to make the image more suitable for Mo Sen, he specially lost fat, lost weight, and pursued a sickly white complexion. He is very dedicated. It is understandable that the host does not like Mo Sen. But it’s not necessary to say that the actors are too… [Picture.jpg][Picture.jpg]]

[Hee hee, people who don’t understand Mo Sen’s astringency will be in trouble, goodbye to you, a tasteless thing#呲牙笑#呲牙笑#呲牙笑]

[We don't know, and we dare not ask, if an international famous director comes out after years of silence, the Venazola International Film Festival will give him face, right? By the way, don't they all say that Qin Jue is He Xu's grandson? #Funny, who knows, what if it is really his own? It's okay to get a movie star for your grandson, right? #funny】

[The landlord has no problem, but someone else has a problem. Nowadays, works with a little "connotation" will be hyped up. 】

[It's a bit embarrassing, I don't criticize my personal aesthetics, but it is the "Four Special" awards. Needless to say, there is no need to question this point... (I am a pure passerby, I suggest not to label ordinary audiences as fans) 】

[Venazola is famous for being more curious and less popular, the better to win the award. I can only say that Director He chose the track very well. Otherwise, why didn't he vote for "Rain in the Day" to Ni Lebu, Kang The Connaught Film Festival also has the Continental Academy Awards? And I heard that this year's Venazola actor is not very competitive, Qin Jue probably achieved the result with a bit of strength and a bit of luck, there is nothing to say]

[Forgive me, judging from the author’s speech, I can really feel that you don’t understand this movie very well (I also hope that you can stabilize your emotions, and we can discuss and communicate peacefully). What I want to say is a bit long, so I put it in the building. 】

[[Reply] The plot at the end of "Rain of the Day" aims to "separate human nature". Mo Sen was once a gentle boy, and Mo Sen was a **** and murderer. The two are not in conflict. The director separates these two points from this character, so the audience not only fears Mawson's horror and thinks he is a pervert, but also feels sympathy and pity for Mawson's good nature that was lost and returned due to the car accident. It's all normal, and it also reflects the narrative ability of the director and screenwriter. 】

[[Reply] I think most people will not ignore the fact that Mo Sen committed a crime because of the clip at the end? In this regard, it is recommended that the landlord should not generalize. 】

[Well, my understanding is this. The ending shows the audience "what would Mo Sen look like if he hadn't suffered school violence", so the more perverted Mo Sen was in the front, the more he shed tears in contrast to the latter, using the same person The comparison of the two sides of the angel and the devil expresses the horror of school bullying]

[Secondary, I cried in the ending because I directly felt that those beautiful pasts could not go back. The kind-hearted Mo Sen had been destroyed in this way, so it was a pity and I felt distressed. I didn't want to wash Mo Sen. Ah, the landlord is so extreme]

[It's funny, just look at the comment area and you will know that Qin Jue's fans are here to wash the floor again]

[Is it possible that Qin Jue has a fan community built by himself, he is so self-indulgent and boastful, most of the people you are shooting now are ordinary passers-by viewers such as me#操汗]

[Actually, I also think that "Rain of the Day" is not very good. There are so many people being bullied on campus every year. How can you, Mo Sen, become a serial murderer? It is recommended to find the reason more in yourself]

[(scratches head) Actually, when I watched it, I thought Tian Gang was the male lead, and Wang Dali was the second male lead. When Mo Sen came out, I was completely confused, but it turned out that Mo Sen was actually the protagonist. . . ? I don’t know much, and the villain protagonist is quite new, so let’s leave it at that]

[Why can you see "Rain in the Day" in the daily irrigation area of ​​a certain petal, help. (I don't mean to say it's bad, but I was really sick to my stomach when I watched it, especially at the end, watching a person who was so gentle before become so violent and horrible, I couldn't accept it, and regretted buying this movie ticket)】

[How to say, I can understand the landlord. The scene I watched sat next to two girls who didn’t know how old they were, and they were still wearing school uniforms. As soon as Mo Sen came out, they would chirp “so handsome” and “so cool”, and the bullying scene would be “don’t bully him woohoo” , the ending is also "Ah, so pitiful", very disturbing, I hope some fan filters will not be too outrageous]

[But I just think Mo Sen is very cute and pitiful (to finger) Who wouldn’t love a tea-haired, white-skinned crazy killer? (to finger) The voice is also hoarse and sweet, and the thin legs make me feel like it One who **** and sheds tears is also very greasy, the director of the building is so in charge of the sky, what happened to the role of my own master, what happened to you#您巴巴#您巴巴#您巴巴】

【…I remember that Qin Jue fans were quite normal before, but I don’t know why they are so bewildered recently. Is the rating of Bytheway's "Rain in the Day" really reasonable? It’s only R15, anyway, I don’t want my third grader to watch this]

【Qin Jue, I feel like this person is here. As soon as he won the Best Actor award, he turned around and acted in an idol drama that cuts leeks. This is not caring for feathers at all, and the food is too ugly. I recognize his acting skills, but I don't like him as a person]

[Come on, he is also doing "Heart Shadow Link" well, why doesn't he cherish his feathers... [Video link: You tell me that such a high-quality group battle scene is an idol drama? ! ]]

[[Reply] Hello, sorry to bother you, but I would like to explain that when Qin Jue accepted "Heart Shadow Link", "Rain of the Day" hadn't been released yet, and it hadn't been shortlisted for the Venezola International Film Festival. The play is because I have never acted in a play before and want to try it out to increase my experience, not what you said, "just turn your head and cut leeks" #起着】

[[Reply·Reply] Ah yes yes yes yes yes yes yes fans please don’t reply me, thank you]

