Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1216: In the future, we will wait and see


Chapter 1,216 The future, we will wait and see

After Fang Youwen finished chatting about the fish **** and rice noodles, and the other students exchanged information or complained about mine clearance, Wu Ying took out the bottle of champagne that was opened at the premiere.

"Okay, okay, come on!" Liu Lin applauded.


"You won't come home until you're drunk!"

"Don't you want me to say a toast?"

"Come on, our relationship doesn't need to be formal."

"That's right, don't let me pretend. I've been pretending outside for more than a month. I'm exhausted!" Fang Youwen cursed and raised the goblet.

Everyone in the entertainment class laughed.

"As the old saying goes, everything you want to say is in the wine, cheers!"


"It's done, it's done."

The slender glasses made pleasant and clear sounds one after another. Qin Jue glanced at the clock on the wall and said lazily:

"Don't drink too fast. Leave a few sips of wine and I'll say a few words."

She said it casually, but everyone invariably silenced her and looked at her seriously.

"Squad leader, please! We are all ears." Luo Hanzhang, the only insider, responded quickly and answered with a smile.

Qin Jue gave him a funny look, then cleared his throat and said seriously:

"On August 1, the seventh round of recording of "Entertainment Interns" was held. The fifteen interns who entered the finals were divided into two groups, red and blue, and the battle between fire and ice began."

The unintentionally slowed down speech made the words sound like a slow-motion movie. Qin Jue spoke eloquently, and Fang Youwen and others showed reminiscing expressions.

"Today, the naked-eye 3D special effects blockbuster "Scale Man" jointly created by the red group is released globally, bringing a successful end to the time that all the students shed blood, tears, and sweat a few months ago."

After the sincere and emotional conclusion, Qin Jue changed the topic, "Our strong rivals have achieved great results. As opponents, it will be unreasonable for us, the blue team, if we don't come up with something."

"So now, I, Qin Jue, would like to share some other good news with the students here as the leader of the blue group-"

There was a smile on her lips and a cunning gleam in her eyes. Just a slight change in her expression could firmly affect everyone's hearts and make the air warm.

"Yes, what is it?" Qu Nan breathed rapidly.

Although the interns who graduated early were not involved in the affairs of the red and blue groups, how could they be real outsiders?

Students in the same class spent time together one after another. Seeing what important news Qin Jue was about to announce, Qu Nan, Fang Youwen and others reacted even more fiercely than the members of the blue group, with expressions on their faces. Very much looking forward to it.

"Qiao Yuansu comes out."

The atmosphere was like a post-war commendation meeting. Qin Jue looked solemn and began to call names.

There were excited gasps from all around, and prop master Qiao Yuansu was startled. He guessed that the blue group's work "FROZEN" had won some honors, but he didn't expect that he would be on the list.

What is behind the scenes? Every brick, every tile is the cornerstone, the mainstay, the silent contribution, rarely seen in front of the stage.

Qiao Yuansu was still holding the slender stem of the wine glass in his hand. He put down the champagne that he had not finished drinking, and walked out of a path that the classmates had spontaneously moved out of the way with some anxiety, and came to Qin Jue.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Qin Jue flipped his hand, and an envelope suddenly appeared in his empty palm just now.

Qiao Yuansu: "..."

Why is there such a small chore? It makes him even more nervous!

With a cough, Qiao Yuansu took the envelope and opened it under Qin Jue's gaze.

The moment the letter was unfolded, his expression suddenly froze, and the eager eyes of others immediately shifted from Qin Jue's face to his.

"What on earth did you write? Tell me quickly!" Nie Xingliang was so anxious that he felt like he wanted to scratch his whole body.

"The 33rd Golden Orchid Awards...Musical Category...Best Stage Design...Nomination?!"

Qiao Yuansu read this line in a difficult voice.

A second of silence.

Then there was an uproar in the party hall.

"Holy crap! Cow beer!!"

"Old Qiao, get ready to feel like winning—"

"Gu Wensong, Cong Ning'an come out." Qin Jue's words cut through the carnival atmosphere neatly, and Qiao Yuansu, who was still standing beside him in a daze, was pushed back mercilessly by her.

Qiao Yuansu:? ? ?

"What's going on, you're going to fall out after sending something out?" he said to himself.

"Take your nomination and go away, we are still busy here." Qin Jue waved his hand in mock disgust and repeated, "Gu Wensong, Cong Ning'an, come out!"

