Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 682: The Story of Chen Shufang (Part 2)

Chen Shufang's work is not as good as that of a normal office worker. Weekends are the busiest time. She discussed with the foreman and set the weekly holiday on Tuesday.

During her rare break, she wanted to go out and visit the bookstore.

Chen Shufang used to love studying and reading books. The word "book" in her name was added to her by her teacher when she was in elementary school. Isn't that right, this addition makes it seem like everyone is a girl, quietly and quietly, Chen Shufang likes this name.

It's just that it's a bit difficult to be a good family woman, let alone a lady from a background like her.

After graduating from primary school, the teacher who came to teach in the village left. Chen Shufang's mother didn't let her continue, but sent her younger brother to junior high school. The younger brother didn't like to go to class. Half of the homework was written by Chen Shufang, and she also took this to read. I have read many books, my favorite is the Chinese textbook.

Later, when my younger brother grew up, he entered the juvenile detention center for a breeding incident in high school. His mother was anxious to see him. Chen Shufang, who was packing farm goods at home alone, was moved by an uncle who had just returned home from the next door, and secretly got into the car. After running with him, I just wanted to see what the big city the teacher said was like.

After he came here, he heard his uncle say, "You don't even have a junior high school education, so how do you make money?" Chen Shufang thought about it himself, so he was introduced by his uncle voluntarily to the golden years.

For a teenage girl, a place where she can eat and live is a good unit.

She first started as a chores, and later the manager saw that this little girl could speak well and was good-looking, so she was transferred to be a singing princess.

Chen Shufang made a lot of money at once.

After that, she got older, and knew that the uncle was a pimp. He didn't touch her because "clean goods" sold at a high price. No wonder he hadn't been seen since then.

However, the golden years are quite polite. After all, it is a well-known entertainment place. Everything is about your favor. Chen Shufang is sensible and can chat. Just sitting on the stage can sell a lot of drinks, so no one is forcing her.

In fact, there are quite a few singing princesses like her, most of them are college students, thinking in their hearts that they are "clean servants" anyway, sitting on the stage, drinking and chatting with each other, earning more money and running away after a few months. Now, take the money to buy some luxury items that you like, even if you eat some tofu, after all, you will not suffer substantial losses, and you will not lose.

Back to the present, Chen Shufang wore a vest, cardigan and jeans to go out. She stayed in the golden years for a long time, and there were many colleagues like Jiaojie Xiaozhen who had a lot of extra money. How embarrassing, I didn't deliberately buy tight and conservative clothes, and showed people a **** image generously.

On the subway, Chen Shufang saw a young girl in commuter clothes sitting across from her. She frowned and looked uncomfortable, but there were two huge suitcases in front of her. myself, very hard work.

Chen Shufang, who was leaning in the corner, walked over.

"Want to help?" she asked softly.

The female white-collar looked up at her and smiled: "Okay, thank you sister."

Chen Shufang helped her to press the suitcase, so that she could free up her hand, took out the ibuprofen from the bag, and swallowed a piece with saliva.

"Is it going to move?" Chen Shufang chatted with her and helped her distract her.


The female white-collar worker took over the suitcases again (Chen Shufang only let go of one of them), nodded a little aggrieved, "I'm resigning, I'll go to my friend's place to stay for a few days."

"Oh, it's not easy." Chen Shufang comforted.

Not long after, the subway arrived at the station, and the friendship between strangers stopped there. Chen Shufang greeted the female white-collar worker and turned to leave.

She had a good time at the bookstore and went to the coffee shop to order a caramel macchiato and a little red velvet cake.

During this period, a man in a suit and leather shoes came over to strike up a conversation a little embarrassedly, but Chen Shufang was stunned, and declined with a smile.

She knew that she just looked like a "normal person living an ordinary life".

A day's vacation was over quickly, and then it was back to normal work.

I slept until one or two o'clock in the afternoon, opened my eyes, ate a lunch box, put on my makeup, came out of the eight-person dormitory where I could barely sleep, sat on the sofa in the lobby and waited for the guests to order the table, and worked like this until three or four in the morning, and then Go back in line to take a shower, remove makeup and go to bed.

On this day, Chen Shufang heard Li Zhang's name from the foreman. The foreman would remember every regular customer who sang the princess. Li Zhang was very generous, so he specially informed Chen Shufang every time, so that she would not miss it. one.

Chen Shufang knew a lot about Li Zhang and knew him.

This is an office worker who works hard and takes care of his family. He is the general manager of the company. He has a high position and a higher annual salary. He has a car and a house, a gentle and virtuous wife at home, and a lovely daughter.

He is very disciplined and polite. He never touches her when he comes to chat with her, and only treats her as a confidant and friend as an equal.

There is no doubt that Li Zhang is a good man.

"Hey? Did you see it? I think this is pretty good."

Sometimes Xiaozhen would chat with Chen Shufang while they were removing makeup in the dormitory.

The accompanying princesses at work are not only those who receive extra money like Xiaozhen and Xiaofeng, but there are also many female college students who deliberately maintain their "innocence" in order to find a good family.

