Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 712: 1 on 1: Luo Baoan

Luo Han sat on the chair on Zhan Xuesong's left.

I can't say why, but when the two of them were in the same frame, there was an air of seriousness in the air. In a popular sense, it means "looks reliable".

"Who do you think the murderer is?" Zhan Xuesong asked this question again.

"Qian or Qin."

Luo Han said in a very firm tone.

He paused for a while, and seeing that Zhan Xuesong wanted to continue listening, he took advantage of the situation and expressed his analysis:

"Qian (senior) is because his timeline is very suspicious, he is the most likely person to commit the crime.

"Because he was the last person who came to the office this afternoon, which means that the people behind us have no way to verify whether what he said is correct or wrong."

"That's right." Zhan Xuesong nodded, "The probability of his lying being exposed is very small. In other words, he has a wider choice of lies than others."


Luo Han and Zhan Xuesong's thinking was as smooth as if the same person was speaking, "Although the time is very disadvantageous, he has a lot of room to maneuver."

There is another sentence that Luo Han didn't say, he felt that this happened to be the "sense of appropriateness" that the murderer's script should have.

There are straightforward doubts, but they will not be too targeted. There is room for defense and reversal, and the possibility of success.

In terms of the setting of the program, Senior Qian is undoubtedly the most suitable one to be the murderer.

"And detective, I found that we had a misunderstanding in our thinking earlier."

Luo Han said seriously again, "This misunderstanding is that we can't think that 'hairpin' and 'rou school flower' are necessarily linked."

Zhan Xuesong said "Oh":

"Yeah, that's why I think Qin—"

"No, I mean we can treat the 'hairpin' as a separate object."

Speaking of this, Luo Han slumped down at the waist, finding a more convenient and comfortable position.

He continued: "It is known that only the murderer can tell a lie. Then, if what Rou (Xiaohua) and Qin (61) said is true, and we already have evidence to prove that Rou's hairpin did drop in the office, then, Qian Qian (Senior) It is very likely that during the process of arguing with the deceased, he accidentally found the hairpin that fell on the ground."

Zhan Xuesong suddenly raised his eyes:

"Yes! That's right!"

【Ahhh yes! I've been meaning to say this before! Qian can also pick up hairpins! 】

[It's a bit powerful, Luo Hanzhang, is he so strong? 】

[Are you sure you're not making it up? 】

[It’s hard not to sweat the soybeans, but it’s not that hard to admit that Luo Hanzhang is excellent]

[Suddenly got him a little bit, solved the case, I just like people with brains (? Why does it sound so weird)]

[It's normal, intellectual love is like this.jpg]

[Yes, "smart" is a kind of sexy! ! Thanks to "Who Detective" for letting me see another side of Xiao Luo, wow wow #打call]

The bullet screen drifted by, and Zhan Xuesong in the video patted his forehead, and let out a sigh of relief:

"I was so confused that I overlooked such an obvious—"

"It's okay, it's your first time as a detective."

Luo Han immediately comforted with a smile.

"So when Qian (senior) discovered the hairpin and noticed that it had a sharp end, which means it could be used as a murder weapon, he might have dipped the hairpin in poisonous 'three-point medicine', and In this way, Professor Xiao was assassinated and poisoned."

Luo Han continued.

The suspicion of his role as Luo Baoan has been ruled out, so there is no need to worry that he is deliberately out of rhythm, and the logic of speaking is very clear at this time, Zhan Xuesong doesn't need to be suspicious, he can listen to everything, and can't help nodding frequently.

"From this point of view, I think Qian (senior) is very likely to commit the crime."

"But the evidence is lacking."

Zhan Xuesong said, "We have to confirm whether the bottle of 'Medicine Three Fen' at the scene has anything to do with Qian, and whether it belongs to him. And the 'Pharmaceutical Three Fen' he bought was indeed unopened. Checked it out myself."

This is also the reason why he has not particularly doubted Mingqian so far.

Compared with Qin Tiancai, who had been taking "three-point medicine" for pain relief due to illness, and Qin 61, who had inherited Qin Tiancai's memory, Senior Qian's untouched can of "three-point medicine" is really not suspicious.


Luo Han also frowned slightly.

"But let's not mention this for now. After all, the evidence still has 'undiscovered' situations."

Luo Han quickly skipped this topic without wasting any time, "I think another reason why Qian is the murderer is that I think the time when he came out and said that he thought he was the murderer was too coincidental, which is very strange."

He said seriously:

"If he feels that he has made a mistake, he can make adjustments silently in the early stage, and there is no need to burst out when it is close to the second half of the investigation."

Luo Han had gradually laid down on the table while talking, if it wasn't for the serious and serious expressions on his and Zhan Xuesong's faces, just looking at this picture alone would seem to be making a fool of himself.

"I think what Qian (senior) did is more like an emergency adjustment after he learned about other people's timelines and specific details."

"No no no."

This time, it was Zhan Xuesong who retorted, "There is one more thing to consider. If Qian Qian said it earlier, it is not ruled out that the real murderer will also adjust his disguise and subsequent words according to what he said."


Luo Han was thoughtful.

"Moreover, if the murderer is Rou (Xiaohua) and Qin (61), the two of them, especially Qin, have been targeting Qian since the early stage. At that time, there was not so much evidence revealed. It was targeted unilaterally."

"Oh—you want to say that if Qian (senior) bursts out in the front, it will appear that he was panicked by Qin's targeting and questioning, which will be even more detrimental to him, and he will not be able to tell in the end. "

Luo Han immediately followed Zhan Xuesong's train of thought.

"That's right, that's it."

Zhan Xuesong nodded, "He chose to confess the matter with the appointed detective who was not suspected of committing the crime one-on-one. I think this approach is very reasonable, and the focus is on safety."

"Well... makes sense."

Luo Han took Ming Qian's position into his place, briefly recalled a few clips of Qin Feng questioning Ming Qian, and nodded slowly.

"I lean towards Qin for two reasons."

This time it is Zhan Xuesong's turn to give the lecture, "The first is the timeline, and his timeline is more maneuverable."

"Because he didn't have any witnesses around 2:45 p.m., and only at three o'clock did he meet with Rou (school beauty). That is to say, during the period before three o'clock, we don't know and are not sure what happened to him. What have you done?"

Zhan Xuesong's articulation is clear, with appropriate weight, and it sounds very comfortable and extremely convincing.

"So, even if counting from the time when Rou Xiaohua came to the office, there is an interval of two hours between one o'clock and three o'clock, which is more convenient for him to operate. Especially his current performance has fully demonstrated that as an artificial intelligence , His ability is very strong, multi-threaded operations are trivial, we must consider the situation of this high-IQ crime.”

Zhan Xuesong paused for a while, and shared the possibility of committing the crime that Ming Qian speculated with Luo Han.

"Therefore, when Qian (senior) leaves the office, Qin (61) can use the sweeping robot, MiKi and hairpins to carry out the crime. Among them, the robot is responsible for delivering the poison and bringing back the murder weapon, and MiKi is the 'representative of the murderer' In the end, he blew himself up, and his girlfriend's hairpin was also found, and he hid behind the scenes during the whole process, without any suspicion, and Rou Xiaohua would not know about it."

Zhan Xuesong moved his stiff shoulders with lingering fear.

"This kind of modus operandi is very meticulous in the whole set, and it is too compatible with Qin 61."

"Not to mention, there are also hidden storylines and other small details of 'Qin Tiancai is actually Qin 61'."

What Zhan Xuesong was talking about was Qin Feng's suspicious statement about the character card, "So, if we still can't prove that the 'Three Points of Medicine' on the scene has a clear connection with Qian (senior), I would suggest that everyone vote for Qin 61. "

Luo Han had never heard of this line of thinking before, and at this moment he couldn't help admitting that if the facts were as Zhan Xuesong said, and there was indeed no flaw, Qin 61 and his cherished Rou Xiaohua could escape completely, it was simply artificial The most perfect ending chosen by intelligent calculations.

"Actually, I'm also suspicious of Qin."

Luo Han shook his head, "But I think my idea is a bit too idealistic..."

"It's okay, you talk first." Zhan Xuesong said.

"I also thought that Qin 61's timeline is very abundant. And there is too much time between Rou (school flower) and Qian (senior), from 11:15 to 3:00, it happens that Qin (61) can't come up with it. Alibi time."

Luo Han thought and said, "Because Qian (senior) mentioned something when correcting the part he lied earlier, he and Professor Xiao quarreled for a few minutes, and immediately Xiao appeared abnormal."

"So I think there is a possibility that Qin's action was not after Qian left, but before he came to the office."

When the close-up shot was given to Luo Han, it happened to capture the moment when he sharply raised his eyes, the picture was full of tension, and the aura rushed to his face.

"If not, how could this time be so coincidental? You must know, first, the description of 'three minutes of the medicine' does not say 'immediate death', but 'when the medicine powder directly contacts the blood of a living person, it will die within a few minutes. lethal'."

Luo Han deliberately accentuated the pronunciation of "a few minutes".

"Secondly, Qin 61 can hack into the monitoring system at any time without leaving any traces. His power on the Internet is beyond imagination. Then, if he—"

Although Luo Han's voice was gentle and gentle, the words he spit out sounded like people were unconsciously holding their breath.

"Do you want to deliberately blame Qian (senior) for this murder?"

Zhan Xuesong's expression changed.

