Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 764: 《Older》

Well, if only I hadn't watched "Embarrassment"...

Zhou Jiaqian thought about it, and smiled at herself, thinking what nonsense she was talking about.

She knew in her heart that the filming was really good. Although it made her fall into a dead end, it also reminded her how painful the child's perspective was.

Yes, my son must be feeling wronged now, after all, I, a mother, scolded him so angrily at the school gate without asking anything.

Zhou Jiaqian sighed again, this time as a mother she felt sorry for her child.

After a while, she turned on the desktop computer and looked for the URL in the favorites column.

It was the live broadcast room that Zhou Jiaqian accidentally discovered. There seemed to be no one in it, only a cartoon character humming a melody without words, which was very comfortable and peaceful.

Her eyes can't bear it after looking at the phone for a long time, so she likes these things that can be hung in the background and listened to.

Now that I am in a bad mood, it’s not bad to listen to it and take it easy.

The familiar singing voice floated from the small speaker, and Zhou Jiaqian sighed, exhausted.

She wanted to listen for a while, but when she felt less uncomfortable, she got up to wash the dishes and mopped the floor, and apologized to him with a bag of spicy sticks that her son usually likes to eat. But now she is too tired to move.

I was paralyzed, listening, until ten minutes later, the huge fox beast exuding luster on the screen suddenly changed.

It slowly got up from its prostrate position, and some fireflies with the ID name on it surrounding it scattered in all directions.

[? ? 】

【What happened, I thought I was dazzled】

[Is it an animation? 】

[Ahhh, do you want to change form! Assault live broadcast? ! 】

[I'll quickly go to the group to meet relatives and friends of Aite—! 】

Those who were also working in the live broadcast room noticed the changes in the screen, and some fans who were more familiar with virtual anchors immediately became excited, and the barrage pool was much more lively than before.

The fox stood up, and the soft and fluffy tail that was originally dragging behind suddenly gathered a ball of light. The light was not dazzling, but it was enough to attract people's attention.

Zhou Jiaqian let out a "Huh", a little confused about the situation.

She doesn't often watch the live broadcast, but only knows that the account called "Lewu YQ" often plays nice humming sounds in the live broadcast room, so she just turns it on to listen to it from time to time.

The unexpected change briefly attracted Zhou Jiaqian's attention. She looked at the screen, as if watching a cartoon, and watched the big snow-white fox grow a second furry tail.

[Le Wu has been upgraded, yes]

[Big fox! ! 】

【So soft and cute QwQ I really want to rush over and bury it...】

[Does Firefly's command still work? take off! 】

【Take off and take off】

【Let me see what I caught up with! 】

【Did the big fox **** become a two-tailed fox todayヾ(??▽?)ノ】

[Waiting for Brother Ah Hui to appear, the social animals are tired for another day and need the live version of "So I Didn't Wash My Hair"]

A lot of bullet screens floated across the screen, Zhou Jiaqian was in a cloud of mist, a little funny, but also raised a little naive expectation.

The fox's two tails are swaying slowly. I don't know if the painting is too fine or the technique is far beyond ordinary people. It looks extremely vivid, as if such a strange creature really lives in this screen.

Beautiful and elegant shape, fluffy fur, just like a wonderful cute pet video is very healing, just watching it gradually calms down.

The big fox slowly turned its direction, from facing sideways to facing the screen, then raised its snout, and uttered a string of melodious moans different from the one just now.

Zhou Jiaqian raised her eyes in surprise. She liked the ethereal and clear voice of the fox beast, but she also felt that the new voice was more real for some reason, and it sounded closer.

Fluorescence converges, and the singing fox beast is gradually wrapped into a gentle and bright light cocoon, and then the light cocoon gradually changes, becoming more and more like the outline of a person.


It seems that the sound of the piano is not falling.

After a while, a similar sound sounded again, and every time it sounded, the radiant figure became clearer, and the fluorescent forest behind it also changed accordingly.

The bullet screen was already very lively at this time, Zhou Jiaqian couldn't see it, so she looked for the buttons and turned them all off, leaving only a clean screen.

Not long after, the "person" on the screen completely revealed his true face.

She has long hair, looks like a real person, and looks like a dummy in comics. She has a young face, but when she meets those eyes, Zhou Jiaqian feels a familiar atmosphere, as if she just looks different from herself. In spite of his age, he has experienced a lot.

They looked at each other across a screen.

It's strange, it's just a fake character like an illustration, but Zhou Jiaqian can read the content from her gentle eyes and demeanor.

It's kind of like... "inclusion".

The piano sounded again, and two lines of words appeared in the lower middle of the screen, with clear and legible characters.

After a while, the woman in the picture slightly opened her lips.

"I used to shut my door, when my mother screamed in the kitchen."

