Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 315: 2 orders

On the other end of the phone, he didn't reply, only a few vague chuckles leaked out, and he turned to talk about business.

"Oh?" Qin Jue raised his eyebrows, his mood continued to return, "So soon?"

It has only been two weeks since she had a rough plan to call her dog. Even if Qinyi Technology has developed rapidly enough in the past few years, the efficiency is high enough.

Cheng Zheng mumbled a few words over there, with a smile in his words.

"...You're getting fatter."

Qin Jue clicked his tongue and said, "It's up to you whether it lasts or not."

Relying on the fact that she is older than her in this life, she started to have sex, right?

The Q version of Morin Ran on the screen tilted his head, and after realizing what the two bad adults were saying, he blushed and hid in the frame.

Oh, shy!

The strategist said, children don't like to hear this!

"Okay, it just so happens that I'm going to check their homework today and tomorrow, and I'll take the news along the way."

Qin Jue caught a glimpse of his daughter slipping away in the appearance of (*/ω\*) out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly felt embarrassed, the tips of his ears were slightly red, and he quickly brought the topic to the right track.

"Huh? Standard..."

Qin Jue pondered for a while, "If you want to use 'that thing' superbly, physical fitness and comprehensive ability are indeed a big problem, you can figure it out."

In this regard, her dog is an expert, so Qin Jue will not interfere much.

The two discussed some other details piecemeal, and the call ended quickly.


Qin Jue coughed lightly.

"Ow~?" Sen Ran stuck out his little head from the side of the screen.

"I remember you mentioned before that many people in Europe and the United States contacted us on their own initiative?" Qin Jue shamelessly pretended that nothing happened just now, "What's the specific situation?"

"The request for songs is already 999+-"

Sen Ran twitched and rolled herself into an ice cream, "The tunes chosen by Dad are very popular!"

"After all, there is big data support."

Qin Jue walked over and nodded his daughter's head with a smile, "A Ran deserves more credit in this regard."

She is just an ordinary song porter, and she has the self-knowledge of a tool person.

"It's also very hard for Dad to re-arrange and record demos!"

Sen Ran rubbed Qin Jue's fingertips across the screen, "Is that the first thing to write today?"

"Well, let's write it."

The car overturned at the scene, and if he didn't take it out, he would be repeated by the Qingqings. Qin Jue dared to act and worked overtime voluntarily.

"Okay! ヾ(????▽??)ノ"

Mori Ran's tail held up a card with emoji, "Then I'll make an announcement first! Pick a suitable singer by the way~"

"Let's also screen out the list of requests for songs." Qin Jue rubbed her, "It's hard work."

"It's a piece of cake—" Mori squinted and swayed, "Dad, do you want to deal with it together?"

"It just so happens that these two days have been very busy."

Qin Jue smiled and said, "Just relax."

During this time, I have been paying attention to the songs of idol groups, and it is good to change the taste appropriately.


Mori Ran's tail is vividly and flexibly rolled into a like shape, with a small star next to it.

Qin Jue went to take a shower. She sweated a little more during weight-bearing exercise, which was just normal and would not reveal her extraordinary physical ability.

After returning to the study, Morin Ran had listed the list on the side of the computer screen.

Speaking of this, although it is not often mentioned, Qin Jue's reputation has been soaring in the upper echelons of the entertainment industry in Europe and America recently. The public is not yet aware of it, but independent singers and music companies with a little connection know that this name is "Zayde". organization.

They are also the type of people who acquiesce that Qin Jue has a team behind him, which saves a lot of trouble.

Under Qin Jue's intentional guidance and the brains of this group of people, "Times Square Boys" has become a show that attracts others, opening the way for the sale of song copyrights in advance.

In a sense, Qin Jue was very grateful for their questionable personality.

Songs such as "I\'myours", "WeAreNeverEverGettingBackTogether" and "CountingStars" have set off a boom in Europe and the United States. From various short video platforms, it can be found that they have become well-known works, and they are widely sung, even with the popularity of singers And album sales are also on the rise.

Qin Jue's account on M station is also gradually filled with private messages from major companies. Some want to customize songs, and some want to sign a contract or reach a long-term cooperation with the Zayde organization. They don't care what Qin Jue is behind, it only comes from the results. Looking at it, I felt that at least dating a song was not a loss, so they took the initiative to attack.

When Sen Ran was doing the screening, the first batch deleted singers with obvious personal misdeeds, such as domestic violence, derailment, drug exposure, or improper political involvement. The artist who rips X.

There is no less blood and blood in the European and American entertainment circles than in China, and many of them are directly on the bright side. There are too many melons to count.

In contrast, Qin Jue prefers to choose singers who are not too famous but can take music seriously.

Although there is also a risk that an artist will change his temperament after relying on a certain song, it is not always possible that he will be tragically overturned at the beginning due to lack of knowledge.

After flipping through the list from top to bottom, Qin Jue picked out a few foreign-language songs that are also popular on Earth.

The rhythm of the two songs "Immortals" and "Centuries" from FallOutBoy exploded and burned. Whether it was used for video editing or live performance, the effect was very good. Qin Jue gave them to an American rock rock named TomorrowKiller (Tomorrow Killer). band.

The female singer Qiao Silin, who had worked with her before, sent a long list of discussions about music in a private message. The exclamation mark was used a lot, and she was as enthusiastic as her own personality, which made Qin Jue laugh.

The old man really likes lively and serious children. This time, she gave CarlyRaeJepsen's "IReallyLikeYou" to Jocelyn. This song is very suitable for her voice. The cheerful version and the lyrical version have their own advantages.

As for the "Million Pounds" band, Qin Jue, like last time, chose One's song. These two bands spanning time and space are very destined. They are similar in singing and style. I hope "DragMeDown" Songs can continue their good results.

This time, unlike in the past, Qin Jue did not release these songs publicly on the M station, and her worries were also reduced.

With ready-made samples, including "Ijustwannarun", Qin Jue completed eight songs in one afternoon and half the night. Just like doing tasks in a game, click to complete one by one, and wait for the profit to be credited. Donate directly to charities.

The Qingqings were naturally in the topic area for a while again, " and Qingqing, who was watching the fun and didn't think it was a big deal, took the previous Qinyi Technology's emoji package and changed it to "Pick up Qin Jue and shake it".jpg, a bunch of technology icons P below have become various music theory symbols, and the most grassy is that there is also a drone mixed in.

Qin Jue picked it up, pulled out an emoji of his own, and replied at the bottom.

Wake up, almost got it.jpg


[Little Wolf: You guys are so annoying, stop persecuting me]

[I knew that he had already written the song, but he just held back and didn't release it! #half annoyed]

[Thank you, Teacher Qin, I have already brought my dad into the pit (dog head)

[Although you were embarrassed when you rolled over, you look so pretty when you sing quickly.jpg]

[Understood, when Brother Jue is in a good mood, there is a 50% chance that the car will roll over]

[I understand too, the more you make him happy in the future, there will be a lot of songs to listen to # Funny]

These guys...

Qin Jue's eyebrows twitched.

Forget it, she endured it.

My own Qingqing, what can I do if I'm not used to it.


First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju mobile version reading website: