Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 881: "Scale Man" (10)

Obviously, the seats in the auditorium are fixed, but the high-speed movement of the camera makes the audience feel like they are in a large amusement facility watching 5D short films. .

The double attack from the inside and the outside, the scaly man escaped, the handsome face of Yan Bing was distorted by anger, I don't know what he did, but layers of data blocks appeared in front of him, smoothly assembled into the shape of the mecha. .

The mecha with ivory white as the main color is elegant and majestic. If it weren't for the terrible things the driver did, it would be hard for the audience, especially the male audience, to not buy peripherals because of the appearance of this mecha.

"Start the fortifications! Protect the equipment!"

Yan Bing gave two orders, and the mecha spread out its wings behind it, and disappeared with the sound of bursting into the air.

The background music suddenly became agitated, and a large number of red dots gathered together and kept moving suddenly appeared on the screen in the scientific research hall, which were the scale people who were staggering and fleeing.

been discovered!

Everyone immediately raised their hearts.


The picture turned sharply, Pan Qing ran at the front, holding the "small calculator" in his left hand, and tapping the keyboard with his right hand, several light screens appeared in front of him, commanding in an orderly manner, and his small body was at this moment. Tall and unfriended.

"Turn right at the first intersection and keep running!"

Pan Qing's voice was clear and crisp, and the scaly people who had six gods and no masters did not suspect him, and they all ran in the direction she pointed.

What makes people feel sour is that even at such a tense moment, the Scale people invariably supported their companions who were physically weak or incapacitated, and they all fled together, without any stampede incident in the process.

Pan Qing stood on the edge of the corridor, like a traffic policeman constantly guiding the scaly people in the back. When the last few people stumbled into the corridor, she quickly took a few steps, ran up the wall, and knocked open the ventilation window. , got into the ventilation duct, desperately moved his limbs to crawl forward.

Hurry up, hurry up...!

Sweat dripped down, and the arm that had been cleaned up was rubbed with blood, and the dust and blood were mixed into a large dirty piece, while the right arm covered with scales was extremely tough and easy to use, and it seemed to have more strength. .

After she discovered this, she used this arm as a fulcrum and squatted sideways quickly. The dim light and the pupils that shone with awe-inspiring light made the heart shudder heavily and moved.


It was another screen switch that didn't leave any reaction time. Rui and the three of them ran rampantly wrapped in flames, and the sparks that served as signals exploded all over the ceiling of the medical base.

"Wait, it's the same clan!"

Shu Zhen, who was leading the scaly support team rushing towards him, his eyes narrowed, "Amber, save people!"

Amber is the man in the hoodie, he immediately responded, and without a word, turned around with the scales with fighting power to greet the first group of compatriots who escaped.

The dense scaly crowd was thus scattered into two groups, and the audience was shocked by the strong action. The petite Shu Zhen ran at the front, and while running, he took out flasks and other objects and threw them forward fiercely.

Wherever the "cannonball" went, thick smoke was everywhere, which effectively confused the sight of the chasing guards and bought time for the fleeing scale people.

From the depression angle to the side panorama and then to the close-up and close-up, the picture is smooth and tense, as if the hand of God is rapidly plucking the viewer's heartstrings.

boom! tom!

Confused, Pan Qing slammed open the small fence window and jumped down from the ventilation duct.

This place is completely white, and the windows are bright and clean. It is the backup central console.

Pan Qing didn't even think about escaping immediately, but chose this route in an emergency. Cong Ning'an and others gasped because of the overall situation and courage, and were shocked by the energy that this little girl burst out.

Without any hesitation, she rushed straight to the digital code pad beside the gate. The cipher disk was fixed to the wall, only the size of a palm, and the small calculator was buckled on it with a "slap", one hand was fixed, the other hand and five fingers flicked rapidly, and a large number of bright red numbers in the narrow display box were densely from the right. Out to the left.

She is trying the password!

Without any deciphering hints, we can only use the roughest and simplest enumeration method to constantly hit the answer. A lot of sweat dripped from Pan Qing's forehead, her heartbeat was violent, her breathing was short, and her right hand danced on the small keyboard with an afterimage.

As soon as the screen turned, Pan Hong was suspended in mid-air in shock, looking down at the huge crowd of fleeing scales not far away.

"Hey, what's going on here!"

He is the one who has the least information at present. He was confused by everything in front of him, and looked left and right in the air.

"Disk -- clear -- "

Angered voices resounded through the sky through the mech's speakers and the broadcast inside the base.

Pan Hong raised his head in surprise.

Is this... Mr. Yan Bing's voice?

how is this possible? !

He didn't hesitate any longer, didn't stop the fleeing Scales, and urged the Mocha to charge straight towards the source of the sound.

In the giant screen, the scene picture quickly swept back, it was Pan Hong outside the base, and it was the Yan soldier inside the base. In the next second, the camera cuts back to the clearing, who is trying his best to hit the password, and Lin Rou in the auditorium can see that his heart is jumping out.


The gate suddenly opened to both sides, and Pan Qing was refreshed and rushed in.


Suddenly a loud bang!

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and the screen was blurry and clear. Pan Qing, who was already covered by mecha, grabbed his neck and held it up in the air.

"Really, disgusting."

Yan Bing sounded in an electronic voice, "You two brothers and sisters—"


The whole face turned purple, and I kicked my legs in pain, but it was useless under the huge difference in body It turned out to be a bad thing for me--"

Yan Bing pinched the five fingers on Pan Qing's neck with increasing force. Under the unstoppable pressure, Pan Qing couldn't even scream in pain, and could only make a "click, click" sound from his throat.

In the violent suffocation, Pan Qing's pupils began to dilate, but at such a critical moment, she still retained the last trace of unyielding light in her eyes.


It was the little computer, which was thrown out by his right arm and hit the fire alarm button next to the console not far away.

The piercing alarm sounded immediately, the fire extinguishing device in the center of the ceiling was activated immediately, and a large amount of water vapor was sprayed out, and the smoke filled the air.


Before Yan Bing could finish speaking, Pan Qing Meng bent his legs and stood up, hugging the robotic arm around his neck with both hands, all his strength was reduced, and he slammed down!

Poo tom!

She fell to the ground, ignoring picking up the dropped glasses, and even scrambling to escape, but how could Yan Bing's mecha be easily blocked by the water mist?

"Little bastard—!"

He was even more furious, rushing in a few steps, and his big fan-like hand swept the fan away.


Pan Qing's back smashed into the wall, and a mouthful of bright red blood spurted out, and the whole figure slowly slid down like a rag doll.

Yan Bing's anger did not subside, and he slowed down and walked towards her with a sense of oppression. The huge mecha blocked most of the bright white lights, casting a terrifying shadow on Pan Qing's painfully twitching face.

"Go to hell—"

Yan Bing's mechanical arm had already protruded out of the barrel, his eyes trembled, fear and despair filled his eyes.


At the critical moment, a loud explosion came from above the heads of the two of them!

The dark heavy locomotive smashed the ceiling with the raging fire. Rui fell from the sky, picked up the pan and protected it behind the layers of fire walls.