Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 486: fly into disaster

Qu Nan thought it was Xue Yuan's psychological shadow, and quickly comforted her.

Xue Yuan nodded with a pale face, bit her lip and stopped talking, silently tossing the pieces of meat on the grill.

"The reason given by the studio is just like what was written in the report." Qu Nan then turned to Qin Jue and smiled bitterly, "It was an accident due to various coincidences."

"Well, as long as it can be resolved smoothly." Qin Jue didn't mean to pursue the matter, he ended the two nonsense with a natural expression, and turned to the next topic, "Speaking of which, what should I do with this part of the tidbit?"

According to the practice of the previous rounds, the filming of such a commemorative scene will be faithfully recorded by the backstory cameraman. Even if it is not photographed at the time, a scene with all the staff will be added.

It's a pity that this "accident" took a slant and disrupted the original plan and arrangement, so that Qu Nan was inconvenient to call the team cameraman for this finale banquet, so the team members could only have a dinner together.

"Hey, we can only take a group photo for a while." Qu Nan's mood was also very complicated. He finally got the best resources and desperately squeezed his energy to pay for the crew, but missed a happy ending. It's a bit of a pity.

Qin Jue nodded and said with a smile, "It's not over yet. When you submit the film, it's the real end."

"I have to hold an objection to this." Li Zhi interjected, "The end is when it is broadcast."

"The end is when the judges comment!" Liu Zhe disagreed.

"It's when the points are given—" Someone else said.

Qu Nan looked at the group of childish guys who were fighting, and laughed dumbly.

"Yes, it's not over yet!" He waved his hand with a smile, looked down at the half-cup of the drink left, and lifted it up, "Keep going!"

"come on."

"come on!"

"Hahahaha, let's take a picture first!"

The dining table finally regained the warm atmosphere. The artist greeted everyone to maintain a toasting posture. Many people took out their mobile phones with their other hands to take pictures from top to bottom. Qin Jue also took a picture.

"Respect Feiyan!" Qu Nan started.

"Respect to Feiyan!"

The others followed in unison.

no party last forever.

Some of the people present here may be eliminated, and some may leave voluntarily because of their favorite jobs.

Even those friends who stay will not necessarily have the opportunity to cooperate again.

But the mountains and rivers always meet each other, and it is not an eternity to have one. It is a precious memory in life to have such a journey together.

Everyone laughed and recalled the fun and embarrassing incidents during the shooting. Xue Yuan shrank up amid the laughter, and occasionally raised her eyes cautiously.

Qin Jue still had a smile in his eyes, and didn't say much, just looked at the lively friends with a little relief and doting.

Just like an unreachable existence, even if you try to run and chase after him, you can't reach a shadow of him.

Xue Yuan lowered her eyes.


Shanghai City, in an apartment.

A man with a few pimples in a baggy T-shirt and ripped jeans walked across the living room yawning and slouched on a sofa and sat down.

"Brother Long, it's a pity, I didn't get Qin Jue." This person is Zhou Huang.

Shao Qinglong, who was sitting at the small coffee table and flipping through the magazines, had a relaxed expression on his face, and he couldn't see the anxious look at the center of public opinion.

He took a sip of coffee leisurely, his eyes still on the magazine: "Why do you want to engage Qin Jue?"


Zhou Huang was stunned, "Didn't you go to Qin Jue?"

Shao Qinglong sneered.

"Am I stupid, or am I really so cautious?" He shook his feet with a smile, "Qin is definitely not easy to move. To touch him is really retarded."

Zhou Huang didn't understand: "But..."

He pondered for a while, and suddenly said, "Is it Xue Yuan?!"

Shao Qinglong was noncommittal: "She's too annoying."

Once you've done it, stick to him and don't let go. Women who are easy to get are always so boring.

Shao Qinglong very much hopes that all women are like Ganlu, who have a clear mind, know their proportions, and know how to trade, so that they can become partners and get what they need.

He wanted to satisfy the chief director's thrill of controlling everything, and Ganlu wanted to be the heroine, so they went to bed, each had their own way, and they would not be entangled when they got out of bed.

This saves you a lot of trouble.

Zhou Huang smiled and said, "That's right. Brother Long gave her face when chasing her, and it would be boring to entangle her again. It's better to get rid of it as soon as possible."

Shao Qinglong nodded his chin.

It was Xue Yuanxian who derailed mentally, knowing that Qin Jue already had a girlfriend, she wanted to stick to it. He Shao Qinglong was innocent, but his lover changed his mind and stepped back. In order to attract attention, he was already very miserable. What does the accident on the set have to do with him?

Shao Qinglong calmly turned to the next page of the magazine.


Xue Yuan's V blog added another fire to the already chaotic "Shu Mei hammering Shao Qinglong" incident.

She said that Shao Qinglong was her ex-boyfriend, and they had established a relationship. She didn't know that Shao Qinglong was still doing this kind of thing behind his back. He took the initiative to break up with her not long ago, just to clear the relationship, because he was afraid of something Get burned, yes, because he wants to do something to her!

