Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 390: Multi-party discussion (3)

   Chapter 391 Multi-party discussion (3) (recommended position plus more)

In this film review, the post owner analyzed in detail the meaning of each character in "Empty Tablet". Unlike the trend on the Internet, he said that everyone has right and wrong, even if justice can be judged by universal values. Or evil, but there are no absolute good and bad either.

  Like Father Lin, from Lin Rou's point of view, he is an absolutely good father; like Nie Xingliang, he thinks too well about people, and at the same time, because he can't make a decision, he puts the responsibility on Luo Hanzhang.

   Even Qin Jue and Lu Qiu can say that the former died on the basis of gullibility and ignorance, while the latter was too stubborn and honest. Without Luo Hanzhang's help, he couldn't catch up with Lin Rou.

"—Even the most pure and innocent Lin Rou can become the original sin because of her purity. That's why after watching "Empty Tablet" I completely broke the defense, because it is too realistic and the reality is terrifying. "

The fan said in his evaluation, "Everyone is right, but everyone has flaws and faults. As a viewer, in order not to let myself continue to suffer, I can only make crazy attributions and find a The most suitable person to be scolded and then vent their emotions, so as to make themselves feel better."

   "But, who can I scold?

"At the end of "Empty Tablet", I was scolding Luo Hanzhang, but I knew that if I were him, I would hide away immediately; then I went to scold Lin Rou's father, but I also knew him This act of sacrificing others and successfully escaped sin, if it were me, I would even secretly rejoice in my heart to be able to accompany the person I love for a lifetime.

"Then I can scold Qin Jue for being stupid and naive, and willing to go to jail, but in fact he is an innocent and pitiful person, and I have no right to uphold the 'victim's guilt theory'; then I should scold Nie Xingliang for escaping Responsibility? But Nie Xingliang is a very just police officer, he has saved a lot of people; well, since this is the case, I can only scold Lu Qiu, scold him for ruining the happy ending of the goddess and goddess in my mind, let me sigh again that the goddess finally All belong to honest people... But what is Lu Qiu's real fault?

"Everyone is so complicated, I can't find anyone who can stand on the moral high ground to express and vent their emotions in a grand manner, so in the end I can only scold the screenwriter, revenge on the society, and scold him for writing such a suffocating story. A sad story."

"We're always too good at attribution, as if we can't convince ourselves to continue living mindlessly without putting blame and fault on someone," he said at the end of the article. Before the comment, I took a look at the reactions on the Internet. There are indeed many people who are madly insulting Luo Hanzhang. However, when you are Luo Hanzhang, how are you? - Maybe someone can swear that I will never become a person like Luo Hanzhang. , but, how do you know, did you ever [become 'Luo Hanzhang'] without your knowledge?"

The appearance of    this film review caused an uproar.

  Because people are always good at scolding others and avoid self-reflection, when this article was posted on V-blog, netizens rushed in to insult the owner.

"Are you trying to whitewash Luo Hanzhang?" "Spit up, why do you have the face to say that Brother Qin and Officer Nie are at fault?"... Only a very small number of people thought carefully about the views and arguments of the post owner, and more A lot of people didn't understand what this long commentary said at all, and they started to speak out. In short, they found a point where they could scold, and then scolded it happily, scolded with sincerity, and scolded them so much that they believed their own imaginations.

   In the afternoon of the same day, the entry #Luohanzhang will die# directly topped the V-Bo hot search.

   "Empty Monument", and the variety show "Entertainment Intern" behind it, has also ushered in a hot period and has officially become a hot spot for the public.

  Multiple viewpoints are intertwined, no one can convince the other, and in the end it is just a melee.

   As the post owner said, "I don't know who to scold, so I can only shoot at the screenwriter in the end."

   Following Luo Hanzhang, #screenwriteryuanxiao# also hangs high on the hot search list.

Popularity is like this. When a thing arouses attention and hot discussion, more people will join, discuss, and pay attention, and their participation will spread the topic again, and it will roll like a snowball. The older you get, in the end, people who haven't watched "Empty Tablet" are embarrassed to say hello when they go out, because everyone around is chatting, either complimenting or scolding, you don't know anything, you just don't fit in with the group, you're out of date.

