Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 702: Responses to "Embarrassment" (Part 2)

"Hey~ How easy this round is, take a look, we don't need to talk anymore."

It was not suitable for Lin Yuqin to come out to speak at this time, so Yue Yang took on the job of adjusting the atmosphere, turned his head and teased Ruan Ziyan.

Ruan Ziyan smiled softly:

"Well, the mutual evaluation session just now was very good. Everyone's comments and appreciations are in place. I am proud of you."

He also said: "Our four judges are always looking down. There is a saying, 'The one who knows you best is often your opponent', just like the current group A and B, I think just now B The effect of group comments is better than our speeches, because everyone understands each other and can speak the truth."

Ruan Ziyan tilted her head, and continued in a gentle voice:

"Finally, let me add a little bit. It has nothing to do with acting skills, but I really want to give a special compliment to the screenwriter Yuan Xiao and the six actors. I praise the role setting of the script, and I also praise every actor for choosing to take on such a role and will They performed brilliantly. What you do is rare in today's entertainment market, so it is even more precious."


Zhu Zishu cleared his throat, with a serious expression, "Apart from other points worthy of recognition, what I want to praise the most about "A Difficulty" is your courage."

"In the current cultural creation, there is a phenomenon that is becoming more and more obvious-the lack of common people.

"Even in film and television works based on certain social issues or specializing in a certain type and theme, it is difficult to see characters that truly fit the daily lives of the people.

"Speaking of this, some people may want to say, haven't domestic family ethics dramas been on the air all the time? Yes, it is true. However, even in such dramas, the protagonists in them are still more and more unreal. This is the so-called ' The origin of "suspension".

"Why do we want to see some excellent group portrait works this round?

"Because in other environments, such as Xu Xiaoman, what would she look like as a heroine? Graduated from a prestigious university, a white-collar executive in a company, with an equally outstanding boyfriend who is Kochi, and then they staged a love affair in a joke-like workplace battle. Comedy—I heard laughter from the audience, so it can be seen that some people agree with and empathize with my point of view.”

Zhu Zishu took a sip of water politely, and continued:

"The excellent structure of "Embarrassment" has already been mentioned by everyone in group B, so I won't repeat it. The combination of urban young men and women has undoubtedly played a role in some current works that pretend to be realistic but have a strong sense of suspension. A wake-up call. As for Liang Xing and Liang Susu, the combination of father and daughter, social person and student, it is because the characteristics are too distinct, and I don’t think there is any need to deliberately comment and emphasize here.”

He paused, then continued:

"What I want to focus on is that Li Zhang and Chen Shufang, especially the latter. A singing princess and a drinking girl, such real and lively people in the market are really rare. And the director, screenwriter , The actor can show such a role to the audience, I think there is a lot of courage behind it.

"Because under normal circumstances, 'Chen Shufang', or people like her and Liang Xing, rarely exist.

"Audiences don't want to watch, actors don't want to act, screenwriters don't want to write, directors don't want to shoot—this is the status quo of realistic works and ordinary characters.

"But in life, there are many people like them."

Ruan Ziyan nodded deeply.

"I'm very proud." She looked at Chen Danqing and said, "There is an actress who is willing to play such a not-so-glamorous role, and even has obvious social and moral flaws and a 'shame' role, and she can play her so deeply."

Chen Danqing pulled the corners of his lips lightly and smiled.

His expression was magnanimous and proud.

As a female actress, actress Ruan Ziyan is very aware of how much today's actresses or "female stars" cherish their wings. Sometimes even if they don't want to, they have to maintain their personality under heavy pressure. What they want is "no mistakes" .

That's why there are so many people vying for the leading heroine, and they have to make the most "positive" choice, and they can't let go of the conversation. Even if their acting skills are repeatedly criticized, even if their screen image is fixed, "pure" and "kind" In the eyes of them and the team behind them, "role stereotypes" such as "Jiaoqiao", "Positive Energy" are far better than a dishonorable market role.

