Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 688: "Entertainment Intern" (6-1)

There were only six actors in each group in the sixth round. When Li Zhang appeared as the third character, the ingenuity of the film "Difficulty" was immediately understood, and the context of the whole story became clear.

[The middle-level social animal said, it's too real]

[Well, a man with a wife and children, how can you let him resign so easily, with so many responsibilities and constraints]

[I feel helpless when I grab the list. I have to fight day and night if I don’t have an advantage. Of course, it’s very refreshing to fight, and it feels like a Jedi comeback]

【? ? ? I'm sloppy, I just realized that Xu Xiaoman's dialog box said Li Zhang, it's connected]

[It's annoying, the bottom-level employees have to find the leader if they have anything. The leader is not tired. He was called up as soon as he lay down and fell asleep]

【Here again, right? Whoever the film is on, you stand on whose side, right? When Xu Xiaoman was scolding the leader for being rude, now he follows the leader and scolding the employees for being ignorant and speechless]

[Relying on... It turns out that Liu Qin's company was the one who grabbed the order...]

[Suddenly I don't know what to say, Li Zhang also fought hard, Liu Qin and the others also fought hard, this one almost stayed up all night and died suddenly, that one almost died from drinking at the wine table]

【Ah, life ah... 】

[Kneeling is too exaggerated. The front of this movie is very good. It's too dramatic here. It's a play.]

[It’s no exaggeration, I was asked by a second generation in the company to kneel in public in my last job (you heard that right, it’s true)]

【Um. What kind of dignity do you still need? who cares? Everyone is for a meal]

[It can only show that this company and this boss are really not good. The old employee Li Zhang was tossed like this, and the new employee Xu Xiaoman couldn't stand it and ran away. This company eats jujube pills]

[Indeed, boss Shabi, sometimes I really want to open his head to see what's going on inside]

[The next story won't be the boss's, right? 】

[No, you can't tell by looking at the actors, Xu Xiaoman is Xu Shuangshuang, Liu Qin is Liu Zhe, Li Zhang is Li Zhi, Nie Xingliang and Chen Danqing have not seen each other until now, Su Su is the student girl who rescued Liu Qin, I don't know what it's called]

[Chen Danqing appeared, the one on the bus of Liu Qin before, look at the works carefully]

[Hey, sad, I can only go to find someone to chat with]

[Mom, is this Chen Danqing? ! The makeup is so thick that I almost didn't recognize it]

[The lady who accompanies the wine...Fang Youwen is also a little too daring to take pictures]

[Haven't he and Yuan Xiao always been bold, they are twice as bold together]

[Speaking of the full version, there is also Li Zhang shouting bitter love songs. When I watched it, I couldn't help but think "there is such a business man"]

[I understand too well, it's not that my daughter-in-law is not good, but because it is my own, I don't want her to think too much]

[What are the men in the front empathizing with? ? ? As a wife, even if you hear it, you won't despise you, right? But don't you think that men are very disrespectful to their wives when they talk to other women outside? 】

【What is this? Not for the sake of my daughter-in-law]

[What a dick, after you went out to socialize, your wife waited so long at home to leave a lamp for you to warm your meal, are you interested? 】

[Noisy, noisy, Li Zhang is already a good person, and he's not cheating or anything, what kind of good man do you want?]

【Eh? Isn't this woman Chen Shufang the one Liu Qin rescued on the bus just now? No wonder she dresses like that, the original profession is...]

[The time line is a bit messy, I didn't understand it]

【It's not over yet, watch it slowly】

[Actually, this woman is quite interesting. When I was chatting with Li Zhang just now, the temperament of the whole person was different from those of the vulgar women. It is no wonder that Li Zhang came to her.]

[Why do you all have a tone of envy and understanding. . . Am I the only one who feels sorry for Li Zhang's wife who waited until the middle of the night? . . 】

[I can't see that Fang Youwen is quite a life, just the scene of the parking lot, the director who doesn't understand will definitely not be able to shoot it]

【what? Is there anything special? Not smoking a cigarette? 】

[Hey, you are not an elderly man, you must not understand. Usually you have to take care of your family when you go to work. You really don’t have any time for yourself. Even if you go home, you have to check your children’s homework, and you have to pay public food with your wife. It's hard to stay quiet for a while, only in the car is the rare alone time]

[To put it bluntly, I want to keep myself quiet]

[Li Zhang’s story is okay, it’s tiring to watch but it’s true, Liu Qin’s side is also trying desperately to **** it, but there’s really nothing to say about it if you can’t **** it away. The workplace is not like this, there’s nothing to discuss and everyone to shake hands with. Harmony, not all will kill you to death]

[ε=(′ο`*))) Oh, it’s still a bit uncomfortable, why can’t we have the best of both worlds]

[Speaking such words shows that you are still too young to have such unrealistic illusions in society]

The camera stopped at the scene where Li Zhang and his wife were sleeping snuggling with each other, and soon after a shady transition, the sound and lights rushed into the screen, which became two extremes from the tranquility just now.

The barrage became [? ? ? ] and the ocean of […], mixed with the exclamations of the other party Youwen and Yuan Xiao doing things.

There are actually quite a few works that refute or satirize the wine table culture. Either they depict the helplessness of the world like "Difficulty", or they make the hero and heroine bold and force the wine villain to be refreshing, but directly put some truth in it. The phenomenon was photographed, I can't say there is no, but it is really rare.

Compared with the honest and honest Qu Nan, Fang Youwen's style as a director is much sharper.

He is a bow, an arrow, and Yuan Xiao is his bowstring.

The conversation between Chen Shufang and her colleagues made the audience overwhelmed. They were used to the self-reports of **** workers, whether they were sad, numb, or self-deprecating. They were also used to other people's sympathy and pity for them in a literary tone, but they never faced it directly. the daily lives of these people.

Why... can we talk about these things so naturally?

【Why not? 】There is a barrage to answer the previous sigh, 【This business has been working for a long time, and you are surrounded by similar colleagues. Everyone knows who is the virtue, so why hide it? 】

Someone else asked, [Don't you feel ashamed? Aren't you ashamed? 】

Then someone answered, [Is it useful? 】

yeah, does it work?

You are a professional to sell laughter. When the guests are served comfortably and happy, you can earn money.

People don't like women who are crying and grimacing. They look unlucky, as if they didn't spend money to bully others.

【I was shocked... 】

[This line is too good, I don't know what to say, "Baosu" is "earn more money" in their opinion, and why do you have a husband? ! Why would a husband come out to do this... this...]

[Very normal. Are you young? Have you heard of the Great Famine a long time ago? How many men go out to do business with their wives on the back seat of their bicycles]

【what? 】

[I'm a little disgusted by me, is what the barrage says true? ? ? 】

[Why doesn't the country ban it! ! 】

[Unclean grasping is like this. 】

[I don't understand, why don't you get a divorce? According to what they said, the husband stays at home and doesn't do anything. He can only rely on his wife to go out and do that kind of thing to earn money. Why are they still together? ! And there is actually a man who sends his wife to the "guest"? ! 】

[We don't know, and we don't dare to analyze it. . . 】

[I don't know what these women Anyway...heh]

[I only realized that "I just had an abortion last month" and said it was an abortion, help.]

【what? ? ? ? If you didn't say it, I didn't realize it was...]

【I can’t watch anymore, I’m slipping away】

[My heart is stuck in a panic, and I can't work hard]

[Mom, the student girl who met Chen Shufang's eyes was the one played by Su Su! Could this be a foreshadowing? 】

[Did she and her classmates sing K and overheard it by chance? 】

[How shocking the good guy was to hear this on the spot... I felt a shock across the screen...]

[Now it's a state of being stupid]

[It's a pity, Chen Shufang's posture is good when walking, her shoulders don't move very much, and although her waist is twisting, it's not custom at all, she's obviously a very feminine and beautiful sister...]