Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 828: jump down

After Qin Yuqiao finished counting silently, he took two small steps, and his toes reached the edge of the small platform.

A subtle sense of tension floated up like threads, lingering in her heart, she gathered herself together, bent her knees and jumped.

Standing below, Lin Rou suddenly felt a strong wind, as if passing by a speeding motorcycle on the street, she was so shocked that she lost her mind, and it took half a beat to regain the focus of her sight in a trance.

Without the restraint of the weight plate, Qin Jue's figure was extremely light, and he took a few big strides to serve as a run-up. People in the gymnasium only felt a blur before their eyes, and saw that Qin Yuqiao had been crushed when he was still some distance away from the ground. A black shadow jumped up from the side and caught it halfway.

The whole process was unimaginably fast, Qiao Yuansu even hallucinated those unlucky guys on the Internet who were watching the wind by the sea, and the food in their hands was caught cold by the seagull in a second.

In the current situation, it's hard not to feel that Qin Jue is that arrogant seagull.

No, maybe some stronger creature, like an old hawk or something...

In just a blink of an eye, Qin Jue had landed firmly on Qin Yuqiao with his arms crossed, and the "boom" sound was very soft.

The process of falling fully demonstrated what it means to be professional. Qin Jue made a full circle the moment he caught the person, and adjusted Qin Yuqiao's posture while turning the circle. Embrace the shoulder blades, and support the back of her head with her elbows, so that her head is lowered inward instead of backward, and the whole person is closer to the "V" shape, which can greatly relieve the discomfort of the neck and avoid muscle strain. .

Immediately afterwards, Qin Jue stepped on the ground according to the inertia, took two steps back with his feet, turned around again, and removed all the remaining impact force, and finally stopped holding Qin Yuqiao safely.

All the details happened in an instant. Even if Qin Jue made a total of two turns, the time from jumping off the Qin Yu Bridge to landing on the ground did not exceed three seconds.

Even, she precisely controlled the area of ​​the space. Whether it was picking up people or turning around to unload the force for the second time, it only happened in a space of about four square meters, and the footplate was extremely stable. Never fell on the pile of safety cushions.

Qin Jue met the astonished and even unconsciously fearful eyes of the crowd.

She held back her subconscious movements, and didn't give her little fox a quick hand to see how she was gaining muscle. Instead, she leaned down and put her on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Qin Jue asked.

Qin Yuqiao pursed his lips under the mask and smiled: "Everything is fine."

At the moment of weightlessness, her heart was indeed tightened, but Qin Jue's appearance quickly calmed down this spontaneous warning of danger, and she immediately calmed down, and her rapid heartbeat slowly returned to normal after landing.

Gu Wensong, who watched the whole process from the sidelines, broke into a cold sweat after realizing it. This is three meters high! If you accidentally fall down in normal times, you will at least hurt your muscles and bones, and you will have to recover slowly for a hundred days.

It's because Qin Jue and the unknown girl acted too naturally just now, and Qiu He didn't respond, so that he, Cong Ning'an and others didn't immediately realize that if the car overturned, the consequences would be very serious of.

"...It's okay, the safety cushion we used is of good quality, and I stacked two layers." Qiao Yuansu said.

Gu Wensong didn't realize that he had unknowingly said what was in his heart, but Qiao Yuansu could hear clearly standing beside him.

"Oh, that's good." Gu Wensong answered.

Feeling something was wrong again, he hesitated and said:

"Why do you feel that the mat on the floor is a bit of a hindrance to the squad leader..."

Qiao Yuansu was silent, he felt that what Gu Wensong said was quite right.

Cong Ning'an, who was a little far away from the two, didn't hear these conversations, and was still in shock for a long time. Even though Qin Jue and Qin Yuqiao walked over intact, he couldn't recover.

Lin Rou's assistant was even more dumbfounded.

She wanted to stop it before, after all, this kind of fact is outrageous, how could it happen in reality, but in the past two days, Lin Rou has given her special warnings, she can only shut up tightly among a group of big bosses, as quiet as a quail .

But he didn't expect that Qin Jue, who came up with this almost desperate idea, could really do it, and he did it so perfectly.

This... is this still a human?

The assistant's mind was wandering, and he looked at Qin Jue as if he was looking at a monster.

Cong Ning'an asked her question.

"It's so anti-human, squad leader, this—" He stammered, and he didn't finish his sentence, and everyone understood the meaning behind his words.

Qin kept his composure, glanced at Lin Rou's trembling assistant not far away from the corner of his eye, and smiled at Cong Ning'an:

"It's okay, I've been receiving special training since I was fourteen."