Chen Danqing could obviously do some marketing with the popularity of a character like Lin Rou, but she didn't.

Lin Rou is "the nation's first love", the sister Lin who is synonymous with beauty in "The Empty Stele", but Chen Danqing is Chen Danqing, and only Chen Danqing.

She bid farewell to the "Pavilion Master of Fengxin Pavilion" freely and straightforwardly, as if she cut off some thoughts about Qin Jue at the beginning in time.

This is a sober, fine, promising actress.

"It's wonderful!" Zhu Zishu's voice sounded again, "It also makes me feel really gratified."

"Yuan Xiao, from "The Empty Stele" to "The Melting Pot", and now to "Embarrassment", your focus has gradually become generalized, but it has become deeper and clearer every time."

Zhu Zishu affirmed unabashedly, "At the same time, I also hope that audience friends can think about such a question: Qin and others in "The Melting Pot" are a special group, but ordinary people in our daily life, in their own world, Why isn't it 'special'?"

"Human nature is both common and individual."

After deliberately pausing for two seconds, Zhu Zishu concluded generously:

"I am very happy to see the humanistic feelings in Yuan Xiao and Fang Youwen, which is very important, especially for literary and art workers.

"Looking forward to your next work."


There was warm applause at the scene, from the audience seats, from the judges' seats, and from the B group intern seats on the opposite side.

All members of Group A bowed forward in unison.

Some of them were already red-eyed, and now they smiled and patted their wrists or forearms with their free hands, applauding themselves as well.

Amid the applause, the four judges and teachers showed their scores, and the big screen showed everyone's individual scores and the final group scores sequentially as in previous rounds.

High, but not outrageously high.

Of course.


Qu Nan, He Jiayi and the others in Group B shouted loudly from across the stage, all with smiles on their faces.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yuqin came onto the stage and guided the fascinated public judges to press the scoring device at hand, and the data bar on the screen would slide up or down in real time.

"Oh, it seems that many audience friends have been 'tortured'."

Lin Yuqin enveloped the atmosphere of the audience with a smile, and clearly announced the final score of "Embarrassment".

The total score of the judges was 99.25, and the general score was 89. Calculated according to the ratio of 20%, an additional score of 17.8 was added, for a total of 117.05, which is the highest score of "Entertainment Intern" since the first round.


Qu Nan applauded louder than anyone else. Ever since he watched the full version of "Embarrassment", he has always been convinced.

"Hahahaha, I saw that classmate Xiaoqu's hands were all red."

Lin Yuqin's power of observation is very strong, he noticed Qu Nan's excitement all of a sudden, and cueed the process, "Don't forget that the second half of your work hasn't been broadcast yet!"

Qu Nan scratched his head and laughed foolishly: "Yes, but "Embarrassment" is really strong!"

"Do you have the confidence to beat them?" Lin Yuqin interacted with him.

"This..." Qu Nan was a little embarrassed, but nodded seriously, "I still want to give it a try! Because everyone in our group has worked very hard and dedicatedly to complete their work!"


Lin Yuqin answered loudly and secretly praised this young man, although he has a simple and honest temperament, but he can delicately take care of the emotions of his team members. Even if he may lack in strength, he is not inferior in leadership.

After all, everyone present can see the excellence of "Embarrassment", but as the leader of Group B and the director of the work, if Qu Nan said something like "I'm ashamed" or "We can't compare" at this time Words, which seem to be sincere admiration, will also invisibly hurt the mood of other people in the team.

"Since this is the case, I think our audience friends and the students in Group A can't wait."

Lin Yuqin made a gesture with a smile, so that the score bar of "difficult" on the big screen naturally faded and disappeared.

"Then next—"

The camera gave him a personal close-up.

"Please enjoy the sixth round of Group B works!

""Who is the Murderer Case 0: Death of a Research Professor"!"

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