Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 556: 《Runaway》

Qin Jue thought about a problem when filming "Fei Yan".

If Qin Feiyan and Shen Danqing didn't have the barrier of "unexplainable game settings", would they be together?

The answer is like Schrödinger's cat.

Can a player who knows all the time that this is a game and this is a virtual world can completely let go of his worries and integrate into this place freely?

Physique and internal strength are standardized in the form of blood bars and blue bars. When passing the map, there will be a dark teleportation in front of the eyes, and the skill prompts when using martial arts will appear in front of the eyes. Even if the player Feiyan turns off all interface and game reminders, he will The pain feedback of being injured will still be protected and weakened, reminding him that "this is not reality".

It is said that if you are aware of whether you are dreaming, just pinch your thigh hard. But when the most straightforward pain can't fool you "this world is real", what will Feiyan think?

It is very pessimistic to say this matter, but Qin Jue believes that even if Qin Feiyan and Shen Danqing are together, what he faces is still endless pain.

Her aging, her death, and all the "reality" mixed with true and false, maybe Qin Feiyan's home in all over the world is just a kind of protection for himself, allowing him to be half-dissociated from inside and outside the game. Part of the emotional needs are satisfied in the first encounter, and then quickly escaped, so that the immersion will not be so deep that it will completely break down.

It sounds scumbag, but it might not be self-protection.

People are complicated after all.

Complicated, uncertain, even if I don't know what I will do suddenly.

It was in such a situation that Qin Jue sang this song according to his mood.

Although the language and style of music are quite different from those of Longguo songs, they can also reflect Qin Feiyan's state of mind.


(curled up in the back of the black car)

"I\'ve got little too good at breaking hearts

(I'm a little too good at hurting people's hearts)

"I wonder if I'"

(I also want to know when I can give up)

Qin Jue closed his eyes, and his voice was melodious and erratic, like duckweed without roots, and like catkins flying in the wind with nowhere to land.

Qiao Silin showed a wry smile when she heard the melody of sadness and self-abandonment, and continued in a hoarse voice:

"Every time If fall in love

(Every time I fall in love)

"Igo and f*

(Obviously love each other, but I always screw it up)


(Do you think it's ridiculous)


(Do you think it's ridiculous...)

Why, why can't I control myself?

Knowing that the other party loves you so much, but always feeling restless and anxious, provoking troubles over and over again, insisting on willfully confirming the lover's love through constant quarrels?

While Qiao Silin was in pain, a picture of Qin Feiyan and Su Su jokingly walking together appeared in front of Qin Jue's eyes, and for another moment, she saw Shen Danqing's face with beautiful eyes and tears.

"I know Idid allthesh *ttythingstoyou

(I know I've always done mean things to you)

"Isaid Inever ever would

(I said never again)

"Butbaby, that\'s so like me

(But honey, that's what I am)

"YeahBaby, that\'s so like me..."

(Honey, I'm just so stubborn...)

She had clearly promised to stay together forever, she knew that she had been in love for twenty years, and all she wanted was a couple for the rest of her life, but Qin Feiyan finally failed.

He didn't even dare to think, if Shen Danqing could hear his justification for his escape, if Shen Danqing could understand his struggle and difficulties of being trapped in the game, would he really be able to go with her as said in the oath? For a lifetime, grow old together?

No matter how loyal Qin Feiyan is, as a full-level player, he can be called a lawless existence in the game. Facing endless abilities and power, he can really hold on for a lifetime. Do you guard the lonely grave alone?

He can't do it.

After leaving Shen Danqing 20 years ago, she still couldn't stand the loneliness and roamed the rivers and lakes. The audience only saw Su Su and Xue Yu falling in love and hurting their hearts. How many bitter lovers are there?

There is no if in the world.

Therefore, Qin Feiyan fled.

He didn't dare to gamble, and he couldn't afford to gamble.

So he was retaliated because of this, and watched Shen Danqing force him with the most violent means and never forget her for the rest of his life.

That's the price.

"Idon't know why I always run away

(I don't know why I keep running away)

"Idon\'t know why I always run away...

(I don't know why I keep running away...)


(The memories we have are so unique)


(I know how envious we used to be)

The lyrics of this song sound extremely hypocritical, and the whole article seems to be justifying "scum".

But the fact is that many men and women who fall in love may have difficulties, or they don't know why, so they avoid and screw up again and again, and finally hurt the person who loves him or her, and also bruise themselves.

After singing this song, Qiao Silin suddenly covered her face with her hands and burst into tears.

"I suck!"

She cried, "Ian loves me...I know he loves me..."

"I have never had a true love in the past sixteen years. I didn't expect to be so intimidated by someone who was really loved deeply. He was so good to me, but I was always arguing. I’m making trouble, I have to ‘do’ it a few times—I saw him feel the pleasure of being affirmed and loved for me, **** it, am I a devil? Why would I do this!”

Qiao Silin tugged at her long blond hair in extreme pain, and even forgot that the camera was still there, and couldn't help crying on the small table.

"I'm really—I'm really the worst girlfriend in the world."

She whimpered, "I was desperate to win his favor, I interrupted his friends' gatherings, I broke in and dragged him to watch movies with me when he had his own things to do, I asked him to be there all the time Pay attention to my private chats, and get angry at him if I don’t reply for more than a few minutes.”

"But when he specially made time for me, I would scold myself crazily, scolding myself for not believing his feelings for me, scolding myself for how I had the heart to let him be tossed like this...

"I want to run away when he's close, but I get angry when he's not around, how can I have such a difficult girlfriend! Oh, I'm such a sucker!

"I can't hurt him anymore! I'm a devil who has invaded his time and space and tormented his feelings. Why, why can't I express my love for him like a normal person!"

Qiao Silin raised her face, her eyes were all red from crying, tears hung on the tip of her chin, and sometimes dripped down with the trembling of her shoulders.

"Desire for intimacy and resistance to intimacy, that's avoidant attachment...Relax, honey. You're not alone, it's not that bad."

Qin Jue comforted her softly.

At such a young age, Qiao Silin is still an underage girl. Many adults have not been able to handle intimate relationships correctly and properly, let alone her?

"Yes. Yes. So I told him let's break up..."

Qiao Silin choked up and said, "Continuing to associate with someone like me, I can only bring him pain and misfortune. He is so innocent—"

"But he's very sad!"

A male voice with an obvious American accent sounded Silin opened her eyes wide in horror and looked back, but Ian had already rushed to the bed and hugged her tightly.


In the screaming barrage, Qin Jue seemed to be a Samoyed who was suddenly kicked by someone while walking on the side of the road. He blinked his beady eyes in confusion and confusion, and a question mark floated above his head.

"Josie baby! Oh, I didn't know you were thinking that, I should have asked you sooner! I've been wondering what I did wrong after you said 'we parted'!"

Ian hugged Qiao Celin and said uncomfortablely, "I love you! I don't want to break up with you!"

Jocelyn screamed and tried to push him away, but Ian kissed her like any hero in any romance.


The barrage on both sides exploded all over the screen like a New Year's salute, Qin Jue sighed slowly, and put his hands on his forehead.