Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 610

A makeup artist working in a fashion magazine is like a temporary employee who is preparing to take the public exam. In fact, he wants to use his current job as a springboard, but he can't reveal it. Once he talks about it, the leader thinks that this person is going to leave after all. , since you can't keep it, you don't have to bother to cultivate it, so you just ignore it.

Therefore, how to use the current environment to exercise personal ability, and how to naturally expand contacts on this basis, are all knowledge that makeup artists like Shen Zhenzhen must master.

It's easier said than done to leave the magazine and do it alone. The most typical example is Nancy, who directly finds a good next home and asks the star team to terminate the contract with the company. Both parties are harmonious, and there will be opportunities to cooperate again in the future.

In fact, the main makeup artist for that shoot was Shen Zhenzhen, but she was too hard at the time. Before that, she had not closed her eyes for two days. The gods were not beautiful, and she fell ill at a critical juncture, so Nancy went straight to the top. To save the field, she used the design concept she had already finalized to set the final makeup.

This kind of thing, as long as the framework comes out, belongs to the makeup artist who has the skills to do it, and many times the so-called "out of the circle explosion model", one is fortune, it depends on how the company behind the artist sells the hype, and the other is to use tricks, sometimes stars A certain angle with a certain makeup is very handsome and beautiful, and other places are very ordinary, but one picture is enough to amaze fans and passers-by, so it happened by coincidence.

Nancy just took on Shen Zhenzhen's achievements to catch up with the artist, and terminated the contract peacefully.

In contrast, Shen Zhenzhen seemed very miserable, she seemed to be caught in an endless cycle, the more greedy the magazine, the less wanted her to go, but she was not greedy, and she couldn't get in touch with more insiders.

It just never ends.

"She can have a fart ideal in life!"

Nancy's scolding was still in her ears, Shen Zhenzhen walked out of the elevator tiredly, her heels were red with high heels, and she limped to the side of the road.

She knew what she said was the truth, and she really had no ideals.

I was busy earning money, I kept earning and I didn't seem to get anything in the end, just like I used vague words just now to make Nancy misunderstand that she had found Qin Jue's next home. But it was a momentary pleasure.

Alas - social animal.

Shen Zhenzhen sat on the Internet to book a car, leaning on the back of her seat and didn't want to move.

She thinks this kind of thing is quite normal. People don't just compare themselves with each other in society, fight for a quick talk, fight for a position, a salary, etc., and then look at people who are not as good as her and feel refreshed and find a sense of superiority.

If Nancy and her status were really changed, she might not be able to help but choke twice.

Everyone is a rotten person, and no one is better than anyone else, so what are you pretending to be? How often are you not dressed enough?

The phone buzzed, Shen Zhenzhen picked it up and took a look, and a familiar message popped up in the group chat of "Dating and loving family".

[Dad]: [Voice message] Zhenzhen, you're twenty-nine too, so it's hard to find someone at thirty

[Dad]: [Voice message] The son of your aunt's old classmate's family is about the same age as you, but he is three years older. He works within the system and is a minor official. He earns a lot and is stable. What do you think?

[Dad]: [data] [photo] [chat record]

[Dad]: [Voice message] There is enough money at home, you don’t need to pay all the time. Mom and I don’t have much money to spend, so you can take care of yourself.

[Dad]: [Language news] Your circle is messed up, and it's not easy to find a partner. You'd better come back and see more blind dates. Don't worry about the introductions from your family.


Shen Zhenzhen endured a groan without collapsing in front of the driver, but just sighed again and exited the Feixun group chat window.

Yes, it's hard to find a partner in the fashion industry. If the conditions are good, they go to hook up with models. Last year, there was a caller who didn't expect to be a sea king. After dating for two months, they broke up.

Besides, her career hasn't settled yet, what kind of partner is she looking for.

Those who are on the blind date will either say, "It's not good for you to dress up like that", or they will say, "Don't make money like this, you are a woman who is always busy with work, which makes me uncomfortable", or "I I don't mind that you've been flamboyant for so many years, but after getting married I think you should breastfeed your baby at home", I can go to yours.

The lady is going to make money!

Shen Zhenzhen got angry when she thought about it, and got even more tired when she got angry.

She scratched her thumb and stopped suddenly.

This is a circle of friends sent by one of her closest roommates in college. She is married, and the wedding photos are beautifully taken. The man next to her, Shen Zhenzhen, doesn't know her, but the photo of them embracing looks very happy.

Shen Zhenzhen gave a like, and subconsciously opened her roommate's avatar, wanting to post an emoji bag like before and ask her "When did you little girl hook up with a good man behind my back!" or "Wow, you are married Why don't you be the first to tell me I'm going to make trouble!" Then her hand stopped again.

In the chat box, the last time they messaged each other was recorded a year ago.

Shen Zhenzhen stared at this page for a long time.

