Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1117: The first experience of filming by the m

In all fairness, Kong Jun is very hardworking and talented. He draws smooth storyboards in the sketchbook at hand, and they are even more quick and decisive when they are implemented in the shooting. Every camera position can shoot just the right aesthetic effect. Like Sun Guangshan, the executive director of Group B (now Group C), it takes multiple adjustments to finalize the final plan.

However, Kong Jun, who has such a mature camera and excellent lighting, has no requirements for the actors' acting skills.

The most absurd time was when Qin Jue thought that he was still in the pre-arrangement stage, but Kong Jun had already yelled "stop" from a distance, and said "this is over".


What did you shoot and pass?

Qin Jue looked at the replay on the monitor in disbelief (because Luo Ling was following her, so no one stopped her), and something even more inconceivable happened: she and Luo Ling in the camera were really handsome.

Regardless of whether the actor's emotions are in place or whether the character's mood is properly displayed, it is really good-looking anyway.

Qin Jue was speechless for a moment.

This is the strength of Kong Jun. He is like a high-priced chef hired by an Internet celebrity restaurant. He has a famous name and many certificates. The dishes under his hands are among the best in terms of speed of production and exquisiteness, but the taste is not very good.

It seems to be doing real things, and it seems that it is not doing anything at all.

Luo Ling caught a glimpse of Qin Jue's uncertain face from the corner of his eye, and went to talk to Kong Jun with a smile on his face:

"Director Kong, it doesn't seem to be in the script of the few clips just shot, where do you plan to use it then?"

Kong Jun smiled and said:

"The opening song. 'Jing Chen' has already shown his face, so it would be inappropriate to wear a mask in the opening song."

As he spoke, he held up the sketchbook to Luo Ling and Qin Jue, "Yesterday, I discussed with Lao Liu. Aren't Liao Jingchen and 'Jing Chen' two sides of the same body? Here is a scene where you pass by each other face to face, and then get sideways. Camera facing away."

He also said: "We worked fast in the later stage. When the fourth episode airs, the opening song can be replaced with this new version. If there are no accidents in the future, it will happen that every three episodes will be broadcast for new content at the beginning and end of the film. See you, fans." happy too."

When he talked about it, he talked about Easter eggs, with a little joke and a little intimacy, in the eyes of ordinary crews, or in the eyes of amateur performers who don't know much about this industry, such a clever idea And execution is enough to reflect the director's ingenuity and seriousness.

Only Qin Jue has high blood pressure.

"That's it, what a pity. I knew I could act better, but I haven't brought up the status just now." She smiled with a smile on her face.

"Tsk tsk." Kong Jun stretched out his index finger and pointed at her, "Mr. Qin will be humble!"

The camera director next to him laughed and said, "No, I think the performance just now was quite good!"

Qin Jue couldn't laugh.

To be honest, she understands why Luo Ling is in such a state of pretending to want to act seriously. Every day, he is held up like this by people. If he takes two steps, he is called professionalism. Acting skills, after a long time, it is easy for everyone to regard themselves as a very powerful character.

Before his face was completely blackened, Qin Jue raised his hand and hooked Luo Ling's shoulder to pull him aside, and the two walked a little away with their backs to Kong Jun and the others.

"You don't really think you did a good job just now, do you?" She lowered her voice so that only the two of them could hear her, her lips barely moved, but she spoke very clearly.

"..." Luo Ling's face and voice seemed to be in different dimensions, he winked at Qin Jue, and said softly:

"The overall atmosphere in the group is like this, the rhythm is very fast, basically it's all one-way."

"Good or bad?" Qin Jue imitated his appearance and smirked.

"En." Luo Ling nodded.

"It would be great if your current spy-like acting skills can be used in the play." Qin Jue continued in a breathless voice, "Good expression management doesn't need to be in the right place, it's just a waste, right?"

Luo Ling almost didn't hold back, and nodded his chin with a distorted expression that suppressed his laughter and forced it back.

"So teacher, save me—" He took the opportunity to act like a baby.

Qin Jue's face twitched, and he reached out to pat Luo Ling's shoulder.

"Talk back."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed back, signaling: You can handle it.

Luo Ling blinked politely, turned around and returned to Kong Jun and the others.

"What's the matter?" All the people here are smart people, Qin Jue "talked small words" to Luo Ling in full view, and now that Luo Ling came over on his own initiative, Kong Jun knew at a glance that he had something to say.

Luo Ling narrowed his eyes with a smile, and said: "Brother Qin asked me just now, is there such an atmosphere of boasting in the group. Everyone is too good at boasting, so he made me feel embarrassed."

Kong Jun and the camera director were taken aback for a moment, and they all laughed out loud.

"Oh, our teacher Xiao Qin is really cute." Kong Jun said happily.

"Yeah, Brother Qin doesn't really like others to praise him in person, it's mainly because he's shy." Luo Ling nodded.

