Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 763

A certain province, a certain city, a household in a certain family building.

There was a sound of a lock, Zhou Jiaqian opened the door and let the child with a schoolbag in, then closed the door by herself, stepped on the heels of her shoes at the entrance, kicked off the shoes on both feet, and stepped on slippers.

Before she opened her mouth, she took a small breath, and the voice that finally fell was still very soft.

"Go do your homework." Zhou Jiaqian said wearily.

She didn't look over there when she spoke, but just glanced at the wall of the living room in a daze, and finally her eyes fell on the entrance of the kitchen, she put down her commuter bag and walked over.

The child in the red scarf raised his eyes secretly, afraid of meeting his mother's gaze.

Seeing that Zhou Jiaqian had left after finishing speaking, he pursed his lips, feeling less fortunate than expected, and became even more depressed.

The child lowered his head, carried his schoolbag, and walked into his small room with his slippers on.

Rinse rice, cook rice, shred it, stir-fry.

Zhou Jiaqian's lover is on a business trip these days, and she has to take the child with her alone.

The relationship between this couple is very good, not to mention sweet, but also warm and ordinary. So far, they have been married for ten years, and their son is also in the second grade of elementary school.

One of Zhou Jiaqian's colleagues has a bad mouth. A few days ago, she yelled about what V blog Qin Yi Technology turned to. It seemed to be a drama. Zhou Jiaqian didn't like to watch those homely ethics, but her colleagues insisted:

"Oh, you have to see, there is a man here who often travels on business. In the end, it seems that the work is too hard and he cheated. Isn't it good to watch early and pay attention? Just remind him first."

Zhou Jiaqian felt helpless, but couldn't resist her enthusiastic recommendation every day, so she finished watching "Embarrassment" piecemeal during work breaks.

Her husband knew very well. Zhou Jiaqian knew that she was different from her lover and Li Zhang's family situation in "Embarrassment", so she didn't feel bad for Li Zhang and Chen Shufang, but felt that they were both miserable people.

Unexpectedly, it was the story of Liang Xing and Liang Susu that made her breath tight, and she closed the video page before finishing it.

Zhou Jiaqian was born in a very ordinary family.

The relationship between parents has long been worn down in daily necessities, and it is more like living with a partner, so there is a big quarrel in three days, and a small quarrel in two days.

As their child, Zhou Jiaqian had both happiness and misfortune.

Most Longguo families seem to be like this, there are countless knots between parents and children.

Those who are sharp and extreme like the father and daughter of the Liang family, most of them are in a deadly situation, but more families are stumbling, angry, close, complaining, and loving all the way, just like this, until their children grow up Grown up with a family of his own.

Zhou Jiaqian also quarreled hysterically with her parents when she was young, but no matter how fierce the quarrel was, she still lived like this. Now that she has a family and a career as a mother, she has also taken on the responsibility of supporting the two elders. She goes back to her hometown from time to time to see, chat, and take care of her.

After all, there are blood relatives and the experience of living together for so many years. Close relatives are still different. Several bumpy hearts collided in one place, and now they can talk intimately and familiarly. There is no other extravagant hope.

When the rice cooker's reminder sounded, Zhou Jiaqian's breath became tired, but the movements of her hands had formed muscle memory. She filled the rice with vegetables and asked her son to go out for dinner.

Only the mother and son's dinner table was more silent. The son glanced at her from time to time while eating. Zhou Jiaqian was very tired today. She only got angry when she picked him up from school. The violent release of emotions was enough to burn a person who had been working all day. With all the strength of the mother, she was tired physically and mentally, and she didn't speak anymore.

After a while, the son put down the empty rice bowl and went back to the room in silence.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Zhou Jiaqian, who lowered her head to eat, sighed, covered the leftovers with a thermal cover, and put the dishes and chopsticks in the sink first, and washed them later.

She went back to the master bedroom and sat quietly at the desk.

It's hard to accurately describe Zhou Jiaqian's mood—she was reminded of her son's performance today, and she couldn't resolve it for a while.

Things are too simple to be worth mentioning.

