Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 824

When the news about "ISCA's Giants Appearing in the Night at Night" first appeared on social platforms, it had not been widely spread and recognized. Everyone took it as a joke that someone had nothing to do, and laughed it off.

"It's true, I saw it with my own eyes!" Someone repeatedly declared on V blog.

"Have you heard of no pictures, no truth? Come on, bro." Netizens retorted casually.

"I can't make it out!" The person who posted the V-blog complained, "I took it, but I couldn't make it out. I really didn't lie."

The comment below then replied: "No, even P pictures are unwilling to put it on fishing? Forget it, the big guys are scattered."

The blogger then sighed that there is no basic trust between people in this world, but thinking about it, if he saw this kind of news that had no beginning, no ending, and no pictures, he would not believe it.

But soon he knew he was not alone.

[Coordinates ISCA, last night when I woke up in a daze last night, I glanced out the living room window, I was so scared that it was gone. What is that white thing? Has anyone seen it? Boss one! 】

[Are you a new type of gang of entertainers? Why do people say that #doubt#doubt]

[[Reply to comment] It's true! #crazy]

[My God, have you seen it too? 】The person who posted the V-blog earlier burst into tears, 【Is it more than ten o'clock in the evening, it's very big, and it's still moving? 】

[[Reply to comments] That's right, ah, ah, ah, I knew it wasn't my vision! 】

[Wait, so someone other than me saw it? I thought I was dazzled at the time]

[Mom, I raised my hand passionately. I saw it when I got off the night shift. I didn't see where it was, but it was really big. It seemed to be a human figure.]

['s so late to get off the night shift, you're so miserable, baby]

[Don't care about those details# Wide Noodle Tears]

[Isn't it, so many people really saw it with their own eyes? What is that thing?

【Feel. . . Unlike a prank, is it really going to be a fantasy? 】

[Huh, ISCA? I seem to think of something...]

As the topic increased, more and more people came out to discuss it, and there was a vague sense of sight in the small circle of urban weird talk. Until August 11th, "Entertainment Intern" broadcasted the content of the seventh round of groupings. The discussion stopped there, and someone sorted out a logical and clear reasoning from all kinds of scattered information:

Damn it, Qin Yi Technology is doing something!

...then it's alright!

"Hey, I thought that the ordinary life like boiled water was finally going to be a little exciting, such as the strange city or the recovery of spiritual energy, but it turned out to be Qin Ke."

Ridiculous after ridicule, people who are following this matter are still looking forward to it. The online market was opened soon, and everyone voted for the team. They carefully analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the red and blue groups. They cared more about the results of the competition than the parties in the first class of entertainment.

At the same time, someone with a heart also recognized the location where the snow giant "Marshmallow" appeared, and determined that the Lynn Theater was the venue for the blue team's rehearsal.

Many people flocked to Qin Jue's V-blog to wait for an official announcement, so they went through again "Why is the last V-blog still half a year ago" → "Oh, when a fan of a certain traffic came to make trouble, Qin Jue abandoned V-blog. "→"Now? Now move to a website built by yourself" and other classic processes, Qingqings who entered the pit around the same time as Xu Jingyi all sighed that history is really a circle.

[Why did Chen Zhizhi's rotten millet come out again? As a passerby, I just want to ask where to find the official news of the blue team? 】

[+1, I can't go to "Qin Jue's house", it's not impossible, it's just a little weird]

[Don't say ha, this time Qin Jue is both an actor and a team leader, so it's quite difficult to deal with]

Someone asked in the V-blog community of "Entertainment Intern", and Qingqing at home said, "Why don't you use the V-blog back, it feels so inconvenient", which almost caused a dispute between old and new fans.

At this time, Li Hong's usefulness is reflected. Hu Changzhen's front foot just changed the name of the V blog to "Qin Jue_ account has been abandoned" at the behest of Qin Jue. The silhouette poster interacts with the official account of Aite's "Entertainment Intern", which not only warms up the subsequent performances, but also officially gives the onlookers an information channel.

"The surrounding area is not busy, keep in touch with the team of the blue team teachers at any time... Yes, the promotion can be released, the frequency of actor materials and work information is stable, don't worry. Be careful not to spoil! This is the account of Qin team. passed."