"He asked me for help when we were dating before, saying that his filming progress was too slow, and he wanted me to help him cheat and play tricks on Teacher Qin Jue's Weiya. But yesterday's accident was directed at me, If Teacher Qin Jue hadn't saved me, I might have been crushed to death.

"I don't understand, I don't understand why a breakup wants to kill someone directly. I can't tell whether he wants to kill Teacher Qin Jue or me. I am guilty. I listened to his words and stood by him on purpose. In the position mentioned, it almost implicates Teacher Qin Jue..."

Xue Yuan's long article caused a thousand waves, and her assistant was overwhelmed by the phone call. The company came to ask, and the media came to ask, but Xue Yuan herself couldn't get in touch!

Qingqing from Qin Jue's family was also dumbfounded. What does this have to do with Little Wolf? Why was he suddenly involved!

A large number of netizens flocked to Xue Yuan's V-blog, some of whom were eating melons, some who asked, and some who questioned. Most of them asked Xue Yuan to show evidence.

Evidence, of course, Xue Yuan has.

She released a screenshot of the chat log, and even posted a picture of Shao Qinglong's sleeping face that she quietly photographed after the incident, but she forgot that Shao Qinglong always made voice calls about all the "accidents". Nothing remains.

[No, no, no, I vomited! Where is the hammer here? ! At best, Shao Qinglong had a relationship with her and then broke up with her, right? 】

[Please don't misunderstand our brother Qinglong #cry, why is this happening, after sm started, xy also came to hammer him, it's nothing more than trying to bully him! Hope passersby keep their eyes open! 】

[…It’s true, I laughed at my father. Didn’t Shao Qinglong say that in the last screenshot of the chat? Xue Yuan cheated on Qin Jue himself, is there any problem with him choosing to break up silently? 】

[Wait, what is this, I am stunned, what does it have to do with Qin Jue! ! ! Our teacher Qin has already had a partner, and we can't make an appointment! ! 】

[In the whole article, I only saw Xue Yuan stepping on her ex-boyfriend Shao Qinglong and kneeling and licking Qin Jue by the way]

[Could it be the paranoia of persecution, if something happened, I immediately thought of my ex-boyfriend]

[Laughing to death, Qin Jue is also very miserable, the resistance of others is obvious enough, do you know that Qin Jue said in yesterday's video "another actor teacher", wake up girl, you are here There is no name in the eyes of people...]

【Good ability】

[Feeling the heat, speechless]

[Shao Qinglong looks pretty good in this way, he didn't say anything about his girlfriend's mental derailment, and he didn't move after the low-key breakup]

【Yes yes yes! ! Brother Qinglong is really innocent! It was these women who jumped out and hammered him first! Please passersby do not misunderstand! ! 】

[Pure passers-by, whether it's sql, sm or xy is not a good thing, it's scattered and scattered]

[It's quite scary, even if it is assumed that what Xue Yuan said is true, the good guy took the initiative to cause an accident to Wei Ya for a boyfriend... Is your love brain unprincipled? It deserves it.]

[This long article is so messed up, the foreword doesn't match the afterword, I feel confused]

[Second, Xue Yuan was a quiet, intellectual, shy little girl who had been walking all the time before, and she also published poems and cups all day long. Now this fragmented word is speechless]

[...Sister, I don't think you're mentally normal, why don't we go to the hospital first? 】

In the hotel, Xue Yuan looked at her phone helplessly, what she said was true! It's all Shao Qinglong, it's all him, he's the one who planned a lot of things deliberately, and deliberately left himself clean.

But no! It doesn't matter if she was deceived, but Qin Jue is innocent! He was involved because he was sorry for him, so he had to make it clear that he had to reveal Shao Qinglong's true face to everyone!

Xue Yuan's phone rang again and again, she pulled out the phone card, and then Feixun was also inquired by the assistant and the company, so she uninstalled Feixun, and only focused on V-Bo, her mind was in a mess .

She wants to atone, she must atone, Shao Qinglong forced her to do this, she didn't want to hurt Qin Jue, she definitely didn't want to hurt him, she must not let him misunderstand——

Xue Yuan could only see Qin Jue's face when he asked Qu Nan. At that time, his face was expressionless, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he looked angry. Yes, he was angry on the set. He must be very angry. Hate me, no, I can't be hated, how can I let myself be hated by the people I like...

Chaotic thoughts were stuck in Xue Yuan's mind, she lost her ability to think, and constantly imagined Qin Jue's angry and disappointed expressions in the shame, guilt and panic, torturing herself to the point of trembling.

Shao Qinglong responded to her with a V blog.

There is not much difference between the content of his V-blog and the chat records, but he just repeated it euphemistically, and emphasized that he doesn't mind Xue Yuan's change of heart, and hoped that Xue Yuan would not spread rumors about him again after the peaceful separation, but also asked the majority of netizens not to criticize Xue Yuan too Too harsh.