[I once closed the door tightly to block out the screams of my mother in the kitchen]

"I\'d turn the music up, get high and try not to listen."

[I amplified the sound of the music desperately, trying to immerse myself in it without listening to the sound outside the door]

"Toevery little fight."

[To avoid every quarrel between parents]


【Because both of them are wrong】

This is the first foreign language song that Zhou Jiaqian can't understand at once.

But maybe it was just like this. When she listened to the song that was like a spring flowing slowly, she could focus more on the translated lyrics and subtitles.

In the picture, the woman transformed into a fox beast lowers her eyes and sings in a low voice. Her slightly hoarse voice has a special paper texture, like opening a book of time, gently touching the slightly curled paper with her fingertips. touch.

Zhou Jiaqian's breathing was a little heavy. She was drawn by the singing and the lyrics, and recalled how helpless she was when her parents quarreled.

She seemed to be able to see a little girl sitting upright, lowering her head and doing her homework desperately, for fear of being suddenly angered, and she could see a teenage girl wearing headphones and turning up the volume of her MP3, trying to cover the harsh quarrel, even Ears and head were tingling from the shock, but I couldn't bear to turn down the volume; I could also see college students in their twenties who were irritated and sad because of the scolding and swearing outside the door, so they could only curl up in bed and pretend to fall asleep , but the tears flowed down uncontrollably.

"Iswore I\'dneverbelikethem."

【I swear I will never become like them】

"But I was just kid back then."

【But then I was just a kid】

Zhou Jiaqian's eyes suddenly turned red.

"Swear to never become like my parents"...Yeah, she used to think so too.

She would never want to be as sensitive, irritable, and neurotic as her mother, nor would she ever want to marry a man who was rude, selfish, and contradictory like her father.

But how serious is the influence of the original family?

Even though Zhou Jiaqian has grown up and started working, she is still incredibly contradictory. On the one hand, she is too slow to understand other people's emotions, and on the other hand, she is extremely fragile and sharp.

If she hadn't been lucky enough to meet her husband, she might not have learned how to love someone well and be loved by him in her whole life.

The accompaniment disappeared briefly, leaving only the ethereal and melodious voice of the woman.

Immediately afterwards, the drum beats joined, but the melody was not intense. It still gently supported the vocals and turned to the chorus.

"The older I get, the more that I see."

[Growing older, more experience]

"My parents saren\'theroes, they\'rejust likeme."

[I just realized that my parents are not heroes, they are just ordinary people like me]

"And loving ishard, it don\'t always work."

[It is difficult to give love, not everyone can persist in doing it]

"You just try your best not to get hurt."

【You can only try your best to protect yourself from harm】

Zhou Jiaqian pressed her chest, her eyebrows lowered.

This is exactly what she realized today. Like her mother to her, like her to her son.

It's not that they don't love anymore, but that the parent's love for their children has been suspended for a while because of work and social exhaustion or other external objects.

After all, it's really hard to love someone wholeheartedly all the time.

We are all ordinary people, we will feel uncomfortable, we will be tired, and there will be times when we cannot summon up the energy to love other people.

Zhou Jiaqian also knew in her heart that although she lived in an ordinary family, she did not lack love like Liang Susu since she was a child.

She remembers her father bending down to let her ride a big horse, and her mother secretly cooking her favorite dish and bringing it out of the kitchen in surprise to celebrate her admission to the best high school in the city.

A family is always full of bumps and bumps, love and resentment intertwined.

The reason is that everyone is just ordinary people, and no one is the perfect hero in someone's ideal.

Zhou Jiaqian's thoughts drifted away, and when she came back to her senses, the next verse had already begun to be sung.

Realizing that she seemed to have missed a climax, Zhou Jiaqian was a little helpless in surprise, but her mood was not that impatient. Maybe it's because the voice and melody are full of tolerance and tenderness, she also let go of the harshness of herself, and felt much more relaxed.

"I used to wonder why, why they could never be happy."

[I used to be puzzled why my parents always looked unhappy]

However, when the first sentence appeared, Zhou Jiaqian inevitably smiled wryly.

Do you want to be so real!

She immediately realized, yes, in the eyes of her son, could she and her lover be like this?

The two of them, who are busy with work and family, really rarely show a smile to their children...

"Iused to close my eyes, and pray for a whole \'nother family."

【I used to close my eyes and pray that I could live in another family】

"Where everything was fine."

【A family where everything goes well】

"One that felt like mine."

【A family that makes me feel a sense of belonging】

"Iswore I\'dneverbelikethem."

【I swear I will never become like them】

"But I was just kid back then."

【But then I was just a kid】

The heart turned into a harp, and every time the woman in the picture sang a line, Zhou Jiaqian resonated with the heartstrings.

When she was a child, she did think so.

