Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 844: 《FROZEN》(5)

"Oh, maybe it's a performance requirement." Rhianna explained, "The plot needs him to fall, doesn't it?"

Jenny nodded thoughtfully.

This small episode did not affect the interest of the mother and daughter and the surrounding audience in watching the show. As everyone expected, Anna's eyes lit up, forgetting that she was still lying on the prince, she blinked and said in surprise: "...Hi ?”

"Hmm... Hi." The prince also looked surprised, as if he was amused by the current scene.

"Okay, it has appeared. I always feel that such a picture can be found in any small story book." The blond young man standing with the reindeer in the corner complained with his arms folded.

"Ahh!" Anna realized that the two were too close, "This is really embarrassing."

"Oh, I don't mean you're awkward, I mean we're... uh, I mean I'm embarrassed, you're handsome, you're classy," she continued, stammering.

The blond guy who was watching shook his head with his hand on his forehead: "Let's go, Sifen, here are two people who have been cut off from the world (entering their world)."

This sentence is a pun in English, and the audience laughed.

The reindeer Sfin followed the blond man away. Here, the prince smiled gently, took Anna's hand and lifted her up.

"I am very sorry for accidentally bumping into the princess of Arendelle. I want to apologize for my rashness."

He took the blame on himself and relieved Anna, "I, um... Hans. I am Hans. Let's say I am a prince."

Hans knelt on one knee: "I formally apologize to you, Your Royal Highness."

"What? Oh, no, no, no." Anna quickly waved her hand, "You don't have to do this, I'm not that kind of princess. Ah, I mean, I'm not the kind of princess who needs to be treated very seriously and makes people feel a little bit stressed. I Meaning, uh um, it might be different if you met my sister Aisha, but I'm... well, it's okay, you don't have to do that."

She smiled dryly and shrugged uncomfortably, "I'm just—'me'."

"It's just 'you'?" Hans looked at her suspiciously and inquiringly.

"It means that I'm not the heir either, I'm nothing, just an ordinary princess who's been in a cage for more than ten years—oh, what nonsense am I talking about?"

Anna said incoherently, "So it's... If there is anything I don't conform to court etiquette, I mean the princess's rules or something, well, that's my problem. As a prince, you have done a very good job."

Hans bowed his head and smiled.

Anna clenched her skirt in embarrassment: "So, so be it, I wish you a happy day, I'll go first—oh my god, this is so embarrassing."

She grunted softly as she turned.

"I'm the one who should be embarrassed," Hans said suddenly.

Anna, who had already walked a few steps, stopped, turned around, tilted her head in confusion and asked, "What?"

A string of simple and low-pitched music faded into crescendo, and Hans sang about his life experience.

He told Anna that he was only the thirteenth son of a certain king, and that he had twelve distinguished and mean elder brothers. Note that no one cares, and now he has traveled across the mountains and seas to attend the Queen's coronation ceremony just to send his humble blessings and offer his humble loyalty and respect.

"Obviously we met under the guidance of fate, but I was so rude when we first met—"

Hans held a firework again and bowed, "Please accept my sincerest apology, and tell me, can an unknown person like me have the honor of knowing the honorable name of Her Royal Highness?"

Kefer Wilson covered the lower half of his face with his palm and coughed lightly.

Now he was very sure that this Hans must not be a good person.

It's not because he, as the same sex, has any dark malice towards princes who are younger, more handsome, and better-born, it's just an intuition, an intuition accumulated from experience—whether the experience is in life or work Up.

Kefer glanced at his wife's expression, obviously she didn't think so.

"His voice is really nice, and he can sing very well." Noticing the look in Kaifer's eyes, Rhianna praised with a smile.

"...That's true." Kaifer opened his mouth and nodded in response.

If there were any bright spots in Hans' monologue just now, it would only be the actor's own voice and singing skills.

From a professional point of view, this short song is quite perfunctory, neither the accompaniment nor the main theme has much memory. It is obviously just to explain the background story of the character, and it is only used to supplement the character design and transitional plot.

