Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 880: "Scale Man" (9)

Yan Bing, the consul played by Ding Mingqian, is tall and handsome, with a gentle and easy-going smile on his lips, a gentle and elegant temperament, and a faint majesty. Just looking at the image, I have to admit that he is an elegant and kind leader.

But at this moment, all the audience's comments on this character are:

Nima, this B...

Su Su's expression was very complicated. Hot search entries appeared in front of her involuntarily, and under each entry there were countless comments, which were accompanied by countless expressions of anger or yin and yang.

Luo Hanzhang from the third round of "Empty Tablet";

Zhan Changqing from the fourth round of "The Furnace";

Xu Shuangshuang from the fifth round of "Chasing the Phoenix";

She herself in the sixth round of "Difficulty";

Now, Ding Mingqian from the seventh round of "The Scaled Man"...

Yuan Xiao, a well-known unscrupulous artist and screenwriter, is scolded for sacrificing an actor when making a film.

With hot tears in her eyes, Su Su turned her head sideways to look in Yuan Xiao's direction.


Do you still have a heart?

Yuan Xiao shrank his body silently, trying to let Fang Youwen block him.

Fang Youwen, aware of his intention, immediately straightened his upper body, sat upright, without looking sideways, refusing to take cover.

Qin Jue slapped both of them, pressing down both heads.

Fang Youwen and Yuan Xiao, like a pair of seagulls swept away by the wings of an old eagle, shrunk into their seats, as quiet as quails.

So far, the dialogue between Yan Bing and the researchers has exposed the whole conspiracy nakedly. Indeed, as Rui and Shu Zhen said, he never thought of saving the scale people, but treated them as "them" and treated them like livestock to grab new energy.

Scales grow? Then peel. After peeling the injection medicine, continue to grow. After growing and peeling again, until the body is too weak to peel off the scales, the scale people are pushed into the incinerator, and they are blown up into dust and scales, which will not let go of any value until death.

It's like planting leeks, one crop grows and one crop is cut; it's like cattle and sheep are raised, one is slaughtered and the other is slaughtered.

The technological empire built by Yan Bing was built on the pile of **** scaly corpses.

When the audience learned the truth, they all felt chills all over.

What made them even more unacceptable was that the mechas and weapons used by the special search and rescue team also came from scale people-what is this **** joke produced by scale people and used for scale people?

"Squamous blood steamed buns..."

Cong Ning'an's teeth were sour.

Is your film really suitable for the keyword "all ages"?

Children will have nightmares when they see it, okay?

But while Cong Ning'an was so slanderous, he also recognized Fang Youwen's "edge-wiping" technique from the bottom of his heart.

After all, the design that presented the cruel scene just now in the form of exotic geometry is really bold and novel, just for this short paragraph, "Square Man" applies for "Best Visual Effects" and "Best Art Direction (Art-related two awards can definitely be successfully nominated.

To put it further, this is the case with excellent works of art. In many cases, it is not "strictly prohibiting certain content in order to protect children", but "in order not to affect the physical and mental health of young people, some too vulgar, straightforward, explicit content".

In other words, it's not that you can't create, but you have to create "advanced and ingenious".

Adults will naturally understand when they read it, and everyone will smile knowingly; even if children read it, they will only be ignorant, and since they cannot understand the meaning, they will not be adversely affected.

The plot of "The Scale Man" is cruel, and it must be a restricted level in normal standards, but Fang Youwen's flexible and delicate handling successfully avoided the risk of being reviewed and graded by card. From this, it can be seen that his control of the work is more advanced. , the growth rate is terrible.

Just as he was thinking, the giant screen in the projection hall changed again, and a harsh alarm suddenly sounded in the scientific research hall.

Yan Bing's expression froze, his brows furrowed and stretched, and he sneered.

"Finally can't wait?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the camera directly switched to the three of Rui. They were still locked in separate cells. A few days had passed before dripping rice, and Abo and Aliu were visibly thin, but Rui, who was already slender and slender, could not see any obvious changes.