It was nothing more than she was waiting at the school gate today, and she didn’t see her son come out after waiting for a long time. She called the head teacher and the head teacher also said that the son had left the classroom, so she was afraid and anxious to look for her son, and finally heard her son happily shouting at the school gate " "Mom", worries, fears and anger surged up all at once. Immediately, he scolded his son angrily and pulled his arm all the way home angrily.

On the way home, Zhou Jiaqian thought of "Embarrassment", and thought that everyone has different perspectives and moods on everything.

Then she thought of her former self from her son.

She remembered that when she was young, her mother was always in a hurry, no matter what she was doing, she would walk fast on both legs, and every time she picked her up from school, she would not hold her hand, but just kept walking in front of her, without her head turning. back.

At that time, Zhou Jiaqian, who was still short, could only see her back, which was more than ten meters away, following her with short legs.

It was about the winter in the third grade of elementary school. Zhou Jiaqian forgot that she was distracted by something in school. When she looked up, she found that her mother’s back was gone in front of her. Residential buildings and convenience stores.

She stood blankly at the fork in the small road stepped on by pedestrians. She didn't know where to go, and she didn't know where her mother was or how to contact her, so she could only stand there stupidly, waiting, waiting.

After waiting for almost an hour, the mother's figure appeared in the distance. Her face was flushed with cold or anger in the heavy snow.

She walked over quickly, pulled Zhou Jiaqian and began to scold her, scolding her for not following well, scolding her for throwing everything away.

Zhou Jiaqian listened sullenly, with tears in her eyes, she wanted to explain that you never looked back and didn't immediately notice that I was gone, so why are you scolding me now.

But she couldn't say anything, so she could only cry and be dragged home by her mother, all the way, sobbing and wiping her tears.

It was a small matter, but it was a thorn in Zhou Jiaqian's heart. Whenever she thought she had forgotten it, she would suddenly think about it late at night, and then feel wronged and sad, and couldn't sleep because of irritability.

It's as if parents can always find a way to suddenly pour a basin of cold water on their children when they are in a good mood, and then the child immediately loses his smile and continues to have a heart attack for a whole day or even many days.

In an instant, time stood still and the pendulum was reversed. Zhou Jiaqian also became a mother, and her son was as old as she was back then.

As the saying goes, when children become parents, they can understand the painstaking efforts of their parents.

Zhou Jiaqian thought she was right.

Because she finally knew what it was like not to be able to find her child, the panic, anxiety, fear, the feeling of imagining countless horrifying scenes in her mind for a few seconds, the uncontrollable fear that her son would be taken away by bad guys. The feeling of being gone and never coming back can drive a person crazy in such a short amount of time.

So she, like her mother back then, was afraid because she cared too much, and became angry because of extreme fear, and finally poured all her anger on the child.

Things seem to stop here.

Just like every warm public welfare film that promotes filial piety and mutual understanding between elders and younger generations, the children who finally grow up feel the difficulties of their parents, feel grateful, reach a reconciliation, and usher in a happy ending.

But Zhou Jiaqian didn't want to do this, or in other words, she couldn't do it.

Yes, she understood the hardships of being a mother and an adult, but the pain she felt as a child was not pain?

So sad.

Of course, people will firmly believe that they are not wrong, or at least "not so wrong", so Zhou Jiaqian still feels that she was really innocent standing in the snow at that time, and she was really wronged when she was scolded.

Maybe her mind was distracted, it was her fault that she lost her mother, but I am also a child, can't I be distracted? Just distracted?

The thorn in Zhou Jiaqian’s heart has said this to her thousands of But now the situation has changed, she is standing in the mother’s position, similar feelings and understandings force her to admit that “mother’s anger is For a reason, to be understood," and she had to forgive her mother.

This is for her to deny herself.

Deny my grievances and the scars left in my heart, admit that I was wrong as a child, and I should understand and be considerate of my mother.

This is Zhou Jiaqian's messed up mood after returning home today.

She is a mother now, and she is on her mother's side, but she was once a child, but she still has to stand on her mother's side.

Either deny who you are now, or deny who you were.

How can there be such disgusting, contradictory and unsolvable things in the world?

Zhou Jiaqian, who was nearly forty years old, leaned back on the back of her chair, tears streaming down her face.

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