Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 36: psychotherapy

The rest of the time passed quickly. The crew of "The Cage" took three months from start to finish. At the end of October, Zhao Shujing was finished. On November 6th, Cen Yi, Qi Qingyuan and Xu Qiushi were finished. Jiang Shuming officially announced the shooting. Finish.

The announcement and release of "The Cage" has finally been fully rolled out. Originally, the film was not well-received, but with the disclosure of stills and tidbits, everyone was surprised to find that Jiang Shuming seemed to be really moving this time, which inevitably caused some People's curiosity and anticipation finally led to two other investments besides Wu Ang's father, who had the money to take care of the publicity.

When Cen Yi took on this drama, he was jokingly called a self-inflicted milk child, because besides him, there was only one Zhao Shujing who could play a lot of roles. Fans once persuaded him not to be such an old man, but they didn't expect that after the sparring between Qi Qingyuan and Qin Jue was released, the crowd watched, hey, it seems to be quite true, Cen Yi finally didn't repeat it in the interview Being connoted "what does it feel like to be a newcomer?"

However, even though more people followed, Qi Qingyuan and Qin Jue, the two 18th tier ones, didn't make any waves, but fans of Xia Yuting, who had only shown one side, had disputes with fans of Lin Xiaohan. The reason is that Xia Yuting's fans recognized Qin Jue's back in a hat as the head of her family, and in the backstory photo it happened that Lin Xiaohan was laughing at her, so the fans made up their minds to make up for the popularity of the girl idol. My elder brother was ripping off a blood-sucking scandal, and he ripped apart Lin Xiaohan and the few fans of her girl group inexplicably.

"Look at it, you can see how confused I am." Lin Xiaohan was chewing something on the end of the video phone, vaguely, "People come to tear me up, and my fans are too few to tear up."

"Isn't it good to not have to toss?"

Qin Jue was sorting out the handwritten notation, stuffing a few pieces of A4 paper into the folder one by one.

"That's the truth—" Lin Xiaohan extended her voice, "But now it's not all black and red, and you can't even quarrel, just at first glance, the traffic is too little, and it's too confusing. People don't care about you. Isn't it worry-free for my fans, they just watch the heat and not the lively."

"It's very strange." Qin Jue commented.

"Yeah." Lin Xiaohan nodded heavily.

"Okay, let's start." Qin Jue installed the score, put on both headphones, and picked up the guitar.


Lin Xiaohan swallowed the last mouthful of salad, wiped his hands and mouth with a wet towel, and played a set of arpeggios on the electric piano.

Qin Jue nodded, the delay was very low, and the rehearsal was ok.


The crew agreed to build the team in mid-November, and the audition for "Rain of Day" was at the end of November. Although there were few things to do, Qin Jue was still quite busy considering the preparations.

She paid Zhang Ming a salary and gave it generously. It doesn't matter if he goes back to his hometown for a year, but Zhang Ming is very good at things, saying that his parents have passed away, and he will stay at the unfamiliar relative's house when he goes back. Just stay in Sucheng, so that Qin Jue can be there whenever he is called.

But Qin Jue really doesn't need help with anything. Her life is not very regular. She picks up scores, practices songs, and goes into the film and television space to practice her acting skills. Take a shower, open V-Bo to reply to fan comments, nothing new.

Zhang Ming also knows the interest, so he won't bother. He found another job in the film and television city where he provided three meals. He is also a small worker in the crew. Given his experience, the wages he received are not bad, plus Qin Jue gave him The fixed salary, usually food and lodging is not a problem.

On this day, Qin Jue put down the arrangement work and went out in clothes.

She has an appointment today, and she is the psychiatrist whom Cen Yi asked about earlier.

The doctor lived in Shanghai City, not far from Su City. He also took the high-speed train back and forth, so Qin Jue went into battle lightly.

Their appointment was at two o'clock in the afternoon at the doctor's residence.

Qin Jue rang the doorbell and waited patiently for a few minutes before a woman in home clothes opened the door.

"You're here."

She smiled gently, like treating a visiting guest instead of a patient, "Come in and sit."

Qin Jue nodded.

This is a single-family two-story villa. The living room is spacious and bright, with warm decoration. There are several vases and various types of utensils on the coffee table. Some are full of flowers, some are still empty, and there are a few flowers next to them. and specialized trimming tools.

"It's been a long journey." The woman smiled, invited Qin Jue to the sofa, poured a glass of warm water and handed it to her.

