Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 900: Come from behind?

Chapter 904 Come from behind?

Facts have proved that there is a reason for Wen Yuqi to be so confident. His combination of punches successfully raised the popularity of "Scaled Man" to an unexpected level in a short period of time.

From the videos of "passers-by" to the contributions of well-known editors and up masters, the fans of "Not Gray" were ignorant of the upper-level arrangements, but they reacted quickly and spontaneously produced more content, and the traffic brought by these content was in turn It has attracted self-media from other fields to follow suit and chase hot topics, and the amount of discussion about "Scale Man" has snowballed like this.

Once the wind direction is up, Wen Yuqi doesn't need to spend any more effort at all, he just needs to properly control the direction of public opinion and guide it, and he can reap the results.

The public already has a rebellious mentality. Although "FROZEN" has become popular all over the Internet, but there are more people who pay attention and discuss it, and some people will get bored with it.

As Qin Jue and Qingqing said, this group of people doesn't hate "FROZEN" itself, but they are very disgusted by these repeated messages that are suddenly everywhere, and feel that their original lives have been invaded.

In addition, the atmosphere of "if you don't pay attention to "Frozen" or listen to "Let It Go", you will be considered outdated by others" will also cause them discomfort. .

Wen Yuqi is well versed in this kind of psychology, and deliberately created the visual sense of "Scaled Man" with dusty pearls, "It's a pity why the niche works are not popular", and the "not gray" BGM really matches the video screen, Before he could do anything about it, online calls for "Scaled Man" to be "the light of a domestic blockbuster" became louder and louder.

Fang Youwen also released a new movie poster, which selected a scene from the easter egg. Rui stood on the cloud platform surrounded by fairy spirit, the dragon hovered, and the dragon's head was hanging down. Rui stretched out his hand to caress the dragon's kiss. The diamond-shaped scales imperceptibly demonstrate the extraordinary relationship between this character and Dongfang Long.

Originally, Fang Youwen was unwilling to let the last scene appear publicly, and felt that the spoiler was too much, but Wen Yuqi persuaded him very strongly.

Sure enough, as soon as the posters came out, more ""Scaled Man" is the correct way to open up internationalization!", "The dragon country-style heroism special effects blockbuster has stood up!", "National pride is overwhelming", "It is recommended to be selected as the country of the year Cultural output key projects" and other voices have been raised, and the results have completely proved the correctness of Wen Yuqi's marketing strategy.

With the reality here, Fang Youwen had no choice but to swallow this breath with a complicated mood, admitting that a literary and art worker like himself is not as good as Wen Yuqi, who is more professional in publicity.

"Relax, it's not good for someone to actively work for us." Yuan Xiao comforted him.

"... also." Fang Youwen muttered.

"By the way, how is our box office going?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Fang Youwen had to let out a sigh of relief, and said slightly excitedly:

"The momentum is strong, and the sales around it are also rising sharply."

Yuan Xiao looked at Fang Youwen and didn't speak.

Fang Youwen: "...the money I get is enough for me to make another movie."

Yuan Xiao: "Good!"

He smiled and put his arms around Fang Youwen: "Big director, what are you pretending to do? Isn't it good if you have funds?"

Fang Youwen coughed twice: "Reserved, the reserved of cultural people..."

Wen Yuqi has a strong style, and Fang Youwen is also a tough faction. Asking him to bow his head to the "golden master" is somewhat embarrassing, and it is normal to feel upset.

But it's true, this time it's really rich...

Money is not everything, but it does solve most problems.

At least, it will allow Fang Youwen to retain enough voice and room for manipulation when shooting the next film, without having to make too many compromises that affect the quality of the film in order to please investors and producers.

Qin Jue's investigation and judgment on people were really accurate. Although Wen Yuqi was strong, he did not reduce the interests of Fang Youwen and the red group, and everyone benefited.

Now, people who pay attention to the "War of Ice and Fire" on the Internet and count the commercial income of the red and blue groups have released statistical charts. From the graph, it can be clearly seen that the results of the red group are going up crazily. According to the current trend, it seems that it is true. Can catch up with the blue team in the last two days.

Come from behind?

wrong. Someone realized that the red team beat the blue team. Isn't this what everyone predicted at the beginning?

Why is it now that the red team is desperately chasing the blue team, trying to come back?

"Grass, I suddenly realized that the blue team is so scary, they are actually the dark horse." The netizen was terrified.

"Indeed, when the seventh round of divisions first came out, no one in the blue group was optimistic about it. I didn't expect that the red group would be blown away as soon as the work came out..."

"It's not easy for the red team to catch up, and the sales of the blue team's peripherals are quite scary."