"She is a very simple little girl. She can't get out when she falls in love. It's not the scheming and enthusiasm you said. Maybe it's just that there have been too many things recently. She's under a lot of pressure and hasn't calmed down yet. Please be tolerant. ." Shao Qinglong said on V Bo.

So the public opinion became a mess again, Shao Qinglong's fans complained for him one after another, asking how could such a good-looking man be found after such a pure-hearted big boy was able to plead for his shameless ex-girlfriend after being brokenhearted! I beg the scheming girl to let him go, he is still a child!

Then there are the classic plots of passers-by or confused or standing in line, and some of them don't understand what happened at all. They thought that Qin Jue and Xiaosan Xue Yuan had derailed, shouting that the house was collapsed, and the Qingqings who were playing V-blogging had a head or two. Big, Clarification is so clear that I want to cry, it's really a disaster.

But soon, the extras and other staff who participated in the filming of the crew couldn't stand it anymore, so more passers-by broke the news on V Bo, including but not limited to Xue Yuan often paid attention to Qin Jue when she was in the crew, and Qin Jue clean, keep a distance, don't say a word, etc. It seems that Xue Yuan's "mental derailment during love with Shao Qinglong" was further hammered from the timeline.

"Because at that time Shao Qinglong asked me to find a chance to harm him!" No one believed Xue Yuan's explanation.

[How can there be such an outrageous washing method, obviously he changed his mind first, but he took an accident to hack his ex-boyfriend and washed himself by the way...]

【It's mentally retarded】

The matter was exactly what Shao Qinglong had estimated. He ate dinner leisurely in the apartment, flipped through his V-blog, and laughed sympathetically.

He appreciates excellent people, and it is because Qin Jue is excellent that he has the confidence to transfer Xue Yuan, an annoying spirit, to him.

First, I used Weiya's affairs to guide Xue Yuan's attention. If she paid more attention, she would naturally be able to discover Qin Jue's advantages. Then she had an accident. Qin Jue, a good person, would definitely not leave it alone. She had to be a hero to save beauty. In the link, Xue Yuan is an out-and-out love brain, giving her one point can make up one hundred percent of her brain, and it takes minutes to fall.

In the editing room, Qu Nan turned off the message notification with a headache.

Everyone else is stupid. They don't know that there are so many twists and turns behind this suspicious accident. He is just an innocent director. Come ask me.

Wang Kaiyue and He Jiayi, as screenwriters, were also in the editing room at this time, helping Qu Nan and the later stage to compare the plot details.

"..." Wang Kaiyue opened his mouth, glanced at the members outside the group, did not speak directly, lowered his head and pulled a small group of him, He Jiayi and Qu Nan on Feixun.

Wang Kaiyue: I heard Zhou Huang boast that it was Shao Qinglong who would lead the screenwriter to "taste the sweetness", just to that kind of place...

Wang Kaiyue: Zhou Huang also bragged about having meat to eat with Shao Qinglong, and he could get a lot of women

He Jiayi: Fuck me!

Qu Nan glanced at it and almost threw the phone out.

He saw He Jiayi glaring at Wang Kaiyue silently, with "So you wanted to run to Shao Qinglong's group because of this?!", and Wang Kaiyue lowered his head in shame and avoided her eyes.

Qu Nan typed in a complicated mood.

Qu Nan: So what Shu Mei hammers are all true?

Wang Kaiyue: I guess it's true

Qu Nan:  …

Qu Nan: Then Xue Yuan is also quite miserable...

He Jiayi: I don't think

Qu Nan looked at He Jiayi in surprise.

Just at this time, a part was completed in the later stage, the gossip discussion was temporarily suspended, and a few people got together to do business.

When the corresponding adjustments are made, the small group chat will refresh the news when the next part is carried out later.

He Jiayi: Xue Yuan is also a poor person must have something to hate

He Jiayi: Even if what she said was true, she did participate in helping Shao Qinglong in the beginning.

Qu Nan: is indeed the position she mentioned.

He Jiayi: Can't you see how difficult Teacher Qin is?

He Jiayi: I'll just throw a key word, lunch dinner

Wang Kaiyue:  …

Qu Nan:  …

He Jiayi: I don't care if you are overflowing with sympathy or complaining, I don't have enough tolerance for homosexuality

He Jiayi: Anyway, I think it's Xue Yuan's I suggest you don't get involved

He Jiayi: I took a look just now, and some people mistakenly thought that Teacher Qin had cheated, my God #黄豆白眼

Qu Nan: #collapse#crack#crying

Qu Nan: Do you want me to send a message to Teacher Qin...

He Jiayi: @#¥%T

Qu Nan: ?

Wang Kaiyue: ?

He Jiayi: Help! ! Xue Yuan chatted with me privately and asked if I knew where Teacher Qin lived! ! !

Qu Nan: Huh? !