"Thank you, Sister Lu." Qin Jue took the cup and took a sip.

Her eyes fell on the coffee table. She knew that it was prepared by Dr. Lu, but she still asked, "Sister Lu is arranging flowers?"

Dr. Lu glanced at her and said with a smile, "Yes, do you want to try it?"

"Does this show anything?"

"If you think you can, you can." Dr. Lu showed a gentle smile.

Qin Jue put down the water glass and leaned forward.

She is not familiar with the varieties of flowers, nor does she know much about the so-called flower language and allusions. After a long time in the last days, the first reaction to seeing a plant is whether it is poisonous or not, whether it can be used or not. As for whether it is good-looking or not, whether it is rare or not, I have not paid attention to it for a long time.

Qin Jue picked one of them. It was bright red, with layers of petals. The flower was gorgeous and was in full bloom.

She picked up the scissors, cut the flower branches into pieces, and put them into an uncovered rectangular earthenware vessel.

There are two-thirds of the water in the vessel, and the short branches are floating on the surface of the water. In the corner of the vessel, the flowers and bones in full bloom float on the water, which are bright and dazzling.

"What's your interpretation of it?" Dr. Lu asked softly.

Qin Jue stared at it for a while, then said bluntly:

"Human bones, and flowers blooming with blood."

She raised her head, and Dr. Lu looked into her eyes gently.

"Do you think it's cruel?"

"It's cruel." Qin Jue said, "but it's beautiful."

"Will you be afraid?"

Qin Jue paused.

"If I knew the name of this flower, I would."

Dr. Lu nodded lightly.

"Do you have anything to share with me?"

Qin Jue turned his head and glanced out the window.

The afternoon sun shines down, coating the window frame with a warm color.

"The shutter switch is here." Dr. Lu said gently.

"It's ok."

Qin Jue retracted his gaze and put aside the long section of the apocalypse, speaking at a moderate pace and in a flat tone, starting from Qin Jingsheng's bankruptcy.

Dr. Lu listened quietly, nodding from time to time.

"...Not long ago, the filming of "The Cage" ended, and that's it."

Qin never took a sip of water.

She did not conceal Qin Jingsheng's domestic violence and attempted death, nor did she avoid Jiang Qiuyue's morbid psychology of injecting hormones and wanting a son. She also objectively described the fact that she was in the boxing ring when she was in junior high school, and not long ago put her biological mother under house arrest.

Dr. Lu continued to give her warm water.

Qin Jue thanked him, and the two looked at each other silently.

Dr. Lu is a very attractive woman. She wears light makeup, and it is difficult to tell her age at the first time. It seems reasonable to say that she is twenty, thirty, and forty years old. Her facial features are recognizable, but they are not. It's not very stunning, but the kind that gives a deep impression. With her calm and soft temperament, it is easy to calm down.

"You're still nervous."

Dr. Lu did not express his opinion immediately, but only said softly.

Qin Jue smiled: "Yeah. I'm very vigilant."

Unfamiliar environment, strangers, especially this kind of slack person, her vigilance will only be higher.

"I think you did go through a very difficult and dangerous time."

Dr. Lu opened his mouth softly, his voice was calm, and his expression was not moody, but very gentle.

"Indeed." Qin Jue nodded.

"Your experience has made you a bystander. I think there are both active and passive factors involved." Dr. Lu smiled, "You know your own situation very well."

Qin Jue pondered for a while, then nodded.

"Your description is objective and calm, including when you mention your emotions and moods. It's a kind of psychological self-preservation.

“People will embellish or even imagine things they don’t want to face. As a simple example, a little girl who is violated will describe the aggressor as a 'monster with a gun in the lower body', thereby blurring the harm and making the It's like a fantasy, so that you can protect yourself psychologically from facing the trauma in reality.

"You're a very rational person, and you know what kind of self-preservation is best for you. So you let yourself be a bystander and look at it from an outsider, a third-party perspective, which is a great deal. Ways to make your heart stronger."

Dr. Lu smiled and continued, "It's just that the two sides of the matter determine that this approach will still have its drawbacks."

Qin Jue listened quietly.

Dr. Lu's tone was calm: "I noticed that when you describe these negative things, there is a lack of 'human touch' in your temperament. You are like a **** without sorrow and joy, staring coldly at your former self, which makes you While possessing divinity, it also lacks some humanity.”

"Your temperament and your life are trying to create the illusion of 'I'm human'. You pretend you have a purpose and you work towards it, convincing yourself that 'I'm a living being people'.

