Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 763

A certain province, a certain city, a household in a certain family building.

When the lock rang for a while, Zhou Jiaqian opened the door and let the child with a schoolbag in, then closed the door by herself, stepped on the heel of her shoe at the entrance, kicked off the shoes on both feet, and stepped on slippers.

Before she opened her mouth, she let out a small breath, but the final voice was still very soft.

"Go do your homework." Zhou Jiaqian said wearily.

She didn't look over there when she spoke, but swept across the wall of the living room in a trance. Finally, her eyes fell on the kitchen entrance, and she put down her commuter bag and walked over.

The child wearing a red scarf secretly raised his eyes, afraid to meet his mother's eyes.

Seeing that Zhou Jiaqian had left after speaking, he pursed his lips, feeling less fortunate than expected, and became even more depressed.

The child lowered his head, carried a schoolbag, and dragged his slippers into his small room.

Washing rice, cooking rice, shredding, stir-frying.

Zhou Jiaqian's lover is on a business trip these few days, and she has to take the child with her first.

The relationship between the couple is very good, not to mention sweet, but also warm and ordinary. So far, they have been married for ten years, and their son is also in the second grade of elementary school.

One of Zhou Jiaqian's colleagues has a broken mouth. A few days ago, he was shouting that Qin Yi Technology had a V blog. It seemed to be a drama. Zhou Jiaqian didn't like to watch those homely ethics, but her colleague insisted:

"Oh, you have to see, there is a man here who also travels a lot on business. In the end, he seems to have been derailed because of too hard work. Wouldn't it be good to have a look and pay attention earlier? Just remind me first."

Zhou Jiaqian listened helplessly, but she couldn't resist her enthusiastic recommendation every day, so she read "Difficulties" piecemeal during work breaks.

Her husband knows well. Zhou Jiaqian knows that her family situation is different from that of her lover and Li Zhang in "Difficulty", so she doesn't feel bad about Li Zhang and Chen Shufang, but thinks that they are both poor people.

Unexpectedly, the story behind Liang Xing and Liang Susu made her breath tight, and she closed the video page before finishing it.

Zhou Jiaqian was born into a very ordinary family.

The relationship between the parents has long since been rubbed off in the firewood, rice, oil and salt.

As their child, Zhou Jiaqian has been happy and unfortunate.

Most of the Dragon Kingdom families seem to be like this. There are countless knots between parents and children.

Those who are as sharp and extreme as the father and daughter of the Liang family are probably in a situation where the fish will die and the net will be broken, but more families are stumbling, angry, close, resentful, and loving all the way. As an adult, you have your own family.

Zhou Jiaqian also quarreled hysterically with her parents when she was a child, but no matter how fierce the quarrel was, her life went on like this. Now that she has a family and is a mother, she has also assumed the responsibility of supporting the second elder.

After all, there is blood kinship and the experience of living together for so many years, the close relatives are still different, a few pitted hearts collide in one place, and now they can talk intimately and familiarly, there is nothing else to hope for.

The sound of the rice cooker sounded, and Zhou Jiaqian became tired even with her breath, but the movements in her hands had already formed muscle memory. She packed the rice and told her son to go out for dinner.

Only the mother and son's dining table was more silent. The son glanced at her from time to time while he was eating. Zhou Jiaqian was very tired today. She only got angry when she picked him up from school. With all the strength of her mother, she was tired physically and mentally, so she didn't speak anymore.

Soon after, the son put down his empty rice bowl and went back to his room in silence.

Hearing the door closing, Zhou Jiaqian, who bowed her head to eat, sighed, covered the leftovers with a heat preservation cover, and put the tableware and chopsticks in the sink first, and washed them later.

She returned to the master bedroom and sat quietly at the table.

It's hard to describe Zhou Jiaqian's mood accurately—she was reminded by her son's performance today, and she couldn't solve it for a while.

Things are too simple to be worth mentioning.

It's nothing more than that she was waiting at the school gate today, and she didn't see her son come out after waiting for a long time. She called the head teacher and the head teacher said that her son had left the classroom, so she was afraid and hurried back and forth, and finally at the school gate, she heard her son shouting cheerfully "" "Mom", the emotions of worry, fear and anger surged up all at once, and immediately scolded his son angrily, pulling his arm all the way home angrily.

