Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 730: Mutual evaluation: A→B (5)

Gu Wensong said it in great detail, and the director's execution was fast. Twelve pictures appeared in sequence on the big screen, which were close-ups of the faces and full-body photos of the six actors, but these were all from "Who is the Detective". The second half of the zero case, after all, the pilot film belongs to the content published in advance online, and strictly speaking, it is not included in the scope of the review.

But Gu Wensong still said:

"In the pilot film, the character setting of the first-tier characters in Group B is clearly given. Except for the idol Lan Jiaqing, the age and artistic age of the others are very long. For example, the host Luo Han, I remember that he should be in his thirties. Five or six years old..."

"Thirty-six years old." Luo Hanzhang, who played Luo Han, took over.

Gu Wensong nodded: "The thirty-six-year-old Luo Han also has some supplementary details in the self-contained barrage of the work, such as 'Frozen Age Male God'. The makeup of Group B reflects this very well. ."

The director zoomed in on Luo Han's screenshot in a timely manner, and Gu Wensong looked at it and said:

"If you look closely, you can find that Luo Han's eyes have wrinkles, and the forehead lines are more obvious when making expressions. But on the whole, it can be seen that the bones, skin texture and complexion are very good, very young, and it fits the character itself. The setting. Especially the actor himself is only in his twenties, it is not easy to be 'young under the premise of mature age'."

Although it was easy for Gu Wensong who transformed Nie Xingliang into Liang Xing, he did not take it for granted as a sense of superiority, but seriously affirmed Wu Ang's efforts.

"Zhan Xuesong has a sense of vicissitudes of life. He is more mature than Luo Han, so he has a more serious and stable feeling. And here, his eyebrows are very thick, and the brows are slightly steeper. At first glance, there is a 'slight frown'. The visual sense strengthens his aura."

Gu Wensong continued, "Qin Feng, um, this is very typical, the obvious outline is deepened, the facial features are thicker, and the appearance is more European and American, and such a 'strong face' itself is more mature, and it is a young actor doing makeup. An example of mature and young."

"The role of Qin Tiancai retains Qin Feng's facial features, but the makeup has become very light, not so stunning at first glance. , Hahaha, the nesting doll is up, indeed, that's how it is."

Another makeup artist in Group A, Liu Chen, added:

"In addition, Qin Feng is set to be a senior actor who loves acting. Among the six players, his makeup is the closest to the character he has drawn, which will make people think that it is Qin Feng himself who does such a dull makeup. The picture of the "request" reflects his emphasis on acting and his dedication to the role. This little detail is good, I like it very much."

Wu Ang, who had a good relationship with her, nodded in a chicken-pecking style opposite.

sisters! you got me!

Does this make Qin Feng more prosperous! yeah yeah yeah!

"Yes, and then look at Ming Qian. He is a powerful singer who has debuted for ten years. He has a star style himself. When playing the role of senior Qian, the makeup is also handsome and stylish, which is very reasonable."

Gu Wensong nodded along with Liu Chen's words, and Ding Mingqian, who was on the opposite side, smiled embarrassedly.

"The last two, the model Wang Rou gave me the impression that she retained the elegant and generous temperament of the actor herself, and added some mature and colorful makeup designs, while Rou was more delicate when she was in school. Generally speaking, the difference between the two roles is The distinction is not very high.”

Gu Wensong is not criticizing, and the parts he mentioned are very suitable according to the character settings.

"Yes, yes, the makeup of Lan Jiaqing and Qing Xuemei also tends to be the same. They are both youthful and cute types. This is also very reasonable...reasonable."

Liu Chen coughed and swallowed the word "realistic" back.

Some things are inconvenient to say directly, such as young idols such as Lan Jiaqing, the company will definitely design a set of the most fan-favorable look for them, that is, "Stand Up", and these idols are on variety shows and even dramas Always keep this set of makeup that can best reflect the characteristics of the face, which is commonly known as "personal image priority".

This is something that everyone in the industry is well aware of. Not only idols do this, but many actors and actresses also do it, and they are often complained by netizens "Why does this person have the same face and the same bangs in any drama?" There have even been many clips and splicing videos of "seamlessly changing heads of different dramas", which have become classic jokes.

So in a sense, Lan Jiaqing's two almost identical makeup looks are a true portrayal of the circle, and it's not that Wu Ang is being lazy.

"Hmm, yes."

The two makeup artist girls in the two groups of A and B compared each other with a gesture of "You understand? I understand".jpg. The communication of consciousness was successful. The audience who knew the door smiled, and the audience who didn't understand it didn't feel anything. No, this paragraph is naturally revealed.

"Mr. Cong, I want to ask... uh, are Ming Qian's gloves and paper clip designed before?"

Yue Shishi, the costumer of group A, was still a little nervous when she spoke alone, but it could be seen that she was really interested in this issue.

Cong Ning'an smiled and shook his head:

"No, only bandages and gloves were designed at first. Ming Qian asked me to discuss the murder weapon."

His words made Ding Mingqian once again become the focus of everyone's attention. Not only did the people in group A all show an expression of "I didn't expect you to be such a chicken thief", but also the small partners in the group unanimously "squeaked".

"It turned out to be your kid!"

Zhan Changqing "angrily reprimanded" Ding Mingqian in a very classic sketch tone.

"Cough, this, play the game seriously!"

Ding Mingqian showed a smile that looked like a villain.

The props team leader Qiao Yuansu suddenly laughed out loud and interjected: "He, he is really playing the murderer with all his heart."

He added: "The clues in the evidence were all hidden in the set by the player himself in advance. Those who are in charge of the props can only assist from the side, and are not allowed to intervene directly."

"At that time, I didn't know that the paper clip was such an important weapon, and I was still wondering why Mingqian suddenly said that he had something to discuss with Mr. Cong. So...*"


Qiao Yuansu's revelations aroused boos from Group A, and the audience in the audience also booed.

"Too cunning!"

Zhan Changqing shook his head with hatred, grief-stricken, "It's because we haven't found the real murder weapon that we've gone so far in the wrong direction—"

"Hey, don't say 'we', you are the only one who has been misled miserably." Luo Hanzhang joked.

Zhan Changqing's expression became even more sad and angry.

The crowd laughed for a while. After all, the zeroth case of "Who's the Murderer" happened on a modern campus, and the costume design is no more complicated than that of "Difficulty". Even if there are two layers of characters, the first layer of characters are all artists and stars, and there are many materials for reference. Cong Ning'an's task is not large. In his own words, he "did his own work", so he and Yue Shishi chatted back and forth for a while before moving on to the next link.

"Before speaking, I would like to give applause to the two prop props team leader Feng Yuzhi said solemnly.

No one questioned his approach.

Because the audience who watched "Entertainment Intern" all the way can see that Qiao Yuansu and Zhu Xi's hair volume has been decreasing.

Especially in the sixth round, the hairline of the two suddenly moved up a lot.

Those who hear it are sad, and those who see it cry.


Applause broke out, and the two parties held the microphone and let out a complicated sigh at the same time.

Are the details of "Who is the Detective" great? hair change.jpg

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