Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 654: The Death of a Research Professor: Centr

"But how do you explain this?"

Ming Qian cited the last photo, "There is an information window in your computer that says 'program has started', and the time is exactly two o'clock in the afternoon."

【? Help, is Ding Mingqian going to hammer Luo Hanzhang to death in one go hahahahaha]

[He was slow and slow throughout the whole process, but the tone of his speech was inexplicably terrible #shivering]

[Suddenly got him a little bit, what happened hhhh]

[Hahaha I understand, I like some smart people]

[I think it's Luo, right? He's been playing the rhythm all the time]

[Well, me too, I don't doubt that the soft school is spent now]

[No, Luo Han's setting here is a well-known host, and his behavior can also be interpreted as controlling the rhythm of the show]

[Am I the only one who thinks there is a problem with Qin Feng, who has never been involved? 】

"I can explain that."

During the barrage discussion on the official website, Luo Han was also calmly responding to Ming Qian's question.

"Do you remember when I mentioned the timeline earlier that I mentioned sending the monitor in for repair? That's the alibi I made myself."

He said casually, "I did this little program at two o'clock in order to deliberately destroy the monitor in the security room, so that I could have someone from the maintenance center testify for me, while the deceased The original plan was to drink more coffee at two o'clock and die from a heart attack. That was my original plan. But now everyone sees it, it failed."

"As for MiKi's side, I don't know, and I now suspect that it is the handwriting of Qing Xuemei."

Rohan continued.

"But you have no evidence to prove wow!" Lan Jiaqing said.

"Yes, so we can pay attention when we do the second search." Luo Han nodded.

"Looking at your reaction, I can guess it's you." Wang Rou said with a smile.

Lan Jiaqing snorted twice: "But I'm not the murderer."

"It's really not." Qin Feng said, "The new program at two o'clock is set to move regularly at three thirty-five in the afternoon, but at thirty-two the robot has already exploded."

"That is to say, no matter whether the person who did this was Luo Baoan or Qing Xuemei, his/her murder was unsuccessful."


Luo Han nodded, and Ming Qian nodded thoughtfully.

"Then my part is like this. I was suspicious of Luo (security) at first, but now I'm not sure, so let's tentatively."

Ming Qian bowed slightly, and everyone applauded.

{Senior Qian collects clues}

{Clue 1: Luo Baoan's notepad → The deceased had the habit of drinking coffee and sending robots out to get coffee powder}

{Clue 2: Luo Baoan's mobile phone → chat records and money transactions with his younger brother "Feiyan"}

{Clue 3: MiKi's log data bar → Rou school flower was recorded, coffee box was knocked over, someone invaded the internal system}

{Clue 4: Luo Baoan's computer → Start an unknown program at 2:00 p.m.}

{unspecified suspect}

This time, only Lan Jiaqing and Qin Feng remained who had not shared the clues. Qin Feng raised his hand slightly, indicating that the lady would give priority.

"I went to Qin Tiancai's room and Rou Xuehua's room, and there are a lot of clues that everyone has talked about, so maybe I'll add what I didn't mention."

Lan Jiaqing arranged the photo.

"The first one is Qin Tiancai's diary, which contains many love letters to Rou Xuehua, it can be seen that he loves her very much.

"In addition to the love letter, the diary also mentioned an 'algorithm', I don't know what this is, but it should have been taken away by Professor Xiao.

"Oh yes, this algorithm is not perfect, it probably has a wrong meaning."

Lan Jiaqing's story is a bit fragmented compared to others

"It's imperfect."

Qin Feng explained by the side, "I wrote this at random. It's like graffiti. Professor Xiao copied some of his own research after hearing about it."

"You just let him copy it?" Zhan Xuesong asked.

"Well." Qin Feng nodded, "I don't care."

"Then there is Qin Tiancai's mobile phone record."

Lan Jiaqing went on to say, "Someone here is arguing for him, saying that many of his scientific research results were stolen by Xiao (Professor), and then he mentioned 'But Professor Xiao took your algorithm to make MiKi you Isn't it uncomfortable?' Qin Tiantian replied, 'It doesn't matter, it's good if it can benefit mankind'."

"Huh?! MiKi was originally created by you?"

Luo Han and others were shocked.

