Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 538: "Comprehensive Entertainment" Interview

The two groups of interns arrived at the "Comprehensive Entertainment" magazine at about the same time. There were quite a number of them. In addition to the accompanying assistants and the brokers who came to confirm the process in advance, it was quite spectacular to see Haohao Tangtang.

Because "Comprehensive Entertainment" had called in advance, the actors with a team all finished their makeup and hair in the nanny car, and those without a team also had makeup artists in the group. Now they only need to change their clothes and take care of themselves.

The assistant editor surnamed Hao of the magazine was responsible for the matchmaking. She obviously knew about this and directly led the guests to the changing room.

It was the first time Qin Jue knew that there was a special fitting and changing session for a magazine shoot. Although "Comprehensive Entertainment" was not a fashion magazine, it had prepared at least two sets of clothes for each person to choose from, but the temporary clothing assistant was not there. , I think it is an opportunity for the costumers in the group to display their expertise.

The group of people finished changing in the private cubicle, anyway, Gu Wensong, who was in the men's changing room with Qin Jue and others, even touched up their makeup.

Everyone is in the same class here, and they are not always on guard because of a group.

After the preparations were completed, twenty-nine people came to the spacious interview room. The couch was divided into two rows, the front and the back.

Collective first and then individual, this is the usual process of "Comprehensive Entertainment".

This time, the person in charge of interviewing them was not the reporter of the magazine but the assistant editor Hao Xin. At the same time, there were four stenographers not far away, which showed the importance of the above.

After the simple greetings, Hao Xin introduced the topic.

She played a short video on the projector, which turned out to be the self-introduction that everyone recorded a long time ago.

Seeing myself wearing casual clothes at that time, or facing the camera nervously or calmly, all the interns present smiled.

"Is there a feeling of 'black history'?" Hao Xin asked with a smile.

Her eyes are very soft, and she will evenly sweep over every guest when speaking, which makes people very comfortable.

"Fortunately, I'm very emotional." Fang Youwen smiled.

Hao Xin smiled warmly, and started talking about the first round of "Entertainment Intern" in a chatty tone.

"It's surprising, I didn't expect the rules to be like this..."

"Yeah, no one knew what was going to happen at the time."

"A turbulent hour."

"It's incredible looking back at this point."

"I thought I was going to be eliminated soon."

Hao Xin listened to everyone's speech with a smile, and called up the group list for the first round on the tablet.

"I noticed that many interns had already cooperated with each other at that time." She laughed, "Looking back, do you still remember your first impression of each other?"

When it came to grouping, the topic suddenly became more and more, and more than 20 people looked at each other, tacitly waiting for the first group of the first round to speak.

At that time, Shao Qinglong was still a rookie director who looked a little arrogant. In his "Future Lover", 16-year-old Yu Qing received a love letter from the future when he was in school one day, so he started a romantic relationship with his future boyfriend. Letter love. Here, Ding Mingqian plays her imaginary boyfriend, while Lin Rou plays the real "future lover", the 23-year-old heroine who was turned into a ghost after a car accident.

Don't say I don't know, it turns out that these three actors have intersected at the beginning.

"Yeah, there were so many people and the process was so fast, I didn't pay much attention."

Yuan Xiao smiled, "But Liu Zhe's acting skills are really dazzling, and "Multiple Personality" is really beautiful."

Liu Zhe said a few words modestly, and said with a smile: "Besides, Jiayi was very good at writing love scenes at that time, with a lot of tension."

The third group of the first round of "Multiple Personalities" has three screenwriters, two of whom are Yuan Xiao and He Jiayi.

"I really didn't expect the two of us to compete for the screenwriting team in the end." He Jiayi looked at Yuan Xiao and sighed.

"Be merciful." Yuan Xiao said.

"No." He Jiayi raised his jaw.

The topic turned to the fourth group, which had many directors at that time, and the innocent Qu Nan who was drawn into this group. Although he and the prop master Qiao Yuansu had met in the first round, one was honest and kept silent, and the other simply took advantage of the chaotic situation. Didn't say a few words.

Not long after, "The Invisible Lover", directed by Fang Youwen and assisted by photographer Wu Ying, was praised by everyone. Although the filming was crude, it was more creative and interesting. As a director, Fang Youwen definitely got off to a good start.

Also getting off to a good start was Qin Jue's eighth group. Now recalling the accelerated performance of her small staff, I feel that the agile Qin Feiyan in "Fei Yan" has made a terrifying improvement compared with him, adding a "spirit" to the "shape". ".