Nine times out of ten, the bosses who come here have a family, but since they can come here, it means that there are some problems with the family, so there are many people who choose to raise their lovers outside. Some princesses come here for this, know three As long as you don't care about being the third and so on, you can live well.

"Where, just drinking and chatting with guests normally." Chen Shufang answered this every time.

A good man like Li can he be one world with her.

Chen Shufang was lying on the upper bunk, and the ceiling in his sight gradually turned into Li Zhang's profile with a cigarette in it.

That face is very tough, and has many traces of years, but it also looks more mature and stable, and it is very attractive.

Chen Shufang remembered what this man had told himself, one by one, one by one, describing his efforts, his perseverance, his not giving up, his successes and his failures.

And how much he cares about his family.

When Li Zhang talked about his wife, the outline of his entire face seemed to soften.

How he loves her.

Because I love her, I don't want her to worry, so I came to Chen Shufang to pour bitter water.

These, Chen Shufang is very clear.

She knows what this kind of psychology is - the more Li Zhang loves his wife, the more Chen Shufang is attracted by this kind of single-mindedness. Once Li Zhang really happens to her, Chen Shufang will feel that the image in his heart is shattered a little bit. The taste changed, but at the same time, she still wanted to be close to him in her heart, so she was so conflicted that she couldn't sleep.

Falling in love with someone you shouldn't love.

Many colleagues are like this, and the end is also tragic. Chen Shufang could see clearly and did not want to repeat the same mistakes.

No matter how much money she earns, she's just an **** girl... It's a good thing that people who are in the mud can see the light, how can they hope that they will walk into the light too?

A few days later, Xiaofeng suddenly packed her things in the dormitory, and said excitedly that she had found a regular client.

Chen Shufang helped her carry her luggage to the back door, where a very stylish car was parked, Xiaofeng ran over with a smile and kissed the man waiting there.


Chen Shufang looked at them, not knowing what to say or what to do for a while.

She lost sleep again, and couldn't help wrapping her arms around herself in the middle of the night, curling up in a ball under the covers.

Xiaofeng, who has a man, will still come to work in the golden years, but like Chen Shufang, she has become a simple singing princess, and she works casually and loosely. Just take a taxi back, after all, there is a "home".

"Isn't it good?" Xiaofeng was finishing putting on her lipstick when she spoke, and smacking her lips, "He doesn't mind, anyway, I'll be waiting at home if I want to do something, that's all."

Chen Shufang was moved with shame.

So on this day, she sent Li Zhang to the door and quietly stuffed a small note with her name and phone number in his suit jacket pocket.

"...Then I wish you a longer time interval next time."

Chen Shufang smiled.

She bid farewell to Li Zhang, not paying attention to a girl in a school uniform across the road.

She had a relationship with her, met eyes in the bathroom.

The accident happened suddenly.

A few days later, a girl rushed into the golden years without warning. She was cute and had a small round face, but she was aggressive, and her face was filled with resentment or collapse, so that her facial features were twisted together.

"Chen Shufang!"

She screamed, but Chen Shufang, who was sitting on the sofa at the time, didn't respond, but there were always people around her who betrayed her with subconscious eyes.

"You are not cheap!"

The girl rushed up, grabbed her collar, and slapped her wildly.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

She beat her hard, and Chen Shufang was dazed before she was frightened. She had never had any extra ambiguous relationship with her guests, and this had never happened before.

The girl was quickly pulled away by the security guard, and Chen Shufang covered the swollen half of her face with a look of astonishment.

"Stinky bitch! Is it so much fun to destroy someone's family!" the girl yelled at her, crying, "Why seduce my dad! You bitch!"

She broke away from the security guard like crazy, but she had no strength to rush over to vent her anger.

"My mom jumped off the building... I don't have a mom anymore...

"Bastard... slut...

"Go to hell, you..."

The girl knelt on the ground and covered her face crying.

Some of the sing-along princesses are known to be the top three, and it is the first time that the family members have come to the door to make such a big mess.

The hall was silent, only the girl's scolding and crying, and the passing guests couldn't help but watch, their eyes widened.

Chen Shufang stood under everyone's sight, his hands and feet were cold, and his mind was blank.

She wanted to say that I didn't, that nothing happened to me, but when the lost Li Zhang came over, she couldn't say anything.


Li Zhang seemed to be ten years older, tired to help his crying daughter.

"Go away!"

Li Tao roared in dismay, "Go live with her! I'm going to die too! You two go sweetly!"

"Peach, peach... please..."

Li Zhang knelt down beside Li Tao and kept comforting and begging. After a long time, he finally pulled his crying daughter up from the ground half-supporting and Before he left, he Looking back at Chen Shufang.

The look in that look is very complicated, I don't know if it's disbelief, disappointment, anger, fear, or pleading.

Chen Shufang's lips trembled, and she stood there stupidly, her legs were no longer conscious.

I...I didn't...

Nothing happened to us...

You know……

I'm sorry……

It was the coolness of the drying that made Chen Shufang realize that her tears had already wet her whole face.

More teardrops flowed out, and they swept across the red and swollen cheeks, and there was a tingling pain wherever they went.

Like a red-hot iron, to burn Chen Shufang's indescribable and humiliating scar.