Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 819: Strange props added (2)

No, in fact, Qin Jue swayed and moved out.

At this moment, she seems to be riding on a horse that is lively and happily running fast, but the problem is that the body of the horse is completely invisible, only the saddle and Qin Jue who is swaying back and forth on the saddle can be seen. With her two long legs drooping at a loss, the scene is too magical.

What is Void Riding! .jpg

"Success! But it's so funny... Hahahahaha help..."

Qiao Yuansu couldn't hold back, covering his stomach and burst into laughter.

The effect and the laughing fruit were too obvious, and Cong Ningan also laughed and fell to the ground.

"Good guy, you're running pretty fast." Qin Jue gave Qiu Hebi a hand gesture to stop, and the remote control was timely, but it stopped very suddenly. If Qin Jue hadn't stabilized, he might have to move forward Punch an upside down onion.


Qin Jue looked back at Qiao Yuansu with a sullen face, "No, if the design is not in place, we have to add something."

"Keke ... hahahahaha, you said, you said." Qiao Yuansu walked over his stomach.

"Add a rein in front, otherwise it's too fake, and you can't let your hands hold it on both sides to fix it... Oh, it's ok. Besides the reins, add a handle on one side for Su Su. After the special effect is applied, it's almost like holding a reindeer's neck."

Qin Jue maintained the posture of riding in the void and proposed revisions one by one, "Then add a pedal, and the reindeer must have a place for both of them to run, otherwise how can they ride up."

Qiao Yuansu tried his best to keep the corners of his mouth down, and carefully recorded these points in the phone memo.

"Then what, add the special effects to me to see." Qin Jue greeted.

Just having a saddle is too grassy, ​​she couldn't help laughing.

It's a little unrealistic to expect Su Su and Xu Shuangshuang to control the laughter with the actor's strong sense of belief.

This is beyond the general category, and it takes a lot of self-control to not want to laugh.

Qiu He snapped his fingers not far away, and along with the faint beeping sound of the drone, the "reindeer" under Qin Jue's crotch gradually showed its appearance.


Cong Ning'an's smile gradually disappeared from her face.

An unusually live reindeer appeared in front of him, with four broad hooves stepping on the ground, its short tail swaying occasionally, and a pair of long horns with complicated branches, full of wild beauty.

Qin Jue was riding on this reindeer, leaning forward and stroking its mane in a pretentious manner.

"My God." Cong Ningan murmured.

No wonder Qiao Yuansu was bursting with confidence. Indeed, with such realistic special effects, who would have thought that this was actually a remodeled "unicycle"?

"Try running again." Qin Jue raised his hand to signal.

The rear hoof of the reindeer was scratched, like a signal to recall Cong Ning'an's thoughts. Immediately afterwards, "it" strode forward with vigorous limbs. Qin Jue's bumps were no longer funny, but were unbelievably real.

"Get out of the way!" Qin Jue shouted as he rushed over on a reindeer.

Cong Ning'an hurriedly backed away, her breathing tightened in an instant, she really felt that she was almost hit by such a big and strong reindeer.

"It''s amazing..."

He looked at Qin Jue, who had completely adapted to the running rhythm and was leaning forward while pulling the reins in the air. He thought in a trance which horse farm...reindeer farm?

"Stop!" Qin Jue raised his hand again.

The reindeer running in circles in the gym slowly stopped, shook his head, and scratched his hoof, full of spirituality.

"How do you feel?" Qin Jue turned around and asked the crowd.

Qiao Yuansu's face was full of ecstasy and pride.

"No violation!" He nodded vigorously.

"Not bad." Qin Jue also smiled, bowing his head to rua's non-existent reindeer head.

Ah, so when talking about people, sometimes it's better to deceive yourself. Visual effects are really important.

"It's so strong that I don't even know what to say!"

Cong Ning'an's breath was tight, she stepped forward excitedly, looked left and looked, and even bent down and stared at the four legs of the reindeer for a long time.

Its running just now was the same as the real one, completely attracting his attention. It is conceivable that during the official performance, the chance of piercing must be very small!

Cong Ning'an went to feel the middle of the reindeer's four legs again, and sure enough, he could still feel the hard pipe and the wheels below.

But even after running laps after laps in the gym, some dust has already been stained, and they are still transparent as if they don't exist. Only by squinting and observing very intently, can you find those small pieces of dust.

What kind of new material is this... or in other words, what kind of technical power is this...

Cong Ning'an touched it, and withdrew her hand in trepidation.

He was afraid that he would accidentally break something and sell himself and his entire family.

Qin Jue easily got off the reindeer and looked around it.

The special effects are quite good, probably because the saddle and wheels are relatively fixed, the drone is well positioned, and the technical and computing power consumption is much smaller than the previous ice clusters and snow giants.

As for the level of fidelity, it is even higher. After all, reindeer are creatures that exist in reality. Some of the reference materials are that Qin Jue felt that there was no need to adjust it after reading it for a long time.

After handing over the "reindeer" to Qiao Yuansu for adjustment, Qin Jue asked, "Where's the ladder?"

"It's still in production." Qiao Yuansu replied, "The difficulty lies in moving and recycling... The version released today was not safe enough, so I killed it."

Qin Jue said "um", "Is three days enough?"

"Definitely enough." Qiao Yuansu nodded solemnly.

He already has Qin Yi Technology as a super-powerful "plug-in" to assist him. If he can't produce results in a short period of time, it is purely his problem.

"Come on." Qin Jue patted Qiao Yuansu's shoulder casually.

The prompt sound of Feixun's voice call sounded, and the hand she put down took the opportunity to raise the phone to her ear:

"I didn't forget, let's go now."

The filming of the red team has entered the middle stage, Fang Youwen is eagerly looking forward to Qin Jue's passing every day.

Saying goodbye to Qiao Yuansu and the others, Qin Jue got into the car and hurried on the road, and inadvertently glanced at the Feixun page, only to notice that Xing Yufei had sent her a message a few days ago.

These days, Qin Jue communicated frequently with the blue team inside and outside, and this information was also suppressed below.

When she opened it, Xing Yufei didn't say anything special, but simply reported that UNGREY is currently doing roadshows in shopping malls in Shanghai. The side business is also progressing smoothly, and at the end, he kindly added a sentence, "It's fine if you see it, teacher, no need to I guess I know that Qin Jue is also very busy recently.

Returning an emoji that rubbed the cat's head, Qin Jue really didn't care much about the two idol groups recently.

"Thousands of Colors", who have already pre-debuted, are fine, "Not Gray" is still in a difficult blockade period. I heard that Liu Huajun has been working hard during this time, but now "Not Gray" is in a delicate "national" in the circle. "Public Enemy" state, whether it is on the opposite side or the grass on the wall, they all pretend to turn a blind eye to them.

It's like in a class, whoever stands up to play with the child that everyone doesn't like will be collectively isolated.

Everyone didn't want or dare to be the first bird, so they all shrank in tacit understanding.

Liu Huajun was able to pry one of the chopsticks, but he kept breaking a bundle of chopsticks. He could only think long-term and let UNGREY use his strength to break the ice.

Qin Jue stared at the chat page on the screen for two seconds, then quit Feixun and put away the phone.

In the entertainment industry, she is not as good as Liu Huajun, but looking at these so-called rules, she is only a lack of opportunity if she has enough strength.

As long as there is a little spark, they can burn wildly.

"Team Qin, here we are."

Hu Changpin stopped the car steadily.

Qin Jue nodded, lowered his sense of presence and walked to the designated place given by Fang Youwen.

On the way, she squinted her eyes and took "not gray" to heart.

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