Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 484: Lok Wu's birthday

"Probably this is inevitability."

After smiling silently for a while, Qiao Yu said seriously, "The only thing that has changed is the living environment, but my abilities are the same as the people I meet."

Qin Jue thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

"Sister, I have something I want to discuss with you."

Qiao Yu hugged Qin Jue tighter and took a big mouthful on her shoulder like a small animal rubbing against each other, loving and cherishing it, like a ceremony before parting.

"Well, you say." Qin Jue rubbed her hair.

"I want to... go on a tour."

Qin Jue was taken aback: "What?"

"I want to travel alone, it may be a city, a country, or the world." Qiao Yu's tone was soft, but not firm, "I want to hear with my own ears what people are happy and painful in this era. , want to contact, collect and feel their voices and emotions, want to systematically learn music-related knowledge and skills in the process, want to sing these stories so that similar people can hear them and let people who are different from them resonate with them. People hear other people's voices."

Travel, a word that sounds a bit old-fashioned and outdated in modern times.

With such advanced technology, most people's lives have ups and downs, but compared to the turbulent times, they are relatively stable and healthy. Longguo people can travel and have fun with their family and friends during holidays, even at major milestones in their lives. You can also go to school, take exams, graduate, and find a job step by step.

In contrast, it is different from traveling and viewing, but represents experiencing something in the process of the parade, paying attention to the insights and seeing and hearing on the way, so as to gain experience, knowledge, social connections and comprehensive self-improvement "travel", It has been difficult to find traces in the huge dragon country.

Qiao Yu has met Qin Jue, and with the help and support of her family, she can continue her studies with a lot of time and money, and then graduate smoothly and become a singer or pursue any career she wants.

Qin Jue blinked slowly.

She recalled the last days, and the little fox at that time was the same. Obviously, what she longed most was to have a home and live a peaceful and happy life with her family. However, in the face of the harsh war situation and difficult environment, the child still resolutely agreed with her. The closest comrades-in-arms were separated and stationed alone in the base.

Is this a historical inevitability?

Even in peaceful times, with order, law and family, Qiao Yu still made a brave decision.

Qin Jue knew how clingy the little fox was, and even when she said these words just now, she hugged herself tightly, clearly reluctant to part with it.

Really... grown up.

This seventeen-year-old girl who was dependent on her sister suddenly grew up in a short period of time.

Qiao Yu could see Qin Jue's silent surprise and emotion in her breath, and she could feel that extraordinarily complicated mood.

"Sister, don't worry, this is what I want to do."

Qiao Yu closed her eyes and smiled, her voice sweet and soft, as cute as ever, "After going through Jingjing, I was thinking, God gave me such a special ability, how should I spend my life? Well. If I hadn't met you again, I would have spent my whole life timid and cautious, but now it's because I have you..."

"I have you, so even if I run to the end of the world, I can go home anytime, anywhere."

She chuckled: "I didn't want to go out with the idea of ​​saving the common people. I've been thinking about it these past few days before I found the most appropriate word for 'going out'."

"I may be a guest in a quaint village, learn the tune of local folk songs, and learn interesting local dialects, or I may walk on the streets of any European city, comprehend a new language system from scratch, and experience completely different customs and thinking. Habit.

"I may help some people in need, I may play harmless pranks on some people who are out of bounds, I may have new friends, new teachers, and I may face new dangers. I realize that I have never seen Human nature. Each of them is a precious experience and experience, an irreplaceable and unique wealth of life.”

Qin Jue remained silent.

After a few minutes, she said, "No."

Qiao Yu blinked, showing a little helpless expression, like a daughter who decided to go to a university outside the province acting like a spoiled child to a mother who doesn't agree with this idea, and rubbed her softly:


Qin Jue sighed, cupped her head with both hands, pulled the cute little fox out of his arms, and looked at the pair who were still blinking in the dark room with his excellent night vision ability. s eyes.

"Have you considered safety?" Qin Jue asked.

She now understands the feelings of parents whose children leave home to study or work.

No matter what the child's own demands are, the first thing that always comes to mind as a parent is their personal safety.

If you don't put it by your side, you always feel uneasy.

"I'm doing my homework." Qiao Yu didn't abandon her original shrewdness and caution because of the change in her mood and pattern. She put her palm on the back of Qin Jue's hand and said softly, "Gao's keen awareness can help me distinguish between The emotions and thoughts of other people are really dangerous, and I will avoid them before they happen. Moreover, I have been able to guide people’s senses and thoughts with my voice.”

In addition, if Qin Jue needs her, she can also support her sister as quickly as possible with the help of Qin Yi Technology and Sen Ran, just like the dubbing of Liu Liang online before, without delaying her own affairs , can also help Qin Jue.

"No." Qin Jue said the same thing.

"Hmm..." Qiao Yu pursed his lips in embarrassment.

"If you have memories of the end of the world, it might be better." None of them planned to quarrel with each other, and Qin Jue spoke in a soft tone, "But in the world, how can you be 100% sure that you will not meet one another? An unexpected enemy?"