"But, Miss Qin, there is a heart that is still alive under your pretense."

Dr. Lu smiled lightly and his eyes were very gentle.

"When you mention filming, acting, directors, fellow actors, and fans, your perspective is magically divided into three levels.

"The first level is what you are most accustomed to, the perspective of God, without emotion; the second level is age-appropriate intimacy and affirmation, facing seniors, you have a childlike admiration, facing peers, you can also Have fun with them.”

The corner of Qin Jue's mouth showed a smile: "What about the third floor?"

"The third floor is the one that aroused my curiosity." Dr. Lu smiled lightly, "On this floor, you are like a very experienced old man, even if it is a director many years older than you, From your point of view, they are all like children."

Qin Jue was stunned, smiled calmly, and sighed, "As expected of you."

"Look, that's it."

There was a slight slyness in Dr. Lu's gentle expression, "You used the honorific title. On the second floor, you are a nineteen-year-old young man, showing courtesy and respect to older people."

"That's right." Qin Jue smiled, "I'm going to showdown, I'm just pretending."

She is an old man in her fifties, and she has always had a hard time pretending to be young.

"So from the perspective of the third floor, I must be a child too?" Dr. Lu chuckled.

"That's not true." Qin Jue sighed with a smile, "Probably a peer of the same generation."

"My pleasure." Dr. Lu nodded lightly.

She asked again, "Then Miss Qin, what is your inner direction?"

Qin Jue reached out and picked up the flower bud floating on the water surface of the vessel and looked at it.

"The night that Qin Jingsheng almost killed me, I felt like I was reborn." She cryptically revealed the truth and said calmly, "My mental age is about sixty or seventy years old, but my biological age is not yet twenty. As you can see, I'm trying to be more biologically age-worthy, hehe, and it's brought a lot of exhaustion."

Qin Jue did not crush the flower, but gently put it back on the water.

She leaned back on the sofa and exhaled: "Old man, I have nothing to do, I try my best to find a goal, push myself forward, I can't stop, once I stop, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know What's the point of living on your own?"

She let go of her aura a little bit, although she still looked young, but suddenly her whole body was full of vicissitudes.

Dr. Lu pursed his lips and chuckled.

"Mrs. Qin, don't look at what you said, in fact, you still have a spirit and stubbornness in your bones."

Qin Jue laughed: "Old guys are like this, they don't like to admit defeat, they are stubborn to death."

"Then why don't you use this temperament?" Dr. Lu smiled. "Although your mentality is old, physical factors will continue to have an impact."

She talked about a few medical terms and mentioned some related literature, "The body of a nineteen-year-old, the physiological hormones and the vitality of the organs will feed back to your youthful strength, although the mentality is the third layer, but slowly release Open up, accept the present moment, the second layer and the third layer coexist without conflict.”

Dr. Lu continued: "Moreover, when it comes to the topic of divinity and humanity, I can feel that when you mention acting and fans, the human touch will be stronger."

"And, this is something I admire very Even though your mentality is vicissitudes and kindness, you still retain a strong sense of empathy and empathy."

Qin Jue blinked slowly and acquiesced.

"Although you seem reluctant to admit it - can I ask, is this also a different kind of self-protection, or is it because of the old man's face that you feel a little ashamed?" Dr. Lu asked.

Qin Jue was somewhat amused, but also somewhat helpless: "Both."

"I guess my image just now must be a naughty child in your eyes." Dr. Lu smiled.

Qin Jue nodded old-fashionedly, his smile was the unique connivance of elders.

"You are really special." Dr. Lu's eyebrows and eyes were soft and his tone was soft, "Even if you have grown old because of your experience, your soul is still interesting and gentle."


Qin Jue's facial muscles twisted when he heard this, and his face turned red.

Dr. Lu laughed this time: "I don't think it's necessary to talk more, Miss Qin, please try to make yourself more human."

She smiled: "It can be seen that you have regarded acting as a part of your life and career. You respect this profession, respect the story in the script, and have a certain degree of interest in it, which is very beneficial."

"I don't have any more suggestions, just, you can try not to be too restrained, your mood, your thoughts, especially negative ones, you can try to share these with others. Fans and relatives and friends can help You become more human."

Qin Jue stood up, and Dr. Lu also stood up, and the two shook hands.

Dr. Lu finally said:

"You are not alone."


Qin Jue smiled and turned to leave.

The sun shines on her back.