[Ah, ah, ah, my teacher Luo! ! ]

[Ms. Luo is so handsome—]

[Oh my god, I have goosebumps, this close-up is blowing my mind! ]

[But I think there is still a problem with this analysis, because what Ding Mingqian said may also be a trap deliberately arranged by him after reading the "three-point medicine" explanation]

As soon as the bullet screen drifted past, Zhan Xuesong said something similar.

"But if you said earlier that 'Qian intends to temporarily adjust tactics after listening to other people's details', the few minutes he said may also be deliberately leading us to think in this regard."

Zhan Xuesong said again: "And how can we achieve the situation you mentioned? After all, when Qian (senior) saw the deceased, everything was as usual."

"Yes, so although I have thought about Qin 61 asking MiKi to connect with the sweeping robot with "three-point medicine" under the guise of cleaning and replacing the trash box, and then use the "massage" and other functions to attack Professor Xiao at the moment... "

Luo Han said another small detail that everyone didn't pay attention to, "But this is even more lacking in evidence, it's too idealistic, I don't think the possibility is high."

This is the first time for everyone to participate in this kind of role-playing reasoning show, and they are still in the process of getting in touch with the show crew. For a while, they will not be able to figure out the routine of this variety show or what the correct way of investigating the case is. Even the experienced Luo Han can hardly decide which clue is actually related to the case, and which clue is just to supplement the details of the story.

"Well, that's it..."

Zhan Xuesong nodded slowly.

"Now that we've finished talking about Qian (senior) and Qin (61), do you think Rou (the school beauty) might be the murderer?" He asked Luo Han's opinion.

"One possibility is that the 'purified version of anesthesia liquid' on her hairpin can slowly kill the deceased who has heart disease, and Qian just saw the moment of death from a heart attack, and the later 'three-point medicine' The powder was just Qin's misunderstanding or personal venting of anger, not the main cause of death;

"Another possibility is that Qian saw the moment when the deceased was paralyzed, and mistakenly thought that he was mad at the deceased. After leaving, Qin 61 gave a truly fatal blow."

"Neither of those possibilities exist."

Without any hesitation, Luo Han shook his head firmly.

"Oh? How should I say it?"

"Let's look at the first one first."

Luo Han explained, "If the hairpin of Rou (Xiaohua) caused the deceased's heart attack, and Qian said that he gave the deceased medicine, but I replaced the medicine, and it didn't work after taking it. The death of the deceased was caused by a mistake—Detective, this case involves Ruo Rou and me, how should this be judged legally?"

"There is no such thing as a murderer in the law. Naturally, the judgment and sentence should be based on the subjective and objective actions of the two people and the results they caused. For example, if you have the idea of ​​murder subjectively, and objectively and indirectly cause—"

Zhan Xuesong's legal knowledge is profound and firm, and he speaks as soon as he opens his mouth.


The knuckles of the index and middle fingers of Luo Han's right hand lightly tapped the table, and at the same time looked at Zhan Xuesong's eyes very seriously.


He said softly, unhurriedly, "But in our case, there is only one real culprit."

This is a variety show, this is a role-playing reasoning game.

This is not a real case, and it is not necessarily necessary to use realistic thinking to deal with the case.

There is only one murderer, if this is possible just now, who should you vote for?

Zhan Xuesong met those meaningful eyes, realized Luo Han's unfinished words, and his pupils shrank.

He stopped talking and frowned deeply:

"…you're right."

[I rely on this paragraph to be wonderful]

[Where is it exciting, please explain it to the boss! #Doubt#Looking forward]

[This paragraph Luo Hanzhang and Zhan Changqing are not showing the characters in "Who Detective", but the first-tier characters in the sixth round of works, it's so exciting! 】

[Supplement: Because "Zhan Xuesong" is set to be the host of a legal program, and "Luo Han" is set to be a well-known host like Lin Yuqin, so Luo Han should look at the problem from the setting of this variety show , he can quickly understand the "rules" of "Who Detective", and Zhan Xuesong can't get around]

【It turned out to be like this】

【Grass, Luo Hanzhang Niu】

"For the second possibility, I also think the probability is relatively low. Because it can easily turn out that Ruan and Qin are lying, which is not in compliance with the rules."

Luo Han in the screen said again, emphasizing the rules of the program Indeed. "

Zhan Xuesong was persuaded by him and gave up the idea of ​​choosing between Rou (Xiaohua) and Qin (61).

At this moment, the announcement sound came from the radio, and both of them stood up.

"Detective, don't be nervous, come on!"

Luo Han immediately switched back to the brisk state suitable for variety shows, and smiled and squeezed Zhan Xuesong's shoulders to relax.

"Ha, the pressure is huge!"

Zhan Xuesong also laughed.

"This meme is too old, Mr. Zhan—"

Luo Han complained, and the two walked out of the meeting room talking and laughing.

The one-on-one session is officially over.

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