Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 563: Another setback

The order of "Qian Se" entering and exiting the elevator and getting on and off the car was also random to see who arrived first. Xia Song, who was the last one, slumped into the back seat of the nanny's car and closed the door.

Without saying a word, he opened his legs, and put his right leg on Liang Yixuan's lap beside him.

Yang Jihan, who was sitting on the other side of Liang Yixuan, was amused, and rushed over to strike his thigh. Xia Song immediately said "Yang Jihan, dare you", and Liang Yixuan, who was caught in the middle, rubbed Yang Jihan's head , laughing as if watching the excitement.

"Fortunately, I'm wearing long trousers today." Liang Yixuan turned to Xia Song and smiled.

The latter breathed a sigh of relief, nodded his chin, and continued to carry forward the boneless principle. Most of the people collapsed on Liang Yixuan's body.

What a great teammate at 1.88 meters. The hunky teammate who is 1.88 meters tall and loyal is even better.

Yu Lan in the front row flipped through her bag and turned around, passing the ointment in her hand.

Yang Jihan smeared his shoulders, Liang Yixuan smeared his sides, Xia Song looked at Yu Lan with resentful eyes, and threw the box of ointment back.

"You took it off in the car." Liang Yixuan patted his knee.

"That's right, I just chopped a fork..."

"I'm going to get under your bed tonight." Xia Song looked at Yang Jihan with his hair on his face.

Yang Jihan immediately hugged Liang Yixuan's arm: "I warn you, I've been sleeping with Xuanzi recently—"

When Shi Yan laughed and breathed in, Yu Lan lifted his clothes and spread the messy ointment on his lower back evenly.

"The little sister just said is right, we really need to get better soon."

Shi Yan bent down to untie Yu Lan's shoelace, picked up his leg and put it on his own, "Tonight's plane, there is still a stage tomorrow."

The calf was so cold from the ointment, Yu Lan frowned, holding back the pain.

"When will we return to the capital..." Yang Jihan asked.

"The day after tomorrow." Yu Lan said to divert her attention, "I will interview tomorrow afternoon, and there will be a magazine the day after tomorrow."

"Tsk." Liang Yixuan subconsciously wanted to slap his thigh, but before he struck, he realized that Xia Song's thigh was underneath, so he turned his right fist and struck his left palm.

"It's fallen again, and I will definitely be ridiculed by 'Not Ash'." He said.

Yang Jihan nodded vigorously.

"After we go back, we must hurry up and apply for additional training."

Xia Song had already closed his eyes, only his mouth was moving, "The effect of practicing under Teacher Cheng for a day is very different from the effect of training outside by myself."

Yang Jihan's expression twisted.

"How on earth did your 36-degree mouth say such cold words..."

There was an eerie silence in the car for two seconds.

"You can lose to 'Not Ash', are you willing?" Xia Song asked.

"Of course not reconciled!" Yang Jihan clenched his fists.

Shi Yan smiled wryly: "Then it's better to go back for more training..."

The "thing" designed by the teacher based on Xia Song's brain hole at the beginning did not expect to be produced so soon. God knows how excited they were when they saw it in the closed base for the first time.

Then reality (and Cheng Zheng's training) told them how cruel the things they were going to face next...

"I thought the previous training was enough." Yu Lan sighed softly, "I didn't expect that I just stepped on the threshold."


Shi Yan, who is always cheerful, is a little frustrated.

When I actually set foot on it, I realized how difficult it is to maintain balance in that environment, and it's not like walking on the ground just by exercising your core strength casually.

And their goal is to sing and dance as usual... Just thinking about this, several people turned pale.

What's more uncomfortable is that since "Thousand Colors" made its pre-debut at the music and dance show, the stage and announcements have been one after another, running around every day, and there is no time to go back to training. Instead, "Not Ash" stayed at the base Even longer, the hard work of the four girls did not lose them at all. It can be said that the time, place and people are harmonious, and the progress is rapid.

Of course, their injuries were much more than those of "Qian Se".

After Cheng Zheng officially took over the special training, the group of children realized how gentle Qin Jue was. Just, how should I put it, at least Teacher Qin still treats them as human beings...

