Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 651: The Death of a Research Professor: Centr

Luo Han only hesitated for a while, then nodded cheerfully.

"I can tell you, I did try to do it on him, but I didn't succeed. I'm not the murderer," he said.

"Whether the murder was successful or not depends on the evidence, not on your side of the word." Zhan Xuesong said.

"Of course."

Luo Han went along with his words very gently.

"And the second thing."

Wang Rou continued, "I found the contract in Luo (the security guard)'s room. Professor Xiao pays him very little salary every month, only 600 payment points. It shows that there may be an interest relationship involved. …”

"Wow, Zhou Pipi!" Ming Qian sighed.

"But what's even more strange is that he has a diploma in his small safe. He is not an ordinary security guard. He is an excellent graduate of a super university in the United States, and he also studied computer science."

"In other words, he is a returnee from a famous school." Qin Feng said.


Wang Rou nodded, "With his education and ability, he came here to be a small security guard, and with such a meager salary, I think he must have another purpose."

Luo Han's attitude is as friendly as a good citizen: "Yes, I do have my reasons for coming here."

"Then what's your reason?" Lan Jiaqing asked.

"It depends on whether you can find it or not, okay?" Luo Han was still very calm when he spoke.

"Well. I think he has important information on his phone, but I have tried the password several times and nothing is right." Wang Judo.

"I unlocked the phone, I'll talk about it later." Ming Qian said.

"Okay." Wang Rou nodded and pointed to the next photo, "In addition to the three clues I just mentioned, I also found this."

"A stack of remittance receipts?" Zhan Xuesong narrowed his eyes.

"I looked and saw that all the remittance parties above are Qingguang Game Company, and then the recipient is an 'unimportant hospital'."

Wang Rou said inexplicably, "It doesn't seem to have anything to do with Luo (security) on the surface, but why is this thing in his room?"

"Did he want to collect that, or Xiao's bad evidence?" Lan Jiaqing guessed.

"This does have a lot to do with me." Luo Han admitted.

"Okay, that's all about Luo (security)."

Wang Rou simply ended the first half, "Then I went to Qian (senior)'s room. First of all, his lofty, rich, handsome, academic, and tyrannical characters are all fake..."

"Ah? What?!" Lan Jiaqing was shocked.

"Oh baby! Listen to my explanation—" Ming Qian immediately acted.

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen! (">< Lan Jiaqing covered her ears and shook her head desperately.

Wang Rou was so cute that she laughed, and after a while, she said:

"That's right, the truth is that Senior Qian is Professor Xiao's son. His test scores and a good life are all based on his father."

"Oh~" Luo Han understood.

"For a long time, this is a real scholar, you are a fake!" Zhan Xuesong pointed to Luo Han, looked at Mingqian and said.

"Oh, you, I can't do anything about it!" Ming Qian looked sad.

"I also found a suitcase under the bed with a gift for Professor Xiao, and an old photo that should be of Xiao and his mother."

Wang Rou said, "But as far as I know, Professor Xiao has always been single to the outside world. I've never heard of him getting married and having children, so Qian (senior) should be his illegitimate child? Or is his marriage not made public?"

She looked at Ming Qian.

"It's an illegitimate child." Ming Qian's expression was complicated, "Because my mother died before I could get a certificate from him, so..."


Zhan Xuesong nodded in understanding.

"Then you are so miserable, pat! (?"??)????︿???

Lan Jiaqing comforted him.

"Well, my suspect... Luo Baoan! His powder is very suspicious. That's all, what I found is superficial."

"No no, great!"

Wang Rou ended her part, and Luo Han and the others applauded.

{The soft school flower collects clues}

{Clue 1: Ma Ma powder → Luo Baoan is suspected of poisoning the deceased and forging an accidental death}

{Clue 2: The contract between the deceased and Luo Baoan → Exploitation of wages}

{Clue 3: Graduation certificate → Luo Baoan is a returnee from a famous school}

{Clue 4: Remittance slip → Qingguang Company sent money to the hospital? }

{Clue 5: Senior Qian's textbook graffiti → exams go through the back door and the results are fake}

{Clue 6: Luggage under the bed → It is a father-son relationship with the deceased, ready to travel together}

{suspected object: Luo Baoan}

"Senior Qian, come on, continue to add Luo (security)'s evidence." Zhan Xuesong finished taking notes and raised his head.


Ming Qian walked up to the whiteboard quite actively.

"I mainly went to the scene and Luo Baoan's room. The detective has already talked about the part related to the scene. I will mainly talk about Luo Baoan, who was not mentioned by the school flower just now."

He articulates clearly and methodically begins his report sharing.

"This is the notepad in the drawer of the security room, I think there are three points of information revealed in it:

"First, Luo Baoan's responsibilities and terms of reference. He usually doesn't have much direct contact with Professor Xiao, and only after Professor Xiao gets off work and leaves the office is he responsible for changing and washing the trash boxes inside the MiKi robot.

"Second, the living habits of the deceased. They only drink freshly ground coffee in the morning, take a nap if they have nothing to do at noon, and drink instant coffee when they have something to do.

"Third, the role of the robot MiKi. It can be said to be responsible for all aspects of the deceased. For example, if someone does not make an appointment but wants to see the deceased, then security guard Luo will send a message to MiKi, and MiKi will relay it to the deceased, or MiKi will decide whether to release it or not. ."

Ming Qian paused for a while and continued: "And there is a very noteworthy part here, that is, whether it is freshly ground coffee beans or instant coffee powder, Luo Baoan has to give it to MiKi, not that he brewed it himself. Coffee for Professor Xiao."

He clicked on the photo of "MiKi Smart Butler":

"MiKi has many functions and is very flexible in action. It is clearly written here that it can brew coffee by itself in the body, and then take it to the owner at a fixed time.

"So, I speculate that Luo Baoan's modus operandi may be to confirm in advance that a reporter Zhan will come to interview this It is determined that the deceased will drink instant coffee at noon, and then change the garbage box the night before. When the time came, the quick-acting heart-saving pills of the deceased were replaced.

"On the second day, he put the purchased 'hemp hemp powder' in instant coffee powder and gave it to MiKi. MiKi made the coffee and gave it to the deceased, which in turn caused negative effects such as myocardial hypoxia."

Ming Qian's speech was not chaotic at all, "When the deceased had a heart attack, he wanted to take medicine, but the medicine had been replaced, and he could only die in an 'accident' in the end."


Lan Jiaqing nodded straightly.

"But have you noticed a problem?" Luo Han raised his hand to indicate, "That drawer has never been opened."

He reached out to find one of Zhan Xuesong's stack of photos, and pushed it to Ming Qian and everyone to see.

"The desk drawer at the scene is still closed. If the deceased really had a heart attack, it is impossible for him to screw the lid back on after taking out the medicine, and close the drawer."

Seeing the expressions of the people around him, Luo Han looked calm: "That's why I said, I did do it, but it really didn't work. You helped me clear my suspicions."

"Yes, his explanation is very reasonable." Wang Rou nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, so I say this is Luo Baoan's modus operandi."

Ming Qian naturally accepted Luo Han's defense, "Let's talk about your motives next."

He looked at Luo Han, although there was no ferocity and cruelty in his eyes, but he was so calm that he dared not look directly.

"Excuse me, what is your relationship with Feiyan?"