"No, I only wrote the algorithm. You can understand that the deceased added my graffiti into a painting." Qin Feng said.

"So the algorithm Qin Tiantian handwritten was supplemented and improved by Professor Xiao, but he eventually took the final result MiKi as his own and used it to make a lot of profits."

Zhan Xuesong refines the main points.

"That's right." Qin Feng nodded.

"Don't you mind?" Ming Qian was shocked.

"I don't care." Qin Feng said the same thing.

"Yes, Qin Tiancai has many things here to prove that he doesn't care about fame and fortune at all." Lan Jiaqing said, "He is a very selfless and great scientist. He posted it in the circle of friends that only one person can see. 'If there is anything that can make me selfish, it's only my Rou school', so Rou is the only exception. Can I understand that?"

"Exactly." Qin Feng said.

"I can't tell you're still an infatuation." Zhan Xuesong sighed.

"Then his motive is most likely because his girlfriend was harassed..." Luo Han said.

"But Xiao (Professor) is really going too far. He will hand over everything that he can't research to Qin Tiancai, and then squeeze him and take the fruits of his labor."

Lan Jiaqing cited many photos, "For example, this is a well-known paper. The first author is Professor Xiao, and Qin Tiancai comes in second. Sometimes he doesn't even have his name."

"This level can already be said to allow students to ghostwrite directly, right?" Ming Qian snorted, "Almost all the achievements of the deceased over the years came from Qin Tiancai!"

" serious."

Zhan Xuesong frowned and asked again, "Are you sure you really don't care? Only the murderer can lie!"

"I really don't care." Qin Feng's attitude was very frank.

"Then I found this under the pillow. May I ask Qin Tiancai, are you in bad health?" Lan Jiaqing took out a photo and read it, "'Three points of medicine'..."

The camera shot to a close-up, and I saw one hand turning a small medicine bottle the size of a palm and a half, and the girdle was written:

"Three points of medicine": powerful analgesics, taking it with warm water can immediately relieve all pains. Please be careful not to use it externally. Once the powder comes into direct contact with blood, it will cause death within a few minutes and condense into yellow powder at the wound.

"Yellow powder!"

Zhan Xuesong came to his senses as if he had been beaten with blood, "Why didn't you say this earlier!"

"Ah? Eh? I forgot-"

Lan Jiaqing was stunned by his shouting, "Don't be so fierce with steamed eggs!"

"Steamed eggs?" Luo Han laughed out loud.

"Ah, no!"

Lan Jiaqing held his head, "It's that! That! Zhan steamed egg! No, Zhan Tan! Zhan real egg!"

"Hahahahahaha help!!!"

All of a sudden, everyone in the conference room laughed.

"Zhan! Detective! Detective!"

Zhan Xuesong laughed and said earnestly, "Read with me! Zhan! Detective! Detective!"

Lan Jiaqing's mouth opened and opened again: "Ah, um, Zhang Zhengtan! No, no! Uh-"

She collapsed in circles.

"Hahahahaha let's let Qingqing go, you skip this and continue."

Luo Han laughed until his stomach hurt.

[Qingbao's mouth is so funny! ! ! o(*≧▽≦)ツ】

[What famous scene hahahahahaha I laughed so hard]

【I won't read it anymore】

[The typing is okay, Detective Zhan is really hard to read with his mouth hahahahaha]

[The person who has no distinction between the front and rear nasal sounds is hit by an arrow in the knee]

【Killing me】

[Our Qingqing baby comes with a sense of variety hhhhhh]

"Ugh! It's all your fault! I forgot to mention it! ("Q_Q"

Lan Jiaqing hugged her head and baby, three points of medicine and three points of medicine. "Luo Han reminded him with a smile in his voice.

"Ah, yes!"

Lan Jiaqing read the drug information of "Three Points of Medicine" again, "Strong pain relief! So Qin Tiantian, do you have any pain?"

"I'm in good health now." Qin Feng did not answer this question directly.

"The name of this medicine has already revealed enough information!"

After laughing enough, Zhan Xuesong returned to his serious appearance, "Three points of medicine, three points of poison! This is poison! It's still a powerful poison that can kill you with one blow!"

His eyes sharpened: "Why do you want to buy this medicine? Is it to save people, or do you intend to harm people?!"