Then, in the second round of "The Emperor's Home", Chen Danqing's performance and Qiao Yuansu's props, Ding Mingqian's dazzling acting skills and Su Su's pure and amazing looking back in "Father and Son Exchange", and Qin Jue and Liu Zhe's "Father and Son"...

""Empty Monument"! A turning point in the "Yuxi" competition!"

Photographer Wu Ying looked more excited than Fang Youwen and the others, as if he was a fan.

"Yes!" Hao Xin nodded in agreement, "After the third round of "Empty Stele", the variety show "Entertainment Intern" took a big leap forward."

Directed by Qu Nan, starring Su Su and Li Zhi, the reality-oriented work "Family"; directed by Fang Youwen, written by He Jiayi, starring Chen Danqing and Ding Mingqian, deeply explored "Wrong" in which the conflict between morality and interest concepts collided; and Yuan Xiao, Qin Qin Jue, Yu Qing and Zhan Changqing co-created an astonishingly brilliant work: "The Melting Pot"!

"Very, very good."

Hao Xin said emotionally, "I seem to have seen a lake of art and humanities. In the first few rounds, it was still a small stream. Everyone was trying to explore bit by bit, but in the fourth round, it was like a dam. It’s like opening a gate, I think everyone here must have a deeper feeling about this than me, the audience.”

"Yes... this is something that is not easy to describe."

Yuan Xiao gestured a few gestures, and there was some reminiscence and emotion in his smile, "For example, during the filming of "The Empty Tablet", for a moment, I saw Teacher Qin sitting in front of that desk with his elbows resting on the table. , just because we were on the sidelines, we didn't actually see it very close..."

"I watched the scene on Director Fang's monitor, and then went to see Teacher Qin from a distance, and listened to his cries. Hey, at that time, I felt that my script this time was correct."

Hao Xin nodded while listening, and asked gently: "It turns out that the script of "Empty Tablet" was changed once, what is the opportunity for this script change?"

"Director Fang, Teacher Qin, and Xingliang."

Yuan Xiao said firmly, "Strictly speaking, the third round is a relatively complete crew that I joined, with a high degree of mutual cooperation..."

In the first round, Liu Zhe was the only actor in the group, and in the second round, he was in the group with Shao Qinglong. Watching him take pictures of four cats, he was really breathless, so when he met Fang Youwen and Qin Jue, he was very pleasantly surprised. More energy and thought to prepare the script.

"Old Fang, he is very skilled and nice. The two of us got along very well. After we were divided into groups, he asked me, "Let's talk?" Talk and talk."

Yuan Xiao laughed as he said, "Xingliang is really surprising when the roles are finished and the filming starts."

Nie Xingliang, who was sitting beside him, didn't make a sound, but stared at him with rounded eyes, with "Hey? Let me hear how you're going to praise me" written on his face.

"The action scenes are very good, and they can endure hardships." Fang Youwen said.

"Yes!" Yuan Xiao continued, "At that time, Teacher Qin helped us a lot, including the design of action scenes and some camera shooting. expected."

"—So you are thinking about whether you can set a bigger goal." Hao Xin answered.

"That's right." Fang Youwen nodded, putting one hand on Yuan Xiao's shoulder, "After Xingliang finished filming the fight scene for a day, he told me that he wanted to change the script."

"Because the acting is so good, it would be a pity not to make a sacrifice..." Yuan Xiao said.


The people next to him suddenly pushed Yuan Xiao back and forth, and everyone laughed.

"This guy really takes revenge on society!" Luo Hanzhang said.

Yuan Xiao put on a gesture of begging for mercy, and said with a smile: "Just kidding, the ending of Superintendent Nie in "The Empty Tablet" was decided early in the morning, and what I want to express is the 'unsung hero'..."

"However, I suddenly thought that for a hero, his deeds will be preserved. Even if Superintendent Nie died, his companions would know what he paid for, and those people who survived in peace and stability were also alive. and proof of contribution to society.

"So I couldn't help asking myself, is such an 'empty monument' really an 'empty monument'?

"I immediately thought of Brother Qin. In the first draft of the script, his ending was not so cruel. He would go to jail, but he would be picked up by Father Lin after many years. Then this father would try to make up for Brother Qin's being in prison. The hurt and grievances he suffered, while the younger brother is still happy that his sister is 'cured', because the love of young people will always stay at the purest moment."