"I mean, it's no wonder his expression was not quite right just now, as if he wanted to say something but didn't say it." The camera director laughed.

"That's right, brother Qin is a bit socially afraid, and he just got into a group and hasn't gotten to know everyone well, so he's too embarrassed to talk about it himself." Luo Ling said with a smile.

Qin Jue, who heard this passage clearly with his extraordinary hearing ability: "..."

walk slowly.

Luo Xiaochai, you will confuse the public.

With this kind of on-the-spot adaptability and top-level speech skills, even if you quit the circle in the future, you can make a lot of money doing some behind-the-scenes public relations work, and you are the leader of the rhythm of public opinion.

After Luo Ling's ingenious explanation, Kong Jun, the camera director and the others cooperated very well and stopped offering those compliments. Being in the entertainment circle, being interesting is a necessary skill, not to mention keeping your unnecessary mouths to a certain extent. Pi can save himself a lot of energy, so although it is Qin Jue's "personal hobby" not to listen to praise, it is also convenient for others, which can be called the best of both worlds.

As for those who responded superficially, but inwardly slandered that "I won't let flattery, it's really hard to serve", even if Qin Jue could see it from their faces, he didn't bother to pay attention to them. It's fine as long as it's passable, and there's no need to give more eyes.

The next filming work is still blood pressure. As Luo Ling said, Kong Jun’s filming pace is very fast, and the overall attitude is that he cares about the outside and ignores the inside. Such a busy atmosphere makes it impossible for Qin Jue to even open his mouth to intervene. , the real-time blood pressure value repeatedly jumps up and down on the safety line.

After a few more points, Qin Jue found a special countermeasure, that is, directly treat the director and cameraman as formulaic tool people who work automatically, without discussion or communication, and act with the mentality that every point is the last one. The set is a stand-alone At the scene of the game, the scene to be filmed is a fixed level that needs to be broken through. As long as he stands in the performance area, no matter whether Kong Jun, the NPC, says "start filming", Qin Jue will keep the state at 100%. Challenge yourself to break through.

It's hard to imagine that with such a huge crew and machines, the actors have to fight alone to this point.

It's outrageous.

Back then, even in group B, the executive director Sun Guangshan would give a lecture, but in Kong Jun's case, the doubles had passed the positions that should be followed in advance, and the lines that should be memorized were also performed by assistants with the script. Cheat sheet, if it wasn't for Luo Ling's own "competence", even if his assistant Chen Liang said something, he would repeat it, and Kong Jun wouldn't have any objections when the post-editing was spliced ​​into a smooth picture, and it would even be commonplace.

In Kong Jun’s view, the greatest value of an actor is reflected outside the play—there are countless fans who are willing to pay for them, so that the work will be paid back, the producer will make money, and the director will have food—since the value has been fully exerted outside, then In the play, in the crew, what reason is there to continue demanding them?

It is their ability to make money by packaging, character design, and appearance.

As for the drama, just leave it to these people to do the work. It doesn't matter what the actors do. They are responsible for attracting money to earn money, and they are responsible for filming and editing. The tracks are different, so there is no comparison.

"Oh my, I have memorized such a long line word for word. I worked so hard. Our little Ling has really worked hard from the start of the machine to now..."

After Luo Ling's performance, Kong Jun looked like an old parent who learned that his first-grade child had just graduated from the Mathematical Olympiad. His expression was full of surprise and admiration.

If they didn't know that he was speaking the truth, others might have thought that he had superb acting skills, and that he was using performance art to satirize cleverly.

A group of people flocked around Luo Ling, some videotaped, some took pictures, and some wiped his sweat and reapplied his make-up, as if "the actor tried his best to complete the performance, and was praised by the staff present for being too dedicated" scene.

Qin Jue, who was sitting beside him reading the script, was expressionless.

She doesn't talk about criticizing and pointing out, nor does she say accepting it calmly, but whenever Kong Jun shows the slightest bit of relief, she won't want to laugh so much.

With such rhetoric and style, it is obvious that in Kong Jun's mind, the matter of "actors memorizing lines" does not exist at all, and he does not even think that "Luo Ling memorizes lines well" is something worthy of recognition (although There is nothing to be sure about this basic literacy), I just think that he has made extra efforts, as if the company boss took the initiative to work overtime without pay, how surprising.

The puppy that was jointly raised happily ran out of the encirclement and sat down beside Qin Jue.

Only the toes that kept rubbing against the ground exposed his shame.

Qin Jue smiled brightly: "Aren't you embarrassed?"

"..." Luo Ling smiled brightly, "Brother, I'm almost dying of embarrassment."

The fresh "Four Special" international actor was watching from the sidelines, and he was praised by the crowd for memorizing a short line of about 120 characters. Luo Ling can still manage his expressions now, thanks to his thick skin that he has cultivated in the past few years .