She is more sad than her parents' quarrels, and their censure of her, always thinking "It would be great if I could be born in another harmonious and beautiful family", "I really don't want such parents"... But in the end, she already understood that a perfect family does not exist in this world.

Another chorus surged like a tide, and Zhou Jiaqian raised one leg and stepped on the chair, hugging this knee and humming softly along with the melody.

The picture created by this song is very wonderful, just like the voice and image of the singer, it looks real, as if telling one's own life experience, but also seems ethereal, like the current self floating in the air to examine the past.

It seems to have magical power, like a ray of sunlight passing through the ruins, illuminating the broken walls, and coating the mottled broken walls with warm colors. It is an indescribable and small shock. My heart calmed down, and I took a short breath from the self-pull just now.

"Iused to bemad, but now I know."

[I used to have resentment in my heart, but now I understand]

"Sometimes it\'s better to let someone go."

[Sometimes the better choice is to let him go]

"It justhadn\'thitmeyet."

[It's just that I haven't experienced these at the time]

"The older I get."

[Only when I grew up did I understand all this]

The second half of the climax that was missed by distraction before was completed at this time. Zhou Jiaqian looked at the lyrics on the screen and slowly blinked her eyes.

A better option is to just let him go...

She can see the barrage pools jumping up and down on the side, and she also sees many people sharing their family experiences, or sad, sighing, thanking "Le Wu" for comfort, or reflecting on, grateful for their love. Parents are considerate.

Zhou Jiaqian still wants to refute subconsciously. She resists the idea that "'understanding parents' is the right way, every child will be like this in the end", even though she is now a mother.

Then the singing voice spoke to her softly but firmly:

It's all right, let him go.

It’s okay not to forgive, and it’s okay not to understand.

It is difficult to have a clear distinction between right and wrong between parents and children. No one or anything forces you to reach a reconciliation with your parents or yourself.

It’s okay if there is no answer, it’s all over, let it go, let him go.

Zhou Jiaqian sniffed and lowered her head.

Her eyes were red, but she didn't cry. Because this song is not tear-jerking or sensational, it just flows through her ears lightly and tolerantly, and injects into her heart.

If Qin Yuqiao could have a direct dialogue with this former daughter and present mother, she would gently hold her hands and let her know:

The power of acceptance is more important than comfort, encouragement and guidance.

It's not "what do you want", "what should you do", but with a soft smile and says to you, "it's okay, you can do what you do now".

Zhou Jiaqian felt an indescribable sense of security.

It was obviously just a song, just a virtual person she didn't know, but it made her feel very at ease at this moment, let go of the persecution and pressure on herself, and was able to relax and breathe steadily.

At this moment, a slight "squeak" sound came.

Zhou Jiaqian turned her head and saw her son who looked like a little radish standing awkwardly by the door that had been pushed open.

"Mom." He raised his eyes cautiously, "I, I washed the dishes and finished my homework."

"When school was over today, I saw Teacher Wang in the next class holding a pile of exercise books and papers, so I went to help her. I forgot to tell you..."

The little boy lowered his head and twisted his fingers: "Sorry, I made you worry."

Zhou Jiaqian's lingering tears fell "shua".

She rushed over with small steps, opened the door, knelt down and hugged her child, stroking the back of his head with her palm.

"I'm sorry, Qiangqiang, it's not your fault, it's because my mother is too anxious."

Zhou Jiaqian pressed her cheek against her son's forehead, "Mom shouldn't criticize you without asking anything. I was tired at work today, and I didn't control my emotions well, so I got angry at you."

She let go of the child, smiled at him with tears in her eyes, and said softly:

"Mom forgives Qiangqiang for doing other things without saying hello. Now that mom is apologizing to you, can you forgive mom too?"

Under Zhou Jiaqian's sincere gaze, the little boy's nervous eyes gradually became peaceful. He blinked, said "Okay" obediently, and leaned over to stick to his mother.

"Mom, don't cry, Dad will feel bad if you cry."

He clumsily stretched out his palm to wipe Zhou Jiaqian's tears, "I promised Dad to take good care of you when he's not at home."

Zhou Jiaqian smiled through tears, and gave her son's forehead a loud sip.

People often say that the misfortune of the original family will continue to the next generation of families, just now Zhou Jiaqian herself has reviewed it in this way. Inevitably, she was disappointed with the current self who was very similar to her mother, and also lost some confidence in the future.

But now, holding her son's hand and walking towards the small snack basket, she suddenly felt that the past was nothing.

Her child is still young, and she can let go of her knots and try to be a more gentle, patient, and reasonable mother than her own mother.

Then, starting from her son's generation, she and her husband will give the children a home where their hearts won't stop because they accidentally break dishes or spill drinks, and they won't feel constricted or depressed.

A harmonious and happy, true home.

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