What Yan Bing said was not bad. At this moment, the shackles on Rui and the others' hands expanded and shrunk repeatedly, and a dazzling fire burst from time to time in the dark room.

Rui's face was cold and sweat dripped down his face. The screen moves to a close-up, and inside the shackles, ice and fire collide wildly, endlessly.

The next shot followed closely, aiming at Rui's waist, where a red light different from the flame flashed regularly, which was exactly the same as the indicator light Shu Zhen used to remind the hoodie not long ago.

The music suddenly started and the scene changed. Shu Zhen and the others were lying in ambush outside, holding a simple telescope to observe the situation.

The quick-responding audience immediately understood Rui's intention. It turned out that after he was attacked by Pan Hong that day, he temporarily changed his mind. Using the three of himself as bait, he used the locator to find Yan Bing's old nest, and then he should cooperate with the inside and outside to rescue the compatriots who were treated inhumanly.

"Are you going to fight again? Good!"

The audience, whose lungs were hurt by Yan Bing's dignified appearance just now, immediately stood up, holding their breaths and looking at the silver screen.

And those fans who come to rewatch the movie are focused, because they know how fast the next plot is, and they will ignore the wonderful details if they are not careful.

Sure enough, Rui suddenly rushed out of the prison, the flames rushed to open the prison door like a torrent, and the three of the Angry Scales reunited again!

At the same time, the picture changed from movement to stillness again, the tone suddenly changed, and it actually cut to the side of Pan Qing.

Wait a minute, liquidation?

Almost forgot! The horrific encounter with the scaled people just now was revealed to the public from the moment when the network of the medical base was cleared up!

The keyboard tapping sounded like a torrential rain falling to the ground. In the simple and rude quick cut, each monitor screen suddenly went black; the guards in several passages were stunned by the electric shock of the defense robot; the lights went out one after another, and only the safe passage sign emitted a green light.

"what's up!"

Before the nurse could figure out the situation, she was knocked to the ground by the robot and lost her mobility.

With a faint "hum" sound, the doors of the capsule ward opened up and down one by one. After clearing up, he put away the small calculator, put a sliding shovel on the bed in his hand, and quickly left the narrow room.

She ran, picked up a small invisible black particle and brought it to her mouth, and made a low voice, the voice was immediately connected to the broadcast selectively, and it sounded in the "hive" ward where the scale man was:

"The door is The scales treated here will only grow longer and longer. Yan Bing is a big liar, everyone, hurry up and escape!"

Countless scaly people living in the room raised their heads in astonishment, including the girl who separated from her boyfriend at the beginning of the film.

Her scales had already covered her neck, and the severity of her condition could be seen at a glance.

After a short reaction time, the scales who were still able to move were like a school of fish pushed by the waves, surging out from all over the medical base.

In the distance, the dazzling flames shot straight into the sky, which was the signal for Rui to escape.

Shu Zhen raised his eyes in ecstasy, hurriedly put away the telescope, and took the lead in the charge with a dignified expression. Behind her, the man in the hoodie carried a rough bazooka on his shoulders and blasted the front of the medical base. The cannonball was so powerful that it exploded a huge gap!

The camera cut again, and a familiar dark blue mecha stooped down and walked swiftly through the dense forest.

"Ah, ah, as expected, I'm still worried—"

Pan Hong in the cockpit gritted his teeth and said.

bang bang bang bang!

The hurried and regular sound effects cut the huge screen of the projection hall into four parts. It is the scale man who was on the run and escaped; it was Rui who rode a heavy locomotive violently advancing; it was Shu Zhen who ran for support; it was Pan Hong who arrived unexpectedly!

The audience who watched "The Scale Man" for the first time suddenly stopped breathing.

The pace is so fast!

There are four parallel lines!

------off topic-----


If there are readers who will follow up tonight, please leave a chapter in the previous chapter to help me judge the strength of harmony. grateful.