"Go, it's our turn, don't block the way."

Cong Ning'an pressed Qiao Yuansu's shoulder, and Gu Wensong pulled Qiao Yuansu's arm. The two of them moved Qiao Yuansu to the side as if they were moving to a shopping mall and waiting to set up a sign.

Qu Nan, Fang Youwen and other onlookers burst into laughter.

This time the atmosphere was no longer as exciting as the countdown to the lottery. Gu Wensong opened the envelope and Cong Ning'an took out the letter.

"The 33rd Golden Orchid Awards, Musical Theater Category."

"Best in Show...nominated."

Cong Ning'an and Gu Wensong each finished reading one sentence, their expressions full of emotion.

The Best Performance Award actually refers to the overall performance of the drama, from arrangement to performance to persuasion. If you really want to reward based on merit, this is a collective honor. Qin Jue calling the two of them to come forward alone was actually a thoughtful gesture. Both Gu Wensong and Cong Ning'an felt warm in their hearts.

Then the next second, Qin Jue's ruthless iron hand struck again and took back the envelope and letter paper.

Gu Wensong and Cong Ning'an:?

Qin Jue: "Go back to the team after reading it. We have to show it to the Qing Opera Troupe later. Just have fun. Don't think you two can keep the envelope for yourself."

Gu Wensong and Cong Ning'an: "..."

Bai was moved.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha -" the crowd burst into laughter.

As expected of the squad leader, top-notch program results!

Gu Cong and the others stepped aside in an "angry" and funny tone. Qiao Yuansu, who had been persecuted just now, shook his head:

"Hey~ How come someone can't hold the envelope? Do you think it's strange?"

Look at it, your heart suddenly feels balanced.

Everyone is disliked by the squad leader, but some people are even worse.

Gu Wensong and Cong Ning'an looked at each other.

Gu Wensong: "It's finished."

Cong Ning'an: "You can throw it away."

Then they worked together to move Qiao Yuansu half a meter away.

Qiao Yuansu: " two!"

"I can't stand you guys. Hahahahahaha..." Su Su leaned against Lin Rou and laughed hard.

Qin Jue smiled as he watched the three behind-the-scenes workers quarreling around. They had rich experience and were not too young. They usually had calm personalities. At this time, they revealed a youthful mentality rather than a man to death. , it would be better to say that I was extremely excited and joyful because my hard work was rewarded, and I couldn't express it for a while, so I expressed it with laughter.

"Ahem." Qin Jue cleared his throat again, "Xu Shuangshuang, come out!"

"Yeah!" Su Su and Lin Rou's eyes lit up immediately.

Xu Shuangshuang also had a look of joy on her face and was pushed in front of Qin Jue by the students around her.

Another envelope was handed out, and even without Xu Shuangshuang reading it out word for word, everyone guessed that she was nominated for Best Supporting Actor.

"This is really..."

Xu Shuangshuang burst into laughter.

She is a theater actor, and it is common for performers to cross-dress in various dramas. In addition, Blue Star awards are based on the gender of the character, so she was not surprised that her role as Christopher was nominated.

But, "This is a musical, and I didn't even sing?" Xu Shuangshuang was happy and surprised.

Qin Jue nodded: "Yes, but this does not affect your wonderful performance in "FROZEN"."

Xu Shuangshuang’s question is not unreasonable. The role of Kristoff in the film is responsible for special effects action scenes including parkour, and there are basically no music-related performances. However, now that the results are here, it means that Long Guo Jinlan The award judging panel has their own considerations and reasons, so don’t worry too much about it.

"After the nomination list is announced, you will inevitably suffer some criticism, so be mentally prepared." Qin Jue reminded gently.

Xu Shuangshuang nodded.

She has a straightforward personality, and when she is affirmed, she is affirmed. If she is nominated, she is nominated. She will not coyly say, "I thought you would be nominated for Best Supporting Actor." After all, it really depends on the outstanding performance. , except for the sweet song he sang with Anna, Prince Hans is indeed not as innovative and impressive as Kristoff's action performance combined with special effects - and for this reason, Xu Shuangshuang still sincerely admires Qin Jue today. The seventh chakra is willing to do the act of green leaves.

Even though Xu Shuangshuang's life experience is still very limited, she still feels that there are very few team leaders who can be so selfless.

Huh, don’t think about it anymore, just accept the result. As for the doubts that will come up at that time, just let it be and let it go.

Let it go!

Xu Shuangshuang returned to her classmates with the envelope and was greeted by applause. Su Su was about to hug her when Qin Jue's roll call came again:

"Su Su comes out."

This was an expected development, and everyone cheered.

"Nominated for Best Supporting Actress..."

Su Su read out the words on the letter bit by bit, her eyes burning.

This is her first serious major award nomination.

Just looking at this line of words, my mind instantly returned to the time two months ago. The bitterness and tiredness at that time have all melted into strands of sweetness, so sweet that it makes one's throat tighten and the eyes turn red.

Su Su turned her head and first made eye contact with her teammates from the blue group one by one. Then she received looks of congratulations and congratulations from the most powerful and respectable opponent, the red group. After that, her eyes that continued to wander stopped. , falling into the lover's eyes filled with pride and distress.

Da da da.

Zhu Xi felt a soft weight in his arms.

The always calm and steady young prop master's cheeks were slightly red, but he tightened his arms openly and hugged his hard-working girl with all his strength.

The loud booing almost blew off the roof.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh it's so sweet!" Liu Chen covered his face and screamed, and his jumping figure unexpectedly hit a warm wall.


As if being burned, Feng Yuzhi quickly took away the hand that was holding Liu Chen's back.

He was just afraid that she would fall, so he subconsciously stretched out his hand to block her back, but he didn't expect that Liu Chen jumped back and bumped into his arm, and her thin back touched his palm through the fabric of her clothes.

Liu Chen was still in excitement, unaware that Feng Yuzhi looked away guiltily, his heart beating loudly, feeling both embarrassed and annoyed.

"Kill me to death ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Also screaming were He Jiayi and the others, but unlike Yue Shishi and Wu An, He Jiayi couldn't help but turn around and glance at Qu Nan as he screamed - this little round face still had the same honest smile as always, making him look like a "good old man" With three words written on his face, even at this moment when everyone was booing, he was still smiling and applauding. It was obvious at a glance that there was no ridicule, and he was sincerely offering his blessings to Su Su and Zhu Xi.

He Jiayi: "..."

I couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to step on him.

When are you going to confess to her? So anxious!

Qin Jue thoughtfully gave Su Su and Zhu Xi enough time to hug each other tightly, and then said:

"It's not as convenient as it is now during the Golden Orchid Award Ceremony. While the room is full of people of your own, if you two want to kiss, hurry up."

The words made the laughter louder, and Su Su and Zhu Xi separated with blushing faces.

"Kiss me! Kiss me!" Luo Hanzhang encouraged him.


Su Su glared at him in embarrassment and was too embarrassed to look back at her boyfriend, so she shyly threw herself at Lin Rou, who was smiling next to her, and hugged her sister in the play, acting like a baby.

"What are you doing? Let go of my heroine." Qin Jue then said, "Lin Rou comes out."

There was laughter again, followed by cheers and cheers from everyone.

"Lin Rou, nominated for Best Leading Role in the 33rd Golden Orchid Awards, Musical Category."

Elsa, played by Lin Rou, emerged from the entertainment industry at the speed of light and became famous at home and abroad. With her undoubted achievements in front of her, there was no need to be secretive and create surprises. Qin Jue took the initiative to read out the honor to her and solemnly handed over the unopened letter.

There is another difference between the Golden Orchid Award and the Golden Plum Award. The Golden Plum Award has actors and actresses, but the Golden Orchid Award only sets up comprehensive protagonists, with no limit on gender and no limit on quantity. It is intended to recommend as many outstanding "orchids" as possible , shining a bright light on the drama industry of Longguo.

However, such an encouraging nature of the awards has also led to the sarcastic sayings such as "As long as you sign up, you can win the award" and "The circle is not big, but everyone gets a trophy". Therefore, in recent years, the Golden Orchid Award has been committed to improving the gold content of the award, and nominated There are still more awards, but the number of actual winners has been greatly reduced. For some dramas, if the characters and actors shortlisted this time are not outstanding enough, the Best Actor Award would rather remain empty than be missed.

"This is just the beginning." Qin Jue said meaningfully.

She couldn't talk too much, and the champagne couldn't be opened at half time, but she did have full confidence in Lin Rou, and was sure that she could break through the crowd of nominated male and female leads in musicals and become that fragrant orchid.

Lin Rou smiled and nodded gently to Qin Jue.

"Oh, why are there no salute tubes left..." Next to him, Ding Mingqian felt very regretful. At this time, it was time to reenact the scene of a round of fireworks and ribbons exploding. What a wonderful moment to celebrate!

"Wait a minute, finish what you said!" Yuan Xiao, who had finally regained some energy, suddenly became alert when he saw Qin Jue's expression of "It's okay, let's leave."

After reading through the various nominations, what about the work itself? And what about Qin Jue himself?

"What?" Qin Jue blinked innocently.

"Stop pretending!" Liu Zhe rushed up and tried to choke her, "Several nominations for "FROZEN", tell me!"

Qin Effortlessly dodged Liu Zhe's attack, turned him around in a circle with his backhand, and took out his cell phone.

"Wait a minute, it's a bit long, I didn't remember it." Qin Jue began to show his face.


A chorus of boos rang out, and some people thought this was a cross talk stage somewhere.

""Frozen", the 33rd Golden Orchid Awards, nominated for Best Musical, Best Screenplay..."

Qin Jue read Zhu Zishu's message one by one, pausing and interjecting from time to time, "For the three items of best music, best composition and best lyrics, I have invited the director of Qin Ke's cultural and publicity department to attend the award ceremony. If he wins the award then, , just ask him to take the stage on behalf of the blue team.”

Everyone nodded.

The popular songs in the blue group's works all came from the Qinyi Science and Technology Culture and Propaganda Department. It was only right that the director Sun Minzhong came on stage to accept the award. Qin Jue handled it properly.

"The next item is the nomination for the best stage design. Teacher Qiao, I won't say much else. I just personally recommend that you prepare an acceptance speech." Qin Jue continued.

Qiao Yuansu was surrounded by friendly laughter.

His design on the props and scenery is exquisite, not to mention the special effects of Qinyi Technology. The overall effect is simply a dimension reduction blow. Even the most humble person will see the large-scale rotating stage, rising from the ground. The snow giant, the vivid reindeer and the astonishing ice ladder all make it impossible to say "you may not win the prize".

"The last nomination for the Best Performance Award... If I am lucky enough to win the award, I would like to invite Wu Haizhou, the leader of the Qing Opera Troupe, to come on stage."

Qin Jueyu was filled with emotion.

If there had been no Qing Opera Troupe, it’s unclear what “FROZEN” would have been like.

She will never forget the hard work and contribution of Wu Haizhou and the members of the troupe.

"I'd like to trouble you to bring this good news to everyone in advance." Qin Jue looked at Xu Shuangshuang with a smile.

"No problem!" Xu Shuangshuang agreed with a face full of emotion.

"Okay, it's over...Why do you look like this?"

Qin Jue is innocent again.jpg

"What about you!" Liu Zhe shook her shoulder, "Don't pretend to be low-key!"

Qin Jue remained motionless and laughed lazily, as if being tickled.

"Hey, I'm so embarrassed." After saying that Hans was possessed, she performed an exaggerated court ceremony in front of everyone, "I'm the one who is nominated for the 33rd Golden Orchid Award for Best Choreography and Director in the Musical Category."


"Niuwa monitor!"

"The most well-deserved episode!"

The students in the Entertainment Class 1 were waiting for this highlight. Suddenly a group of people came over with laughter, looking at this posture, they were going to lift Qin Jue and throw him high.

"Hey, stop."

Qin Jue raised his hand to stop him in time, and put on his mysterious smile again.

"The next person whose name I call will come out."

She paused and read eloquently in the eyes of everyone's doubts:

"Yuan Xiao."

Everyone was stunned, and Yuan Xiao himself was also stunned.

Why does the blue team still have something to do with him?

Qin Jue continued to read slowly: "Wu An, Qiao Yuansu, Yang Dong..."

There was a brief silence, followed by a round of ecstatic cheers.

"It turned out to be! It turned out to be!" Wu Ying's chest rose and fell violently, and only then did she feel what a real surprise was.

"Should have thought of-"

"That's great..."

"Young girl, it's too early to leave!"

"...Zhan Changqing." Qin Jue was not affected by the flurry of speeches and clearly read out the last member of the "Melting Pot" creative team present.

After saying that, she smiled slightly and conjured a row of envelopes in her hands, holding them between her fingers like hidden weapons.

"No more selling out. Teacher Zhan, nominated for Best Supporting Actor in the 33rd Golden Lan Awards, Multimedia Drama Category!"

"Okay!!" Ni Wentai's face flushed with excitement.

"Deserve it, deserve it!" Qin Jue left half of his words. Luo Hanzhang did not know about the nomination for "The Melting Pot". At this time, he was full of surprise and joy like other classmates, and he did not forget to tease Zhan Changqing, "So wicked. We, Mr. Zhan, are the only ones who play the role of a lawyer!"

"I don't dare to say anything else. That's really a concession in front of you." Zhan Changqing was indeed a talker and responded very quickly.

"Hey~ don't persecute us internally. We are obviously one family." Ding Mingqian also came to join in the fun, "Come on, both of us, Su Mei'er, together!"

What kind of family?

Of course they are the family members who were sacrificed and scolded by Yuan Xiao!

The third round of "Empty Monument", the fourth round of "Melting Furnace", the fifth round of "Chasing the Phoenix", the sixth round of "Embarrassment", the seventh round of "Scale Man", the hands of the love warrior Yuan Xiao are covered with blood and Sin!

This joke is often played new and often, making everyone in the training group burst into laughter.

Qin Jue also smiled so much that his eyes curved into two arcs. "I'll keep Xiao Qing's Best Supporting Actress nomination first and contact her agent later." She disappeared one of the envelopes and handed him Zhan Changqing's.

Then he put away the third envelope: "I am the one who is nominated for Best Leading Actor in Multimedia Drama."


Qin Jue's strength was shown here. This nomination was so popular that everyone didn't even bother to congratulate him. They booed him in a tacit understanding. They knew he was a close classmate.

"As for the work, first of all, it is nominated for the Best Performance Award."

Qin Jue called the makeup artist Wu An and the sound engineer Yang Dong over with a smile, "Since the other members are not here, this envelope is handed over to you two."

"Wow..." Yang Dong couldn't believe it.

Wu An took a deep breath: "Then I'm not welcome!"

Qin Jue smiled and nodded.

The fourth round of "The Crucible" originally had a large creative team and cast, but at that time the program team was open for recruitment. Meng Xinning, who was supposed to be the director, signed a contract with Huangge Panyu, but left in a hurry before it started. Except for Wu An Not long after, the makeup artist signed a contract privately in the middle of filming and left suddenly.

The three costumers, cameramen and artists in the team were involved in the entire filming and performance process. They were also touched by Qin Jue's proposal and worked together to make "The Melting Pot" available to the public.

It’s just that people have their own ambitions, and sometimes the search for a way out and the sacrifice for their ideals lead to the same destination, and sometimes the paths are completely opposite. This moment, that moment, it was true that I was ignited at first, and it was also true that I sobered up and calmed down afterwards. So in the recruitment process before the fifth round of grouping, costumers, cameramen and artists, without exception, took advantage of the opportunity they had. "The Crucible", a fresh and high-quality masterpiece, was worth a lot and was in demand when it was chosen to sign a contract with an entertainment company, bidding farewell to the stage of "Entertainment Intern".

As for the actors, Zhao Wanxuan, who plays the role of a female lawyer, is relatively free, and Liang Chenglei, who plays the role of a judge, is slightly better. Like Zhang Mu, who plays the role of the director of the orphanage, both of them signed contracts one after another and left without leaving. Round six.

Qin would never criticize those who failed to persevere to the end—aren't Qu Nan and He Jiayi also interns who graduated early? —Everyone has their own choice. Once you make a decision, you must accept the consequences of the decision at that time.

However, from a personal perspective, Qin Jue is indeed very happy to see Yuan Xiao, Wu Ang and Qiao Yuansu here at this moment, and to share the success of "The Melting Pot" with everyone.

"Another nomination for Best Stage Design. Congratulations to Teacher Qiao. Double happiness." She snapped her fingers and signaled Qiao Yuansu to dig into his pocket.

"...Ouch!" Qiao Yuansu pulled out a new envelope in surprise, "You really didn't fail in this skill."

The stage design of "The Crucible" incorporates many magic principles and plays with visual guidance. Qiao Yuansu always remembers that this part is Qin Jue's credit.

"Best Screenplay Nomination—" Qin Jue drawled.

The slender Yuan Xiao was brought to Qin Jue in Fang Youwen's arms. He looked at his squad leader seriously and saw clearly in her eyes, "It's been so long, don't let Che Lulu thank me", and he was helpless. He smiled gratefully and took the envelope with both hands.

"Hey, don't leave in a hurry. There is also a nomination for the Best Multimedia Drama Award. You are the team leader, so you can accept it."

Qin Jue also handed the last letter to Yuan Xiao.

"This." Yuan Xiao was slightly startled, "How about you still be the squad leader..."

Although he temporarily took over the position of team leader in the fourth round because there was no director in the team, the person who really contributed the most was undoubtedly Qin Jue.

"Don't burden me."

Qin Jue patted his chest and made two thick, muffled sounds as if he was wearing a bulletproof vest. "Brother, I really don't want to show off, but there are really a lot of envelopes here."

"..." Yuan Xiao rolled his eyes and raised his thumb, "You're cruel!"

Relaxed and happy laughter filled the hall of the party hall, and Qin Jue complained to himself:

"There is a saying that "The Crucible" should have been classified as a drama. As a result, we played half the video and half the live performance. Instead, we took advantage and were assigned to the emerging genre of multimedia drama. It is a bit arrogant to say that we won without force, but It is true that new dramas are generally not very competitive, so I suggest that everyone go back and have fun, quietly and without publicity."

Everyone laughed again.

"I'll find time to talk to Longya Theater later..."

"I'll do it." Zhan Changqing's eyes were gentle, "When is the Golden Orchid Award Ceremony?"

Like Qin Jue, Qiao Yuansu and others, he always misses the theater director and the special group of young actors. Even if he doesn't have time to visit in person, he will pay attention to their movements from time to time and help if he can. Bundle.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you. The award ceremony will be on November 8th. If possible, I would like to invite the dean to attend. It would be better if the children are qualified." Qin Jue said, "In this regard, I and the program team connect."

"OK." Zhan Changqing nodded.

"You guys too, you have to think about arranging your schedule." Qin Jue turned to Wu An and Yang Dong and blinked narrowly, "The program team charters a flight for wine. I will treat places that the program team can't take care of. There shouldn't be anyone who doesn't want to go, right? "

"Pfft, it depends on whether the music director gives us a holiday—"

Before Wu An could finish his joke, Qu Nan hurriedly said: "Yes, I will definitely give it! How can I not give it to you!"

"Okay!" Wu Ang and Yang Dong chirped to Qu Nan, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Ahem." Qin Jue answered artificially, "Director Qu, you may have to get another approval note for your leave."

"Hmm?" Everyone was shocked again.

"Squad leader, you should finish your words at once! I have two sips of champagne left and I have been lifting and putting them down again and again. When will I be able to drink them?" Artist Wang Jiangyuan said the voice of the crowd, and everyone suddenly laughed in sympathy. group.

Qin Jue laughed: "Okay, blame me."

She stopped pretending, and two more envelopes appeared in her hand.

"Zhu Xi, Li Zhi." Qin Jue's fingers deftly opened the letter on the left, "I'm glad to see that my companion from the first round is still there."

"What?" Li Zhi was shocked.

He was on vacation just now. While he was happy for the "FROZEN" and "Melting Pot" teams, his mind was drifting away, imagining that one day he could also participate in the heavyweight award ceremony. But the reality turned out to be so dramatic. Qin Jue read out his name.

"First round...?" Cong Ning'an pondered the memory.

"So that's it!" Liu Lin came back to his senses, "Wait, this is okay?!"

""One Day of Overtime" was nominated for the Best Short Drama at the 33rd Golden Orchid Awards." Qin Jue said with a smile on his face, "I'm really ashamed that we were allowed to take advantage again."

She looked at Zhu Xi, who had a trace of trance in his calm expression, which soon turned into nostalgia and gratitude.

"It's really unexpected." Zhu Xi said, with a bit of pride and cunning in his tone.

It's like saying: Boss, I knew I would have a good life following you.

Qin Jue read the subtext and was angry and funny: "Okay, don't put on such a show. You and Qu Nan can go and ask for leave - it will make Su Su happy."

"Hmm!" Su Su's thoughts were revealed and she patted her cheek sheepishly.

I didn’t expect that we could attend the Golden Orchid Award Ceremony together... Although my boyfriend probably won’t sit very close to the front, but it doesn’t matter. If I really win the award, he will be the first to see me lifting the trophy in the audience. Look!

Zhu Xi was thinking exactly the same as Su Su. He gently held her hand, and affection and happiness surged between each other's eyes.

"I can appear on the same occasion openly again." He whispered.

"Yeah!" Su Su narrowed her eyes.

"Brother Li, what's your schedule?" Qin Jue went to eat the couple's dog food and turned to look at Li Zhi.

"It must be arranged!" Li Zhi laughed loudly, "That's such a compliment to me... Monitor, thank you very much!"

Qin Jue only had two envelopes in his hand, one of which was a nomination for the Best Short Drama Award, and the other could be guessed with his toes that it was a nomination for the Best Leading Actor Award.

The first round of "Entertainment Intern" was still too rough. Li Zhi's role in it was insignificant. Zhu Xi's set was really average. He was definitely praised at the time, mostly because he arranged it quickly in a short period of time. Accurate and stable, efficiency accounts for more weight in scoring than level. Therefore, when it comes to what is interesting about "A Day of Overtime", it must be Qin Jue's solo performance at double speed.

In other words, strictly speaking, this award has little to do with Li Zhi, and Qin Jue can completely ignore him. Even if Qin Jue goes to the ceremony alone, or only brings Zhu Xi with him, Li Zhi will not have any objections. After all, the facts are there, and he will not think shamelessly of how important he is.

But Qin Jue still took care of Li Zhi. No matter who it was, no matter who it was, it was inevitable that he would be filled with emotion for such a heart-warming move.

"The program team is also contacting the members at that time to see if it is convenient for them to come." Qin Jue added.

Li Zhi, Zhu Xi, Wu An and others nodded.

The program team was very considerate, and it was extremely benevolent to be able to do this - according to their own ideas, based on Zhao Wanxuan's performance on the set of "The Crucible" alone, she may not be qualified to attend the Golden Orchid Awards.

It can only be said that accidentally hugging a golden thigh and being taken away by accident is also a happy event in life if you are not lucky enough.

"Okay! This time all the reports are really finished, students, raise the champagne in your hands!" Qin Jue responded to Wang Jiangyuan's previous words with a smile and asked everyone to raise their glasses together.

"Look at all the twists and turns."

"Congratulations everyone!"

"Don't rush to congratulate us. This is the Golden Orchid Award earlier than the Golden Plum Award. We don't know what kind of good news there will be next year!"

"Well said!" Everyone knew this well, and no one was jealous of the classmate who was nominated tonight.

Because we all put in the hard work, because we all have solid works.

There is no need to be jealous, anxious, or inferior, because the glory that belongs to us will come sooner or later!

"Squad leader, what can you say?" Fang Youwen turned around and asked.

"You kid, you just pretended to be tired, and now you leave this job to me?" Qin Jue teased.

The laughter was mixed together, mixed with encouragement and heckles.

Qin Jue shook his head with a smile, and his eyes returned to the slender goblet in his hand.

At this moment, the light orange wine was reflecting magnificent light under the light.

Qin Jue slowly exhaled.

"I respect "Entertainment Intern", I respect the guidance of the five mentors, and I respect their heart of caring for the younger generations."

Even a simple skit like "A Day at Work Overtime" was not spared in the first round, and it was still submitted for the Golden Orchid Award. This shows the generosity and stinginess of the program team.

Be generous and treat every work of children seriously, no matter it is young or mature.

Stingy, he never misses any opportunity to win honors for his children, cares about every detail, and does his best to make their efforts pay off.

"We are cared for, we are cherished, we carry expectations, and we symbolize the future."

Qin Jue raised his wine glass high, as if making a call, more and more wine glasses gathered together, and the clear liquid swayed like an endless river.

"Respect the entertainment Respect us to each go to the future, still stick to the original intention under the same blue sky. Respect us to be as close as a family, to be frank and sincere, and to have an unbreakable relationship."

The glass collided with each other, making a clear and crisp sound, like a string of dancing wind chimes.

"After graduation, every time we get together is rare. Today, we don't talk about lofty words, only blessings and congratulations-"

"We'll wait and see what the future holds!"

Twenty-seven voices with different timbres responded in unison:

“We’ll see!!”

The loud clinking of glasses and cheerful laughter intertwined and echoed, and everyone looked at them with faces full of joy.



"Waiting for November 8th!"

"Waiting for next April—!"

"Come on everyone!"

"work hard together!"