Cong Ningan was shocked, his mind turned around, and he quickly swallowed his subconscious reaction.

He couldn't accept that.

Instead, Qin Jue noticed the sudden change in his face, and a look of astonishment quickly appeared on his face. He immediately looked at the extras and the photographer who were always in the gymnasium, smiled apologetically, and waved his hand to signal not to play this part.

The cameraman's expression was also a little stiff, he was dazed for two seconds before he nodded with blurred eyes and made an OK gesture.

"Okay, the demonstration is over, let's continue."

Qin Jue continued to talk to Lin Rou as if nothing happened.

"What I think is this, when the lights suddenly go dark, you just..."

Qin Jue was still talking, Lin Rou regained her senses and hurriedly followed her train of thought, only the rest of the onlookers were overwhelmed by the continuous amount of information and their brains crashed.

No... this... what is the background of the squad leader?

Gu Wensong looked at Qiao Yuansu in horror.

Don't look at me, I don't know either!

Qiao Yuansu looked back at Gu Wensong in horror.

What Qin Jue said just now was so natural, even very casually. After realizing what he said, he was still calm, and he just skipped it with a smile. Obviously he didn't think it was a big deal. drumming.

Although it is rare for special forces to join the entertainment industry, it is not uncommon. But what Qin Jue showed was at a completely different level from the artists in Qiao Yuansu's impression. Who knew what level of training she was referring to as "special training"...

I dare not think about it, the more I think about it, the more afraid I become.

Although three meters is indeed not very high, but jumping up on the ground to catch someone with bare hands, and landing without injury, this...

Qiao Yuansu held back for a long time, and said, "The weather is really nice today."

"...Hehehe, yes." Gu Wensong laughed dryly.

In the fifth round, Gu Wensong was still looking at Qin Jue Diao Weiya, but he didn't expect that she could do this without even using Wia.

Hmm... let's just pretend not to hear.

The gymnasium is so big, and the two of them were distracted just now, so it's normal that they didn't hear anything, right?

Noticing how Gu Wensong and others pretended nothing happened, Qin Jue's eyes flashed a faint smile.

She did it on purpose.

This matter has to start two days ago. After the content of the seventh round of "Entertainment Interns" was announced, Qin Yi Technology also reposted the corresponding V blog, which brought more traffic and attention.

Qin Jue took the initiative to ask Ying to be the team leader of the blue team. He is an actor himself, and his appearance and temperament are more eye-catching than Fang Youwen, so many interested people searched for her past acting experience.

Most of the people attracted by Qinyi Technology have the spirit of seeking knowledge or a strong spirit of gossip. Looking at it, some people found clues from the spontaneous analysis videos of Station E.

Whether it's "The Cage" or "The Wild Goose", or even the short work "A Day of Overtime" in the first round of "Entertainment Intern", there are many up masters on station E who regard Qin Jue's action scenes as material to analyze.

Many people here complain that it is too difficult to do Qin Jue's analysis. Even if you watch it frame by frame, sometimes you can't be sure what kind of thinking she was doing at that time. The copywriting has been written several times, and the video is done. , but found that there was something missing.

For example, it turned out that the previous action of a certain person was used as a transitional function to pave the way for the turning and kicking later, or there was a better way to deal with it at a certain moment, but Qin Jue didn't do it at the time, and he would know it after seeing it later. She had already thought of all kinds of possibilities in the future, so she chose the more coherent and more room for development, with a strong overall view and so on.

Generally speaking, everyone who analyzes Qin Jue's play has been tortured both physically and mentally, and often becomes very dazed at the end of the analysis, and can't help but speculate whether Qin Jue is here in every frame. Don't have any ulterior motives.

Originally, when the number of followers was small, everyone didn’t take it seriously, and they were just joking to persecute these up owners, but after people from Qinyi Technology found these videos on station E by searching for the word “Qin Jue”, some people I'm curious how Qin Jue's play moves and ideas come about.

After all, Qin Jue's personal data and information are kept secret by Senran's encryption chain, and ordinary people can't find it. They can only conclude from the scattered information on the Internet that "The Cage" is her debut as an actor. And when she starred in "The Cage", her fighting scenes were already very eye-catching, and she also won the Golden Plum Award for Best Action Design Award, which didn't seem like a young man who was only 19 years old at the time could do it thing.

As the saying goes, curiosity is the beginning of everything. Some people fell into Qin Jue's pit because of curiosity, and some people got into a dead end because of curiosity. They insisted on asking the bottom line to come up with a convincing truth.

But of course Qin Jue would not publicly say that he had lived in the end of the world and was reborn again.

Someone had inquired about the fans, but the Qingqings first entered the pit during the period of "The Cage", and no one, even the old fans, could explain clearly, which made Qin Jue even more mysterious.

Some official accounts have already begun to fabricate random accounts in the name of guesswork, and even take what Qin Jue said about "sister-in-law" and spread it on their own, making it extravagant.

Qin Jue learned about this matter from Senran's message, and at the same time felt that it couldn't be avoided by talking about it.

Since you can't get around it, let's spread some news and mention this kind of thing that can't be "clarified" publicly, just as a direction for those who speculate wildly, so as to save them from opening their minds, what outrageous words Can tell.

In the gymnasium, Xiaolu added the "truth" that he seemed to say at will, just to round out these possible doubts. The brain power of the people is powerful, and the expressions of Cong Ning'an and others have fully demonstrated this.

As for whether this news will be revealed in the end, Qin Jue has no doubts.

Leaving aside the behind-the-scenes and filmmakers sent by the program group, Lin Rou's assistant doesn't seem like someone who can keep a secret.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and it is very likely that the assistant is just secretly chatting and sharing with trusted relatives and friends because of shock, but once more people know, it is difficult to guarantee that the information will not spread, and Qin Jue's goal will be achieved.

The credibility of this kind of content spoken by oneself is naturally much higher than that of online gossip or marketing accounts, and it also saves Senran from posting news on the Internet to guide public opinion.

But all of this is just incidental, Qin Jue really wanted Lin Rou to jump off from the beginning.

"... At the end, the stage and the ice ladder are all here. Without the lights, the wires cannot be seen clearly, and the backstage cannot cooperate, and the slow landing may make the audience see your shadow vaguely. Whoever pulls out their phone and snaps a flash will have a lot of fun."

Qin Jue smiled helplessly as he spoke.

"Indeed." Lin Rou knew she was right.

"Generally speaking, when the field of vision suddenly goes dark, even if ordinary people close their eyes immediately, it will take at least two or three seconds to adapt to the darkness in front of them, so we'd better take advantage of this time to make you disappear from the ice ladder."

Qin Jue gestured, "Jumping down is the fastest."

Lin Rou nodded thoughtfully.

"The other thing to consider is whether I can catch you in a dark environment." Qin Jue blinked narrowly, "I'm very confident, it depends on what you think."

Lin Rou laughed, thought for a while, and said, "Hey, what should you do? If it's the way you did just now...will the audience see you jump up and catch me?"

"Very careful."

Qin Jue praised, "Our teacher Qiao thought of this problem early in the morning."

Qiao Yuansu was suddenly cueed, and embarrassed to pretend he didn't hear anything, cleared his throat and walked over, calling up the design drawing from the tablet.

Listening to his explanation, Lin Rou gradually opened her mouth wide, showing an absurd expression on her face that wanted to laugh but didn't laugh too much because she was too surprised.

"My God!" She couldn't laugh or cry, "How did the boss let you..."

"I don't know about that." Qin Jue also smiled, "It's all thanks to Mr. Qiao."

"Cough cough cough." Qiao Yuansu waved his hand modestly.

No wonder Lin Rou's reaction, Qin Jue was also shocked by Qiao Yuansu's brain circuit when he saw Qiao Yuansu's idea.

Because Qiao Yuansu directly dug a basement in the design drawing.

He dug a passage under the stage. On the one hand, it is convenient for the stage to rotate and move. On the other hand, it extends forward to the basement where the ground can be opened. The area is calculated, and Lin Rou's free fall can just fall.

What awaits her is a thick safety cushion, and then Qin Jue will grab some as a buffer halfway, so there is no problem with her personal Even the costumes will not be damaged.

Qin Jue still doesn't know how Qiao Yuansu persuaded Li Hong.

Or in other words, what exactly was Li Hong thinking in order to allow Qiao Yuansu to do such a heaven-defying renovation project...

"Cough. To sum up, what you have to do is very simple, just trust me, trust the safety cushion, just take a small step forward and fall down."

Qin Jue said seriously, "There are two things to pay attention to. One is that you must not jump out of the parabola, and the other is that you must not make any noise when you jump down. It is best not to scream or grunt. We still have enough time, and these can be practiced."

Lin Rou closed her eyes very solemnly, and drew a non-standard cross on her chest.

Then he nodded solemnly.

"Understood. I will feel relieved to jump down."

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