Li Hong instructed his subordinates and went to beat the troupe of "Mr. Comedy".

These days, only they and the blue group use the stage rehearsal of the Lynn Theater alternately. Although they don't know much about the plot, they still know some basic information, such as how many songs there are. Impact.

On Qin Jue's side, they were generously letting them drink soup next to him. Li Hong, as the intermediary, would never allow this group of people to stab Jin's thighs without consciously backstabbing them. At that time, if there is trouble, it will also appear that his guarantor's credibility and vision are not enough, and he will lose the trust in Qin Jue.

Overtly and secretly, I had a chat with the director and general manager of "Mr. Comedy". The other party was also a smart person. He would not understand the basics of dealing with others. After Li Hong chatted with him, he went to talk to the actors of his own troupe. Exhort, such and such layers of restraint reminders, there is no unfavorable remarks against the blue group from the Lynn Theater, not even gossip.

It's just that the content of the seventh round has just been unlocked. When the crowd was enthusiastic, fans of various families also came to the Lynn Theater to check in in advance. It also took a lot of effort for Li Hong to send someone to receive and supervise the gifts sent by fans.

Although the competitive variety show "Entertainment Intern" also involves the crew, it does not have the rules for fans to visit the class collectively. At first, it was because the first few rounds of shows were too confusing for the actors, so there were few people and they could not organize; later, because the filming schedule was too tight, there was no time to do this, so this rule was followed.

However, now that the attention and popularity are high, there are inevitably fans who want to express their feelings. Qin Jue asked Lin Rou and others for their opinions after listening to Li Hong about this. The final result is that letters are given priority, and the bouquets will be uniformly distributed by the staff. Blue groups are tied with flower baskets, and other gifts will not be accepted, so as not to add trouble to the theater work.

"'I also want to find something to do'? Huh, okay."

At that time, Qin Jue was taking the time to live broadcast, with the laptop screen in front of him. He was reviewing the latest rehearsal. Occasionally, he would take a moment to take a look at the barrage. In the live broadcast room, the familiar profile faces were still presented to the Qingqings.

"I think about it... It's still the same as before, I don't want gifts, I don't have anything, and I don't have time to open it now. It's best not to have letters. I think it's a serious thing to read your handwritten letters.

"Ha, I don't mean to have to take a bath and burn incense, but at least I will pick a quiet moment. When there is nothing else, I will slowly take it apart and look at it. There is no such condition for this kung fu. Wait a minute."

Qin Jue quickly pressed the space button to pause, dragged the progress bar back and forth to look at the details, then lowered his head to compare the script, thought for a while, and remembered something before saying:

"Where did you just say it? ... Look, that's it. Let's live stream, I have to take care of other things;

"It's pretty routine. I can hang a label of 'accompanying study' and let everyone do things together quietly. We do our own work without affecting each other. But reading letters is not enough, reading letters is another matter.

"So I thought, if you really want to do something, just... how about learning origami?

"Hey, don't always compare yourself with other people's. It seems that there are less support and cheap gifts, and it seems that we are not lined up. What are you doing? I'll ask you which other actor's fans have the actor himself doing it. APP can be used? Yes.

"Our styles are not quite the same. You have to compare with common standards, don't do these things, strange comparisons, strange sense of superiority, have time to do something serious... Wait a minute."

Familiar with pausing and taking notes, Qin Jue frowned slightly and calculated the position and the audience's perspective twice on the paper, took a sip of water and continued:

"Every artist and fan has their own way of getting along. If you think you are happy at home, you can secretly have fun. You don't have to go out and show it off. Conversely, you don't have to be too envious of other people's homes.

"...Oh, that's right. As soon as I said it, I went astray. The end of my mind is two things.

"Origami means literally, roses, thousand paper cranes, etc., you can fold what you want. If it is a flower, I will ask the assistant to put an empty flower basket at the entrance of the theater, and you can put it up if you can watch the play. How good. The paper ones can last a little longer.

"But it is not recommended to write on the paper and then fold it, mainly because I am afraid that it will be damaged, and I may not be able to restore it after dismantling it. It's a pity, pure origami is fine. You can leave a nickname in a conspicuous place if you want. , let me check the numbers.

"What about online? If you want to participate, you can participate together. It is equivalent to a small activity at home, and you can also master a small handicraft skill by the way.