"Thousand Colors" and "Not Gray" are already secretly discussing whether to hand over the title of "Great Demon King" to Teacher Cheng.

Thinking about it again, although Cheng Zheng paid close attention to training, it was Qin Jue who taught them the core of their idols. This is the difference between the dean and the principal. The title of Great Demon King has been firmly maintained.

"Hey! Is it going to be broadcast tonight?" Liang Yixuan glanced at the phone, his voice full of surprise.

"Let me see... ah, it's about to be broadcast!"

Shi Yan's eyes lit up.

At the beginning, "Not Gray" was supposed to go to the variety show "New Generation of Idol 2" airborne bombing site, and the date was almost the same as the music and dance show of "Thousand Colors", but the "pre-debut" was canceled due to internal problems in the company.

Fortunately, Liu Huajun has been working hard, and "The New Generation of Idols 2" lasted from the beginning of June to the end of August, and she finally found an opportunity to win the appearance of "Not Gray".

Judging from the rules and procedures, the talent show is in the third to last round at this time. More than 300 amateur trainees have already experienced brutal competition, and those who are still on the stage have formed three groups. " Not Gray" joined the competition as a group from Heaven.

After becoming famous, Yangliu Entertainment will find an excuse to let them quit, leaving room for the draft group of "The New Generation of Idol 2" to make a debut, so that the program group will get the gimmick of confrontation and become popular, "It's not gray "It also entered the public's field of vision by the way, paving the way for the official debut later.

In the first ten days of July, "Not Ash", who had been practicing hard at the base, flew to the recording site of "The New Generation of Idol 2". It's a pity to celebrate, but according to Xing Yufei's description in the group chat, "It's not ashes" can't be blown up on the stage, both in posture and strength, which scared the few trainees in the background I saw them all go around.

"Don't be so high-profile, just in case you make enemies." Shi Yan replied in the group at that time.

"You still have the nerve to say us!" Xing Yufei replied in seconds.

Which five guys sang and danced so fiercely on the first stage of the music and dance show!

Now it's the turn of "Qianse" and others to post "hehehe" and "ahhahaha" emoticons in the group.

Shi Yan recalled the time of laughter and troubles at that time, and couldn't help but lower his head and smile.

"Not Hui" has never been able to predict the debut, in fact, they are more anxious than they are.

Unknowingly, everyone has become a deep comrade-in-arms who regard each other more than themselves, and the relationship can only be deeper.

Sure enough, as the teacher said, some things don't need to be deliberately done, and they will naturally become what they are now.

"It's just right, let's watch it while we wait for the plane!" Shi Yan made an appointment for the broadcast of "The New Generation of Idols 2" on his mobile phone.


Several other people responded one after another.

Thanks to Teacher Cheng, the information and itinerary of "Thousand Colors" are unbelievably tight. Since it appeared in the public eye, there has never been a fan pick-up and drop-off.

Originally, Yang Jihan and the others were a little bit regretful, but after seeing a celebrity being enthusiastically shouted at by fans, chasing and intercepting him at the airport, and surrounded by a bunch of guns and short cannons snapping pictures, he felt grateful to Cheng Zheng for allowing them to be free.

"No wonder the stars in the circle are all covered with hats, sunglasses and masks..." Yu Lan said with lingering fear at that time.

"It feels so scary."

Shi Yan whispered, "I still like to meet fans during performances. We work hard to perform, and it's good for them to give feedback while enjoying it...It looks scary to break into real life like this."

"The teacher is so wise."

Xia Song, who didn't like crowds at all, shrank away from Shiyan, "Praise the official website, praise the 'Tuan Dynamics'."

Let alone the reality, even on the Internet, when he posts a V blog, he will be commented and watched by so many people, and he will say a lot of rainbow farts that are embarrassing to listen to, er, I feel hypoxic when I think about it.

Excessive liking and pursuit are sometimes the same as hurting.

After talking back, the five members of "Qian Se" quickly got out of the car and entered the waiting room through the VIP channel.

During this period, it is not that no one has discovered them. After all, some experienced sisters and fans can even guess which flight the idol will take through various gossip and itinerary information, but it depends on the help of the assistant and the training of the teachers. The anti-tracking ability of "Qian Se" is really good. After handing over the luggage to the personal assistant, the five people dispersed, and it was very easy to get rid of a certain distance and then reunite.

When everyone met again in the VIP waiting room, it was almost time. Shi Yan sat in the middle and turned on his mobile phone. The other four came together to watch the round of "Idol New Generation 2". looking forward to.

"...Hey, is the talent show such a hip-pull." Yang Jihan complained in a low voice.

Shi Yan let out a "hush".

"There are many amateurs who have never been exposed to singing and dancing, so it's understandable." Yu Lan said gently.

Xia Song, who was sitting on the farthest side, closed his eyes directly: "Call me when we get to them."

"Why are they all girls?" Liang Yixuan questioned.

"The full name of "Idol 2" is "The Most Beautiful Girl of the New Generation of Idols 2"."

Shi Yan lowered his voice and explained, "This program is rotated every year. Last year's "Ou Xin 1" was a male trainee."

"Oh, no wonder." Liang Yixuan nodded.

Several people continued to look down, their expressions experienced tangled, helpless, hideous, and numb. They watched for a full hour and a half until the end of the show.

"No?" Shi Yan blinked blankly, "This is about to end."

"Huh? What?"

Yang Jihan seemed to have fallen asleep, and he and Xia Song slumped together with their heads leaning against each other. At this time, they heard Shi Yan speak and rubbed their eyes and sat up again.

"It's over." Yu Lan nodded, put her hand over her mouth and yawned calmly.

"Why don't we have them, did we remember wrongly?" Liang Yixuan frowned.

Shi Yan also frowned, and exited the page to find the official V blog of the program group.

That's right, the poster silhouette of the "Girls from Heaven" released earlier is clearly the four people who are "not gray".

But in today's episode...the airborne guests who appeared seemed to be a group of six, because their strength was really not that great, Shi Yan was not very impressed after watching it, and it took him a while to realize that they were a new group from outside.

So, what about "not gray"?

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Xia Song woke up at some point, and leaned over Yang Jihan, resting his chin on Shi Yan's shoulder.

"Read the comments." His voice was still a little hoarse, and his expression was sleepy.

Shi Yan clicked on the comment, and scrolled down among the dizzying words of support, and finally saw the fan of the six-member girl group complaining: "What's the matter? Put the poster in the wrong place, so you know it's bullying us little bastards." You have no heart in the show crew."

Then someone explained: "Little Tanghua, don't worry, our sister is here to save the scene, it's normal that the poster hasn't been changed."

"There's something wrong! It turns out that the girl group that Ye Ji agreed to go on stage went wrong, and it hurt our pretty sister!"

"Ah, sister, don't be angry~ I can't thank them for giving our sister another stage, hehe."

Shi Yan clapped the phone to his palm.

Xia Song turned on the phone again, swiped a few times to re-open the program just now, and dragged the progress bar.

The hip-pull performance made Liang Yixuan's frown deepen, and it seemed that the girl didn't say anything.

Yang Jihan scolded directly: "Return my sister, this is really a sister!"

Look at our family "not gray", that's called a powerful and beautiful sister!

You group of people who sing and dance softly, the music itself is not good, you are just a younger sister!

Yu Lan patted him with the back of her hand and shook her head slightly in disapproval.

Yang Jihan listened to him the curled his lips and fell silent.


It was Xia Song who pinched Shi Yan's phone with his fingers for a moment, and accidentally touched the screenshot button.

The tensed finger joints and bulging veins all showed his anger, Shi Yan covered his hands:

"What do you see?"

Xia Song's slender fingers eased slightly, and he pulled his hand out of Shi Yan's palm, collapsed back to his seat, and closed his eyes again.

"Their stage was re-recorded later, and there was no audience in the audience."

The expressions of the other four people changed at the same time, and there was a "click" in their hearts at the same time.

This shows what?

"Not Gray" was replaced.