Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 292: Stage Design for Round 4 Reviews

Until the title disappeared, the video ended, and the lights in the audience were bright, the audience still didn't come back to their senses.


In the third round, there were still audiences scolding Yuan Xiao, but this time, after looking at the whole work, the amount of hidden information was too complicated, and the feelings conveyed were so profound that many people were still immersed in depression and resentment. There was no strength to speak out.


Lin Yuqin, who was on the side of the stage, breathed a sigh of relief and put on his clothes on stage.


He was still worried about the classification of "Entertainment Intern" at first. However, there is not a lot of direct shooting in the film, and it is only expressed through various hints and metaphors, which is not a big problem.


Later, during Qin Jue's live performance, the desk covered most of it, and Zhang Mu never got up from the office chair from beginning to end. Even if Qin Jue is holding a knife, the audience can only see his downward movement, and then blood spatters. This kind of treatment is very suitable, even if it is broadcast on TV, it will not be blocked.


"Thank you for the wonderful performance of the second group." Lin Yuqin calmed down for a while, but considering the atmosphere at the scene, he did not smile, "Now invite their creative team to come on stage..."


This time, there was no spare time to go backstage to remove makeup. When Qin Jue followed the others back to the stage, he only had time to change into a shirt. The prop plasma on his face and neck was barely wiped, and there were still many traces left.


She and Yu Qing looked both embarrassed, their eyes were swollen and all red, as if someone had punched them in the face.


When Zhang Mu and Zhan Changqing appeared, the audience below the stage seemed to have been turned on by a switch, and they all came to life, and there was another round of scolding.


The field control director quickly spoke out to appease the crowd.


"Calm down, everyone calm down." Lin Yuqin followed suit, "This, actors and roles must be separated..."


"The dog is better than Yuan Xiao!!! Fuck you!!!"




Well, don't scold the actors, but the screenwriters.


It was not easy for Lin Yuqin to "excuse" Yuan Xiao for a while, so he cast a sympathetic look.


Although he also wanted to say "well scolded" in his heart.


The leader of the second group, Yuan Xiao, the screenwriter of "The Furnace", held the microphone tremblingly, and his skin got goosebumps.


very scary!


Now that he falls off the stage, I'm afraid he will die in minutes!


Seeing that Yuan Xiao's face turned pale, Lin Yuqin stopped persecuting him, and seized the time to shift the audience's attention to the next session.


"The Furnace is really a wonderful work. I wonder what our judges and teachers think?"


In the jury's seat, Yue Yang held back for three seconds before saying:


"You call this joy in sorrow?"


His expression was tangled, and he looked suspicious of life.


There was finally a little laughter in the audience.


Lin Yuqin also laughed, and said, "Yes, yes, this key word, you are really—"


"Uh, the ending is still good, probably." Yuan Xiao only agreed.


"Even if the case is overturned, the victim will never come back." Yue Yang attacked.


Zhu Zishu sighed: "It's a very shocking work."


He went on to say: "I don't think I need to mention the excellent plot and characters. It is good for anyone with a discerning eye to see. The flashback at the beginning is based on the dialogue between Liang Zhao and his wife ten years later. The story of that year is inherited, and the video and the scene are connected. Breakpoints between performances are cleverly handled as transitions and flexible."


"Your stage design exceeded my expectations." Zeng Xinhuiqin wanted to speak for a long time, "Who thought of it?"


Yuan Xiao hurriedly handed the microphone to Qiao Yuansu, the props master who was separated by a person.


"Oh, I remember you." Zeng Xinhuiqin smiled, "Your previous performance was very good."


"Thank you, teacher, judge." Qiao Yuan and Su Qianqian bowed, "This time we tried our best."

"I can tell." Zeng Xinhui said, "I would like to ask the backstage if it is convenient to tune the stage? If possible, I would like to hear the introduction on the spot."


"Okay, trouble our staff—" Lin Yuqin replied.


"The stage is not big, but the sense of design is very strong." Zeng Xinhuiqin rarely had a strong interest and talked eloquently, "How to switch the four sets of the restaurant, the interrogation room, the courtroom and the principal's office in a short period of time, I suggest that the industry Relevant practitioners should study the treatment of the second group carefully."


What a high evaluation!


Qiao Yuansu threw a fist in his heart and walked to the set with the other assistants.


At this time, the principal's office appeared on the stage. Since all the lights were on, people could see the structure at once.


"This is the scene of the last scene." Qiao Yuansu introduced, "As you can see, the principal's office only occupies half of the space."


To put it more vividly, it means that a cuboid is cut into four parts from left to right, and then another cut is made from top to bottom to form eight small pieces. The principal's office is in the middle and the front two pieces. .


"And on both sides of the office..."


Qiao Yuansu walked to the side and continued, "It's the back of the interrogation room."


"Oh! It turns out that this interrogation room can be split." Lin Yuqin said strangely.


"We adopted a process of front and back, nesting and segmentation." Qiao Yuansu nodded.


For this design, not to mention his hair, his liver will be ruined.


"The office and the interrogation room only occupy a quarter of the area." Qiao Yuansu said, "We laid slide rails below, and when the interrogation room is used up, we separate it from the middle, back first, and then to both sides. Push, then move the principal's office to the center to merge..."


He demonstrated it on the spot, and the principal's office was divided into two halves and moved to the edge, while the interrogation room was pushed to the middle and joined together.


"Wow, this is amazing!" Lin Yuqin sighed.


"The backside of these two rooms is the 'Deer Flower Garden' restaurant." After Qiao Yuansu finished speaking, he and a few other people pushed the whole set around 180 degrees, and the complete restaurant appeared.


"Hey, this is not for the court..."


"Yes." Qiao Yuansu said with a smile, "The walls of the restaurant and the windows on the walls are all drawn. Below this layer of background paper is the golden and dark red background of the courtroom. Sorry, I can't restore it, yes. Disposable has been ripped off."


"So it turns out, it's equivalent to folded clothes, taking off the outside to reveal the inside." Lin Yuqin said a very vivid metaphor.


"And there is an interrogation room between the restaurant and the court. We have enough time to remove the tables and chairs in the restaurant and replace them with three tables in the court." Qiao Yuansu nodded.


"In the courtroom scene, the audience is also included as part of the performance. This setting is very amazing."


Yue Yang made no secret of his affection.


"At the same time, chairs were added in the front row, which directly expanded the stage space, so that no one would think that the court set was too close to the auditorium, exposing your front and back settings." Zeng Xinhuiqin smiled.


It is shown in this way that the small gap in the middle of the background wall can be clearly seen under bright light, but the live performance is cleverly used to form a visual error, plus the wonderful acting and plot attract attention, the audience is completely attentive. Did not notice.


"Too hard!" Lin Yuqin took the initiative to applaud, and there was a round of applause at the scene.


This show let everyone experience the hard work and charm behind the scenes.


"Who is the person in your group who plays visual guidance?" Zeng Xinhuiqin asked the question she had been paying attention to.


With a swish, the members of the second group turned their heads in unison.


The place where their eyes focused was on Qin Jue, who had been silent.