But even so, the unknown actor did a great job of it, and Kefer is a bit unsure if he's a professional musical theater actor—so far, it looks like he can sing dry expository passages. It is moving, obviously requires a good foundation.

Anna on the stage was also moved, her eyes were soft, with a sympathetic and kind smile, she lifted her skirt and saluted:

"Princess Anna of Arendelle. Nice to meet you, Prince Hans of the Southern Kingdom."

Hans's smile was full of emotion and gratitude. He wanted to say something. When the bell rang, the gorgeously dressed crowd who had just disappeared behind the gate came again, and a loud voice announced:

"The coronation is about to begin—"

"Oh! I have to go." Anna said in surprise, and stopped when she turned around, showing a shy and expectant smile, "So, see you later?"

Hans nodded seriously: "See you later, Anna."

Anna clicked her chin like a chicken pecking at rice. When the lights were dimmed, and when I turned around, an uncontrollably excited soliloquy floated in the air: "—he called my name!"

There was good-natured laughter from the audience.

I see. Lively and cute, a little reckless, a little princess who is shy but bold when facing handsome men, and a handsome prince who is humble and not taken seriously, but full of self-cultivation. The two have complementary personalities, and have similarities in their life experiences. This pair of CP is indeed very harmonious.

In the open-air banquet, Yu Miao nodded frequently, and had gradually finished the draft.

She won't let go of the past and dig deeper. Now readers like the linkage between actors and characters. Qin Jue and Su Su, they were paired in the fifth round. It should be called "Feiyan"? CP's name is "Guiyan Susu", if I remember correctly, I'm still BE.

Very good, this time I can write something like "filling up the regrets of the fifth round", just like Qin Jue and Lin Rou didn't have a happy ending in "The Empty Stele", but was defeated by Qin Tian and Lin Rou in the sixth round. Rou Xiaohua saved a handful, no worries and no topics at all...

While thinking in her head, Yu Miao looked at Aisha on the stage who was slightly shorter and asked the bishop to put on the queen's crown for her.

The crowd sang in unison, praising: "Congratulations to the Queen on her coronation—"

"You are the noble Queen of the North—

"Your power is supreme—

"Arendel hangs over your glory—"

Amidst the solemn bells and chorus, the bishop put on Aisha a cloak of exquisite texture but dull color.

Aisha walked forward slowly, with an impeccable manner, and an incomparable noble temperament exuded from her, and the audience who were closer to her became solemn for a while.

Not far away, Yue Yang nodded secretly again.

Lin Rou's aura became stronger.

Carols burst out, and Elsa quickly walked to the front of the stage, where someone was holding a red velvet tray with a scepter and a royal ball on the tray, which was the final step of the coronation ceremony.

Elsa inhaled slightly, collected herself, and stretched out her hand.

"Your Majesty." The bishop reminded in a low voice, "Gloves."

Elsa's shoulders shook slightly in shock.

"Oh." She sneered, "How did I forget such an important thing."

She immediately took off the gloves and handed them to the maid beside her, her hands trembling slightly, she picked up the scepter and the orb.

The sound of singing suddenly became passionate, and the multi-singing was huge and spectacular.

Three seconds, or only two seconds, Aisha put them back in a hurry, with a somewhat relieved look on her face, and hurriedly took the gloves back from the maid and put them on.

Then she turned around, raised her head, and announced loudly that the banquet had begun.

Elegant and lively orchestral music resounded through the audience, and the crowd danced. Aisha felt relieved and kept a decent smile as she entered the crowds of guests. Presence—that's exactly what she wanted.

" there is no accident?"

Kaifer, who has a lot of experience in watching dramas, also guessed that there would be a change. He thought that there would be a sudden change when Aisha held the scepter and the orb, but he was a little surprised that nothing happened.

Immediately he heard screams. Very close, just half a meter away, not from the stage, but from the VIP seats in the infield.

"We're moving!"

The audience looked at the ground and surroundings in great surprise.

What? Kaifer was startled, and quickly looked towards Zuo Jin.

...really moving!

It's not them, or more than they are moving, but the VIP seats in the infield and the whole stage seem to be connected as one, and the whole one is spinning in the Lynn Theater!

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