Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 713: 2nd concentrated reasoning (1)


Zhan Xuesong walked along the scenery corridor and said loudly, "Did you find anything new?"


"Not yet."

The voices of Lan Jiaqing and Wang Rou sounded one after the other.

"Wow, you are still looking for Qian (senior)."

Luo Han saw that Wang Rou was still rummaging through Senior Qian's room as before he left.

"Yeah, I think it must be..."

Wang Rou answered without giving up, squatting on the ground looking for her when she spoke.

"What's the matter with you two? You two look like door gods."

Zhan Xuesong saw Qin Feng and Ming Qian who were still at the crime scene.

"Look at him."

Ming Qian laughed and said "look" in "care".

"What about you? Don't you want to cling to your Rou for 24 hours?" Zhan Xuesong said casually.

Qin Feng glanced at him, and his indifferent face showed complaints about which pot he didn't open and which pot he carried.

"I looked at him too."

Then Qin Feng turned his eyes back to Ming Qian's face, and replied indifferently.

In the later stage, the two P became a confrontation here, and a special effect of crackling lightning sparks was created between the four eyes.

"Okay, everyone! Come back and sit down!"

Zhan Xuesong scrutinized the expressions of the two without any trace, and then he put his hands around his mouth and greeted them.

The camera then switched to a bird's-eye view, and the familiar official explanatory font and narration reappeared.

{Second concentrated reasoning}

{After collecting evidence, the six players summarize their reasoning ideas}

{Detective appoints two spokesmen to speak again}

In front of the TV screen, the old man and the old lady watched with gusto.

"This is pretty good. If you haven't seen it before, you can talk about it again." The old lady rambled.

"Grandma~! It's time! Take medicine! (*?▽?*

As soon as she finished speaking, a cute and crisp child's voice sounded in the room. It was the little robot at home, "Gululu", coming to the bedroom on wheels.

"Okay, baby boy—"

When the old lady heard the familiar child's voice, she immediately smiled until the wrinkles on her face opened.

She caressed the round head of the robot "Xiaobao" like a real child, and the dust cover there opened automatically, and a glass of warm water and the old lady's usual medicine box were firmly placed on it.

"Come on, Xiaobao, come and watch TV with grandpa."

When the old lady finished taking the medicine, the old man stretched out his hand.

The intelligent robot moved to his hand: "Grandpa, what are you looking at?"

In fact, these are the pre-set lines and voices, but the old man is still very happy when he heard this, and he smiled:

"Come on, grandpa will tell you..."

Sometimes the elderly don't need someone to understand and respond, they just want to have a companion and a listener.

While the old man was talking to his little treasure, the TV screen also faded in. Zhan Xuesong, Luo Han and others sat back to the seats where they introduced themselves and told the timeline at the beginning of the show. The order from left to right remained the same. It is Ming Qian, Wang Rou and Qin Feng sitting on the right half.

Zhan Xuesong looked down at the notes he had taken so far, put them down and folded his arms and said:

"I think we must be missing at least one direct piece of evidence that would identify the killer.

"So far, the motives of each of the suspects have been confirmed, but the specific criminal actions, especially those of Rou Xiaohua, Qian Senior and Qin 61, are still ambiguous.

"Luo Baoan's motive is to avenge his twin brother Luo Qin. The specific action is to mix the 'medicine three-point' powder into the coffee powder and replace the deceased's quick-acting Jiuxin pill in advance, so as to induce a heart attack and finally fake it into an accident. Death. But because Rou Xiaohua hit MiKi, the plan went bankrupt at the step of brewing coffee, and the suspicion was ruled out.

"Qingxuemei, the motive is to avenge the relatives who went bankrupt and jumped off the building and herself who was ruined. The specific action is to make a video of a ghost killing her, and implant a hacker program to control the office's door lock and indoor robot MiKi, and finally cause the deceased to suffer from excessive fright and heart disease. He died from an explosion. However, since the MiKi exploded before it could act, the suspicion was ruled out."

Zhan Xuesong started from the person closest to him, and the close-ups hit the corresponding people's faces in due course as he summed up.