[Not for the comment area, only for the landlord's speech. Even a **** killer has a human side, don't we have the right to be touched by this part? 】

[Laughs, a good person who does a bad thing is a bad person, such as Qiu Xue, and a bad person who does a good thing is a good person, such as Mo Sen. 】

[Mosen's indiscriminate killing of innocents is not covered up, forgiven, and whitewashed (referring to normal audiences, not including actors and fans). I hate Mosen's criminal behavior, and I also sympathize with him being bullied to the point of Distorted personality, that's two different things. 】

[I see that the poster is struggling with his appearance, but "Rain in the Day" is not an idol commercial movie. Is it important whether it looks good or not? On the contrary, I think Qin Jue's performance is very tense, the ferocity of the murder is very real, and the innocent smile at the end but the tears shed are also very touching]

[Yeah, isn't it the acting skills that make this movie so scary. . . Lou mainly wants to watch a handsome play, why not watch "Heart Shadow Link", although the plot is a bit high blood pressure, but the character Qin Jue is quite handsome in it. . . The third episode will be updated soon. . . (eye move)

[I'm dying of laughter, Qingqing is selling Amway in front of me hhhhh]

[To be honest, I have been bullied for a long time since I was a child. Those who accused Mo Sen were a little bit pained when they stood up and talked. The bullying plot in "Day Rain" made me tremble. He was bullied all over the place, and he might become even more terrifying than Mo Sen]

[Speaking of something else, I was inexplicably relieved (?) to see that "Rain of the Day" could spark such a big discussion , Although I don't agree with it, I'm quite happy to see such a phenomenon. Entertainment works need such a communication environment! 】

["Rain in the Day" is only responsible for telling stories, without any preaching, everything is left to the audience to feel for themselves. There are different opinions and opinions in the comment area, which shows that Director He has done a good job on this point]

[I don't sympathize with the role of Mo Sen. After watching this film, the only feeling is that the malice suffered by people will eventually be reflected on the whole society, and Mo Sen is just a very extreme example. I get so angry at work that sometimes I just want to make some bad news. In short, I hope that there will be more kindness between people, and don't be so embarrassing to each other, bullying is even more like a thunderbolt]

[After watching this film, I feel very vulgar. The theme of campus bullying is already old-fashioned, and I even used it to promote it. Oh, "Rain in the Day" wasn't even advertised, it was still hidden, I don't understand it very well]

[+1, if Mo Sen is an indiscriminate killer with an anti-social personality, I feel that the force is a bit higher, and it looks cool. Why do you want to add school violence, it’s too vulgar]

[That, I didn't see anyone mention it, so let me just say a few words. To avoid disturbing, please refer to the building within the building. 】

[[Reply] Let me put my position first, I am Qingqing (a fan of Qin Jue), and the distressed speech you see is not necessarily to whitewash Mo Sen, but it may also be to feel sorry for the actor Qin Jue...because he was really serious when he was filming. It was very bitter, and he is an immersive actor. Playing Mo Sen, he was very depressed and in a particularly bad state. He almost couldn't get out of this role at the beginning. For details, you can take a look at this [Video link: I passed by and took a picture of a boy singing on the streets of Ni Province. Can this age be so painful? ]]

[I feel that what the host and everyone in the comments said makes sense. I think, there must be a reason why villains are villains, except for those congenital villains. "Rain in the Day" filmed this reason and supplemented the logic of the characters, which is quite reasonable]

[It doesn't matter, anyway, I think it's better to feel sorry for those innocent passers-by who died at his hands than feel sorry for Mo Sen]

[Oh, the above still don't understand. The point here is not "who is compared with whom"... How can suffering be compared. 】

[All the replies to the posts that talk about "Rain in the Day" are a group of understanding brothers #吃瓜]

[I think there is no one who doesn't feel sorry for those innocent passers-by, it's just because Mo Sen is the protagonist, so we talked a little more]

[Thousands of words are not as good as a sentence of campus violence, **** it]

[[Reply·Reply] Fuck, so the person here is Qin Jue? ! This song is still in my phone, but isn't it sung by Lao Sang? 】

[[Reply·Reply] I remember that the male version is Lao Sang, and the female version seems to be sung by Kong Yanning? Or Yu Xueqi? forget】

[[Reply·Reply] Qin Jue is the original singer... At that time, he composed the music and wrote the lyrics live, but the video spread. He didn't want to make too much noise, so he released the copyright of the song in a low-key manner, and anyone can sing. It was only because Lao Sang and Kong Yanning sang the cover quickly and were well-known that everyone mistakenly thought it was the original singer. 】

[[Reply·Reply] Huh? 】

[[Reply·Reply] I am so stupid, I took a look at the production information of "拍が死のうと思ったのは", there is really Qin Jue in the arrangement]

[[Reply·Reply] Huh? ? ? 】

[I'm sorry to take back my previous comment, uh, uh, anyone who can sing the song "Servant" won't be too bad...Qin absolutely has nothing wrong with it...#手机合十#手机合十#手力十]

[? Seeing what the host said, I just wanted to rush in to debate Turn to the latest comment and don’t laugh me to death]

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha our brother Jue's people are really different from his movies and songs! 】

[This song is so suitable, why not make it the theme song of "Rain in the Day"! 】

"Have you ever considered singing "令が死のうと思ったのは" live? No, I haven't."

At the same time, Xu Congbai, chief reporter of the A-level official publication "Hundred Years of Light and Shadow", shook his head.

Today, on October 9th, after filming the fourth episode of "Heart Shadow Link", she spared half a day to accept an interview with the official media that had been scheduled before.

4100+, in addition to today's (5.4) update, an additional 4.25 was added.

In the next few days, I will continue to fill in more and more, and the number of words will not be less.

(end of this chapter)