"However, the blue team doesn't have many new things. They rehearse every day, and the actors are not easy to go out to promote. The red team has recently become popular because of the magic of the soundtrack. If Fang Youwen is not stupid, he will definitely find that singer to cooperate with. This is another new wave. action."

"Singer? Isn't it a girl group?"

"Oh yes."

"I don't remember the name, but the song is really good. I watched the live video, and the mic is on, it's awesome. It made me want to go to the live."

"Go! Free performances without tickets, every day."

"Wow really?"

"Really, it's just a matter of time to read "Scaled Man" and then go out to watch the concert. It's a blast."

As discussed on the Internet, there are more and more audiences coming to Shanghai from other places.

Some people are attracted by Wen Yuqi's "new naked-eye 3D blockbuster movie", while others think that now there is a "Not Gray" concert, and they feel that it is very profitable to watch the movie and the performance.

I have to say that open-air performances are very attractive. When celebrities hold concert tours, fans often buy air tickets and follow them from the beginning to the end. Although "Not Ashes" is not popular yet, their performances are completely free. People who are not in Shanghai only need to pay travel expenses and accommodation expenses when they come to watch the performance, and they feel that they have got a bargain invisibly.

After watching the performance, this group of people had the illusion of "making a lot of money", and some even felt a little bit sorry, thinking that such a high-quality performance should be more or less charged for tickets.

In this way, "Can I really watch this level of performance for free?" There are more and more comments, and there are more and more fans of "Not Gray" who popularize science for passers-by offline and in the comments.

"Huh? I've never been interested in idol stages and audition shows. Why is there such an outrageous thing?!"

"No way, this kind of strength can only be staged on the street after being shady, and the talent group that can't even dance is packaged for debut?? What is the program team thinking???"

"I was just a passer-by, and I haven't been chasing stars. I have been to the scene and I was really infected by the temperament and stage charm of the four girls. I really beg, can the entertainment industry open their eyes to see the real talent..."

"Isn't there a rumor that Director Fang is looking for a sister group to cooperate with? Why hasn't there been an official announcement yet?"

"Understood, I was **** off, not only angry with a certain talent show group, but also Yangliu Entertainment. The senior sisters with this strength are all released in the wild, what kind of stepmother? If it weren't for our fourth sister who is too good at fighting, she would directly catch up with "Scaled People" We don't know where we will be buried if we join forces. Is it really possible to be raised by your two-character younger brother?"

"Well, just to put it mildly, the seniors, sisters and juniors have a very good relationship, don't quarrel, don't quarrel... These days, the juniors are also secretly cueing ISCA in Shanghai, and the children can't decide the company's high-level affairs... "

"Yes, yes, I don't mean to criticize, Miss Passerby, don't be too angry#Hands folded, I am a fan of the junior group, I have also gone to ISCA to support my sisters these days, the two groups are very close in private, we also look forward to the senior group Hurry up and develop."

"Oh, so when will the official announcement... Director Fang take a look at our group!"

"Not only the fans are waiting, but our "Scaled People" fans are also waiting #大胶角#Thumbs, it’s really amazing, it’s all because of fate that they accidentally bumped into each other, I hope the two sides can achieve each other!"

"Uh, no one really thinks that a certain group is stalking? They suddenly appeared outside Ruixin Studios to perform, I can't say."

"...There is no need to be so conspiratorial. The group of senior sisters has been performing in Shanghai for a long time. They were on the road show before the release of "Scaled Man", and they traveled to several places across districts every day. Ruixin Film City is just one of them. Now It's the same (to this day)."

"Yes, some of our fans asked me about how to choose the venue for the performance. The answer is very simple. Free public stages are hard to find, and we can perform wherever we can grab a place... We really don't have any stages... #乱地#幱地#并地”

"+1, once the stage was occupied by other bands, Team Qi saw that the fans had come, so they didn't bother to leave. In the end, they led us a little farther, and performed for everyone on a random flat ground for two hours."

"Ah, that time... I remember that because there was no place to plug in the electricity, the audio microphones I brought were useless. I was afraid that the subwoofer would play the accompaniment to cover up the sound, so they sang the whole time..."

"I remember that time!! #流泪, the sisters bowed and apologized many times after the performance, saying that it affected everyone's viewing experience. Help, I really cried. My best friend and I kept crying on the way back."

"So what the **** is Yangliu Entertainment doing!! #红豆疯狂"

In the office.

Zhai Ru stopped typing on the keyboard and moving the mouse, saved the form, sent it to Wen Yuqi's mailbox, and then clicked on the Fetion signal dedicated to work to enter the private chat window.

