Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 568: NUMBER_NINE【2】

Many people present felt the contrast for the first time.

Qi Shuang's "Wu" sound at the beginning obviously follows a lyrical line, which provoked most of the audience to think that this song was a love song, but they didn't want to be caught off guard by the agitated rhythm.

"It's too earthy..."

At the moment when the beat sounded, there were fans in the audience who were disgusting with "Not Ash" because of Qi Shuang's actions just now.

Do you think this is a disco? Dong Dong Da Dong's classic disco beat is too earthy! I don't know which short video platforms you thought you came to!

But before she finished speaking, she was caught by the strong dance of the four on the stage, and she forgot what she was going to say, and her mouth remained open for a long time.

The dance style of "Not Grey" is completely different from the current girl group!

They are not like those soft girls who take the sweet and lovely route on the stage, but they are not like some second- and third-tier girl idol groups in China who deliberately try to brush the ball under the guise of the so-called "international **** style".

According to the general standard of women's groups, the movement range of "Not Gray" is much larger. When dancing, there is no soft and coquettish attitude, but a combination of hardness and softness, which not only shows the unique feminine beauty of women, but also has just the right amount of beauty. Sexy and handsome, the choreography focuses on the rhythm of the whole body, which is completely different from the focus on the chest, waist and hips in some dances. Every side head and leg extension are full of aura.

So... so handsome! so spicy!

Xu Mengjie, who was sitting in the trainee seat, was dazzled. The captain with a high ponytail was super imposing, the blonde girl was elegant and flexible, the cool red-haired sister was precise, and the one with the hottest figure was even more dazzling. The appearance and dancing posture are super eye-catching, especially the action of shaking the shoulders and expanding the chest with the rhythm just now, people can't help but turn their eyes to inappropriate places.

Who can resist this!

The old man is actually me!

When Xu Mengjie was drooling, the four of "Not Gray" had already changed from side by side to the cross position. Qi Shuang, who was facing away from him, raised his hands and swung his waist, while Lou Lan and Jiang Qing'e on the left and right turned from standing to squatting. Tap down from the wrist of the other arm. At the same time, Xing Yufei, who was standing at the front and squatting sideways, got up gracefully with the arm motion in the opposite direction, and said sweetly:

"When you close your eyes, you can vaguely see your face.

"Stretch out your hands, star-like memories in your fingers."

Qi Shuang, who was directly behind her, turned around, and the two turned 180 degrees to switch to C, and more powerful voices like European and American voices emerged:

"The one who took my heart completely away.

"'It's abhorrent' - I say that, and it hurts so much. "

Obviously it has a thick voice and an open singing voice, but it naturally becomes soft in the treble processing of the four words "really hateful".

Is this the Vocal from the team? The singing is terrible!

The knowledgeable trainee and judge Mu Jiayuan's pupils trembled for a second.


"Just because of your smiling face."


"Just because of your closed tears."

Lou Lan and Jiang Qing'e on both sides had already moved to the middle in the second half of Qi Shuang's sentence, and the transitional sentences were sung interlaced with the main paragraph.

One is the magnetic alto and the action is frozen, and the other is twisting her shoulders and swaying her hips with her hands over her long hair and across her plump chest. I don't know how many people can't help moving their throats, and their eyes are straight.

How can this be done? It is not vulgar at all, but directly affects the audience's physiological response with a more advanced sense of atmosphere and singing and dancing strength!


"My beloved lover, the hero who once protected me."

At this moment, Lou Lan stepped back, and Qi Shuang, who was on the far left, stepped forward. Jiang Qing'e's face, which was even more charming due to a slight frown, was still firmly grasping the camera lens of the mobile camera:

"I hate your sudden departure from—"

What a powerful expression management!

Before Mu Jiayuan had time to be shocked, Qi Shuang walked forward calmly with his hands waving:

"I miss you so much, NumberNine, NumberNine, NumberNine, we were so sweet—"

The station changed again, Lou Lan tightly buckled Qi Shuang's tail and said:

"Have you forgotten? NumberNine, NumberNine, NumberNine, after losing you,

"It's raining in my dreams—"

Isn't she a dancer? !

Mu Jiayuan's face changed suddenly, why can the dancer be able to support such a high pitch? !

The subtle jet sounds all show the gold content of the "not gray" full-open wheat. It's just that the captain and the frontman just now have good singing skills. How can the person in charge of dancing be so precise and steady!

"Ah, I'm about to become crazy.

"Ah, how can I convey mylove."

Xing Yufei's sweet voice and her elegant steps approached the audience, the formation turned into an irregular inverted triangle, and soon turned into an inverted trapezoid due to Qi Shuang's advance.

"You clearly said what you said, and forever, I will always remember...

"Come back soon, NUMBERNINE—!"

What the hell!

The trainee Xu Mengjie was directly shocked. Do you have to divide the parts and harmonize the vocals in this kind of fast song? !

The last high-pitched voice just now was so layered that it made her scalp tingle.

The fierce and magical interlude sounded again, and the four "Not Gray" stood in a row and repeated the original dance moves. They had already sung the first verse and chorus, but they didn't see any signs of their physical strength being affected. The dancing has its own style and is terrifyingly neat, and it is extremely calm.

This kind of... this kind of saliva song, why are you so serious!

If Mu Jiayuan, a member of the girl group "Qing Lan", was only embarrassed by Qi Shuang's outdated words about "fighting counterfeiters", now she is sitting on pins and needles.

Qinglan, where she belongs, can also be regarded as a first-line female idol group in China. She knows better than anyone here the characteristics and disadvantages of the current female group singing and dancing.

One of the most fatal problems is that the song is not good.

Not only is the score written weirdly, but even the lyrics are full of confusion. It is either a mess of English words or something like "The eyes of the desert are at my fingertips", "The fox tail is here, go with me to the uninhabited island". Fragmented and illogical sentences, they themselves can't understand what is being sung in the song, and they all rely on biting their heads to perform. As the saying goes, as long as I am not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed.

As for why fans can cheer, scream, and break the sound, then... maybe the filter is really as thick as the Great Wall.

In fact, idols like Mu Jiayuan are aware of this in their hearts.

However, there was no way. The company found a well-known songwriter, and also hired an arranger and tuner. Even the really powerful Vocal in the group tried to save it, but the result was still the same. The song itself was not good. No matter how the performance is the same, it's not as good as it sounds. They can only make money if the fans pay for it without thinking. But at this time, "it's not gray", it's different.

Their songs are very catchy, whether it's a disco-like beat or the repeated lines of "NumberNine" in the chorus, even if it's not an experienced idol like Mu Jiayuan, after listening to it once, the melody has already been memorized in my mind. The body swayed involuntarily.

And, while the lyrics are straightforward, it has a very clear theme, and everyone can understand that the song is about "The girl's beloved lover suddenly left her, so she is heartbroken and desperately trying to save her. feeling".

There is a story, there is logic, and it is easy to understand.

The words do not pull the hips, the melody is brainwashed, the choreography is reasonable and beautiful, and the live performance is stable.

No wonder this girl group called UNGREY was so arrogant just now!

Mu Jiayuan couldn't help shaking his shoulders.

Like a sardine being chased by a giant catfish.