Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 277: "Entertainment Intern" (4-9)

From the dialogue between Chen Danqing and Ding Mingqian, the audience can easily see the difference in their personalities and ways of doing things.


Chen Danqing always considers morality, so he can spend generously for this, but he must not tolerate any flaws and shame in the process of doing good deeds.


Ding Mingqian, on the other hand, is completely centered on the ultimate goal. He cleverly uses the loopholes in various legal rules and hovers above the bottom line. Anyone can see that his methods are improper, but they cannot grasp the slightest reason.


The conversation between Chen Danqing and Ding Mingqian broke up unilaterally.


She left angrily and refused to compromise, and Ding Mingqian also felt ridiculous because of her stubbornness.


Then, the plot switched to Ding Mingqian's perspective. His unique "consequentialism" logic was so brainwashed that many viewers were even persuaded.


The conflict of ideas in the works also extends to the audience. Some people think that Ding Mingqian is not wrong. The current society is like this. It is so difficult to be a pure good person. Why not try to take advantage of it? What's more, playing tricks on Ding Mingqian's role, just by looking at it, it's pretty cool, isn't it?


But at the same time, there are other people who stand more from the perspective of the person being helped, and feel that a sincere and kind person like Chen Danqing is very rare.


These two very extreme representatives in their respective fields have generated more contradictions and conflicts under various coincidences.


Ding Mingqian took over a job and skillfully matched unemployed workers with construction projects that were in desperate need of manpower. The best of both worlds came with serious disaster.


It turned out that the location of the construction project was wrong, and some harmful gases would be released during the construction process, endangering the health of workers.


Ding Mingqian knows this, but he also knows that this group of unemployed workers still have elderly and children to support. It was a rich second-generation manager who wanted to prove his design talent. The built things were demolished within two months, with little impact.


Under his precise calculations, this matter should have killed two birds with one stone and solved it perfectly, but he didn't want the location of the underground pipeline to be much closer than the one given, so it was dug out by the workers ahead of time.


During the tense remediation, the building was also affected and there was a risk of collapse.


Previously, the audience who thought Ding Mingqian was a cool man turned their backs one after another and began to scold him for being inhumane and injustice.


However, Chen Danqing, a philanthropist who was criticized as a "virgin bitch", turned the tide with his persistent stubbornness at this time, allowing the workers to leave the high-risk building in time and get treatment.


"This way of playing with people's hearts really makes him more and more slippery." Yuan Xiao smiled, both happy and emotional for Fang Youwen.


"improved greatly."


Qin Jue had a smile in his eyes.


Fang Youwen not only absorbed her suggestions, but even corrected the points criticized by the four judges one by one. "Wrong" is more than one grade better than "Empty Tablet" on the whole, and the shooting style and rhythm are particularly comfortable.


At the end of the film, Chen Danqing encountered a huge financial crisis and was defeated by the pressure of reality, while Ding Mingqian was accidentally seriously ill, and the only medical boss who could perform surgery on him could not be moved by money and other interests.


This pair of acquaintances who have "fighted many times" lost in their respective logics at the same time.


Chen Danqing compromised, and Ding Mingqian also compromised.


In the end, both of them imitated each other's behavior style, one was tossing around between interested parties to make a profit, and the other was sincerely pleading with others.


When we met again, Ding Mingqian, who was seriously ill and discharged from the hospital, was silent for a while and said to Chen Danqing:


"You are right."


The sincerity on his face was no longer, but Chen Danqing, who was full of wind and frost, shook his head and smiled bitterly for a short time:


"No, you are right."


The work is now complete.


In the audience's emotional voice, the four judges gave unanimous praise.


"It's an interesting topic." Zhu Zishu smiled, "Both of them have the wrong ideas, and they're both right."


"The lines are also very interesting." Yue Yang nodded, "I personally like Ding Mingqian's sentence, 'To do what you want to do, you must first do what you don't want to do'."


"Chen Danqing's rebuttal is also very good."


Zeng Xinhuiqin nodded, "'If a person is going to live on a deserted island and can only choose one of us to go with him, who do you think he will choose?'"


The director Fang Youwen on stage laughed and said, "It's the screenwriter's credit."


The screenwriter of the third group is named He Jiayi. Like Yuan Xiao, he is one of the three screenwriters of "Multiple Personalities", and she was in charge of the love part at that time. In the next two rounds, it can be seen that her strength is good. It seems that this time she met Fang Youwen, and her potential was further tapped.


It is true that teamwork can produce the effect of 1+1>2.


"Let me ask the audience, where is the keyword 'defect' reflected in this work?" Yue Yang deliberately raised the topic.


"Defects in morality and dealing with things." Fang Youwen was ready and calmly replied, "If it only refers to physical or health deficiencies, it may be more appropriate to use 'disability', but since it is a broader and more abstract 'defect', I'll be bold..."


Before he finished speaking, he smiled humbly.


"Very brave attempt." Zhu Zishu affirmed, "No digression."


Some of the judges stamped their seals in person, and some viewers also eliminated their doubts.


After the review, the score of "Wrong" surpassed that of Qu Nan's group, and it was Shao Qinglong's turn to screen the fifth group of films.


Their group's "Silver Dragon" turned out to be a fantasy work.


The heroine suffered from persecution paranoia due to witnessing horrific events when she was a child. She was nervous every day and had no friends at school.


Until one she accidentally fell while walking. This fall, she somehow fell into a wonderful world.


As if "traveling", the heroine has family and friends here. Each of them has strengths, and they also teach the heroine many things and accompany her to grow up.


And that silver wandering dragon would appear in the heroine's dream every night, like a patron saint.


The heroine regards it as her most intimate friend, and she narrates her little secrets to him in her dreams.


When talking about happy things and the change of his own personality, Yinlong will always lightly point the head of the heroine with the tip of his tail, as if he is also happy for her.


This section fully reflects Shao Qinglong's strength. Although he only got b2 resources, he can still achieve excellent special effects, beautiful pictures and smooth stories, far exceeding the level of newcomers.


Especially the part of Yinlong and the heroine, each frame can be taken as a screenshot, which is extremely comfortable to look at.


As the days passed, the heroine felt more and more unwilling to leave this strange world. She felt that she was truly alive here.


The family and friends around her don't mind her status as an outsider. Everyone is so warm and considerate, accommodating the heroine's small temper, and sharing joys, sorrows and joys with her, just like a spiritual harbor and paradise.


However, Yinlong seemed to be "jealous" and began to cause changes in the heroine's dream.