[Zhai Ru]: Mr. Wen, all platforms are calling for the collaboration between "Scaled Man" and UNGREY.

[Zhai Ru]: The box office of "Scale Man" continues to rise. UNGREY's English songs have effectively attracted a large number of international audiences, and the public opinion has metaphysical colors such as fate that the public loves. Progress helps a lot.

[Zhai Ru]: It’s just that UNGREY is “refrigerated” in the entertainment industry, with many potential interests and risks...

[Zhai Ru]: I have sent the relevant risk plan to your email.

After Zhai Ru typed the last message, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Wen Yuqi's decision was too quick that night. It can be said that he led today's "wind" with his excellent observation and judgment, but the matter was urgent. investigation.

Now the discussion on the Internet is getting louder, and the experience of "not gray" has also surfaced.

Zhai Ru is a businessman, she will not and should not follow the public opinion, and fight for "not gray". After she collects and sorts out the exact information, the first thing she considers is the cooperation with "not gray". risks of.

After all, according to the current situation, "It's not gray" is simply hatred. There are countless pairs of eyes staring at them underwater, and they are determined not to let them stand out.

In case after cooperation, this piece of hot potato is scalded to my side, causing many enemies for no reason, the loss outweighs the gain.

Zhai Ru couldn't help feeling a sense of crisis in her heart, but she knew that her job was to provide information rather than make decisions, so she just waited peacefully for Wen Yuqi's orders.

Not long after, the door of the office next door opened, and Zhai Ru stood up from his desk immediately with his ears pricked up.

"Let's have a meeting in two hours." Sure enough, Wen Yuqi said it firmly.

"Okay." Zhai Ru nodded.

She immediately picked up her mobile phone to send mass emails, and she couldn't help but slightly raised her head to look at Wen Yuqi's expression.

"Mr. Wen..."

Out of curiosity, Zhai Ru tentatively started. She knew that Wen Yuqi would not care about this "offence".

Wen Yuqi smiled, but did not care, and calmly spit out five words.

"Wealth and wealth are sought in danger."

Zhai Ru straightened her expression immediately: "Understood."

Soon, a group of workers carried equipment to the open-air stage not far from Ruixin Cinema.

They worked in an upright manner, and passers-by were curious. It was not until the group of people left that they had an epiphany. They were so happy that they took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures.

Loyal fans of @live live: Good news! The stage where the girl group whose name is not convenient to mention is frequented has a big screen installed today! [Positioning: ISCA Ruixin Cinema]

At the same time, Fang Youwen, Yuan Xiao, Liu Huajun, Wen Yuqi, and "Not Hui" sat around a table in a conference room with excellent confidentiality.

Fang Youwen's expression was a little weird, and Yuan Xiao knew that he felt a subtle discomfort because of Wen Yuqi's decision to override him. But at the same time, the excellent strength of "Not Gray" and their songs have an excellent fit with "Scaled People", which Fang Youwen is convinced.

So he approves of Wen Yuqi's proposal and this cooperation very much, and that little personal emotion can be put aside.

"Mr. Wen, we are 'not gray' at present..."

Glancing at the girls in her family who were seated quietly, with serious expressions and neither humble nor overbearing, Liu Huajun took the initiative to speak and described the current situation and possible risks of "Not Hui".

Her tone of voice is very tactful, and she understands everything, but the attitude of the front of these ugly words is very straightforward. Wen Yuqi likes such a partner.

Looking around slowly, Wen Yuqi smiled with a sure chance of winning.

"Things are reasonable, strength is superior, and public opinion is very strong."

He said unhurriedly, "Ungrey and the red group have so similar experiences of underappreciated talent, they happened to bump into one place, it was an undoubted match made in These words are ingenious, Liu Huajun, Fang Youwen and Xing Yufei They all understood what Wen Yuqi meant.

As long as you are willing to dig, pack more, and guide more, there are indeed many similarities between "Not Gray" and "Scale Man". Everyone has strength but cannot get enough stage to show it for various reasons. It can be called "the best in the world". another me".

And such two parties will meet each other by fate and reach a cooperation, which is simply the plot that the public is most happy to see. Anyone who eats this entertainment gossip can't help but sigh that it is really fate, and the public opinion is almost positive.

Wen Yuqi issued several printed contracts, without selling any tricks, and went straight to the point:

"Everyone, I am confident enough that the words 'mutual achievement' will come true soon!"


Now Wen Yuqi: Heh, with my magic stroke, the red team will definitely come back! I'd like to see what Team Blue and Qin Jue will fight me with!

In the future, Wen Yuqi, who learned that "Not Hui" is Qin Jue's student:


(end of this chapter)