Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 737: Mirror

"Here I would like to focus on the issue of the shaping of heroines in today's film and television works."

Zhu Zishu began to extend the topic skillfully, "Nowadays, the audience's 'personal awareness' is getting stronger and stronger, they need a sense of substitution, 'refreshing', and 'loved'."

"So in some common works, we can see that the protector must be powerful and omnipotent. The protected one lacks features, like an ordinary flat symbol.

"Why is this? Because of the space for the audience to substitute.

"A heroine, in addition to her good-looking and cute appearance, in addition to her kindness and weakness in character, she seems to be no longer three-dimensional, or, in other words, can't be more specific.

"Because once it's specific, there's a risk that it won't fit the audience's liking.

"And most creators are avoiding that risk."

Zhu Zishu paused, gave the audience time to react, and then said:

"But this act of shaping the image of the heroine, the protected party, into 'truth, goodness and beauty' will bring another risk, that is - 'Is she worthy'?

"Why does the hero love her? Why do friends like to take care of her and take care of her?

"You mentioned "Empty Tablet" just now, which reminded me of some of the controversy on the Internet at that time. While many viewers thought that the plot of 'The Heroine of the Group's Favorite Heroes' was very cool, there were also many viewers who didn't think 'Sister Rou' was worth it Loved by so many. This shows that there are two sides to creating a heroine who symbolizes 'absolutely beautiful'.

"Back to "Who is the Detective", when I watched the first half of the content, I was in a calm mood. This is not to say that I can't sympathize with the situation of the school girl, but the whole plot is too typical.

"A beautiful, cheerful girl with a great boyfriend, a girl who has suffered harassment and injustice, such personal experiences and circumstances are not uncommon.

"Qin Tiancai and Rou Xuehua, a talented man and a girl, match each other well, so that people will read the beginning and know the end - 'Isn't it love?' Many people will think so.

"Whether it's Rou Xuehua's murder for love, or Qin Tiancai creating Qin 61 for love, it will only give people this feeling: 'Ah, I understand, this is love'.

"It's too typical, so aside from the superb performances of the actors, this whole plot is actually nothing new. If the audience is not so empathetic and not so involved in the play, it will just be finished after watching it, that's all."

Zhu Zishu took a sip of water, which is usually a signal of what he wants to say next.

"So why is Rou Xuehua's last conversation with Qin 61 so amazing?"

He gave the answer, "Because it made the beloved and protected female character of Rou Xuehua come alive."

"Through this passage, you can see her character, her three views, and her loyalty to love.

"The loyalty in love is always mutual.

"So I was very pleasantly surprised when I saw this section. It was not like the works I mentioned earlier that deliberately weakened the heroine's character and sense of presence for the sake of the audience's sense of substitution. It made us realize why Qin Tiancai was right Does the school flower love so much?

"Why? Because she deserves it.

"She was attracted to Qin Tiancai not only by the beauty of her appearance, nor by her sweet and coquettish temperament and behavior, but by her radiant soul.

"So all of a sudden, everything made sense.

"We get a glimpse of a love that is soul-mate and loyal to each other."

Valley Comb

What Zhu Zishu said not only made the audience applaud, but also attracted online barrage to echo.

[Mr. Zhu said it so incisively! 】

[I understand, no wonder I watch those so-called sweet pet dramas and wonder why this heroine is so petted, it turns out that she is not plump]

[Yeah, Otome games are just fine. After all, it is indeed for players to easily substitute, but since it is a drama, you can use snacks to portray the characters! #angry】

[Actually, the same is true for the male protagonist. I don't know why the female protagonist loves the male protagonist so much in some movies and TV dramas. . . 】

[What kind of great snoring expert is Mr. Zhu Zishu hhhhh]

[+1, after his analysis, I think Qin Rou CP is more fragrant, hehe]

[Qin Tiancai really didn't love the wrong person... So does Rou Xuehua... Suddenly a little envious of them #sigh]

[Mr. Zhu is right. I think I also want to complain in front of why Qin Tiancai is so good to the Rou school flower, and he deliberately becomes a robot to continue to love her for himself. Maybe this is the prerogative of beautiful women. The tiger body is shocked, no wonder Qin Tiancai likes her so much, I also like QAQ]

[Damn, I even started to be jealous of Qin Tiancai (bushi)]

[Hahahahahaha indeed, who wouldn't want to stick with such a beautiful sister! 】

[The jealous barrage in front of you, you are Qin 61 number one? (dog head)

[Grass, die of laughter! 】

"Then we extend it a little further."

Zhu Zishu got excited and continued, "Just now, Zhan Changqing mentioned that the interaction between people is a mirror. Yes, this mirror contains a lot, and the most popular and direct one is the feeling of giving."

"We all want to be loved, but neither of us want to give love. Because we are afraid of giving without reward, afraid of taking risks, and in the end, it seems that whoever loves first will lose, and not being emotional is the biggest winner. Isn't this a contradiction?

"Doing nothing and expecting a good harvest is no different than sitting at the door waiting for a pie to fall from the sky.

"Let's not talk about people and robots, even if it's a pet dog in a person's home, the dog can feel who in the family really cares about it, so it's closer to that person.

"There is very little love for no reason in this world, even if it is family love, there are deep blood ties in it. Similarly, there will be no one who loves you for no reason, just like Qin 61 thinks of love~www is actually just a set program, not from the heart.

"This is the sense of disobedience that appears in some film and television dramas - it shows that the two are happy, but it is not balanced between giving love and returning love, and it tends to be one-sided love and being loved.

"The relationship between Rou Xuehua and Qin Tiancai to stick to each other is beautiful and not easy."

Zhu Zishu made the final conclusion, "In addition to their deep love, they also focus on 'mutuality'. I hope that all viewers and friends can gain some new thinking from this perspective."

Lin Yuqin, the host who had already appeared on stage, took the lead in applauding, clapping and nodding with emotion.

"Thanks to the judges for their comments."

He answered the call skillfully, listening to the director's report on the remaining time, "Now, ask our program group to count the scores given by the four judges in the background! Dear public judges, what do you think about the work of "Who is the Detective" in Group B? And what about the grades? Grab your grader by hand—"

"On-site, in front of the TV, and online audiences! Thank you for watching all the way to the present. After the advertisement, the results of the sixth round of "Entertainment Intern" competition will be announced to you!"