It makes sense.

Qiao Yu frowned slightly and thought.

"Do you know how the deputy team died in the first place?" Qin Jue mentioned Cheng Zheng.

Qiao Yu opened his eyes wide and shook his head in Qin Jue's palm.

"He died on the lab bench."

Qin Jue said calmly, "Because someone took him as a biological experiment and wanted to transform him into the strongest human being."

The old scientific pervert who kidnapped people accidentally caused an indoor explosion when he started, and died together with Cheng Zheng, but at the same time he was pulled into the apocalyptic space by the garbage system.

Not only that, the system even reproduced the experimental environment perfectly. When the person started the experiment, he was isolated from the world. He thought he was just having a dream, and he continued to invest in the transformation.

Before and after her death, her dog's nightmare never stopped.

Qiao Yu felt the surging killing intent surging in Qin Jue's calm tone, and couldn't help wrinkling his face in distress.


Qin Jue realized it himself, quickly converged, and turned the topic back on track, "You don't know how many people out there have strange abilities and enormous energy. What if someone catches you with a robot? Or someone has received anti-hypnosis training. , the willpower is very strong, what should I do if I can't be guided by you?"

Qiao Yu was silent.

Indeed, if even the family background and personal strength of the deputy team would be robbed, the possibility that she could not escape from danger would only be greater.

Although her synesthesia and mood have changed a bit these days, it has also made her arrogant.

"Okay, I know……"

Qiao Yu was a little ashamed, and bowed his head a little regretfully, "Then I'm still... eh?"

She keenly found that Qin Jue was also surprised.

"The only thing I don't agree with is going out alone." Qin Jue rubbed Qiao Yu's face amusingly, "Actually, it's very good for you to have the idea of ​​traveling. It stands to reason that the more people you meet, the better the feedback will be given to you. The more information and experience, not to mention that you want to be a singer who conveys people's emotions and stories, which is a great ideal."

"...Ah." Qiao Yu's eyes flashed, and he also realized that he had just been on the cusp of a bull's horn, and laughed "puchi".

"So what does my sister think?"

Qiao Yu felt that Qin would never let people like Limu Masako or bodyguards follow her, and that would be inconvenient. If she made friends, it would be an invasion of other people's privacy to have her friends be jointly monitored and protected. Well, she'll be sorry. Qin Jue is also a very measured person, and he will definitely take this into consideration.

"My thoughts..." Qin Jue pondered for a moment, "I suggest you operate on multiple lines."

"The most important thing you don't need now is time." Lying on her side for too long, she changed her posture and said in a relaxed tone, "First of all, you must make necessary preparations for traveling alone, self-protection is not enough, and necessary active skills must also be mastered. After all, it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself.”

"Basic strength training, skillful fighting moves, swimming, shooting, tracking and anti-stalking...and the high school textbook knowledge that should be learned. The existence of general education courses makes sense, but the test system compresses them. practicality.

"It takes a lot of time to master this. Unfortunately, you just have time. The rest is hard work.

"And in the process, in order not to lose self-confidence and willpower due to setbacks, and to question the ultimate goal and therefore shrink back... I suggest that you take the previous decisions at the same time, and combine them."

"Eh?" Qiao Yu was startled.

Qin Jue smirked beside her: "When we met again, weren't you applying for a virtual anchor?"


Qiao Yu was suddenly enlightened, with bright eyes, "Yes, you can also use online communication to collect everyone's voices and stories."

"That's right." Qin Jue said leisurely, "Don't worry about your brother-in-law's workload, it's just a live 2D or 3D model, just let Li Ya be the housekeeper for you, fast forward to my little fox to make a dignified debut."


Qiao Yu embarrassedly buried herself in Qin Jue's back, alright, you don't have to leave her sister.

Before she made the decision to go out for a long trip, she was also quite conflicted and struggling. If it weren't for the bigger and more important life goals and ideals, which clingy little girl would want to leave home.

"Exactly, there are many songs from parallel worlds in Ah Ran." Qin Jue hugged Qiao Yu and kneaded, "You can use it to learn from the score, or you can sing it. The rules are the same as mine, and the signature in the production information is intact. Do not move, and at the same time make charitable donations in the name of the original Always keep 50% or more of the income for charitable causes as a tribute."

She smiled, her expression soft and serious, "I believe you will also respect and thank those excellent musicians and teachers."


Qiao Yu's face was moved, and she hugged her tightly, "Thank you sister, the deputy team, and Ah Ran—"

"Okay, let's go to sleep first, we will discuss the details tomorrow." Qin Jue said and took a sip of the little fox, "Hey, the child has grown up..."

Qiao Yu laughed softly.

Her eyes are filled with soft orange red and bright brown, gentle and stable, and full of pride and emotion from the perspective of elders and family members.

very nice.

It feels so good to be at home.

Qiao Yu closed her eyes with peace of mind and fell asleep in the warm tones.