"But you changed your mind." Hao Xin said.

"Yes." Yuan Xiao said, "I thought to myself that it would be better to be 'extremely'. If Father Lin is a combination of pure good and pure evil, what will happen?"

"Since Brother Qin is innocent, let him be innocent to the end. Let him compare with his sister. One is harmed by pure evil, and the other is loved by pure goodness. At the same time, Brother Qin and Superintendent Nie!" Yuan Xiao clapped his hands, "And A comparison, the 'empty monument' of heroes on one side, and the 'empty monument' on the innocent side without traces."

Hao Xin thought about it carefully, then nodded: "It's very profound."

"Teacher Qin's crying scene is so exciting." Yuan Xiao and Fang Youwen glanced at each other, "At the scene at the time, I never felt so clearly that we shot this "Empty Stele" correctly, and what we wanted to express must be true. able to express it."

Zhan Changqing exhaled heavily and clapped his hands.

For the "Empty Stele" group, for Fang Youwen, Yuan Xiao, for Qin Jue, Lin Rou, Nie Xingliang and Luo Hanzhang.

Hao Xin applauded with the others and continued to make new group lists.

"From the third round to the fourth round, the total number of teams also changed from eight to six."

She said gently, "Everyone is more likely to meet acquaintances, but there are still many 'first-seen' combinations in the fourth round. For example, in "Wrong", it is a relatively new team."

"Well, this is the first time Director Fang and I have cooperated." He Jiayi said.

"It's also the first time I met these two leading actors." Fang Youwen recalled, "Sister Danqing and Mingqian's acting skills are both excellent. I remember I asked Jiayi to write by hand."

"That's right." He Jiayi laughed, "I remember very clearly, he said at the time, 'It's okay, look at "The Empty Stele" Yuan Xiao's writing is so outrageous, it will be filmed, trust the actors'."

This sentence made everyone laugh again.

"I was a little nervous at the time." Fang Youwen smiled, "Is this easy to say? Well, Mingqian was a rather 'stingy' person before, so I wondered if he would be able to communicate...because he has a good understanding of the characters. My own understanding..."

"It's okay, Director Fang just say it."

Ding Mingqian laughed at the side, and took the initiative to explain to Hao Xin, "I was relatively ignorant before, and I thought I was good at acting, so I liked to show off my skills."

"Oh? What changed after that?" Hao Xin asked.

"Because I watched "The Empty Tablet." Ding Mingqian smiled and shook his head, "Oh, the crying scene of Mr. Qin was great, really good..."

"So when I actually got in touch with Ming Qian, I found that he was different from what I remembered. He is a very humble actor."

Fang Youwen went on to say, "The filming of "Wrong" went very smoothly, and we spent a long time reading the script together."

"Furthermore, Mr. Feng Yuzhi's prop design is very good. He has a lot of ideas. For example, in the last part where the male protagonist is seriously ill and his ideas collapse and scream in the ward, Mr. Feng said, in fact, we can add a scene of paper flying all over the sky. , medical records or arrears, etc..."

"What impressed me most was Teacher Cong's costume."

Chen Danqing continued Fang Youwen's words, "He really understands that kind of charm. The heroine dressed very professionally and formally in the early stage, but later on she had to use the male protagonist's ideas to deal with From the teacher said There has to be an evening dress in a 'frivolous' style."

"That's right, because the heroine's purpose at that time became her interests first, so the woman's figure became her help in negotiations... Her overall temperament became 'charming'..."

Fang Youwen chatted with Chen Danqing.

It's a completely different feeling for the main creators to talk about the work and being commented by the judges. More behind-the-scenes details, careful thinking on the setting, and interesting things during the shooting were narrated in this way, and Hao Xin listened very attentively.

After "Wrong", Qu Nan, Su Su and Li Zhi chatted about their "Family", in which Zhu Xi's contribution to the prop setting was also repeatedly mentioned.

There are a total of twenty-nine interns, and the highlights of each of them have never been lost. Whether it is Qiao Yuansu and Gu Wensong who were at the peak at the beginning, or Ni Wentai and Feng Yuzhi who are making steady progress, from the actors to the behind-the-scenes team, their hard work and All the sacrifices were presented one by one in the conversation with Hao Xin.

Finally, after everyone finished talking about the works in turn, Hao Xin changed the subject and mentioned "The Melting Pot".

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