Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 873: "Scale Man" (2)

It's only been a few minutes, and those who are familiar with Yuan Xiao have already felt the familiar suffocation.

Sharp contradictions have been thrown out from the very beginning, and the scaled people with scales on their bodies are regarded as outright aliens, and ordinary people hate them so much that they can't avoid them.

However, judging from the existing information, the "scaled people" are not a fixed sub-race, but patients who are suspected of being infected with some kind of infectious disease. In other words, everyone has the possibility to become a human like a rat crossing the street for some reason at some point. The core of this work suddenly becomes sad.

That couple is the best proof. Just now the girl and her boyfriend showed disgust towards the **** people, but the next second she became a **** person herself, and everyone betrayed their relatives in an instant, and the strong irony hit their faces, which made the audience look painful, which is unimaginable What will happen next in the plot.

Pan Hong of the special search and rescue team looks sincere and hearty, but the white-haired young man on the motorcycle who snatched Shu Zhen is so mysterious and indifferent. Considering his handy flame power, it is not difficult to guess that this person has a relationship with the "Wrath Scale Party". close relationship.

So, is this the good and evil sides of this movie?

Who is right to send these people to the hospital for treatment, or to take them away?

The confrontation between the two sides is sharp, combined with Yuan Xiao's consistent style, many people are already mentally prepared to be ruthlessly stabbed.

But I have to say that naked-eye 3D plus mechs, heavy locomotive drift and other elements make the picture full of exciting violent aesthetics, coupled with excellent mirroring and online actors, if you don’t think about the connotation of the movie, it’s just a movie. As a commercial popcorn blockbuster, it will definitely not lose the ticket price.

What's more, the big screen has played its absolute advantage, and the excellent sound effect is so good that it explodes. It is not difficult to understand why so many people are willing to come to the cinema to watch it again and again.

The scene was cut again, the exciting background music played, and the perspective turned to the suburban hospital where the news was broadcast just now.

At this time, the situation in the hospital was dire, with fire and smoke pouring out of the doors and windows everywhere, and some walls had been scorched black. The visual impact was strong, but the lack of screams from the crowd made it seem less of a **** on earth.

The police lights rotated and flickered, rows of police cars surrounded the hospital, mechas shot up into the sky, and a large amount of water sprayed out.

Fang Youwen's ability to control the rhythm seems to have made new progress. The process of mech deformation and search and rescue is not too long, which is not much worse than American special effects blockbusters. Su and the others couldn't help but cheered in their hearts.

"...The thermal energy reaction was found on the top floor! A total of thirteen people!"

In the high-tech cabin, the character played by Yu Qing is looking at several electronic screens with bright eyes, tapping the keyboard with his hands, and holding the joystick from time to time.

She is dressed like the little girl next door, with big black-rimmed glasses on her face, she looks like a pure nerd, but she has a sly and smart demeanor. She has the air of a genius techie, whether it is searching for information, making overall arrangements or reporting directions , she has everything at her fingertips, and she is an excellent supporter.

"Clean up! Is there anyone left in the hospital?"

A rough male voice came, with an electronic quality to it.


The girl cleared up and replied immediately.

The camera starts a new round of cutting, her crisp report voice overlaps with the mech hovering sound, the picture is light and shadow interlaced, the color is bright, the team work is fast, efficient and methodical, fully mobilizing the emotions of the audience, making people immerse themselves in the audio-visual During the feast.

"...Team Tiger beware!"

After a while, Panqing exclaimed.

The erupting flames swept from somewhere in the hospital, like a giant snake opening its **** mouth, ruthlessly devouring several mechas suspended not far away.

There was a scream full of pain, Captain Li Hu roared and manipulated the mecha to raise the heavy machine gun, and the bullets flashing with ice-blue cold light "chug chug" bursts, which could block the oncoming rounds of flames.

"Get out!" Li Hu was furious.

The giggling and shrill laughter almost slapped the provocation in the tone on everyone's faces. In the crazily burning fire, two humanoid armors rushed out one after the other. The scales are aggregated.


The sharp arm blade wiped out a dazzling spark on Li Hu's rough mech body, sparks splashed.

The sound of "ding ding dong dong" was heard endlessly, and the battle between two powerful Angry Scales and a dozen mechas near the suburban hospital was full of shock.

The storyboard seemed to show how thick the programmer's hair was behind the scenes, adjusting the perspective like crazy.

The battle was fierce, and the audience was so impressed by the word "cool", I felt that the seat under my **** was not the seat in the auditorium, but the pirate ship in the playground, and it was jumping high and rushing down, cool Makes you want to scream.

The special search and rescue team led by Li Hu wins because of its large number of people and stronger technological weapons. Soon, the battlefield will determine the winner.

The scales of the two Wrath Scales were shattered by the ice bullets, revealing half of their bodies and their terrifying true faces.

Most of their faces are covered with scales, and the close-up shots flashed by, which is not friendly to audiences with trypophobia. Fortunately, the picture was only for a moment, and in the next second, Li Hu pulled the trigger on their hands and feet.

This time, instead of bullets, two locks were fired. The lock quickly deformed in mid-air, and when it hit the two of them, it turned into handcuffs and anklets, tightly restraining their movements.


Li Hu, who had made a contribution, laughed contemptuously, "Throw these two guys into the ice bank and take them back!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a low growl like a beast in a dense forest suddenly sounded. It was still in the distance for the first half a second, and it was already close to the ear for the second half second!


The scorching flame was as huge as a giant, and it poured down like a waterfall. Li Hu and others immediately dispersed, but it was too late, and they were shocked.

In the smoky sky, yellow-orange, brilliant red, pink-purple, bright blue... flames of various colors at different temperatures gather to form a The color saturation suddenly increases, and the picture is so vivid that it is almost blinding Human eyes exude a fashionable arrogance.

The tall but slender man with pitch-black scales sat down with his legs wide open, and there were bursts of excited inhalation sounds and a rather loud "Aw!" in the auditorium, and it was still a male voice.

Really, so handsome!

It doesn't matter whether the hair is white or not, and it doesn't matter whether the face is beautiful or not, but who can resist his scale armor and heavy motorcycle! !


"Boss Rui!"

The two arrested Angry Scales laughed and shouted.

The Flame King in the air raised his hand and patted the armrest of the seat lightly. In an instant, the flames rushed like a tsunami, condensing into a heavy motorcycle with a fierce and rough shape.

The billowing flames exploded violently, and the leader of the Angry Scale Party, Rui, swooped down on a heavy motorcycle, without dodging or evading, facing the hail of bullets head-on!

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :