Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 847: 《LoveIsanOpenDoo…

"All my life has been enaseries of doors in my face."

(My whole life the door is closed)

There happened to be an open door behind Anna. She turned around and sang, allowing the audience in the infield seats to see the front, and then "slapped" the two doors closed, and turned her face, "And then suddenly I bumpintoyou—"

(My whole life has been closed doors, but suddenly I bump into you)

The doors and windows of the middle and outer rings of the stage began to rotate slowly with the props, whether it was the infield seats facing directly or the open-air seats facing away, the audience's vision was satisfied.

Hans said in surprise: "I was thinking the same thing!\'Causelike..."

(I thought so too! Because...)

"I\'ve been searching my whole life to find my own, and maybe beit\'sthe party talking or the; fondue."

(I spent my whole life looking for my own piece of world, maybe I'm suitable for complaining at parties or eating chocolate fondue)

He walked over while singing, and wiped the chocolate shavings off Anna's cheeks with his hand. The latter blushed, and ran away with a smile, tugging at the hem of her skirt.

The perspective design here is very interesting. Hans and Anna are either facing each other and facing two audiences at the same time, or one is facing the other and the other is looking at the back, so as to prevent the audience from rotating to the back of the infield and cannot see anything. The standing and walking are ingenious It is well integrated with the lyrics and plot, fully supporting the stage with a nearly 360-degree panorama.

"But with you, I found my"

(but with you I found my belonging)

"—But with you, Isee your face."

(But when I'm with you, I see your face)

It was the familiar front-to-back overlapping singing method again. The small interaction of the two of them turned their backs and turned back to face each other at the same time hit the audience's cuteness. Everyone's face was full of excitement of "wow, I got it" or " Oh, what a nice little young man" with a kind smile.


(My world has been turned upside down since then)

Anna grabbed Hans' hand suddenly, and the two trotted to the back of the prop door, pushing it away with a "bang" from left to right:

"Love is an open door—!"

(Love is an open door)

They repeated this phrase to play hide-and-seek around the gate. Hans came up behind Anna in the opposite direction, and suddenly reached out and grabbed her waist, picked her up and put her down again.

Everyone's eyes were on the pair of prospective couple who became more and more in love with each other. Only Yu Miao, Yue Yang and the others were able to take a moment to notice that the stage had become empty before they knew it.

The doors and windows of those props fell silently, but they didn't completely disappear, but the topmost "sharp corner" was left. What's interesting is that just looking at these sharp corners, they are in the shape of clusters of flowers and plants, which is not inconsistent with the ground decoration, and it really has two purposes.

Dancing Hans and Anna naturally separated to the two sides of the stage by turning in circles. The former smiled happily and sang:

"Imeanit\'scrazy." "What?"

(this is really crazy) (what?)

"We finish each other\'s—"

(We can always finish each other's—)

Anna said first: "Sandwiches! (Sandwiches!

Hans was pleasantly surprised: "That\'swhat Iwasgonnasay! (I was just about to say this!

Laughter came from the auditorium. The tacit understanding between the two of them was full of cute details. However, the expressions of the two actors were also super agile. The expressions and movements that would normally be considered exaggerated are very suitable on the stage at this time, lively and interesting. , Just seeing them talking, laughing and boisterous made me feel very good.

"It's so sweet, it's like a sweet couple from an animation!"

Some people held their cheeks in happiness and sighed, feeling like they were looking at a super-large music box, on which two cute little people in exquisite clothes were singing and dancing happily.

By the way, Su Su and Qin Jue also look too much like figures! Wow, suddenly I really want to buy peripherals!

"I\'venever meet someone one who thinks so much like me."

(I've never met a man I'm so in tune with)

"Jinx! Jinx again!"

(Unfortunately! What a coincidence!)

The young couple who knew the ending saw Anna and Hans standing in the center of the stage, stretching out their hands and hooking each other's little fingers one after another. They were still so sweet that their hearts melted, and they also hooked each other happily and unwillingly. of.

After the two of them left the theater, they tried many times, but they really couldn't reach out and hook them all at once. I really don't know how to develop a tacit understanding!

"Ourmental; can have but one"

(We're on the same page, there's only one explanation)

"You." "And I." "Were" "Just meant to be—"

(You and I are destined to be a couple)

Anna and Hans on the stage were still singing, and the boy in the young couple suddenly realized, and whispered to his girlfriend:

"Have you noticed? It was Hans who hooked his fingers just now!"

