Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 649: The Death of a Research Professor: Centr

In the video, in the conference room, the atmosphere was very dignified for a while.

Zhan Xuesong's face was grim, but his words were as eloquent and powerful as ever:

"So, under such a public opinion environment and psychological pressure, did you kill the deceased and take action?"

"Oh it's not."

Wang Rou, who was closing her eyes and weeping just now, calmly opened her eyes for a second.

"You're changing too fast, hey!" Ming Qian complained.

Luo Han smiled and covered half of his face and wiped the corners of his eyes: "Oh, I almost cried, and was thrown out of the car door by Rou Rou."

Most of the people present were very experienced. Even Lan Jiaqing had a sense of variety show because of her lovely vitality. The atmosphere was interrupted by Wang Rou herself, and she suddenly recovered.

"Then how do you explain the hairpin?"

Zhan Xuesong said seriously.

"The hairpin is my birthday present from Qin. I like it very much, so I wear it all the time."

Wang Rou, who took a tissue and shed her tears, looked natural, "I wore it when I went to Professor Xiao's office this afternoon, and then we had some disputes, and some hands..."

"How do you move your hand?"

"I'm going to slap!"

Wang Rou slapped in the air, causing Luo Han to lean back in fright.

"You slapped him?" Zhan Xuesong was surprised.

"That's right!" Wang Rou said calmly, "I scolded him, 'Bastard!', and then I ran away after hitting him."

"Oh - so the hairpin fell to the ground during this process?" Mingqian confirmed.

Wang Rou nodded.

"No wonder, I said why the left half of the corpse (NPC)'s face is a little blue." Ming Qian understood.

"So you don't know the whereabouts of the hairpin now?" Zhan Xuesong asked.

"Yes, I really don't know."

Wang Rou repeated it again, "I didn't know that it was in the office until I saw Luo Baoan taking a picture of the fragments."

{Rou school flower, is there really nothing to hide? }

The camera switches to a close-up of each person at this time, and their faces are either sympathetic, thinking, or suspicious, obviously having their own concerns.

[It’s weird, if Rou is lying here, the risk is too great. It doesn’t feel like it’s fake, but it’s a bit hard to believe.]

[So Professor Xiao wanted to do something bad to Rou again in the office, so she lost her hairpin? emmm]

"and many more."

Zhan Xuesong also thought of this question, "Why are you going to the office today? What is your reason?"

He woke up the dreamer with one word, Luo Han, Lan Jiaqing and Ming Qian all turned their attention again, and even Qin Feng raised his attention.

"Oh. This one."

Wang Rou's reaction was still very natural. She thought for a moment and said, "Didn't I just say that Xiao (Professor) has been using Qin Tiancai's affairs to control me and threaten me. I cherish the relationship between the two of us very much, and have been working hard to maintain it. This relationship has endured Xiao's harassment."

"But then...he took the initiative to move back to the dormitory, and we separated."

Wang Rou turned her head to look at Qin Feng, "I thought you were going to break up with me... Did you want to break up with me then?"

Her voice was soft and her eyes serious.

Qin Feng and Wang Rou looked at each other, he was silent.

"Rourou is about to cry again." Luo Han avoided the cold scene.

"Actually, I don't think I can't understand it. After all, this misunderstanding is quite big..." Ming Qian tried to make up for it.

"I thought about breaking up with you." Qin Feng said suddenly.

Wang Rou's expression froze, her eyebrows twitched, a little sad.

"But definitely not because of this." Qin Feng continued.


Several people were stunned.

"Because you told me you were innocent, I believed in you, and I never doubted you."

Qin Feng looked into Wang Rou's eyes, "But I have some reasons that I can't tell... So I hesitated. I was thinking about whether or not to separate from you. Maybe this will be good for you and me."

"So it's still a misunderstanding."

Luo Han cleared up the relationship bit by bit, "It's Rou (School Flower) who thought Qin (Genius) had misunderstood that she was having an affair with the deceased, so she wanted to break up, but Qin has Qin's own reasons, and it's not convenient to say now. Shang Shirou misunderstood him."

"Huh? Wait, I'm a little dizzy—"

Lan Jiaqing looked at Wang Rou and Qin Feng for a while, and looked at Luo Han for a while, with a confused expression.

"You two still lack communication!" Zhan Xuesong tutted and shook his head, "It's a good thing to think about each other, but when it comes to dealing with objects, things still have to be faced together."

He then knocked on the table:

"Okay, let's stop! Don't change the subject! Rou, you continue to explain why you came to the deceased's office?"

"It's easy to have an antecedent."

Wang Rou spread her hands, "I felt that the love I was struggling to maintain had come to an end, and I really collapsed and became very angry. At this time, Xiao (Professor) was sending me a message again, and then I instantly thought of what I had suffered before. Those grievances and threats, just emotionally, the whole person, explode!"

She made a hand gesture of "burning with anger": "I immediately wanted to rush in front of Xiao without hesitation and tell him, 'We have broken up! You don't want to continue threatening me with Qin Tiancai! I don't care!' - I did go that way."


Luo Han listened carefully, "It's actually quite reasonable."

"I feel very impulsive." Zhan Xuesong said.

"But she (the Rou school flower) is also an ordinary person. It's very logical that she can't control herself at first." Ming Qian thought for a while, "Although this is very dangerous, after all, you are no different from sheep entering the tiger's mouth."

When he said the second half of his sentence, he looked at Wang Rou.


Wang Rou pursed her lips, "Well, anyway, I'll talk about other details after the clues are revealed, okay?"

"Ah? And the details?!"

Lan Jiaqing's eyes widened.

"What the **** happened to you in the office! It's so exciting!" Zhan Xuesong said "Ugh", "Okay, okay, then I'll continue."

He clicked on the last few photos:

"Luo Baoan has already said about the Qingguang Game Company, and I won't repeat it here. In addition, I would like to ask everyone to pay attention to the intelligent robot MiKi that was originally standing in the office."

"Intelligent robot?" Wang Rou was surprised.

"That's The debris at the site is MiKi. It has not yet been confirmed whether it exploded or who demolished it, but according to the trajectory of the ground explosion, the latter is very unlikely, but What is certain is that something must have happened!"

Zhan Xuesong's tone was firm.

"Is it possible that it is of poor quality? It's just 'bang'! It exploded!" Lan Jiaqing asked.

"It's impossible."

Zhan Xuesong shook his head, "I found a detailed report and MiKi's user manual in the deceased's office. It is very intelligent and can understand some basic daily commands. When it was created by Professor Xiao, its conceptual orientation was 'smart housekeeper', and The document says 'MiKi has released 100,000 sets so far, and the one in Professor Xiao's office is always the newest'."

"It's a strange thing to have such an intelligent assistant explode."

Zhan Xuesong pondered, "Whether its accident is exactly related to Professor Xiao's death, it's hard to say."


Wang Rou raised her hand.