Qin Jue smiled brightly: "The second short sentence is broken wrongly, the polyphonic characters of the third short sentence are pronounced incorrectly, the atmosphere's '气' is one sound instead of four, and the penultimate sentence is too heavy for breath, and the words are pronounced too loudly. Pretentious, the last sentence's air tone processing is self-defeating, and you can't speak clearly. Isn't it normal for you to sing? Why do you stretch your hips when you say the lines, oh, you use dubbing, then it's okay."

Luo Ling smiled brightly: "Brother, kill me."

Qin Jue's face froze with laughter, she suppressed her smile and said casually:

"That assistant of yours who stood diagonally across took a lot of photos just now. Did I see some entries like 'Luo Ling's lines are said to be good after listening'?"

Luo Ling touched his nose in embarrassment and coughed.

"No." He whispered, "It's not yet time for marketing. Generally, the news of the combination will be made public on the third or fourth day after the fourth episode airs, and then the dinner group photos and the actors' set stills will be released. Selling the actor's 'colleagues', by the way, promote the relaxed, friendly and positive atmosphere of the crew."

After a pause, he added: "The two characters Liao Jingchen and 'Jing Chen' are still separated, such a title will make fans of both of us feel that the other party is sucking blood, causing fights, and incidentally affecting Jingrong CP And the promotion of Lingyu RPS, even if my team does this, Sister Yuyu will not agree to it."

After thinking about it, he sighed again: "...and Mr. Qin, the entry you thought of is a bit too rustic, and the general operation department doesn't say that."

Qin Jue: "You're quite honest."

Luo Ling: ""

Qin Jue found out an orange-flavored hard candy from nowhere, and handed it to Luo Ling.

Luo Ling took it in a daze, acting as a confused puppy who didn't know what he was doing and was suddenly rewarded by his master.

Qin Jue: "It was originally reserved for Tang Nuo, but I didn't expect that she wouldn't use it tonight if Li Jingyu didn't come, and it should melt in my arms."

Luo Ling: "...Oh."

Qin Jue: "I also borrow flowers to present Buddha, and encourage you to continue telling the truth to me."

Luo Ling: "!"

Qin Absolutely ignored Luo Ling's eyes that instantly lit up, and changed the subject: "I have to charge you for mental damage while watching you filming. You know what you are doing."

Luo Ling's non-existent dog's ears slowly collapsed: "...Understood."

Qin Jue raised his chin: "The lights over there have been adjusted."

Luo Ling followed her gesture and turned his head: "Ah, then I—"

"Stand up and go." Qin Jue waved his hands slightly, "I don't really want to use the word 'acting' right now."

"... Woo."

Luo Ling said goodbye to Qin Jue with a flogged, positive humiliation and pain, and then got up and walked towards the performance area.

The shooting started at 3:30 pm and started at 5:30 pm until 9:15 pm. High EQ: Kong Jun flexibly adjusts the number of shows; low EQ: Kong Jun cuts the show into pieces. Qin Jue and Luo Ling completed a lot of single-person shots that night, some of them knew where they would be used in the plot, and some of them were inserted in the later editing. There is a numbness that has seen the vicissitudes of the world.

I never thought that one day I would be filming in a film crew. What I have to be wary of is the director.

She took a breath, brainwashed herself with the idea of ​​"self-help adventure", and got through the greetings at the end with the last bit of business fake smile. In the process, she did not forget to reject the "Mr. Why don't you move to a nearby hotel" invitation.

Fighting a set of social combos every day is already tiring enough, Qin never wants to go out for a supper in case he meets someone in the crew, and he/she will have to fight him/her for several rounds.

After get off work is off work, and we do not accept any company team building or socializing with colleagues after get off work, please be aware.

The first night of the group was spent peacefully with subtle fatigue. The next morning, Qin Jue was still sitting in the car, listening to Hu Changjia report on today's production list on the way to the set, which related to which scenes she was about to shoot .

The one-man show, the first play with Tang Nuo's opponent, the second play with Tang Nuo's opponent... It's okay, being able to rua Tutu will help maintain her mental state.

Qin Jue corresponds the script and the original work one by one in his distracted and wanders off to ease his nerves tensed due to high vigilance.

In the face of a director like Kong Jun who has made no mistakes eight out of ten times, she must guard against death and be impeccable, so that he has no chance to play badly on her.

"Captain Qin, we're here." Hu Changjia's voice came.

Qin Jue slightly nodded, bent down to get out of the car, and walked into the dressing room.

Familiar aromatherapy flowers, familiar refrigerator incubators, and extra newspaper racks.

Qin Jue, who was passing by, stopped, and reached out to take a film magazine of appropriate thickness from the shelf next to the locker.

"Shadow Man".

4300+, in addition to today (5.21), an additional 5.2 update has been added, and currently only the 5.3 update is left to be added.

A life of butter cheese in debt and debt repayment. (Strike out) Isn't it a kind of starting point author's sabbatical? (Strike out)

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