"Once I folded it, I took a picture and uploaded it. Then I'll make a small program, and use everyone's origami to spell out the pattern, spell the name, spell the lyrics of "To Qing" and so on... It will be very spectacular to look at.

"Well, I was discovered. I just want you to make some practical progress. Don't chase after a star and get nothing in the end. That's all thanks to you, isn't it?"

Qin Jue stopped to take a few notes again. When the alarm clock sounded, she picked up her phone and took a look.

"Five minutes." Qin Jue sent Feixun's voice.

She stood up neatly, packed her computer and notepad, and went out with her bag on her back.

"...It's not compulsory. If you have time and want to participate, just come and play. If there are more important things, you must put your own affairs first. Those who participate in the event should not criticize the Qingqing who did not participate, and live in harmony, equality and friendship.

"My materials are quite complicated, mainly because I have several roles this time, which is not very easy to do. The troupe's tidbits are in charge of the program team and the cameraman. During this time, the official V of the Lynn Theater will be issued, and the family will also be Sync. The rest will wait for the clip video after the end.

"Okay, let's go to work, see you next time."

Lazily waving towards the camera of the drone, Qin Jue smiled and stretched his palm forward to cover the camera.

After the live broadcast ended, she immediately accelerated her pace and walked to the gym.

The last large prop designed by Qiao Yuansu was finally made.

The preparatory period for Team Blue is coming to an end.


"Thank you, teachers! Mmmm, I'll go to the show first, see you at the rehearsal tomorrow. Thank you Teacher Wang, thank you... Ah, Sister Mu Mu, remember to eat the little cake you brought on the dressing table!"

Xing Yufei carried a bulging bag on her back, smiled and bowed to her colleagues in the same troupe, backed away all the way to the door before turning around and leaving.

Cheng Mumu, who was reminded, couldn't help laughing: "Remember! Really..."

This girl is very attentive. Not long ago, she just casually mentioned that she wanted to eat a cake from a certain Internet celebrity bakery. Today, she brought it over.

It's really hard not to get close.

"Hey, I'm so busy, is this an idol?"

Another colleague put down his hand waving goodbye, looked at Xing Yufei's back and sighed.

"How tiring, isn't it good to specialize in one subject?" The person next to him said.

"Feifei sings well too. Besides, it's time for a young girl to start her career." The third person laughed.

"Yes." The distressed person nodded.

Xing Yufei's family is quite familiar with the head of the troupe and is a close family. At first, when she came over, everyone kept a distance. Later, through daily contact, she realized that this girl is not worthless, and she can be both a person and a person. After breaking the ice, the relationship between each other is not bad.

It had been heard before that the idol group that Xing Yufei belonged to seemed to be squeezed out and suppressed, and some people were fighting for her.

Of course, there are also people who persuade Xing Yufei not to be involved in the entertainment For dance actors, they usually recognize the "literary and art circles" and "performing arts circles" rather than "entertainment circles". The general impression of idols is also the kind of people who have been around for two years to make some money. However, seeing that Xing Yufei did not let go of any rehearsal interval to practice singing and dancing, the prejudice in those people's hearts gradually dropped.

People are doing, people are watching. The touches I see with my own eyes are different after all, and are more real than any taken for granted.

At the entrance of the theater, Xing Yufei, wearing a hat and mask, ran down the steps nimbly and rushed towards a parked car.


She plunged into the co-pilot, deftly tossed her bag, took off her mask, and fell back.

"It's hard work~" Jiang Qing'e in the back seat took Xing Yufei's bag, "Wow, you bring all the singing clothes with you."

"Wow, last night, I found that I didn't have time to go back to get it, so I just packed it all in my bag, it's so heavy." Xing Yufei turned into a ball of ice cream and slumped down.

"Seat belt."

Lou Lan's unique contralto sounded.

"Okay!" Xing Yufei sat up straight with a smile, pulled off her seat belt and fastened it.

"Set off."

Lou Lan flicked the bottom edge of her sunglasses with her index finger knuckles and dropped a cool sentence.

Immediately after she stepped on the accelerator, the steering wheel turned steadily under the palm of her hand, and the four-person private car sped away, sending up a trail of smoke.

Next, go pick up Qi Shuang.

Then, prepare for today's running show!

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