The girl naturally understood his subtext, and said in shock, "Unexpectedly!"

This is really a misunderstanding between the two of them. The truth of the matter is simple, because Qin Jue reacts much faster than Su Su, so the small interaction here is led by her. Su Su does not need to worry about problems, just move forward. Just reach out.

It has to be said that after Hans played by Qin Jue appeared on the stage, Su Su felt a lot more secure when singing and dancing.

Yu Miao, who was in the first row of the open-air seats, was shaking her thumbs excitedly. This is her habit of typing in memos when holding a mobile phone with one hand. Unfortunately, the mobile phone is not allowed to turn on when watching dramas. Now she can only live "hand addiction". Li tried to remember the main points.

Definitely a hit!

The sense of CP is super strong, the duet form is lively and not noisy, and the quality of the song is still so high, if it is not popular, there will be ghosts!

It turns out that Su Su's highlight is here, not handing over all the highlights of the whole drama to Lin Rou as I thought at first.

Yu Miao used to think that Su Su's singing style was too popular and a little unpopular in dramas, but now she has greatly improved. Because the current song has a strong sense of layering, with a bit of pop and classic feeling, and Qin Jue’s voice supported the chorus, and Su Su’s advantages were fully reflected. Yu Miao was not surprised when she recalled the melody. There must be a stage interaction between the two, after all, the sense of imagery in the singing is too strong.

"Saygoodbye—" "Saygoodbye—"

"To the pain of the past."

(Farewell to the pain of the past)


(We don't have to experience those anymore)

Here Hans and Anna first drew a heart shape with their arms, and then gave each other high fives. Anna used a lot of energy when she saw it. After clapping her hands, she shook her hand in pain. Hans who noticed it immediately took that hand back to his palm. After singing the third line, he lowered his head and kissed the back of her hand, which fit the lyrics perfectly. "You don't have to experience pain anymore", as mentioned in the movie, the design of the interactive details and the content match up wonderfully, and Yue Yang exclaimed in his heart that it was wonderful.

"Love is an open door—!"

(Love is an open door)

The two sang together in high and low tones, and the doors and windows of the props went up quickly again, and this time they lined up in a row behind the stage.

Anna ran to the back cheerfully holding her skirt, Hans followed closely, but Anna pushed open the leftmost window and leaned forward with a sweet smile, Hans turned around and trotted over, Anna appeared from the rightmost window again, childish couples playing hide-and-seek The audience in the audience can see the aunt's smile all over their faces.

The highlight of this section also lies in the angle of view. From the front of the open-air seats, you can see Hans being teased by Anna, and from the back of the infield seats, you can see Anna running around and laughing behind a row of doors and windows. , The audience on both sides couldn't help thinking "I must sit across from each other next time and watch it again".

"Love is an open door." "Door—"

(Love is an open door)

Hans repeated his tricks, guessed at which window Anna would appear, reached out to grab her by the waist, held her in a half circle and let Anna land on the ground, the two separated with a smile again, and the prop moved down into a Flower clusters for decoration.

"Life can be so much more."

(how happy life is)

"With you." "With you!"

(with you) (with you!)

Every "with you", Anna and Hans, who are facing each other, take a step forward until they face each other closely in the center of the stage, singing affectionately in a chorus surrounded by joyful and brisk music.

"Love is an open door..." "Door—Woo~Oh."

(Love is an open door)

Before it was Hans consonant, now it was replaced by Anna's soft voice, another round of alternation, and Yu Miao nodded with a smile on her face.

Looking at each other, Hans held Anna's hand and said affectionately: "Can I say something crazy? (Can I say something crazy?

He said kneeling on one knee, "Willyou marryme? (Will you marry me?

Anna's mouth was opened wide like the audience who were stunned by Tian She covered the lower half of her face in ecstasy and quickly let go:

"Can I say something even crazy? Yes!"

(Can I say something crazier? I would!)

The fading music suddenly recovered its volume, and the two repeated the last chorus again amidst the shouts from the audience. The lively rhythm danced around the two lines of voice. Anna and Hans sang both Treble, full of enthusiasm in singing.

A few seconds later, the combination of orchestral music and drum beats brought the whole song to its climax. Anna's green dress skirt flew up, bursting into brilliant and gorgeous whirls. She was picked up by Hans in his arms, and the sound of drums fell , the two hugged each other, and the audience cheered.

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