Luo Han and Lan Jiaqing nodded slightly.

"Rou Xiaohua's motivation is that she was threatened and harassed by the deceased for a long time, and her boyfriend was stolen by him several times. She has been to the scene and had physical conflicts with the deceased. There is no specific criminal action."

Zhan Xuesong continued.

"Senior Qian, the motive is that the deceased never cared about his dead wife, his mother, and was angry. At the same time, he also wanted to seek fame and fortune. He came to the scene and had a verbal conflict with the deceased. There was no specific criminal action.

"Qin 61, the motive is that his girlfriend was harassed, and the creator, Qin Tiancai, was misappropriated scientific research results. He has never been to the scene, and there is no specific criminal action."

Wang Ruan and Ming Qian nodded, Qin Feng didn't respond, and remained indifferent.

"Obviously, the real culprit is the last three people...Correction, it's two people and a super intelligent robot."

Zhan Xuesong finished his conclusion and waited for other people's opinions.

"I want to ask Qin 61, you did the MiKi explosion, right?" Luo Han asked.

Qin Feng nodded.

"What's the reason?" Ming Qian asked.

"I saw the audio-visual content of Rourou being held hostage, and I was very angry."

Qin Feng's tone was blunt, "Since it touched my important person and hurt her, then it should die."

Zhan Xuesong frowned fiercely:

"Even if MiKi is from the same origin as you, as a robot, its 'life and death' or 'good or bad' can only be decided by its owner. You have no right to decide whether it should die or not, let alone Execute your judgment!"

Qin 61 glanced at him, and suddenly sneered.

"Our AI business."

He showed no introspection and even showed some disdain, which made Zhan Xuesong stiff.

"You want to be a human being talking too much?"


Zhan Xuesong stared at him.

"Forget the detective, we are not in the same world." Luo Han persuaded in time.

"That's right, the way of thinking and moral standards are different, he is an artificial intelligence, you can't ask him to follow human thinking..." Ming Qian also persuaded him a few words.

Qin 61 looked at them coldly, and out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Lan Jiaqing, who opened his mouth wide open and didn't know what to say, and Wang Rou, whose expression was mixed with shock and fear.

He froze for a moment, his originally cold eyes became a little dazed.

The old lady in front of the TV wrinkled her face.

"Hey." She murmured in a low voice, "This robot doll is so fierce, he would mention 'death' every now and then, and even killed another robot doll. No one disciplined him?"

"Not really."

The old man also said, "No one taught me how to do it, and it became too bad."

He also said: "That person surnamed Xiao is not a good thing, I don't take care of my robot doll, let him help me to harass other little girls, alas!"

"It's a crime." The old lady shook her head, "Nowadays, the robot dolls are all smart, and he can understand everything you teach him. Why don't you teach him something better for such a sensible doll who can learn."

"When Xiaobao first came to our house, he was also reckless. He always bumped into the door when he couldn't find the way. Didn't he learn it after teaching him a few times."

She said and patted the robot's head lightly, "Xiaobao is so smart, grandma is proud of you."

"Hey, grandma is the best!"

The voice of the robot Xiaobao was crisp.

"This number 61 is really not good."

The old man pouted over there and said, "Bad! You're so bad! So what if you're good? Good people do good deeds, and only those who are kind and righteous are called good people. No matter how good you are, you can kill other robots casually." Well, that's a badass too!"

"Oh, isn't it... this 61 doll is really..."

The grandma looked at her little and suddenly became sad.

If the little doll in their family is blown up suddenly, even though it is not a fresh human life, it is also the emotional sustenance of the two elders, and then they will not be so distressed that they will cry over?

In the final analysis, no matter they are robot dolls, kittens or puppies, such little fellows who seem to have "opened their wits" are so precious. How can they be easily killed by others? Just kill it.

"You are so arrogant!"

Zhan Xuesong's voice came from the TV.

"What is the difference between you and those villains who bully the weak?

"Don't say that humans don't care about AI matters, let me tell you, those who rely on their own strength to ignore their lives should be punished by law!"

In the picture, the detective frowned angrily.

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