She remembered, because after graduation, everyone is divided into things, the cities are different, and the jobs are very different. With new colleagues and new partners, I gradually lost the common topic with each other, so I was busy with my own business and lived my life. their own lives.

"Miss? Miss, here we are."

The driver's voice brought Shen Zhenzhen back to reality.

She nodded in a panic, thanked her, picked up her exquisite designer handbag, got out of the car, and returned to her residence.


Shen Zhenzhen slammed herself into the single bed, looked up at the ceiling, and stared blankly.

After a while, the phone vibrated again, news from cousin Shen Ziqiong.

[Qiong Qiong]: Cousin! ! !

[Qiong Qiong]: Xiaolang said that he has read all the resumes he submitted before and replied to them one by one!

[Qiong Qiong]: Did you reply to you? !

[Qiong Qiong]: Speaking of which, I downloaded a very useful archaeology test preparation material today! The senior said that the real questions of the previous postgraduate entrance examinations are all here!

[Qiong Qiong]: Woohoo, I really want to read the magazine again, your makeup is really good, Mr. Qin is so handsome that it stuns me

[Qiong Qiong]: But we have to learn! ! Run for the dream! #crack fist# come on

[Qiong Qiong]: I'll come back after memorizing the knowledge points and continue to brag about your makeup skills! ! !

[Qiong Qiong]: [Maomaotou passionate call.gif]

This silly girl is still so energetic.

Shen Zhenzhen looked at it with a slight smile, and sighed softly.

very nice.

This is probably the empathy of "I can't do things I can't do, and I'm happy to see others do it". Although she is just a very vulgar earning worker, she sees her cousin being so optimistic and working hard towards her goal every day. Moving forward, I am still very happy for her.

Huh, a resume... I don't think there's any good news.

When Shen Ziqiong shared the recruitment information, Shen Zhenzhen was not unmoved. In her opinion, Qin Jue's conditions were generous enough, but there were only two fatal factors. One was that Qin Jue's makeup work should be the first First, the second is to clearly inform that there is little room for improvement and that there are not many places that can be used.

Combining these two, the direct result is that although Shen Zhenzhen can use this to leave the magazine, it is not convenient for a makeup artist to correspond to several stars like other colleagues and take orders alone. Because if Qin Jue suddenly has any work needs, according to the terms of the contract, she must turn down all arrangements in her hand to give priority to serving Qin Jue. This is a taboo in the industry. .

But just binding Qin Jue's words, but also clearly facing the problem of "small room for improvement". If his cousin is right, this actor is really low-key, doesn't like to be exposed, doesn't make announcements, and is very capable of playing without makeup. It is estimated that he will not officially appear with makeup several times a year. This is similar to Shen Zhenzhen in "RayE". ” is no different, and even worse when it comes to social connections.

So she thought about it, she had written her resume, but she was only holding the attitude of giving it a try.

It's too risky, Shen Zhenzhen knows it herself, like most of the social animals, she's actually not very daring to fight.

Staying in "RayE"... Anyway, it's a regular job, isn't it? Don't worry about not earning money and getting a promotion...

Shen Zhenzhen bit her lip and slapped the bed angrily.

She was like this, and it was like this several times before, so in the end, she was always retained by Mr. Gu's methods.

Resignation and job-hopping both require courage and are a gamble on the future of the business.


Anyway, Qin Jue, a potential newcomer, is very hot in the circle. If everyone doesn't say that they are fighting behind their backs, it may not be her turn.

The boss is a good boss, but my awareness is not enough.

Shen Zhenzhen didn't know how many times she sighed, propped her body up from the bed, took off her gorgeous but inconvenient dress, then removed her makeup, let her hair loose, and did a facial treatment.


She was so tired, she didn't want to move.

With a "gurgling" from her stomach, Shen Zhenzhen remembered that she had another busy day today, and she went to Samna to find out about the news at night, but she hadn't eaten much.

She was the only one in the residence, she was deserted, she didn't want to cook, and she had to wait for takeout.

Forget it, go to the coffee shop not far downstairs to get some coffee bread and make do with it.

Shen Zhenzhen put down the bottles and and changed her clothes when she went out. Although she was too lazy, she still matched them stylishly and beautifully. This is already the occupational disease of people in their circle. The kind that got into DNA.

If you want to go out, you have to wear makeup.

She looked at the make-up mirror, and really didn't want to do full makeup, especially eye makeup, so she took out the eyebrow pencil and lipstick and quickly smeared it to improve her complexion.

"Tsk, and hair..."

Shen Zhenzhen scratched her head with big wavy curly hair. She used too much hairspray for her last hairstyle, and now it looks greasy.

Ah, ah, it's so annoying, I don't want to wash it anymore, I'll wash it when I come back.

"This is definitely the messiest day I've had in a year."

Shen Zhenzhen put a hat on her head and spurned herself in her heart.

Forget it, how old are you Shen Zhenzhen? No one is looking at you.

She gave herself up and went downstairs with her bag and shoes.