This invisible kidnapping of group consciousness forced more people to learn about "Empty Monument" and the variety show itself. For a time, the audience of "Entertainment Intern" expanded by more than ten times, and the number of broadcasts and discussions were directly suppressed. All programs in the same period, topped the list.

   Starting from the third day, #niexingliangacting# rushed to the hot search.

   Qin Jue only realized the idea of ​​Nie Xingliang's company later on, and he also realized why someone was rushing to attack Nie Xingliang at the dinner party of "Snow Furong".

  Because those people knew that as soon as "Empty Monument" was broadcast, the people behind Nie Xingliang would definitely be able to take advantage of this wave of popularity and Dongfeng to carry out a round of highly influential publicity.

   Sure enough, after this hot search, Jiang Shuming broke the news that "Nie Xingliang was invited to play the leading role in the adaptation of the famous novel "Furong in the Snow".

The company that signed Luo Hanzhang is not stupid. It also knows that this is all traffic from strong winds. Black and red are also red. If you don’t rub against white or rub against white, you will immediately secretly make efforts to make the hot search entries of #罗汉章不死# continue to hang on V Bo. At the same time, he manipulated public opinion and brought the rhythm to "Luo Hanzhang's acting skills are good", "the more annoying the character is, the better the actor's performance is", and reverse marketing has attracted a large number of fans to Luo Hanzhang himself.

   However, these are not the hottest spots.

  The major topic lists, marketing accounts, and even up owners in the film and television area of ​​station E, one thing that must not be missed when mentioning "Empty Tablet"-Qin Jue's crying scene.

   "I announce that this is the highlight of the whole film, and I will not accept any refutation." - From the owner of the millions of fans up "Movie fans Lao Liu loves Tucao".

   Under this post, he commented on Yishui'er's "really", "sparrow food", and "nsdd".

  Why do people scold "Luo Hanzhang" so hard?

   Because "Qin Jue" is so miserable!

   Do you have the heart to see such a tragic end to such a poor innocent little puppy who is sunny and cheerful and secretly secretly in love with her sister? Can you bear it? !

   Brothers and sisters, give me a rush! Crush Luo Hanzhang!

   I was surprised at how Luo Hanzhang and screenwriter Yuan Xiao were scolded for making up "Empty Tablet", and immediately understood where the excitement was - because "Qin Jue" was so pitiful, it was hard not to feel sorry for him.

   At this time, Luo Hanzhang's marketing strategy of "the more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the better the performance", instead gave Qin Jue a blow to the shareholders.

yes! Brother Qin is so pitiful and innocent, it makes people feel distressed, doesn't it mean that Qin Jue plays well?

When the public clarified this logic chain, #Qin Jue "empty tablet" crying drama# immediately appeared on the hot search with a very tough and domineering attitude and speed, and although the rankings fluctuated in the following two weeks Volt, but never fell.

   This made V Bo's staff helpless. The general manager saw this "grand occasion" and came over and asked, "Have you spent any money?"

   "No..." The employee replied weakly.

   "You don't spend money on any hot search, press it!" A hot search transaction chain is a lot of money, don't waste it!

   "Reporting to the manager, I can't hold back..." The employees frowned.

   They removed the professional navy who usually promote hot entries!

   But #Qin Jue's "empty tablet" crying scene# still tenaciously maintains the top 20 in the hot search!

   "It's scary Some employees whispered to their colleagues.

   Others don’t know, but they do know that this is a hot search without any moisture, and every piece of data is genuine and unadulterated.

   This alone is already very terrifying for the current status of the popularity of the vast majority of stars in the entertainment industry. Haven't seen the entries for #徐雪奇new album preheating# all been squeezed out? That is a powerful individual singer who has been popular in the music world for ten years!

   "The acting is really good, the strength speaks."

   Colleague shrugged.

  The messy water work has been done a lot, and they suddenly kill such a person who really speaks with strength. They are also secretly refreshed, and they are very comfortable watching the music.

   "Cough, do you want to continue the hot search?" the previous person asked in a low voice.

   "If you can't press it, just leave it alone." The man also replied in a low voice, pointing his index finger to the top, "It's cool to add a block to them."

   The two V blog staff looked at each other, and both showed the happy smiles of the migrant workers who "enthusiastically repay" the boss.

   (end of this chapter)