Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 862: "FROZEN" (End)

It's like a spring morning, the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, and the chirping birds seem to be heard in the distance.

More spectators suddenly realized that those with watches hurriedly looked at the hands on the dial, and then they were stunned and aphasic. They either sat in place, or looked left and right with stiff necks, and met the strangers with the same expression next to them.

While Aisha defrosted the frost, Lynn Theater changed from night to day.

What is this concept?

If the brightness of the moonlight of the full moon is 1, and the brightness of the light in an ordinary room is 500, then the brightness of the daytime sun is hundreds of thousands!

sixteen seconds? seventeen seconds?

In an extremely short period of time, the ice layer was thawing, the light was also diffused, and the brightness transitioned from light and soft to bright, and the process was not even noticed. Everyone watched Aisha completely dissipate the huge ice flower under the bright sun, and unexpectedly I didn't immediately notice what was wrong!

Kefer shivered suddenly, and goosebumps swelled up.

The time now is ten fifteen in the middle of the night.

But, Lynn Playhouse, it's daytime.


A multi-part chorus sounded, and the guards and maids, as well as ordinary people, walked onto the stage singing.

The melody has no words, and there is no group dance movement to match it, as if it is just a signal to call back the hearts of the audience.

Anna withdrew her gaze towards the sky, and lightly bumped into Elsa beside her.

"I said you can do it!" She said lightly.

Aisha's brows and eyes are soft.

"Thanks to you," she said.

"It's so good! Oh! Sunshine! Oh! Spring!"

Xue Bao bouncing back and forth, running, slowed down.

"This is my first day in the sun! . . . Oh, and probably my last."

As it spoke, its body slowly melted from the bottom ball.

Before the audience who came back to their senses had time to regret, Aisha smiled and raised her palm, waving a few strands of icy white light mixed with snow particles.

"Hold on, little one," she said with a smile.

With the help of magic, Xuebao instantly restored its original shape. A small cloud of soft snow appeared on its head, and small and lovely snowflakes kept falling down.


Xue Bao spun around in excitement.

Several people laughed out loud. From the corner of her eye, Anna caught a glimpse of Hans who had collapsed to the side and slowly got up from the ground, and her face suddenly sullen.

"—I'll take care of it."

She reached out her hand to stop Christophe who was about to rush over, and walked up to Hans with her head held high.

"Anna, she, she has frozen your heart!" Hans struggled.

"The only person here with a cold heart is you."

Anna put down such a sentence in disdain, and then turned around proudly.

Just as everyone was slandering "Damn it, I'm still so angry", Anna suddenly turned around and punched Hans hard.


Hans was knocked to the ground, the audience applauded thunderously, and the auditorium burst into "Let's go!"


Go" in the last scene of the loud cheers.

"I'm so happy!" The young couple cheered in unison and clapped vigorously.

After completing the feat of revenge, Anna walked back with her small face up, and met Elsa's eyes, her expression suddenly softened, and she was no longer so aggressive.

Then her gaze shifted to Christopher, and the reindeer Sfin came to his side at some point, standing there one by one.

Seeing Anna's gaze, Christopher stretched out a hand and waved it seriously.

"—I'll pick a good time, so I don't express my heart in a hurry like someone did."

He winked at her, his tone was teasing, but his expression was sincere.

Anna looked at him gratefully, without any further hesitation, she stepped forward and embraced Elsa tightly.

The passionate orchestral music was played at this moment, and the extras sang in unison again. The lyrics and melody were "Let's


The variation of "Go" made the audience feel shocked. Starting from the first person, everyone couldn't help standing up and applauding.

Not long after, the bright "sunlight" gradually faded with the weakening of the singing, and the music remained. Hansli, who fell to the ground, stood up, patted the dust on the costume a few times, followed the steps of the others, and walked to Aisha. Beside, together with Christophe, the two sisters surrounded the center of the stage.

All the actors spread their arms, the supporting actors held hands, and the four leading actors took a step forward at the same time.

Everyone bowed deeply to the open-air seats.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"


The audience cheered for a long time, Lin Rou and Su Su led a group of actors from the front to the side, and then bowed.

The big rotation with the infield seats started slowly amid the epic music. Amidst the intense applause and whistles, all the actors on the stage changed their angles and completed a round of 360-degree appearances and deep bows. , the stage returned to the original frame style amid the cheers of thousands of people, and the whole play came to an end.

The music stopped, the lights dimmed, and the curtain came down. This was the end of a musical that was too good to say anything, but the auditorium was still boiling. After a full five minutes, the cheers and applause were still high.

Suddenly, the music started again!

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh-!!"

The volume of shouting suddenly doubled, and the curtain opened again. Starting from the group performance, the actors walked forward from the depths of the stage one by one, bowing and saluting.

The people, the guards, the maids, the diplomat and his attendants.

Then Hans, Qin Jue.

She strode forward, raised her hands high, and then put her hands on her chest and bowed deeply.

The audience in the audience was still enthusiastic, among which Yu Miaohun gritted his teeth and applauded, dedicating his affirmation and recognition to the outstanding actor Qin Jue.

Then, Christophe, Xu Shuangshuang, and the reindeer Sifen jumped to the front of the stage in a few small steps, and received the rain of applause.

After that, Xue Bao jumped up and ran up, and the cheering tone in the auditorium suddenly rose a few degrees—it was the excited voice of children.

In the end, Aisha, Anna, Lin Rou, and Su Su walked to the front of the stage holding hands, and bowed down to salute.

Rainstorm-like applause poured down, and the Lynn Theater was full of applause. The semi-open-air structure avoided the possibility of overturning the roof. What a wonderful show just staged within the courtyard walls.

The actors in the blue group had a long curtain In the end, Elsa and Anna stood in the center of the stage hand in hand, the ground under their feet rose, and the rest stood in the middle ring and the outer ring in turn. The stage was like a three-layer cake. The actors He waved and bowed in the cheers of the audience, saying goodbye to the audience.

After a while, the broadcast sounded, and the staff entered the arena. Starting from the infield seats, they guided Kaifer and others to take the ticket stubs, take their belongings, and evacuate in an orderly manner with their relatives and friends.

It was late at night when the Wilson family walked out of the theater. Kefer and Rhianna were carrying a large bag full of peripheral products, and they were holding their daughter in the other hand.

A group of four walked more than ten meters, turned their heads in unison, and looked at the Lynn Theater.

This night is like a dream.

The little Ellie was startled, and suddenly let go of her mother's hand, and threw herself at her elder sister Jenny, and then hugged her tightly, their soft faces deformed.

Kaifer and Leanna were taken aback at the same time, then laughed softly, and protected the two little girls in their arms.

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