Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 282: "The Furnace" (3)

Liang Chenglei swiped the card to check out, Zhao Wanxuan took his arm, and the two left the restaurant together, gradually disappearing from the stage.

It is worth mentioning that this "Deer Flower Garden" restaurant did not lazily leave blanks for menus, bills or receipts. When switching camera positions on-site, every close-up is quite capable, and the details are fully displayed, and there is no fear of piercing.

"This is Brother Qiao's hair..." Yang Dong sighed.

The props master Qiao Yuansu sighed bitterly.

"Find him to settle accounts later."

This Qin Jue is also too suitable to be a leader. He speaks one by one, and is very provocative. Before he knows it, he changed from "make do" to "go all out".

How happy were the days of fishing in troubled waters.

Now it's gone forever...

The lights on the stage gradually dimmed with the departure of Zhao Wanxuan and Liang Chenglei, and the big screen turned on again.

The bird's-eye view of the bedroom moves down smoothly, and then switches to a close-up of the bed.

Liang Chenglei hugged Zhao Wanxuan, closed his eyes, as if he had caught a life-saving straw, and said softly in a repentant voice:

"That was almost ten years ago..."

Zhao Wanxuan was hugged by him, only the top half of his face was exposed above his shoulders.

Hearing this, her eyes that were a little confused immediately became sober.

Liang Chenglei slowly talked about his psychological shadow, that is, the case.

"Actually, this case is not far from the previous one, and it's all about the Xinhua Orphanage for the Deaf and Mute." Liang Chenglei hugged his wife tighter, as if he still had fear.

Zhao Wanxuan patted his broad back lightly.

"Ten years ago, the supervision of welfare institutions such as orphanages was not strict, and as a result, some nurses with bad character were infiltrated." Liang Chenglei said in a low voice, "The disabled children there are seriously bullied. There was even a 14-year-old girl who was forcibly killed by many people. The deaf-mute boy who killed with a knife was insane just because he witnessed the tragedy."

"At that time, the deaf-mute boy contacted a lawyer, but there was a problem in communication, and he took the dean to court by mistake."

Liang Chenglei sighed, "If you get the wrong object, you will naturally lose the case. The dean said that he would dismiss the bad nurses and ask a psychiatrist to treat the children's psychological trauma. It's just..."


"As you know, the source of income for welfare institutions is basically donations. Xinhua is not enough to complete these tasks in a short period of time." Liang Chenglei closed his eyes, his voice was as low as he was whispering, "That deaf-mute boy who is insane, Maybe thinking that the status quo hasn't changed, and going crazy."

"...It turns out that it is."

Zhao Wanxuan patted her husband on the shoulder and comforted him gently.

Within two days, he slaughtered his partner who lived in the orphanage together, and also killed the nurse and the director. If only the latter was killed, it could also be interpreted as the teenager holding grudges, but other deaf children were also killed, which did not conform to the basic behavioral logic.

It seemed that it was indeed because of a mental problem that caused the disaster.

"I just took office at that time, and I am not proficient in handling things." Liang Chenglei sighed, "I failed to follow up in time after the first case was closed. If it could be handled as soon as possible, maybe not..."

"There are always omissions in everything." Zhao Wanxuan comforted softly, "As we study law, we can only find the most suitable solution as much as possible to achieve maximum justice and fairness. This is what you pointed me to at the beginning, right? "

Liang Chenglei let out a deep breath, lowered his head and rubbed his lover's neck.

"Go to sleep."

Zhao Wanxuan's voice was soft.

The screen went dark and bright, and the time shifted to the next day.

Liang Chenglei was away, and Zhao Wanxuan stayed at home to work all morning.

She stretched hard and wanted to go back to the bedroom to take a nap. When she passed by the cabinet, she remembered the report she had read.

Out of curiosity and occupational disease, Zhao Wanxuan took out the documents from the mezzanine again.

Looking at her, she suddenly had a strange expression.

"Why is it different?"

Zhao Wanxuan whispered something, frowning tightly.

This report has some discrepancies with Liang Chenglei's remarks. It doesn't affect anything at first glance, but it is fatal after careful scrutiny.

"It's not right..."

Zhao Wanxuan took out her mobile phone and took a complete picture of the judgment report, and carefully put it back in place.

She gave up the idea of ​​taking a nap, stepped on her slippers and returned to the study, looking through the full bookcase.

Liang Chenglei will regularly write year-end summaries, and those pennants of different years can also provide clues.

"Ten years ago..."

Zhao Wanxuan's eyes moved extremely fast, he quickly found the material he wanted, and pulled out a few folders.

As Liang Chenglei said, he had just taken office at the time and only served in a small town.

"...On the XXth day of the month, lawyer Zhan asked me to meet at the 'Luhuayuan' restaurant..."

Huh, this day?

Zhao Wanxuan immediately walked to the living room with the document, and found a slightly old but beautifully styled pennant on the wall.

At the same time, Zhang Mu, the director of Xinhua Welfare Institute, gave him a pennant?

Zhao Wanxuan's intuition is a little strange.

Without the knowledge of Liang Chenglei, she launched an investigation into this old case.

With the help of some friends, Zhao Wanxuan learned that the defendant's defense lawyer in the first bullying and sexual assault case was Zhan Changqing.

She is not unfamiliar with the name. Zhan Changqing is a well-known gold lawyer who is still highly reputable and trusted in the industry today.

How could the judge have dinner with one of the defense lawyers shortly before the trial?

Zhao Wanxuan's pupils shrank slightly.

She subconsciously thought of several possibilities, but because of her professionalism and her trust in her husband, she did not come to a conclusion easily.

Coincidentally, Zhao Wanxuan's office recently had a business trip arrangement, so she took this opportunity to come to the location of Xinhua Welfare Home for Deaf and Mute Children.

"Oh? It's a flashback and an interlude."

Yue Yang raised some interest.

Obviously, the chaotic interview video at the beginning is the record of Zhao Wanxuan's collection of The plot is just the beginning, and viewers with more experience in watching movies can already roughly guess what happened.

The deaf youth "Qin" who committed the crime was probably wronged. His tragic situation had nothing to do with the then judge Liang Chenglei, the president Zhang Mu, and the lawyer named Zhan Changqing.

However, there are still many mysteries in this story.

For example, why did "Qin" kill other deaf children and even brutally dig out their hearts?

His behavior of collecting these hearts, putting them in a plastic lunch box, and burying them in the backyard is even more bizarre, and cannot be explained by common sense.

"Could it be that you're taking the blame for the dean?"

Zhu Zishu pondered.

"It's not like." Yue Yang shook his head beside him, "In the second case, the dean was also killed, and the timeline doesn't match."

"Yo, it's coming."

While the two were speculating, the scene of Zhao Wanxuan running around on the video had disappeared, and the lights on the stage came on again.

"What? This is..."

Closing her eyes and "jumping over" the on-the-spot error, Zeng Xinhuiqin, who had just watched the movie again, was stunned for half a second and smiled.


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