On the way home, Zhou Jiaqian thought of "Difficulty", and thought that everyone has a different perspective and mood on everything.

Then she thought of her former self from her son.

She remembered that when she was a child, her mother was always in a hurry. No matter what she was doing, she walked fast on two legs. Every time she picked her up from school, she would not hold her, but just kept walking in front of her own, without head back.

At that time, Zhou Jiaqian, who was still short, could only see her back. She was more than ten meters away and followed behind with her short legs.

It was about the winter of the third grade of elementary school. Zhou Jiaqian forgot that she was distracted by something in the school. When she looked up, she found that her mother's back was no longer in front of her. There was snow on the front, back, left and right, only some people she didn't know. Residential buildings and convenience stores.

She stood blankly at the fork in the road that was stepped on by pedestrians. She didn't know where to go, where her mother was, or how to contact her, so she could only stand there dumbfounded, waiting, waiting.

After almost an hour, the mother's figure appeared from a distance. Her face was frozen in the heavy snow or red with anger.

She walked over quickly and started scolding Zhou Jiaqian, scolding her for not following along well, and scolding her can be thrown away.

Zhou Jiaqian listened with her head down, tears welling in her eyes. She wanted to explain that it was because you never looked back and didn't immediately notice that I was gone, so why are you scolding me now.

But she couldn't say anything, so she could only cry and was dragged home by her mother, choking and wiping her tears along the way.

It was a small matter, but it was a thorn in Zhou Jiaqian's heart. Whenever she thought she had forgotten it, she would suddenly think of it late at night, and then she felt wronged and sad, and couldn't fall asleep irritably.

It seems that parents always have a way to pour cold water on their children's head when they are in a good mood, and then the child immediately loses his smile and lasts for a whole day or even many days.

For a moment, time stagnated, and the wheel was reversed. Zhou Jiaqian became a mother, and her son was as old as she was.

As the saying goes, when the children become parents, they can understand the painstaking efforts of the parents.

Zhou Jiaqian thought this was right.

Because she finally knew what it was like when she couldn't find her child, the feeling of panic, anxiety, fear, and uncontrollably imagining countless horror pictures in her mind for a few seconds, the uncontrollable fear of her son being led by bad people The feeling of being gone, never to be found again, can drive people crazy in such a short period of time.

So, like her mother back then, she was afraid because she cared too much, so she was extremely frightened, and finally poured out all her anger on the child.

It seems that things should end here.

Just like every warm public welfare film that promotes filial piety and promotes mutual understanding between elders and younger The children who finally grow up feel the difficulties of their parents in those years, they are grateful, reach a reconciliation, and usher in a happy ending .

But Zhou Jiaqian didn't want this, or she couldn't do it.

Yes, she understood the pain of being a mother and an adult, but the pain she felt as a child back then wasn't it pain?

So sad.

Of course, people will most firmly believe that they are not wrong, or at least "not so wrong", so Zhou Jiaqian still feels that she was really innocent when she was standing in the snow at that time, and she was really aggrieved when she was scolded.

Maybe she lost her mind. It was really her fault that she lost her mother, but I'm also a child, can't I be distracted? Just wandering off?

The thorn in Zhou Jiaqian's heart has said this to her thousands of times, but now the situation has turned around, she is standing in her mother's position, and similar feelings and understandings force her to admit that "mother's anger has a reason and is to be understood," and she had to forgive her mother.

This is to make her deny herself.

Denying his grievances and the scars left in his heart, and admitting that he was wrong as a child, he should understand and be considerate of his mother.

This is all Zhou Jiaqian's confused mood after returning home today.

She is now a mother, she is on the mother's side, but she was once a child, but she still has to stand on the mother's side.

Either deny who you are now, or deny who you were.

How can there be such disgusting, contradictory and unresolvable things in the world?

Zhou Jiaqian, who was nearly forty years old, leaned back on the back of the chair, tears streaming down slowly.